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Original Research

Advances in Structural Engineering

Novel fiber-reinforced polymer cross Ó The Author(s) 2019
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wrapping strengthening technique: A
DOI: 10.1177/1369433219884451

comparative study

Jun-Jie Zeng1,2 , Zhi-Jian Duan1, Yong-Chang Guo1, Zhi-Hong Xie3

and Li-Juan Li1

This article presents a comparative study on behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer–confined concrete in axially loaded circular columns
strengthened using three different fiber-reinforced polymer partial wrapping strengthening schemes: the fiber-reinforced polymer ring
wrapping, the fiber-reinforced polymer strip helical wrapping, and the novel fiber-reinforced polymer strip cross helical wrapping. The
test results show that at an identical confinement ratio, the strength enhancement efficiency of the fiber-reinforced polymer strip heli-
cal wrapping is slightly weaker than those of the other two strengthening schemes, while the strain enhancement efficiency of the
fiber-reinforced polymer strip helical wrapping is the strongest among the three strengthening schemes. An analysis-oriented stress–
strain model is proposed for the confined concrete with fiber-reinforced polymer partial wrapping, and the comparisons show that
the model is capable to provide satisfactory predictions on stress–strain behavior of confined concrete with fiber-reinforced polymer
partial wrapping.

confinement, cross helical wrapping, fiber-reinforced polymer, fiber-reinforced polymer–confined concrete, partial wrapping strength-
ening technique, stress–strain model

Introduction (FSHW) in this study. A valuable advantage of

FSHW is that the FRP continuous strips can be
Utilizing fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites applied by robots, which allows automatized construc-
as external confining system for strengthening and tion of this strengthening technique. While using FRW
rehabilitating existing deteriorated reinforced concrete is relatively less economical than the FSHW because
(RC) structures has gained increasing acceptance (e.g. the former requires a proper amount of overlapping.
Bai et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2019; Dai et al., 2011; Lin For some specific applications where bonding is sig-
et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2019; Zeng et al., 2018c). In the nificant, the FSHW and FRW strengthening tech-
research community, behavior of confined concrete niques are of particular interest as these two
with FRP full wrapping (Figure 1(a)) strengthening strengthening techniques allow bonding between inner
technique (FFWST) (or in the form of concrete-filled confining concrete and the outer structural
FRP tubes) has been investigated thoroughly (e.g.
Hadi et al., 2015; Lo et al., 2015; Ouyang et al., 2017;
Ozbakkaloglu and Lim, 2013; Teng et al., 2016, 2018a; 1
Structural Laboratory, School of Civil and Transportation Engineering,
Wang et al., 2017, 2018a; Wei et al., 2019; Xiong et al., Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
2018; Yu et al., 2016, 2017; Zeng et al., 2018d). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong
However, the FRP partial wrapping strengthening Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Navigational Engineering Department, Guangzhou Maritime University,
technique (FPWST) is more practical if the former is Guangzhou, China
not easy to be implemented (e.g. columns with some
inevitable structural or functional joints). Generally, Corresponding author:
FPWST is applied by FRP intermitted rings or FRP Yong-Chang Guo, Structural Laboratory, School of Civil and
Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Room
intermitted helical strips (Figure 1(b) and (c)). The for- 203, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Panyu District, Guangzhou 510006,
mer is called as the FRP ring wrapping (FRW) and China.
the latter is called as FRP spiral helical wrapping Email:
2 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

the first author of this article proposed to use FRP

strip cross helical wrapping (FSCHW) strengthening
technique (Figure 1(d)). In the FSCHW, at least two
FRP strips are formed in different directions.
Obviously, FSCHW is one of the FPWSTs which is
very suitable to be achieved by a robot utilizing a con-
tinuous FRP strips. The confined concrete in cross
FRP strip-confined columns is referred to as cross
FRP strip-confined concrete or confined concrete with
FSCHW. Compared with the FSHW, the FSCHW is
expected to be more effective in enhancing the strength
of confined concrete at a given FRP volumetric ratio
because the area of bare concrete in the latter is much
smaller than that of the former. The compressive beha-
vior of confined concrete with FSCHW, however, has
never been investigated.
Behavior of concrete columns with FRW and
FSHW have been investigated to some extent (e.g.
Barros and Ferreira, 2008; Guo et al., 2018, 2019; Mai
et al., 2018; Matthys et al., 2005; Park et al., 2008;
Pham et al., 2015; Saljoughian and Mostofinejad,
2016; Triantafyllou et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2018b;
Zeng et al., 2017, 2018a). The effect of discontinuity in
FPWST can be estimated by the ‘‘arching action’’
hypothesis (Hals et al., 2017; Mander et al., 1988;
Figure 1. FRP wet layup strengthening techniques: (a) FRP full Pantelides et al., 2013; Sheikh and Uzumeri, 1980;
wrapping, (b) FRP ring wrapping, (c) FRP strip helical wrapping, Tobbi et al., 2014). For confined concrete with a cross
and (d) FRP strip cross helical wrapping. spiral FRP wrap and a spiral FRP wrap, the confine-
ment mechanism of the reduced confinement can also
components because part of concrete is not fully con- be considered using the ‘‘arching action.’’ However,
fined by the FRP jacket. For instance, a novel steel- the ‘‘arching action’’ hypothesis tells that the shape of
free hybrid bar has recently been proposed by the effective confinement area is a circle (Figure 2(a)),
Professor Jin-Gunag Teng at the Hong Kong while for confined concrete with an FRP helical
Polytechnic University (Teng et al., 2018b) and he wrap, the effective confinement area is likely to be an
pointed out that the FSHW and FRW are attractive ellipse (Figure 2(b)). The ‘‘arching action’’
to be utilized as the outer confining system for the hypothesis is also obviously inaccurate for FSCHW.
hybrid bars where bonding between the hybrids and Therefore, the applicability of the ‘‘arching action’’
the external concrete is significant. On the other hypothesis needs to be testified for FSHW and
aspect, the uncovered concrete outside the FRP strips/ FSCHW.
rings regions is a possible weak link where an evidence Against this background, an experimental study has
of strain concentration is found for columns strength- been developed to study the compressive behavior of
ened with FPWST (Zeng et al., 2018a). The possible cross FRP spiral–confined concrete, in which two
weak link can lead to an increase in axial deformation groups of cylinders with two actual FRP confinement
capacity of concrete with only little sacrifice in the ratios were fabricated and tested. Comparisons
axial load carrying capacity if proper design is pro- between three wrapping schemes (i.e. FRW, FSHW,
vided. Consequently, one predominant advantage of and FSCHW) were carefully elaborated. A well-known
the FPWST is the adjustability between deformation analysis-oriented stress–strain model was revised, and
capacity and strength capacity and it is thus particu- the modified model is utilized to generate the stress–
larly suitable for columns which need substantial strain diagrams of the test specimens to examine the
enhancement in axial deformation capacity and slight accuracy of this model. The research outcomes on con-
enhancement in strength. fined concrete with FRP partial wrapping are also
To take advantage of the merits of FSHW and to valuable for confined concrete with FRP stirrups/
further increase the confinement efficiency of FSHW, spirals.
Zeng et al. 3

Figure 2. Effective confinement area in circular columns with FRP partial wrapping: (a) FRP ring–confined concrete and (b) FRP
spiral–confined concrete.

