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Academy of Management Review

2010, Vol. 35, No. 1, 155–174.


Simon Fraser University

I develop a theory of the distinctive characteristics of professional service firms and

their organizational implications. I identify three distinctive characteristics—
knowledge intensity, low capital intensity, and a professionalized workforce—with
which I propose a taxonomy of four types of knowledge-intensive firms whose varying
degrees of professional service intensity generate different organizational outcomes.
The analysis highlights the danger of conflating the implications of professionaliza-
tion with those of knowledge intensity and calls for comparative research across a
wider range of professional services.

There is growing interest in professional ser- is defined only indirectly, by providing a brief
vice firms (PSFs) among organization theorists list of examples: “PSFs, such as law firms, ac-
(Empson, 2001a; Greenwood, Suddaby, & Mc- counting firms, etc.” Table 1 lists a wide range of
Dougald, 2006; Hinings & Leblebici, 2003). PSFs industries that have been listed in recent stud-
are of interest because they are presumed to be ies as examples of professional services. It re-
distinct from other types of firms: they face a veals clear consensus on the canonical exam-
distinctive environment that demands distinc- ples—law and accounting firms— but little
tive theories of management (Greenwood, Li, consensus on what the “etc.” refers to. Does it
Prakash, & Deephouse, 2005; Hinings & Leble- include ad agencies? Physician practices? Soft-
bici, 2003; Lowendahl, 2000; Maister, 1993; Mal- ware firms? Why or why not?
hotra, Morris, & Hinings, 2006). Interest in PSFs is This ambiguity hinders research in two ways.
further fueled by the notion that they are distinct First, it leads to a constrained body of empirical
in ways that will be increasingly relevant to work. Since researchers gravitate to settings
non-PSFs. Often described as extreme examples that are unambiguously professional services,
of knowledge intensity, PSFs are seen as models empirical research focuses overwhelmingly on
for an increasingly knowledge-based economy the narrow set of canonical industries (law, ac-
(Empson, 2007; Gardner, Anand, & Morris, 2008; counting, consulting). There is also little work
Gilson & Mnookin, 1989; Greenwood et al., 2006; that compares different professional services,
Hinings & Leblebici, 2003; Lowendahl, 2000; with most studies focusing on one specific in-
Maister, 1982; Scott, 1998; Teece, 2003; Winch & dustry and then asserting that the results apply
Schneider, 1993). to PSFs in general.
However, a significant obstacle to progress in Second, the lack of boundary conditions for
understanding PSFs is the ambiguity of the cen- the term PSF means that we cannot actually test
tral term: what is a PSF? In many instances of existing theories about how PSFs are distinc-
research on PSFs, the term is either undefined or tive, since we cannot specify to which types of
firms any proposed theory should apply. Should
theories developed while studying law firms
I thank Clifford Chance and participants at the 2006 Clif-
also apply to ad agencies, hospitals, or R&D
ford Chance Conference on Professional Service Firms at labs? And if ad agencies, hospitals, or R&D labs
IESE Business School for valuable feedback. Royston Green- are organized in a different fashion than law
wood, Boris Groysberg, Tom Lawrence, Ian McCarthy, firms, does this mean that they are not PSFs, or
Celeste Wilderom, and members of the Sloan Understanding does it mean that the organization of law firms
Management Practice group also provided very helpful com-
ments. I also thank Pam Tolbert and the journal’s three
is less paradigmatic than is often assumed? In
anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive its current state the PSF literature might be con-
suggestions. sidered simply a literature of law and account-
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156 Academy of Management Review January

