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Nephrocalcinosis: New insights into mechanisms and consequences

Article in Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation · April 2009

DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfp115 · Source: PubMed

73 1,103

4 authors:

Benjamin A Vervaet Anja Verhulst

University of Antwerp University of Antwerp


Patrick C D’Haese Marc E De Broe

University of Antwerp University of Antwerp


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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2009) 24: 2030–2035
doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfp115
Advance Access publication 18 March 2009

Editorial Review

Nephrocalcinosis: new insights into mechanisms and consequences

Benjamin A. Vervaet, Anja Verhulst, Patrick C. D’Haese and Marc E. De Broe

Department of Medicine, Laboratory of Pathophysiology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Correspondence and offprint requests to: Patrick C. D’Haese; E-mail:

Keywords: crystal formation; crystal retention; nephrocalcinosis; tion triggers a reduction in antidiuretic hormone-stimulated
nephrolithiasis; Randall’s plaque water permeability of the collecting duct through the

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calcium-sensing receptor, leading to an increased urinary
volume and a reduced risk of supersaturation [14,15]. Fail-
The most common form of renal stone disease, calcium ure or shortcomings of these defence/control mechanisms
nephrolithiasis, is defined as the presentation of a macro- result in crystal retention (= intratubular nephrocalcinosis),
scopic concrement of inorganic (calcium phosphate and/or either presenting as epithelial crystal adhesion, when crys-
calcium phosphate) and organic material in the renal ca- tals smaller than the diameter of the tubular lumen adhere to
lyces and/or pelvis, either adhered to the papillae or pelvic the tubular epithelium or as tubular crystal obstruction, in
urothelium or not. In search of the mechanism underlying the case of excessive crystal formation and/or aggregation
calcium nephrolithiasis, in vitro and in vivo studies and ob- (see Figure 1). Whereas an obstruction is mainly a me-
servations in human biopsies have shown the presence of chanical process determined by the diameter of the tubules
two distinct types of renal microscopical crystal deposition and the extent and rate of crystal formation/aggregation,
processes; one taking place within the tubular lumen (in- an adhesion is a subtle, complex cell biological pro-
tratubular nephrocalcinosis), and the other in the intersti- cess in which a particular tubular epithelial phenotype
tium (interstitial nephrocalcinosis). Recent observations, is responsible for firm crystal adhesion [5–8,16,17] (see
however, strongly suggest that nephrocalcinosis and cal- Figure 1).
cium nephrolithiasis are to be considered two independent Evidence is now available indicating that the luminal
pathologies and that nephrocalcinosis may cause calcium surface of the tubular epithelium, under stress conditions,
nephrolithiasis only in particular conditions. In this review, expresses multiple crystal-binding molecules, which are
we discuss our current understanding of the mechanisms in- not present at the luminal membrane of intact differenti-
volved in both types of nephrocalcinosis (intratubular and ated tubular epithelia. These molecules, such as sialic acid-
interstitial), their possible consequences and their relation containing proteins and/or phospholipids, phosphatidyl
to calcium nephrolithiasis. serine, nucleolin-related protein, annexin II, osteopontin
and hyaluronan, are expressed by dedifferentiated or regen-
erating cells [5,7,8,17–26]. The causal role of an aberrant
Intratubular nephrocalcinosis epithelial phenotype in crystal adhesion is corroborated
by consistent observations at three distinct research levels:
Mechanisms of intratubular nephrocalcinosis in vitro, in vivo and in clinical settings.
Two key processes determine the development of intratubu-
lar nephrocalcinosis, crystal formation and crystal reten- 1. In vitro renal cell-lines as well as primary human ep-
tion. Crystals (mainly calcium oxalate, CaOx, and calcium ithelial cell cultures only bind crystals firmly in their
phosphate, CaP) are thought to frequently form in the tubu- subconfluent phase, i.e. when cells are proliferating
lar fluid as a result of supersaturation mainly in the distal and migrating, and lose this capacity once they be-
nephron and can be considered a renal mechanism to ex- come confluent and fully polarized [6,8,17,24,27]. It
crete an increased amount of waste per unit of volume has to be noted that this is particularly true for epithelial
[1–4]. To ensure safe tubular crystal passage, the healthy cells of distal origin, thought to be frequently exposed
kidney on the one hand presents a non-crystal binding ep- to intraluminal crystals [28,29].
ithelium [5–9] and on the other hand is able to keep crystal 2. In rats treated with ethylene glycol (EG, a model of
nucleation, growth and aggregation under control via uri- hyperoxaluria/crystalluria) already after 1 day of treat-
nary micro- and macromolecular constituents such as cit- ment, the numerous crystals present in the tubular fluid
rate, magnesium and proteins [10–13]. In addition, at the were not adhering to the normal differentiated intact ep-
physiological level, a high intratubular calcium concentra- ithelium. After 4 days of treatment, however, crystals