Methodology rf and ke of the specimens in each series are identical.

Note that ke is the confinement efficiency ratio which
Specimens is estimated by ke = ku kv ks . kv is the vertical confine-
The effect of three wrapping techniques, namely, the ment efficiency ratio, and ks is the shape factor ks = 1
FRP strip helical wrapping, the FSCHW, and the FRP for circular sections; ku is the factor for fiber orienta-
ring wrapping, was studied by 35 concrete cylinder spe- tions which is calculated by ku = 1=1 + ( tan u)2 . rf is
cimens. These specimens were classified into three the FRP strip volumetric ratio as can be obtained by
series (i.e. Series R, Series I, and Series II). The speci- rf = 4  tf  bf =d  sf , in which n, tf , bf , and sf are the
mens in the Series R were unconfined reference speci- number of FRP layers, the layer thickness of FRP
mens, which were tested for the unconfined concrete strip, the width of FRP strip, and the center-to-center
material properties. The specimens in Series I and spacing of FRP strip respectively. The product of rf
Series II had varied FRP volumetric ratios (rf ) and and ke of the Series I specimens is 0.33 and that of the
confinement efficiency factors (ke ), but the products of Series II specimens is 0.62. To achieve a constant rf ke ,
4 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Table 1. Specimen details.

Series Specimen bf tf Number of rf s0f =D rf ke fco0 eco

FRP layers

R SC-1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 37.84 0.0026

SC-2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 39.33 0.0027
SC-3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 39.62 0.0028
I CS-30-1-1 30 0.334 2 0.39 0.26 0.33 38.93 0.0027
CS-30-1-2 30 0.334 2 0.39 0.26 0.33 38.93 0.0027
CS-40-1-1 40 0.334 2 0.41 0.32 0.33 38.93 0.0027
CS-40-1-2 40 0.334 2 0.41 0.32 0.33 38.93 0.0027
H-20-1-1 20 0.501 3 0.45 0.27 0.33 38.93 0.0027
H-20-1-2 20 0.501 3 0.45 0.27 0.33 38.93 0.0027
H-30-1-1 30 0.334 2 0.42 0.22 0.33 38.93 0.0027
H-30-1-2 30 0.334 2 0.42 0.22 0.33 38.93 0.0027
H-40-1-1 40 0.334 2 0.45 0.27 0.33 38.93 0.0027
H-40-1-2 40 0.334 2 0.45 0.27 0.33 38.93 0.0027
S-20-1-1 20 0.501 3 0.40 0.31 0.33 38.93 0.0027
S-20-1-2 20 0.501 3 0.40 0.31 0.33 38.93 0.0027
S-30-1-1 30 0.334 2 0.39 0.26 0.33 38.93 0.0027
S-30-1-2 30 0.334 2 0.39 0.26 0.33 38.93 0.0027
S-40-1-1 40 0.334 2 0.41 0.32 0.33 38.93 0.0027
S-40-1-2 40 0.334 2 0.41 0.32 0.33 38.93 0.0027
II CS-35-2-1 35 0.668 4 0.76 0.31 0.62 38.93 0.0027
CS-35-2-2 35 0.668 4 0.76 0.31 0.62 38.93 0.0027
CS-40-2-1 40 0.668 4 0.78 0.34 0.62 38.93 0.0027
CS-40-2-2 40 0.668 4 0.78 0.34 0.62 38.93 0.0027
H-30-2-1 30 0.501 3 0.73 0.17 0.62 38.93 0.0027
H-30-2-2 30 0.501 3 0.73 0.17 0.62 38.93 0.0027
H-35-2-1 35 0.668 4 0.83 0.27 0.62 38.93 0.0027
H-35-2-2 35 0.668 4 0.83 0.27 0.62 38.93 0.0027
H-40-2-1 40 0.668 4 0.85 0.29 0.62 38.93 0.0027
H-40-2-2 40 0.668 4 0.85 0.29 0.62 38.93 0.0027
S-30-2-1 30 0.501 3 0.69 0.19 0.62 38.93 0.0027
S-30-2-2 30 0.501 3 0.69 0.19 0.62 38.93 0.0027
S-35-2-1 35 0.668 4 0.76 0.31 0.62 38.93 0.0027
S-35-2-2 35 0.668 4 0.76 0.31 0.62 38.93 0.0027
S-40-2-1 40 0.668 4 0.78 0.34 0.62 38.93 0.0027
S-40-2-2 40 0.668 4 0.78 0.34 0.62 38.93 0.0027

FRP: fiber-reinforced polymer; NA: not applicable.

bf is the width of FRP rings;tf is the thickness of FRP rings; rf is the FRP volumetric ratio; s0f is the clear spacing of FRP strips; ke is the FRP
confinement efficiency factor; fco0 is the peak strength of unconfined concrete; and eco is the strain of unconfined at peak strength.