TABLE 1 Of course, the ambiguity of the term PSF

Cited Examples of Professional Service Firms stems to a large degree from the ambiguity of
the term professional, which has a wide range of
Count meanings. Perhaps the central characteristic as-
Industry (Out of 30)
sociated with professionals is their mastery of a
Accounting 26 particular expertise or knowledge base. Thus,
Law 26 an expansive definition of PSF would be any
Management consulting 25 firm reliant on a workforce with substantial ex-
IT consulting/design 8 pertise—that is, a definition equivalent to
HR consulting 4
Technology consulting 1
knowledge-intensive firms or knowledge-based
Engineering consulting/design 16 organizations (Anand, Gardner, & Morris, 2007;
Advertising 15 Teece, 2003; Winch & Schneider, 1993). In fact,
Architecture 13 this characteristic seems to be the unifying link
Investment banking 11 across most of Table 1.
Marketing/public relations 7
Physician practices/medicine 5
However, academic analyses usually define
Real estate agencies 5 the root term, profession, on the basis of multiple
Insurance brokerage 4 characteristics, of which a distinct knowledge
Software development 4 base is only one. For instance, sociologists gen-
Actuarial services 3 erally distinguish professions from other occu-
Executive recruiting 3
Media production (film, TV, music) 3
pations by their strong control over the applica-
Research firms/R&D labs 3 tion of their knowledge base via a range of
Education/teaching 2 institutions, such as training and licensing (Ab-
Financial advising 2 bott, 1991; Starbuck, 1992; Torres, 1991). This
Investment management (hedge funds, VC, 2 characteristic applies much more strongly to
mutual funds)
Talent agencies 2
some fields in Table 1 (e.g., law, accounting)
Universities 2 than to others (e.g., management consulting, ad-
Fashion design 1 vertising). To the extent that these defining char-
Graphic design 1 acteristics aside from knowledge intensity have
Hospitals 1 important implications for the management and
Professional sports 1
Project management 1
organization of firms, it makes it problematic to
Quantity surveying 1 define PSFs as equivalent to knowledge-inten-
Risk management services 1 sive firms, since insights developed in one set-
Social work agencies 1 ting may not apply to all the others in Table 1. In
other words, while distinctive organizational
Note on method: The sample of articles was derived from
three searches. First, I searched for articles with the phrase features of law and accounting firms may stem
“professional service” in the title or abstract in the following from the knowledge intensity that they share
journals: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of with a broader set of firms, those features could
Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Hu- also stem from more idiosyncratic characteris-
man Relations, Journal of Management, Journal of Manage-
ment Studies, Organization Science, Organization Studies,
tics, making them irrelevant to most other set-
and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Pro- tings.
cesses. Second, I used the same search phrase in Google To address this problem, in this paper I de-
Scholar (to identify books as well as articles outside of the velop an explicit and systematic theory about
above journals). Third, I added articles mentioned frequently
the multiple sources of PSF distinctiveness and
in the articles from the first two searches. The sample, which
contained fifty-two articles and books, is by no means com- their managerial and organizational implica-
prehensive but offers a broad, illustrative view of the tions. Based on a review of recent PSF-related
breadth of PSF examples and definitions. Of these fifty-two literature, I focus on three important character-
works, thirty provided specific examples of professional ser- istics: knowledge intensity, low capital inten-
vices. The count after each industry (or occupation) repre-
sents the number of articles among the thirty that listed that sity, and a professionalized workforce. For each
industry as an example of a professional service. characteristic I hypothesize its resulting mana-
gerial challenges and opportunities, as well as
ing firms. If it is to be more than that, it needs the distinctive organizational features that may
more explicit criteria about what constitutes a be responses to those challenges and opportu-
PSF. nities.

Electronic copy available at:

2010 von Nordenflycht 157

However, I do not propose a singular defini- sources of PSF distinctiveness, we may be tout-
tion of PSFs as firms that meet all three charac- ing sloppy management as a best practice!
teristics. Such a dichotomous definition (PSF Second, the framework has several implica-
versus non-PSF) poses several problems. It ex- tions for the design of future research. Not only
cludes some fields that rank highly as examples does it open up a wide range of additional in-
of PSFs in Table 1 but that are very weakly dustries to study in the context of PSFs but it
professionalized, such as management consult- also highlights the need for empirical work in
ing, which would give the definition poor face settings beyond law and accounting, especially
validity. And such a restrictive definition would work that compares the former with the latter,
render PSF research ineffective in offering in- in order to test theories that link distinctive
sights into managing knowledge intensity, characteristics to specific organizational out-
since findings might stem from low capital in- comes. Furthermore, by focusing the definition
tensity or a professionalized workforce instead. of PSFs on characteristics, rather than on lists of
To embrace the broad universe of knowledge- specific industries, the framework may help ex-
intensive firms while still accounting for the plain within-industry variation in organization-
other two important characteristics, I suggest al structures, such as the fact that some two-
that we will make more progress by thinking in thirds of U.K. law firms do not use the up-or-out
terms of degrees of professional service inten- promotion system so commonly associated with
sity, based on the presence of more or fewer of law firms (Morris & Pinnington, 1998). At the very
the three characteristics. Thus, I develop a tax- least this framework points to such intraindus-
onomy of knowledge-intensive firms that vary in try variation as another important source for
the degree of professional service intensity, comparative empirical work.
based on variation in capital intensity and In the next section I begin the analysis with a
workforce professionalization. I then predict brief conceptual history of the term professional
how the categories differ from each other in service firm, including a discussion of anteced-
terms of organizational outcomes, and I offer ent literature on professions and professional
several illustrations. organizations.
This theoretical framework makes several key
contributions, both to interpreting the generaliz-
ability of existing research and to guiding future
research. First, it highlights the dangers in ap- Organizations employing significant numbers
plying findings from one specific setting to pro- of professionals have been a recurrent subject of
fessional services in general, without assessing research in organization theory since the 1960s.
whether those findings stem from more general This is because professionals are assumed to
rather than more idiosyncratic characteristics. have preferences that conflict with the nature of
For example, a number of scholars have shown bureaucratic organization (Barley, 2005; Blau &
that law and accounting partnerships feature Scott, 1962). In fact, the professions have fueled a
informal management processes, including few stream of sociological research since early in
formal rules or systems and little strategic plan- the twentieth century, precisely because the
ning (Greenwood, Hinings, & Brown, 1990; Hin- autonomy and social status of individual profes-
ings, Greenwood, & Cooper, 1999; Malhotra et sionals stood out as exceptions to the ratio-
al., 2006), and others have interpreted this infor- nalization of much of economic life into hierar-
mality as an appropriate response to the chal- chical bureaucracies (Abbott, 1988).
lenges of knowledge intensity (Greenwood & In a major portion of this professions litera-
Empson, 2003; Starbuck, 1992; Winch & Schnei- ture, scholars attempted to identify the essential
der, 1993). But law and accounting firms also characteristics of professions (Carr-Saunders &
have highly professionalized workforces, which Wilson, 1933; Cogan, 1953; Goode, 1957; Miller-
I argue may dampen the level of competition in son, 1964; Wilensky, 1964). Parsons (1939), how-
those industries. So informality in the form of ever, also provided a functional interpretation of
little planning and few formal systems may in- these characteristics, which has persisted as
stead represent poor management, made feasi- one of the primary understandings of profes-
ble by a less competitive environment. Thus, sions (Friedson, 1994; Gross & Kieser, 2006). In
without a clearer understanding of the multiple this view an “asymmetry of expertise” between
158 Academy of Management Review January

experts and their nonexpert clients makes cli- It focused more on commercial firms and less on
ents unable to assess the skill level of the expert nonprofit and state bureaucracies; thus, law and
and/or the quality of the expert’s rendered ser- accounting firms remained core examples, but
vice. Professions’ ethical codes and autonomous medicine-related organizations were less prev-
control over the education, licensing, and disci- alent, replaced by management consulting
plining of their members are seen as means to firms. The effect of professionals on organiza-
guarantee expertise and trustworthiness. Thus, tions was still a primary question, but the effect
professions are assumed to operate according to of organizations on professions was less so.
principles antithetical to the nature of commer- In addition, the issue of how to motivate and
cially oriented hierarchical bureaucracies (Bar- retain highly skilled and mobile labor became
ley & Tolbert, 1991; Greenwood et al., 2006; Mal- at least as important as the older questions of
hotra et al., 2006). how to reconcile bureaucratic versus profes-
In the 1960s, noticing that members of profes- sional principles or how to deal with the asym-
sions were nonetheless working inside large or- metry of expertise. This new focus on PSFs was
ganizations, organizational sociologists began linked to the emergence of research on knowl-
to investigate the nature of organizations of pro- edge-intensive firms, of which PSFs were often
fessionals, labeled professional organizations or considered primary examples (Alvesson, 1995;
professional bureaucracies (Bucher & Stelling, Starbuck, 1992; Winch & Schneider, 1993), as well
1969; Friedson, 1970; Hall, 1968; Kornhauser, 1962; as to the rapid growth of the management con-
Litwak, 1961; Miller, 1967; Montagna, 1968; Scott, sulting industry, especially within the large ac-
1965; Smigel, 1964). Motivated by the presump- counting firms.
tion of conflict between professional and bu-
With this managerial turn and a shift to the
reaucratic principles of control, these scholars
issues of skilled labor in general, research on
sought to understand both how organizations
PSFs became less anchored to the professions,
affected the nature, status, and satisfaction of
in the classic sociological sense, and seemed
professionals and how the employment of pro-
potentially relevant to a wider set of firms
fessionals affected the nature of organizations.
(Greenwood et al., 2005), as evidenced by the
In general, results indicated that professional
breadth of industries and occupations listed in
organizations did display distinctive features,
Table 1. Of course, this also exacerbated the
such as professionals’ greater autonomy and
ambiguity of the term PSF. So even though a
participation in organizational governance.
Much of this research focused on fields that core idea underlying the literature on PSFs is
were canonical examples of professions: medi- that such firms share a set of distinctive chal-
cine, law, and accounting. And the organiza- lenges that lead to distinctive organizational
tions studied included both commercial firms outcomes, it remains problematic to say just
(e.g., law firms, accounting firms) and large which outcomes are relevant to how broad a set
nonprofit or state bureaucracies (e.g., hospitals, of firms.
social work agencies). A primary example of this difficulty is the
Research on professional organizations, with interpretation of the dominant organizational
its focus on the institutional alternatives of pro- form of law and accounting firms—the profes-
fessional versus bureaucratic control and on the sional partnership (Anand et al., 2007; Green-
“classic” professions, has continued (Barley & wood et al., 1990; Maister, 1993). Because of its
Tolbert, 1991; Brock, Powell, & Hinings, 1999; close association with law and accounting
Mintzberg, 1979). However, in the early 1990s a firms, the professional partnership is commonly
related but distinct body of literature on profes- viewed as a response to the unique challenges
sional service firms emerged (Cooper, Hinings, facing PSFs and, thus, is proposed as an organi-
Greenwood, & Brown, 1996; Greenwood et al., zational model for knowledge-intensive firms in
1990; Hinings, Brown, & Greenwood, 1991; general (Blair & Kochan, 2000; Gilson & Mnookin,
Maister, 1993; Winch & Schneider, 1993). While 1989; Greenwood & Empson, 2003; Winch &
some of the works still invoked concepts from Schneider, 1993).
the sociology of the professions (Cooper et al., In fact, the close association between PSFs
1996; Greenwood et al., 1990; Hinings et al., 1991), and professional partnerships has led to fre-
this literature was more managerially oriented. quent conflation of the two terms. For example,
2010 von Nordenflycht 159