C The Author [2009]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.
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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2009) 24: Editorial Review 2031

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Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of mechanisms involved in renal crystal handling and the development of nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis. CaP,
calcium phosphate; CaOx, calcium oxalate; UrAc, uric acid; Br, brushite.

were found adhering to dedifferentiated/regenerating In contrast, in some histological studies in rat and man,
cells [5]. Interestingly, during washout, shortly after intratubular crystals were observed adjacent to epithelial
arrest of a 4-day EG-administration period, the num- cells that appeared morphologically normal [33,34]. These
ber of regenerating tubular cells markedly increased, observations may either suggest crystal adhesion to normal
as did crystal retention, while crystalluria decreased differentiated cells or alternatively may represent a ‘snap-
to control values (Vervaet et al., unpublished results). shot’ of transient (non-adhesive) crystal–cell interactions.
Additionally, in another study mild EG administration Although it is not known whether these epithelia actually
did not result in nephrocalcinosis until a nephrotoxic present a normal apical membrane in terms of protein and
agent was injected intraperitoneally [30]. phospholipid composition, the latter possibility seems more
3. In a transplant protocol biopsy study of our group, all likely. Indeed, animal models of mild hyperoxaluria and
patients showed tubular luminal expression of osteo- crystalluria (such as EG or minipump-infused oxalate) do
pontin and hyaluronan at first biopsy 12 weeks post- not immediately develop renal crystal retention by adhe-
transplantation, while only 20% of these patients pre- sion or obstruction, but apparently require several days to
sented nephrocalcinosis. At second biopsy, 12 weeks weeks of exposure [5,35]. This ‘incubation’ period, during
later, osteopontin and hyaluronan expression was still which nephrotoxic EG metabolites and/or transient toxic or
present in all patients; however, it was associated with mechanical crystal–cell interactions may affect the tubular
100% nephrocalcinosis, evidencing luminal expres- epithelium, is in line with the need of a shift in the epithelial
sion of these molecules to precede crystal adhesion phenotype prior to crystal adhesion [29,36,37].
[16]. This early and maintained expression of particular In the case of severe injury, crystals may adhere to apop-
molecules may be related to recovery from ischaemia– totic and/or necrotic cells (known to present altered mem-
reperfusion and subsequent sustained renal stress by brane surfaces) and even to denuded basement membranes
exposure to potential nephrotoxic immunosuppressive after cells have been lost from the epithelium [26,38,39].
drugs. In the same study, it was found that preterm Furthermore, besides crystal adhesion, nucleation of crys-
infants, who are well known to be born with an im- tals onto the tubular epithelium has been suggested to be a
mature epithelium, also presented luminal osteopontin potential mechanism underlying intratubular nephrocalci-
and hyaluronan; however, nephrocalcinosis did not de- nosis [25]. In this process, crystallization starts at particular
velop until several days of life [16]. This delay most sites on the epithelial surface instead of starting freely in the
likely is due to the time it takes for diet and/or medi- tubular fluid. Remarkably, the composition of the cell sur-
cation protocols to induce crystalluria and subsequent face appears also to be a critical determinant in modulating
crystal adhesion [16,31,32]. this process [25,40].
2032 Nephrol Dial Transplant (2009) 24: Editorial Review