the column parameters (i.e. FRP thicknesses, FRP The product of rf and ke determines the total confine-
strip widths, and fiber orientations) were designed to ment efficiency of confined concrete with FRP partial
have different values, as can be seen in Table 1. Note wrapping (CNR-DT 200 R1, 2013), and subsequently
that existing studies have found that rf and ke are the the actual confinement ratio. Consequently, products
main parameters influencing the behavior of confined of rf and ke for each series are set to be identical, with
concrete, and the varied values of ke in this study were the aim to look at the difference between FSCHW,
realized by different FRP dimensions/clear spacings/ FSHW, and FRW as comparisons are easily con-
fiber orientations. All the columnar specimens had a ducted among specimens with an identical rf ke to
150-mm diameter and a 300-mm height. assess the other column parameters. In the specimen
The detailed description of the specimens is given in preparation, both the ends of each columnar specimen
Table 1. It is noteworthy that the fiber orientation were applied with an extra layer of FRP with a width
refers to the angle between horizontal line and the fiber of 30 mm. The overlapping zone length for FRW spe-
direction, as is shown in Figure 1. As has been men- cimens was 150 mm, while there was no overlapping
tioned in Zeng et al. (2018a), the FRP confinement zone for FSHW and FSCHW specimens.
efficiency factor (ke ) can be evaluated by both the ver- Each column was assigned an insignia with four
tical confinement effectiveness factor (fib, 2001) and parts linked with a symbol ‘‘-’’ (see Table 1). The first
the fiber orientation factor (CNR-DT 200 R1, 2013). part denoting wrapping scheme: ‘‘CS’’ represents
Zeng et al. 5

‘‘cross strips,’’‘‘H’’ represents ‘‘hoops/rings,’’ and ‘‘S’’

denotes ‘‘spirals.’’ The label following the wrapping
scheme is a number representing the width of the FRP
strip, followed by the third part—which is a digit
denoting the series. The last part is a number denoting
the number of repeated specimens. For instance, ‘‘CS-
30-2-1’’ represents the first sample confined with cross
FRP spirals which have a 30-mm width in Series II.

Material properties
Commercial concrete was utilized for specimen fabri-
cation. The unconfined concrete properties were iden-
tified from compression tests on the unconfined
cylinders (Series R) (see Table 1), as per ASTM C469
(2002). The FRP sheet material capacities were
obtained observing specifications documented in
ASTM standard (ASTM D3039, 2008). The tensile
rupture strain, a tensile strength, and a tensile elastic
modulus of the FRP are 0.0186 MPa, 4222.7 MPa,
and 231.4 GPa, respectively.

Axial compression tests Figure 3. Instrumentations of statically loaded specimens: (a)

Four linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) unconfined specimens and (b) schematic diagram of strain
gauges for FRP strains in the fiber and hoop directions.
were installed to measure the deformations of the speci-
mens (Figure 3). Two of them were measuring the mid-
height (measuring a 120-mm region of the sample)
displacements and the other two were measuring the
full-height deformations (see Figure 3). Two unidirec-
tional strain gauges (SGs) were applied for the axial
strains of each specimen. For specimens with a ring
FRP wrap, 12 unidirectional SGs on the ring at the
mid-height and the other two rings nearest to the mid-
height were installed for hoop strains in FRP. For the
specimens wrapped with FRP helical strips and cross
helical strips, two SGs were pasted on the strip posi-
tioned at the mid-height, with one being in the hoop
direction and the other being in the fiber direction (see
Figure 3(b)). Another four SGs were utilized for both
FRP hoop strains and fiber strains at 90° away (both
upper and lower from the mid-height). The specimens
were leveled using high-strength cement mortar at both
ends so the loads can be applied to the whole section.
The axial compression tests were realized in a hydraulic
compression machine with a loading speed of 0.50 mm/
min. Figure 4 shows the test setup of the specimens.

Test observations
Failure patterns Figure 4. Test setup.

The failure of unconfined concrete is characterized by

crushing failure with an obvious shear plane and num- failure patterns for columnar specimens wrapped with
bers of inclined cracks (Figure 5(a)). All the strength- different schemes are slightly different: (1) all FRP
ened specimens failed by FRP rupture, while the wrapped samples damaged due to FRP fracture (see
6 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Figure 5. Typical failure modes: (a) SC-1, (b) CS-30-1-2, (c) CS-35-2-1, (d) H-20-1-2, (e) H-30-2-2, (f) S-30-1-1, and (g) S-30-2-1.

Figure 5); (2) the samples with FSHW experienced the value of rf ke is different, namely, the actual con-
more severe concrete crushing failure, while the con- finement ratios are different in each group, and thus
crete crushing failure for specimens with FSCHW is the comparisons between specimens with an identical
the slightest. This is because most of the concrete in value of rf ke are not difficult. Figure 9 shows that the
cylinders wrapped with cross FRP spirals are covered FRW and FSCHW only exhibit slight difference, while
by the strengthening material (i.e. FRP) among the the FSHW provides a least enhancement in strength.
three wrapping schemes at a given FRP volumetric Besides, compared with the FSCHW and the FRW,
ratio and a strip width. In addition, the concrete spal- the FSHW generally leads to a slightly larger ultimate
ling failure occurred in a wider area for specimens with axial strain. The reason for the better confinement effi-
a larger confinement efficiency factor. ciency using the FRW and FSCHW is that for the
FRW and the FSCHW, the existing overlapping/bond-
ing between adjacent FRP strips may lead to an effi-
Stress–strain responses cient utilization of FRP composites. Conversely, the
The axial strains were based on the mid-height FSHW easily experiences local failure as the FRP is
LVDTs, as has been adopted by some other research- only anchored at the end regions.
ers (e.g. Teng et al., 2018a). Figure 6 to 8 show that all Figure 9 also exhibits that the stress–strain
the axial stress versus the strain (axial strain and hoop responses of specimens with the FSCHW obviously
strain) curves of confined concrete exhibit a monotonic have a better performance than those of the specimens
ascending behavior. Note that the reported axial stress with the FSHW in that the stress versus strain dia-
versus the strain diagrams stop at the point FRP rup- grams of specimens with the FSCHW lie above those
ture took place. Figure 9(a) and (b) show the axial of specimens with the FSHW. The above experimental
stress versus strain curves of specimens in Group I and evidences indicate that (1) the confinement mechan-
II, respectively. The difference of Group I and II is that isms for confined concrete with FRW, FSHW, and
Zeng et al. 7

Figure 6. Stress–strain curves of cross FRP spiral–confined Figure 7. Stress–strain curves of FRP ring–confined concrete:
concrete: (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62. (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62.