Hinings et al. (1991) focused on analyzing the zational outcomes. In the remainder of this sec-
behavior of a professional partnership (i.e., an tion, I define each characteristic and discuss its
organization distinguished by unique gover- implications. In this discussion I seek to provide
nance features) but then used that term inter- leading examples of relevant organizational im-
changeably with professional service firm, plications, rather than an exhaustive or compre-
which implied that all PSFs are defined by a hensive list.
common governance structure. However, while The theory I develop is summarized in Figure
professional partnerships do exist outside of 1. This figure lists the three key characteristics
law and accounting, many of the fields listed in on the left-hand side, the resultant managerial
Table 1 are not dominated by professional part- challenges and opportunities in the middle, and
nerships. Furthermore, the use of partnership the potential organizational responses to those
features is not even universal across firms challenges and opportunities on the right-hand
within the law and accounting fields (Morris & side. The theory’s implicit hypotheses are repre-
Pinnington, 1998; Tolbert & Stern, 1991). Conflat- sented by the arrows connecting the three sets
ing the two terms obscures the fact that whether of concepts (note that some organizational re-
PSFs are organized as professional partnerships sponses are listed multiple times so as to avoid
and whether the latter is indeed a response to a confusing web of criss-crossing arrows).
the unique conditions of the former are ulti-
mately empirical questions that need to be in-
Knowledge Intensity
To understand just how broadly applicable Knowledge intensity is perhaps the most fun-
the supposedly distinctive features of PSFs are, damental distinctive characteristic of PSFs, de-
we need an explicit theory of the multiple pending on how knowledge intensity is defined.
sources of PSF distinctiveness and their impli- Knowledge intensity indicates that production
cations for management and organization. That of a firm’s output relies on a substantial body of
is the task of the next section. complex knowledge (e.g., Starbuck, 1992; Winch
& Schneider, 1993). But there is some debate as
to whether knowledge intensity refers only to
knowledge embodied in individuals (Alvesson,
2000) or also to knowledge embedded in equip-
ment, products, and organizational routines
In this section I identify three distinctive char- (Morris & Empson, 1998; Starbuck, 1992). I rely
acteristics often associated with PSFs and hy- here on the former interpretation, which is more
pothesize the managerial implications of those appropriate in the context of PSFs and is the
characteristics, as well as the potential organi- definition most scholars have in mind when
zational responses to those implications. Of the they label PSFs as knowledge intensive. (The
fifty-two articles and books used to compile Ta- latter interpretation ultimately leads to the in-
ble 1 (see the note under Table 1), only twenty- clusion of an overly broad universe of firms—for
one offer a definition of the term PSF. These example, McDonald’s could be considered
definitions encompass a wide range of distinc- knowledge intensive because of the knowledge
tive characteristics relating to the nature of a embedded in the routines that govern each out-
firm’s asset base, workforce, output, or key man- let [Starbuck, 1992]).
agerial challenges. In reviewing these defini- This person-centric definition of knowledge
tions, I landed on three characteristics— knowl- intensity essentially implies that the firm relies
edge intensity, low capital intensity, and a on an intellectually skilled workforce, not just
professionalized workforce—as the central ones. among its executive or support functions (e.g.,
I selected these three because (1) they can be R&D) but also among its “frontline workers”
well defined, (2) they are commonly noted as (Alvesson, 2000; Starbuck, 1992). In fact, human
distinctive characteristics (not necessarily using capital intensity might be a reasonable alterna-
the same labels, but with phrases that connote tive label for this characteristic. Knowledge in-
much of their meaning), and (3) they have been tensity, interpreted in this way, is identified as a
linked in the literature (or can readily be linked) distinctive characteristic of PSFs by 86 percent
to distinctive managerial challenges or organi- (eighteen of twenty-one) of the reviewed defini-
160 Academy of Management Review January