Altogether, whereas excessive crystal formation/ graft survival decreased to 48% [54]. Although these data
aggregation may result in tubular obstruction and its dele- suggest an association between nephrocalcinosis and an in-
terious consequences, crystal adhesion turns out to be a creased risk of allograft failure, it should be noted that half
consequence of epithelial phenotypical changes, which can of the allografts survive despite the presence of nephrocal-
be induced by any renal insult/condition and, possibly, also cinosis. Also, in several prospective and retrospective stud-
by passage of crystals/oxalate. ies, in which preterm infants with nephrocalcinosis were
compared with birth-weight- and postnatal (or gestational)
age-matched controls without nephrocalcinosis, no clear
evidence for an association between neonatal nephrocal-
Consequences of intratubular nephrocalcinosis
cinosis and renal dysfunction in the long term was found
Intratubular nephrocalcinosis is as harmful to renal function [55–58].
as the number of tubules it functionally impairs. Whereas Overall, it is likely that the individual renal outcome de-
the mechanism of tubular impairment is straightforward pends on numerous factors, such as the severity of the un-
for obstruction, it is harder to ascribe any direct deleterious derlying disorder and the extent, rate and duration of crystal
effect to crystal adhesion. Since both processes differ in formation/adhesion on the one hand and the activity of re-
their nature, different ways of affecting renal function are to nal crystal clearing mechanisms on the other (see further
be expected. While obstruction presents itself rather acutely, in the text) [34,59,60,61]. Possibly, adhered crystals may
adhesion most likely exerts chronic effects adding to the affect normal tubular redifferentiation/regeneration ham-
severity of an already underlying pathology or condition. pering restoration of a sufficient amount of functioning
Tubular obstruction acutely impairs tubular function by tubules and, in addition, may further enlarge by growth