FSCHW are slightly different, although the actual (2005). The reason for this diversity probably lies in
confining stresses for the three cases based on the cur- the spring effect of the steel spirals (i.e. the axial load
rent design codes are identical; (2) the difference carrying contribution of the steel spirals), which leads
between FRW and FSHW is that the fiber orientation to larger compressive strength of the steel spiral–
for FSHW is not horizontal and the fiber orientation confined concrete than that of the steel tie–confined
factor suggested by the current codes is very empirical; concrete, while this effect is negligible for FRP spirals
(3) the difference between FSHW and FSCHW lies in due to a weak bending stiffness of the FRP.
whether there is a bonding between two adjacent FRP Key results with respect to the normalized peak
strips, and the strengthening scheme possessing a axial stresses (fcc0 =fco0 ) and so on are summarized in
bonding exhibits a slightly better performance. For Table 2. For specimens with an identical ke rf , fcc0 =fco0 of
steel spiral–confined concrete, the effect of steel orien- a specimen with the FSCHW and the FRW are gener-
tation is generally not considered (e.g. Mander et al., ally larger than that of a specimen with FSHW, while
1988), and the consequence is that the steel spiral– normalized ultimate axial strain ecu =eco of specimens
confined concrete is expected to have a larger compres- with the FSHW are larger than the specimens with the
sive strength than the steel tie–confined concrete at a other wrapping schemes. Figure 10 shows the FRP
given transverse steel reinforcing ratio. This contra- hoop fracture strains (eh, rup ) for all the test specimens.
dicts to the findings based on this study that the FRP Each of the wrapping scheme has a given symbol and
ring–confined concrete has a larger compressive the effect of wrapping schemes can be clearly wit-
strength than that of the FRP spiral–confined con- nessed. A horizontal curve indicating the averaged
crete, which has also been reported by Matthys et al. FRP hoop rupture strains is drawn in Figure 10.
8 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Figure 9. Stress–strain curves of specimens with an identical

Figure 8. Stress–strain curves of FRP spiral–confined FRP confinement ratio: (a) specimens in Group I and (b)
concrete: (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62. specimens in Group II.

Figure 10 shows an independence between the FRP

hoop rupture strains and the FRP wrapping scheme,
given that there is only slight difference between FRP
hoop rupture strains with different wrapping schemes.
The FRP strain efficiency factor for each specimen can
also be seen in Table 2. Particularly, the specimens had
an average FRP strain efficiency factor of 0.70, which
is in the range of the FRP strain efficiency ratios
reported by some other scholars (e.g. Lam and Teng,
2003). For FRW, the amount of FRP overlapping
zone was not considered in the calculation of FRP
volumetric ratio.

Dilation behavior
The FRP confinement to the concrete is passive con-
Figure 10. FRP hoop rupture strains of the test specimens.
finement and the lateral dilation caused by the axial
deformation of concrete leads to the FRP confining
pressure. Consequently, the dilation behavior of con- understand the confinement mechanism of FRP-con-
fined concrete is of particular significance to fined concrete and it is generally characterized by
Zeng et al. 9

Table 2. Key test results.

Series Specimen fcc0 (MPa) ecu fcc0 =fco0 ecu =eco eh, rup ef , rup Energy (fco0 =fco0 )=fco0 rf (ecu  eco )=ecu rf

R SC-1 37.84 0.0028 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

SC-2 39.33 0.0028 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
SC-3 39.62 0.0029 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
I CS-30-1-1 55.46 0.0158 1.42 5.85 20.0155 20.0128 0.7259 1.09 0.93 12.44 13.6
CS-30-1-2 57.15 0.0167 1.47 6.19 20.0148 20.0122 0.7859 1.20 13.30
CS-40-1-1 49.30 0.0187 1.27 6.93 20.0139 20.0111 0.8309 0.65 14.45
CS-40-1-2 51.61 0.0184 1.33 6.81 20.0143 20.0125 0.8232 0.79 14.18
H-20-1-1 54.38 0.0230 1.40 8.52 20.0155 NA 1.0932 0.88 0.95 16.71 14.0
H-20-1-2 51.86 0.0175 1.33 6.48 20.0123 NA 0.7797 0.74 12.18
H-30-1-1 55.46 0.0204 1.42 7.56 20.0129 NA 0.9749 1.01 15.61
H-30-1-2 55.29 0.0210 1.42 7.78 20.0134 NA 0.9807 1.00 16.14
H-40-1-1 57.43 0.0171 1.48 6.33 20.0126 NA 0.8082 1.06 11.85
H-40-1-2 56.81 0.0170 1.46 6.30 20.0132 NA 0.7836 1.02 11.77
S-20-1-1 50.92 0.0152 1.31 5.63 20.0125 20.0119 0.6632 0.77 0.71 11.57 14.5
S-20-1-2 51.61 0.0156 1.33 5.78 20.0119 20.0112 0.7040 0.81 11.94
S-30-1-1 50.59 0.0223 1.30 8.26 20.0139 20.0113 0.9857 0.77 18.61
S-30-1-2 49.18 0.0178 1.26 6.59 20.0122 20.0118 0.7868 0.68 14.34
S-40-1-1 50.02 0.0188 1.29 6.96 20.0164 20.0116 0.8329 0.69 14.54
S-40-1-2 47.17 0.0201 1.21 7.44 20.0134 20.0112 0.8689 0.52 15.72
II CS-35-2-1 68.40 0.0235 1.76 8.70 20.0112 20.0107 1.2836 1.00 0.90 10.14 9.0
CS-35-2-2 64.74 0.0176 1.66 6.52 20.0092 20.0087 0.9063 0.87 7.26
CS-40-2-1 63.66 0.0203 1.64 7.52 20.0112 20.0102 1.0464 0.81 8.36
CS-40-2-2 67.06 0.0245 1.72 9.07 20.0141 20.0126 1.3195 0.93 10.35
H-30-2-1 71.53 0.0199 1.84 7.37 20.0126 NA 1.0910 1.15 0.98 8.73 8.70
H-30-2-2 70.45 0.0211 1.81 7.81 20.0122 NA 1.1665 1.11 9.34
H-35-2-1 68.37 0.0184 1.76 6.81 20.0108 NA 0.9899 0.91 7.01
H-35-2-2 70.79 0.0238 1.82 8.81 20.0125 NA 1.3547 0.99 9.42
H-40-2-1 70.01 0.0229 1.80 8.48 20.0136 NA 1.3099 0.94 8.80
H-40-2-2 64.81 0.0231 1.66 8.56 20.0115 NA 1.2582 0.78 8.89
S-30-2-1 67.13 0.0237 1.72 8.78 20.0141 20.0126 1.2814 1.05 0.80 11.27 12.0
S-30-2-2 69.16 0.0215 1.78 7.96 20.0149 20.0127 1.1817 1.13 10.09
S-35-2-1 60.72 0.0268 1.56 9.93 20.0118 20.0104 1.3864 0.74 11.74
S-35-2-2 62.02 0.0307 1.59 11.37 20.0143 20.0118 1.6544 0.78 13.65
S-40-2-1 55.21 0.0272 1.42 10.07 20.0133 20.0101 1.3388 0.54 11.63
S-40-2-2 56.53 0.0316 1.45 11.70 20.0148 20.0128 1.1940 0.58 13.72

FRP: fiber-reinforced polymer; NA: not applicable.

fcc0 is the peak strength of confined concrete; ecu is the ultimate axial strain of confined concrete; fco0 is the peak strength of unconfined concrete; eco is the strain
of unconfined at peak strength; eh, rup is the FRP rupture in the hoop direction; and ef , rup is the FRP rupture strain in the fiber direction.

hoop-to-axial strain relation. The hoop-to-axial strain strain–hoop strain behavior of confined concrete with
curves of the selected test specimens are shown in FRP partial wrapping may depend on the wrapping
Figures 11 to 13 to examine the effects of different scheme and rf ke . Figure 11 shows the axial strain ver-
wrapping schemes. sus the hoop strain responses for concrete with
Generally, the following behaviors can be observed FSCHW. As is observed in this figure, at a given axial
from Figures 11 to 13: (1) the hoop strains in the FRP strain, the hoop strain outside the overlapping zone is
are generally small at the initial loading stage, but start larger than that in the overlapping zone. This is attrib-
to increase quickly when the strain is close to the ulti- uted to the stronger confinement from the FRP at the
mate axial strain. (2) An increase in confinement overlapping area, which also explains why the confine-
(increase in the value of rf ke ) generally leads to a ment efficiency of the FSCHW is better than that of
decrease in hoop strains at a given axial strain, for spe- the FSHW. It is also clear from Figure 12 that for
cimens with the FSCHW, FSHW, and FRW. (3) The FRP spiral–confined concrete, the hoop strain is gen-
axial strain versus the hoop strain diagrams for speci- erally larger than that of the tensile strain in the fiber
mens with an identical wrapping scheme and an identi- direction at a given axial strain. This is because the
cal rf ke are close to each other (especially for FRP axial deformation of the specimen neutralizes the ten-
ring-confined concrete), indicating that the axial sile strain in the fiber direction. Figure 14 shows the
10 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Figure 12. Axial strain–hoop strain curves of FRP spiral–

Figure 11. Axial strain–hoop strain curves of cross FRP confined concrete: (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62.
spiral–confined concrete: (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62.

effects of wrapping schemes on the axial strain-hoop The FSHW and FSCHW are equally comparable in
strain curves of the specimens. At a given FRP con- terms of energy absorption at a given FRP volumetric
finement ratio (rf ke ), the axial strain versus the hoop ratio (see Figure 15). For specimens wrapped with
strain curves lie closely, although FRP strip width is FRP rings, the energy absorption is nearly identical to
increasing. This demonstrates that for columns with those of specimens with the FSHW and the FSCHW,
FRP partial wrapping, the confinement effectiveness is but the FRP volumetric ratio for the former is slightly
mainly dependent on the actual confinement ratio. larger than those of the latter two cases. The actual
FRP volumetric for specimens with FRW is even larger
Energy assumption and economic analysis than the theoretical value as the FRP amount in the
overlapping zone is ignored in the calculation. What
The energy absorption capacity is estimated using the have been discussed above lead to a conclusion that,
area under the stress–strain curve of the specimen, from the energy absorption perspective, the confine-
which is achieved by a simple integration using trape- ment efficiencies of FSHW and FSHW are essentially
zoidal rule identical and are slightly superior to that of FRW.
ð The cost of each of the three FPWSTs can be briefly
W= sc dec ð1Þ estimated by the ratio of strength enhancement per
unit FRP volume ((fcc0  fco0 )=fco0 rf ) and ratio of strain
where sc and ec are the axial stresses and the axial enhancement per unit FRP volume ((ecc  eco )=eco rf ),
strains. Figure 15 shows the energy absorption versus as can be seen in Table 2. Note that the mount of FRP
the FRP volumetric ratio relationship. In Figure 15, overlapping zone was not considered in calculating the
CS/S/H represents FRP cross spiral/spiral/ring wrap- FRP volumetric ratio given in Table 2. Generally, the
ping, respectively. ratios of strength enhancement per unit FRP volume
Zeng et al. 11

Figure 13. Axial strain–hoop strain curves of FRP ring– Figure 14. Axial strain–hoop strain curves of specimens with
confined concrete: (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62. an identical FRP confinement ratio: (a) rf ke = 0:33 and (b)
rf ke = 0:62.

for FRP ring wrapping and FSCHW are close to each

other, while the FRP ring wrapping needs to involve Lim and Ozbakkaloglu, 2014; Pantelides and Yan,
an amount of FRP for the overlapping. This demon- 2007; Zhou and Wu, 2012) and the analysis-oriented
strates that the FSCHW is the most economical models (e.g. Li et al., 2018; Nisticò, 2014; Teng et al.,
strengthening technique in terms of strength enhance- 2007) that describe the stress–strain behavior using an
ment. For the strain enhancement, the FSCHW is incremental procedure have already been established
slightly worse than the FRP strip helical wrapping (see for FRP-confined concrete. Among the existing
Table 2). analysis-oriented models which are regarded to be
more versatile, Jiang and Teng’s (2007) model has been
demonstrated to be more accurate than the other exist-
Analysis-oriented stress–strain models for ing stress–strain models (e.g. Ozbakkaloglu et al.,
confined concrete with FPWST 2013; Zeng et al., 2018a). Particularly, Zeng et al.
(2018b) have adopted an advanced finite element
General model to generate the stress–strain curves of concrete
An accurate constitutive model is essential for a more with FRW, while it was found by Zeng et al. (2018b)
advanced analysis of concrete structures (e.g. generat- that the accuracy of the finite element modeling is
ing concrete material properties for the finite element highly dependent on the accuracy of the analysis-
analysis or section analysis utilizing fiber model). For oriented stress–strain model. However, Jiang and
a reliable design of the RC columns with FPWST, an Teng’s (2007) model has been demonstrated to be inac-
accurate theoretical model needs to be established. curate in modeling of concrete with FRW (Zeng et al.,
Models including the design-oriented models expressed 2018a). Consequently, to facilitate a proper design of
in closed-form equations (e.g. Lam and Teng, 2003; FPWST and obtain a more accurate basic confined
12 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

ecc sl
= 1 + 17:5 0 ð5Þ
eco f co

k1 is a constant which is dependent on the triaxial tests

and a value of 3.5 is adopted in Teng et al. (2007).
Readers can refer to Jiang and Teng (2007) for more
details of the model. Existing studies have found that
the value of k1 varies between 2 and 5.3 in terms of test
results from different researchers (Candappa et al.,
2001; Popovics, 1973; Xiao et al., 2010). Other details
of this model can be found in Jiang and Teng (2007).
The following equation—proposed by Jiang and
Teng (2007)—was used to describe the hoop–axial
strain relationship
ec sl
= 0:85 1 + 8 0
eco f co
(  0:7   ) ð6Þ
eh eh
1 + 0:75  exp 7
eco eco