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mechanical blockage of tubular fluid flow, followed by and aggregation with other crystals leading to obstructive
tubular atrophy, interstitial inflammation and interstitial fi- tubulopathy.
brosis, and hence chronic renal damage/insufficiency de-
velops [41,42]. Histological evidence hereto was found in
pathologies with acute and/or excessive forms of crystal for- Interstitial nephrocalcinosis
mation and subsequent intratubular retention such as acute
phosphate nephropathy [43], primary hyperoxaluria, je-
junoileal bypass-induced enteric hyperoxaluria [33,44] and Mechanisms of interstitial nephrocalcinosis
several drug-induced crystal nephropathies (methotrexate, The presence of crystals in the renal interstitium is defined
acyclovir) [45,46]. Since the histopathology in these dif- as interstitial nephrocalcinosis. Two independent mecha-
ferent types of crystal deposition shows important parallels nisms may explain the appearance of these crystals in
with classical (ureteral) obstructive nephropathy, the bulk of the interstitium: translocation of intratubular crystals and
the associated tubulo-interstitial changes most likely results de novo interstitial crystal formation.
from obstruction itself rather than of a chemical (nephro- It has been hypothesized that translocation of crystals
toxic) effect/contribution of the different types of retained can be established via transcytosis, a process during which
crystals. With respect to nephrolithiasis, it has been ob- small intraluminal crystals are internalized within apical
served that in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism vesicles (either receptor mediated or not) and translocated
and calcium phosphate stones, patients with brushite or transcellularly to the basolateral side where the crystals
cystine stones and patients with distal renal tubular aci- are released into the interstitial extracellular environment
dosis, tubular obstruction presents itself as calcium phos- [62]. Although apical endocytosis of small crystals has been
phate (cystine in cystinuria) crystal plugging of the ducts described [28,59,60], to the best of our knowledge, there
of Bellini with crystals protruding out of the papillary is no evidence supporting the basolateral release of crys-
slits/mouths into the pelvic lumen [47–50]. It is hypoth- tals into the interstitium. Instead, these crystals most likely
esized that these crystal plugs, besides inducing fibrosis, disintegrate into lyosomes [60,61]. Recently, in an in vivo
tubular atrophy and even glomerular pathology [50], can study we described an alternative mechanism of transep-
form the nidus or platform for stone formation in these ithelial crystal translocation, which also has been reported
kidneys (see Figure 1). under the term ‘exotubulosis’ by De Bruijn and co-workers
In less severe/acute forms of nephrocalcinosis, as found [34,63,64]. These studies demonstrated that intratubular ad-
in transplant patients and preterm infants, the effect of mere hered crystals can be overgrown by tubular epithelial cells
crystal adhesion might be more straightforward. Indeed, nu- adjacent to the crystal adhesion site. Within 2 weeks, these
merous in vitro studies, mimicking these non-obstructive proliferating and migrating cells cover the crystals and dif-
crystal-cell interactions, investigate the epithelial reaction ferentiate into a new mature epithelium, with its basement
to CaP and CaOx crystal contact (either apical or ba- membrane on top of the crystals and its apical side directed
solateral) and report production of inflammatory media- to the lumen, thereby restoring epithelial integrity of the
tors (MCP-1, PGE-2), reactive oxygen species (H2 O2 ) and affected tubule (see Figure 1).
release of LDH, thereby marking crystal-induced injury Both endocytosis and epithelial overgrowth do not seem
[21,29,51–53]. However, despite these reactions in vitro, up to be pathologic processes, and hence can be considered
to now a clinical detrimental effect of crystal–cell contact defence mechanisms against renal calcification since crys-
or adhesion is not unequivocally proven in vivo. In kid- tals disappear from the healthy kidney either in intracel-
ney transplant patients, Pinheiro et al. reported a 12-year lular vesicles (lysosomes) or via the extracellular intersti-
allograft survival rate of 75% in the absence of nephrocal- tium [34,60,61,65]. Currently, it is thought that crystals
cinosis, whereas in the presence of nephrocalcinosis, allo- disintegrate/dissolve due to a local decrease in pH and
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2009) 24: Editorial Review 2033

exposure to proteases [34,61]. Deficiency or saturation branes of morphologically normal epithelial cells of Henle’s
of these clearance mechanisms would reasonably result in loop. Subsequently, when further interstitial crystal out-
tubular and/or interstitial crystal accumulation. It is cur- growths lie in the vicinity of collecting ducts and ducts of
rently unknown, however, what happens to the ionic con- Bellini, these epithelia show no morphological abnormal-
stituents of the crystals after being dissolved. Are they im- ities [33]. Only when calcification completely surrounds
mediately cleared from the kidney or do they accumulate by the thin loops of Henle, is an association with epithelial in-
binding to interstitial macromolecular constituents (such as jury found [33]. In addition, extensive calcification might
hyaluronan) and, at a later stage, initiate interstitial super- present itself as a physical interstitial barrier impairing
saturation and de novo crystal formation during the turnover proper medullary/papillary function. Concentrating abil-
of these macromolecules? ity, however, seems not to be influenced since a correlation
Besides translocation, crystals can also be formed between low urinary volume (and high urinary calcium)
de novo in the interstitium. It is not known, however, and papillary plaque coverage was found [71]. Whether the
whether this is merely due to a chemically driven su- overall morphological absence of epithelial injury and in-
persaturation or whether cells are involved. Since up to terstitial inflammation/fibrosis in the context of Randall’s
now, the presence of osteoblast-like cells has not been re- plaque formation is due to the crystal type (consistently be-
ported in the parenchyma of calcified kidneys, no cell- ing calcium phosphate) or to the site of origin is not known.
mediated pathological bone-forming process, similar to that The main currently known clinically important feature
described for vascular calcification [66], can be suggested of Randall’s plaques is their proposed anchor function for
in the kidney at the moment. Regardless of the mechanism, stones found attached to the papillae of patients with idio-
de novo crystal formation is thought to be the process by pathic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis [33,72]. Moreover,