Actual confining stresses in concrete with FRP partial

The ‘‘arching action’’ hypothesis was adopted for
design of columns with FRW and FSHW by existing
codes (CNR-DT 200 R1, 2013; fib, 2001). The vertical
confinement efficiency ratio can be determined by the
effective confinement area over the gross sectional area
of the column (Figure 2). For FRP ring–confined
Figure 15. Energy absorption (unit: MPa mm/mm): (a) 1  s0 f
kv = ð7Þ
rf ke = 0:33 and (b) rf ke = 0:62. 2d

For FRP spiral–confined concrete

concrete properties, an accurate analysis-oriented  
stress–strain model that verified by test results of FRP 1  s0 f
kv = ð8Þ
partially wrapped specimen is of particular 2d
significance. where d is the diameter of the cylinders and s0f is the
clear spacing between two adjacent FRP strips. For
FRP cross spiral–confined concrete, the same vertical
A brief description of the model of Jiang and Teng
confinement efficiency ratio with the FRP spiral–
The actively confined concrete model adopted by Jiang confined concrete is assumed, although the effective
and Teng (2007) is depicted by the following equations confinement area for FRP cross spiral–confined con-
  crete may different from that of FRP spiral–confined
sc ec =ecc r concrete.
=  r ð2Þ
fcc0  r  1 + ec =ecc Utilizing the following equation, the actual confin-
ing stresses are found
r= ð3Þ
Ec  fcc0  =ecc r f E f eh
sl, a = ke sl = kv ks ku ð9Þ
fcc0  sl
= 1 + k1 0 ð4Þ where rf is the FRP strip volumetric ratio, kv is the ver-
f 0 co f co
tical confinement efficiency ratio, ks = 1 is the factor
Zeng et al. 13

for circular sections, ku is the factor for fiber orienta- strain curves predicted by the modified model are pre-
tions, and sl, a is the actual confining stresses. sented in Figure 9, in which the hoop strains are equal
to the experimental average FRP hoop rupture strain.
Only one pair of predicted curves can be generated as
Test database and a modified model the values of the actual confinement in each group are
In this section, totally 103 axially loaded circular col- identical. The predicted stress–strain curves lie within
umns with FRW, FSHW, and FSCHW was collected the experimental stress–strain curves, suggesting that
from this study and the published literature (Barros the modified model can generate close theoretical
and Ferreira, 2008; Guo et al., 2019; Zeng et al., stress–strain curves of confined concrete with FPWST.
2018a). Note that the samples with the FSCHW are In particular, the slope of the second portion is slightly
only from this study. All the collected axially loaded overestimated for some of the specimens (Figure 9),
specimens had a circular cross-section and the FRPs while the overestimation is applicable for only one of
were installed by wet layup means. Among the 103 the two duplicated specimens. The predicted axial
specimens, 32 of them are from this study (Table 2). strain–hoop strain curves are compared with the
Details of the collected data from Zeng et al. (2018a), experimental results, as can be seen in Figure 11 to 13.
Barros and Ferreira (2008), and Guo et al. (2019) are The comparisons show that the modified dilation
listed in Table 3. It is noteworthy that the database model provides close predictions of axial strain–hoop
consists of confined concrete FRW, FSHW, and strain behavior of confined concrete with FRP partial
FSCHW, which makes it of high generalization for wrapping with all the wrapping schemes. However, the
confined concrete with FRP partial confinement. existing stress–strain models (e.g. Lam and Teng, 2003;
Zeng et al. (2018a) demonstrate that the existing Lim and Ozbakkaloglu, 2014; Zhou and Wu, 2012)
dilation is of low accuracy in predicting the dilation have been demonstrated to be inaccurate in predicting
behavior of concrete with FRW. Consequently, the the ultimate axial stresses as well as the ultimate axial
following dilation model that has a similar formula of strain of confined concrete with FRP strip wrapping
Teng et al. (2007) is proposed in this study for the con- (Zeng et al., 2018a). Nevertheless, the conclusion of
fined concrete with FRP partial wrapping through a the assessment only suggests the model performance
trial-and-error analysis against current database. The use of a larger database
  will show some disadvantages of the previous models.
ec sl
= 0:60 1 + 20 0
eco f co Conclusion
(  0:7   ) ð10Þ
eh eh
1 + 0:75  exp 7 Axially loaded concrete columns with FRP ring wrap-
eco eco ping, FRP strip helical wrapping, and FSCHW have
been experimentally studied in this article. The differ-
ence between FRP ring wrapping, FRP strip helical
Comparisons wrapping, and FSCHW is investigated. The accuracy
The precision of the modified model for confined con- of a modified analysis-oriented stress–strain model has
crete with FPWST is examined by comparing the pre- been examined by the test results and the experimental
dictions (containing the ultimate axial stresses and the results from the available literature works. The
ultimate axial strains) with the collected test results. research outcomes on confined concrete with FRP par-
The predictions are compared in Figure 16. The com- tial wrapping are also valuable for confined concrete
parisons demonstrate that the modified model gives with FRP stirrups/spirals. The results yield the follow-
satisfactory predictions with the test results, given that ing conclusions:
the predicted versus test values are oscillated around
the y = x line. The relevance between test results and 1. The effects of FRP strip helical wrapping,
predictions can be seen using the standard deviation FSCHW, and FRP ring wrapping are carefully
(i.e. SD) and average absolute error (i.e. AAE) between studied in this article. Experimental results find
them, as can be seen in Figure 16 and Table 4. The per- that specimens wrapped with helical FRP strips
formance of the proposed model for each of the three experienced more severe concrete crushing fail-
strengthening techniques is evaluated by the AAE and ure, while the concrete crushing failure for spe-
the SD, as is shown in Table 4, which indicates that the cimens wrapped with cross helical FRP strips is
proposed model possess the highest accuracy for pre- the lightest.
dictions of the ultimate axial stresses and the ultimate 2. The FRP ring wrapping and FSCHW only
axial strain for confined concrete with FSCHW. The exhibit slight difference, while the FRP strip
axial stress–axial strain curves and axial stress–hoop helical wrapping shows a least enhancement in
Table 3. Existing test results on FRP-confined concrete in circular columns with FRP partial wrapping.

No. Source Name d H bf tf sf Ec fco0 eco fcc0 ecu eh, rup ef Ef ke

1 Barros et al. (2008) W15S5L3 150 300 15 0.528 60 25,907.3 30.0 0.28 29.7 0.78 0.88 1.46 230.0 0.72
2 Barros et al. (2008) W15S5L4 150 300 15 0.704 60 25,907.3 30.0 0.28 33.9 0.99 0.88 1.46 230.0 0.72
3 Barros et al. (2008) W15S5L6 150 300 15 1.056 60 25,907.3 30.0 0.28 37.5 1.20 0.88 1.46 230.0 0.72
4 Barros et al. (2008) W30S3L3 150 300 30 0.528 100 26,756.9 32.0 0.28 37.5 1.71 1.27 1.46 230.0 0.59
5 Barros et al. (2008) W30S3L5 150 300 30 0.88 100 26,756.9 32.0 0.28 43.5 2.05 0.24 1.46 230.0 0.59
6 Barros et al. (2008) W30S3L7 150 300 30 1.232 100 26,756.9 32.0 0.28 41.2 2.91 0.65 1.46 230.0 0.59
7 Barros et al. (2008) W30S4L3 150 300 30 0.528 75 29,157.7 38.0 0.28 57.1 2.39 0.74 1.46 230.0 0.72
8 Barros et al. (2008) W30S4L5 150 300 30 0.88 75 29,157.7 38.0 0.28 65.3 2.26 0.78 1.46 230.0 0.72
9 Barros et al. (2008) W45S4L3 150 300 45 0.528 75 29,840.3 39.8 0.28 71.9 2.43 0.49 1.46 230.0 0.81
10 Barros et al. (2008) W45S4L5 150 300 45 0.88 75 29,840.3 39.8 0.28 89.7 2.79 0.64 1.46 230.0 0.81
11 Barros et al. (2008) W60S3L3 150 300 60 0.528 100 29,915.1 40.0 0.28 65.3 2.78 1.12 1.46 230.0 0.75
12 Barros et al. (2008) W60S3L5 150 300 60 0.88 100 29,915.1 40.0 0.28 78.8 2.79 0.62 1.46 230.0 0.75
13 Barros et al. (2008) W60S3L7 150 300 60 1.232 100 29,915.1 40.0 0.28 83.6 2.93 0.61 1.46 230.0 0.75
14 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-4-25(1) 150 300 25 0.167 91.7 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 27.6 0.92 1.09 1.66 249.1 0.60
15 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-4-25(2) 150 300 25 0.167 91.7 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 26.4 0.92 1.15 1.66 249.1 0.60
16 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-4-30(1) 150 300 30 0.167 90 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 28.7 1.32 1.28 1.66 249.1 0.64
17 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-4-30(2) 150 300 30 0.167 90 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 29.1 0.99 1.04 1.66 249.1 0.64
18 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-4-35(1) 150 300 35 0.167 88.3 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 32.9 0.99 1.11 1.66 249.1 0.68
19 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-4-35(2) 150 300 35 0.167 88.3 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 33.6 1.17 1.18 1.66 249.1 0.68
20 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-4-25(1) 150 300 25 0.334 91.7 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 30.7 0.98 1.32 1.66 249.1 0.60
21 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-4-25(2) 150 300 25 0.334 91.7 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 35.0 1.06 1.12 1.66 249.1 0.60
22 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-4-30(1) 150 300 30 0.334 90 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 35.7 1.42 1.09 1.66 249.1 0.64
23 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-4-30(2) 150 300 30 0.334 90 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 36.0 1.54 1.07 1.66 249.1 0.64
24 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-4-35(1) 150 300 35 0.334 88.3 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 40.1 2.07 1.11 1.66 249.1 0.68
25 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-4-35(2) 150 300 35 0.334 88.3 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 40.2 1.61 1.10 1.66 249.1 0.68
26 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-4-25(1) 150 300 25 0.501 91.7 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 36.0 1.93 1.39 1.66 249.1 0.60
27 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-4-25(2) 150 300 25 0.501 91.7 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 35.9 2.48 1.16 1.66 249.1 0.60
28 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-4-30(1) 150 300 30 0.501 90 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 41.0 3.28 1.62 1.66 249.1 0.64
29 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-4-30(2) 150 300 30 0.501 90 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 40.4 2.80 1.39 1.66 249.1 0.64
30 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-4-35(1) 150 300 35 0.501 88.3 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 48.6 3.97 1.54 1.66 249.1 0.68
31 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-4-35(2) 150 300 35 0.501 88.3 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 45.0 4.48 1.64 1.66 249.1 0.68
32 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-5-25(1) 150 300 25 0.167 68.75 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 31.1 1.87 1.06 1.66 249.1 0.73
33 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-5-25(2) 150 300 25 0.167 68.75 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 28.9 1.77 1.10 1.66 249.1 0.73
34 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-5-30(1) 150 300 30 0.167 67.5 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 35.4 2.28 1.26 1.66 249.1 0.77
35 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-5-30(2) 150 300 30 0.167 67.5 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 36.2 2.24 1.38 1.66 249.1 0.77
36 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-5-35(1) 150 300 35 0.167 66.25 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 38.5 2.32 1.56 1.66 249.1 0.80
37 Zeng et al. (2018) S-1-5-35(2) 150 300 35 0.167 66.25 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 38.5 2.32 1.33 1.66 249.1 0.80
38 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-5-25(1) 150 300 25 0.334 68.75 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 42.5 3.65 1.37 1.66 249.1 0.73
39 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-5-25(2) 150 300 25 0.334 68.75 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 42.0 3.04 1.44 1.66 249.1 0.73
40 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-5-30(1) 150 300 30 0.334 67.5 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 42.0 2.38 1.20 1.66 249.1 0.77
41 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-5-30(2) 150 300 30 0.334 67.5 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 47.5 3.31 1.36 1.66 249.1 0.77
42 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-5-35(1) 150 300 35 0.334 66.25 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 51.6 2.87 1.43 1.66 249.1 0.80
Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)
Table 3. Continued

No. Source Name d H bf tf sf Ec fco0 eco fcc0 ecu eh, rup ef Ef ke

Zeng et al.