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which the development of Randall’s plaque is initiated (see ultrastructural studies corroborate the hypothesis that Ran-
Figure 1). In the clearest form of Randall’s plaque forma- dall’s plaques actually might serve as a platform for stone
tion, as found in biopsies of patients with idiopathic calcium development by progressive alternation of successive pro-
oxalate nephrolithiasis (and some healthy controls), ultra- tein matrix deposition and crystal nucleation (see Figure 1)
structural studies did not reveal intratubular or intracellular [68]. This concept already was proposed by Alexander Ran-
crystals. The smallest mineral deposits observed were scat- dall in the late 1930s [73,74]. He observed calcium phos-
tered nano-sized, laminated apatite-protein particles in the phate lesions (plaques) on the papillary surface and noticed
basement membranes of the thin loops of Henle [33,67]. that renal stones were intimately attached to them. In ad-
Although the specific mechanisms are still unclear, it is dition, the mineral composition of the plaque (being cal-
known that these particles may extend into the medullary cium phosphate) was different from that of the stones and
interstitium and outgrow further towards the papillary sur- the plaques occurred in higher incidence than clinical renal
face [67]. There, as an aggregated mineral syncytium, they stones. Based on these observations, he concluded that renal
can either lie beneath the urothelium or be exposed to the stones were originating as a slow deposition/crystallization
urinary environment after the loss of urothelial integrity of urinary salts (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric
[33,67,68]. acid) upon a lesion of the renal papilla. These observations
Various mineral types can be found in the intersti- have recently been confirmed and extended for patients
tium, e.g. calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate and adenine with idiopathic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis [33,68,72].
[33,34]. Although translocation by epithelial overgrowth In contrast to Randall’s plaques, initially appearing in-
gives a plausible explanation for the appearance of these nocuous, it is known that interstitial CaOx crystals can be
mineral deposits in the interstitium, de novo formation of associated with inflammatory cells [34,75,76]. Whether this
crystals other than calcium phosphate has to be considered. is due to a higher reactivity of CaOx is not known. Although
However, up to now, no ‘non-calcium phosphate’ interstitial it has been shown that fibroblasts can produce inflamma-
crystal/particle outgrowth, histopathologically comparable tory mediators upon contact with oxalate ions and calcium
to classical Randall’s plaque formation, has been found oxalate crystals [53], it is of interest that interstitial crys-
[47,48,50]. Also, current methodology does not allow for tals and associated inflammation are always associated with
the assessment of whether interstitial crystals originated in intraluminal crystal formation. The recruitment of inflam-
the tubular lumen or were formed directly in the intersti- matory cells may therefore already be initiated by prior
tium. Therefore, it does not allow for the assessment of luminal crystal–cell interactions inducing the production
whether or not in acute phosphate nephropathy, for exam- of inflammatory mediators [21,29,51–53]. Altogether, it
ple, translocation is the main mechanism by which calcium can be suggested that interstitial inflammation can only be
phosphate occasionally appears in the interstitium [34,43]. found in disorders in which interstitial crystal deposition
Identifying specific urinary or interstitial proteins incorpo- is accompanied with intraluminal crystal formation and/or
rated in the crystals might provide clues on their site of handling.
origin [69,70].
Concluding paragraph
Consequences of interstitial nephrocalcinosis
Currently, no evidence has been provided showing that Nephrocalcinosis is a complex multifactorial histopathol-
mere interstitial nephrocalcinosis, whether de novo or ac- ogy presenting itself via different mechanisms, each having
quired via translocation, impairs renal function. Randall’s their own pathological course and mutually not exclusive.
plaque formation is not associated with inflammation, does Recent findings have made it possible to gain some new
not damage epithelial cells and starts in basement mem- insights into this complexity.
2034 Nephrol Dial Transplant (2009) 24: Editorial Review

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Received for publication: 26.12.08; Accepted in revised form: 24.2.09

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