43 Zeng et al. (2018) S-2-5-35(2) 150 300 35 0.334 66.25 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 52.0 3.23 1.68 1.66 249.1 0.80
44 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-5-25(1) 150 300 25 0.501 68.75 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 48.0 5.07 1.34 1.66 249.1 0.73
45 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-5-25(2) 150 300 25 0.501 68.75 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 46.8 5.41 1.48 1.66 249.1 0.73
46 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-5-30(1) 150 300 30 0.501 67.5 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 58.8 3.81 1.40 1.66 249.1 0.77
47 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-5-30(2) 150 300 30 0.501 67.5 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 59.6 3.65 1.37 1.66 249.1 0.77
48 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-5-35(1) 150 300 35 0.501 66.25 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 64.7 4.22 1.57 1.66 249.1 0.80
49 Zeng et al. (2018) S-3-5-35(2) 150 300 35 0.501 66.25 22,880.7 23.4 0.28 63.2 3.69 1.41 1.66 249.1 0.80
50 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(1) 100 200 20 0.167 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 55.3 1.91 1.35 1.91 227.3 0.77
51 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(2) 100 200 20 0.167 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 56.3 2.19 1.13 1.91 227.3 0.77
52 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(1) 100 200 20 0.334 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 69.4 2.98 1.35 1.91 227.3 0.77
53 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(2) 100 200 20 0.334 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 72.4 3.48 1.37 1.91 227.3 0.77
54 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(3) 100 200 20 0.334 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 71.8 3.40 1.42 1.91 227.3 0.77
55 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(1) 100 200 20 0.501 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 92.6 5.22 1.28 1.91 227.3 0.77
56 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(2) 100 200 20 0.501 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 88.5 4.86 1.29 1.91 227.3 0.77
57 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-100-1(3) 100 200 20 0.501 45 28,596.0 36.6 0.32 88.5 4.73 1.54 1.91 227.3 0.77
58 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-150-1(1) 150 300 30 0.167 67.5 28,596.0 37.6 0.31 42.6 1.74 1.24 1.91 227.3 0.77
59 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-150-1(2) 150 300 30 0.167 67.5 28,596.0 37.6 0.31 43.2 1.33 1.16 1.91 227.3 0.77
60 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-150-1(1) 150 300 30 0.334 67.5 28,596.0 37.6 0.31 54.1 2.56 1.48 1.91 227.3 0.77
61 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-150-1(2) 150 300 30 0.334 67.5 28,596.0 37.6 0.31 53.6 2.13 1.49 1.91 227.3 0.77
62 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-150-1(1) 150 300 30 0.501 67.5 28,596.0 37.6 0.31 65.2 3.54 1.41 1.91 227.3 0.77
63 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-150-1(2) 150 300 30 0.501 67.5 28,596.0 37.6 0.31 64.7 3.91 1.30 1.91 227.3 0.77
64 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-200-1(1) 200 400 40 0.334 90 28,596.0 37.4 0.30 44.7 1.64 1.35 1.91 227.3 0.77
65 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-200-1(2) 200 400 40 0.334 90 28,596.0 37.4 0.30 44.6 1.47 1.29 1.91 227.3 0.77
66 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-200-1(1) 200 400 40 0.501 90 28,596.0 37.4 0.30 53.3 2.01 1.27 1.91 227.3 0.77
67 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-200-1(2) 200 400 40 0.501 90 28,596.0 37.4 0.30 57.4 1.63 1.36 1.91 227.3 0.77
68 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-200-1(3) 200 400 40 0.501 90 28,596.0 37.4 0.30 55.4 1.86 1.38 1.91 227.3 0.77
69 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-300-1 300 600 60 0.167 135 28,596.0 33.6 0.27 35.5 1.11 1.26 1.91 227.3 0.77
70 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-300-2 300 600 60 0.334 135 28,596.0 33.6 0.27 37.9 1.46 1.39 1.91 227.3 0.77
71 Guo et al. (2019) S-30-300-3 300 600 60 0.501 135 28,596.0 33.6 0.27 42.7 1.60 1.47 1.91 227.3 0.77

FRP: fiber-reinforced polymer.

d is the diameter of the specimen; H is the height of the specimen; ef , rup is the FRP tensile rupture strain; Ef is the modulus of elasticity of FRP; and sf is the FRP strip center-to-center spacing.
16 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Table 4. Performance of the proposed model for each of the three strengthening techniques.

Strengthening technique Ultimate axial stress Ultimate axial strain


FSCHW 0.07 0.06 0.11 0.13

FRW 0.08 0.11 0.25 0.23
FSHW 0.18 0.11 0.15 0.20
Overall 0.09 0.12 0.23 0.24

AAE: average absolute error; SD: standard deviation; FSCHW: FRP strip cross helical wrapping; FRW: FRP ring wrapping; FSHW: FRP spiral helical

average FRP strain efficiency factor is 0.70 for

concrete cylinders with FPWST, aligning well
with the previous studies.
4. At a given actual FRP confinement ratio (rf ke ),
the axial strain–hoop strain curves are close to
each other, although FRP strip width is increas-
ing. The effect of FRP wrapping is highly
dependent on the actual confinement ratio,
which is estimated using the ‘‘arching action’’
assumption suggested in the current design
5. The FSCHW is the most economical strength-
ening technique in enhancing the concrete
strength, while the FRP strip helical wrapping
is the most economical strengthening in terms
of strain enhancement.
6. The modified analysis-oriented model provides
satisfactory predictions of the confined con-
crete with FRP ring wrapping, FRP strip heli-
cal wrapping, and FSCHW, although its
accuracy is highest for confined concrete with
the FSCHW.
7. The modified dilation model provides satisfac-
tory results on the axial strain versus the hoop
strain behavior of confined concrete with all the
three wrapping schemes. However, a modified
factor considering the effect of effective con-
finement area needs to be developed.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

Figure 16. Performance of the new model in predicting the The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
ultimate axial stresses and the ultimate axial strains: (a) ultimate respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
axial stresses and (b) ultimate axial strains. article.

strength. Besides, compared with the FSCHW
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
and the FRP ring wrapping, the FRP strip heli- port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
cal wrapping generally leads to a slightly larger article: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
ultimate axial strain. port provided by the National Natural Science Foundation
3. The FRP hoop rupture strains have little rele- of China (Nos 11872153, 51908137, and 11672076), the
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