Relationships Among Distinctive Characteristics, Managerial Implications, and
Organizational Responses

Distinctive Managerial implications Types of organizational

characteristic • Boxes = challenges responses
• Circles = opportunities

Quality signals :
Knowledge Opaque quality
• Bonding
intensity • Reputation
• Appearance
• Ethical codes

bargaining power
Cat herding
Alternative incentives :
(retention &
• Alternative compensation
Preferences for direction
• Autonomy & informality
autonomy difficulties)

Low capital
No investor • Autonomy & informality
protections • No outside ownership

• No outside ownership
• No commercial ownership

workforce Muted • Slack/inefficiency
competition • Autonomy & informality

tions. It is also a characteristic that applies to & Tierney, 2002; Starbuck, 1992; Winch & Schnei-
almost all of the businesses listed in Table 1. der, 1993). Employee bargaining power and pref-
There are two key managerial challenges that erences for autonomy, taken together, make
result from knowledge intensity. I describe both authority more problematic in knowledge-
here, along with the types of organizational re- intensive firms (Anand et al., 2007; Lorsch & Tier-
sponses they may engender. ney, 2002; Lowendahl, 2000; Teece, 2003), since it
Cat herding: One challenge arising from an is harder to direct members of the workforce to
intellectually skilled workforce is retaining and do things they do not want to do. Such firms may
directing those skilled employees. Employees need to do more “guiding, nudging, and per-
with substantial human capital (such as com- suading,” rather than commanding (Malhotra et
plex knowledge) are in a strong bargaining po- al., 2006: 175), and may find that traditional au-
sition relative to the firm, since their skills are thority and compensation systems are less ef-
scarce and, in many instances, transferable fective (Eccles & Crane, 1988; Gilson & Mnookin,
across firms (Teece, 2003). Thus, employees have 1985; Greenwood & Empson, 2003; Lorsch & Tier-
strong outside options, making them hard to re- ney, 2002; Maister, 1993; Teece, 2003). Thus, man-
tain. They are also hard to direct, with scholars aging knowledge-intensive firms is often de-
often arguing that highly skilled individuals scribed as “herding cats” (Lowendahl, 2000: 68).
have strong preferences for autonomy and a There are a number of potential organization-
consequent distaste for direction, supervision, al responses to the cat herding challenge, which
and formal organizational processes (DeLong & fall under the broad heading of “alternative in-
Nanda, 2003; Greenwood & Empson, 2003; Lorsch centive mechanisms.” A complete discussion is
2010 von Nordenflycht 161

beyond the scope of this paper (e.g., see Coff, wendahl, 2000).1 Illustrations of opaque quality
1997), but to illustrate the types of organizational are quite easy to conjure in the professional
features we might expect to see among knowl- services context: Was the ad agency’s campaign
edge-intensive firms, two categories are worth responsible for a sales increase? Was the law-
mentioning: alternative compensation mecha- yer’s argument responsible for the client’s ac-
nisms (such as contingent and/or deferred com- quittal? Was the consultant’s report responsible
pensation) and autonomy and informality in or- for the company’s bankruptcy?
ganizational structure. The challenge of opaque quality gives rise to
Where traditional authority is problematic, the need for mechanisms to signal quality.
various forms of contingent compensation link- There are at least four types of such mecha-
ing employee pay to performance outcomes nisms: bonding, reputation, appearance, and
ethical codes. Bonding mechanisms include or-
might induce employees to direct their efforts
ganizational features that guarantee quality by
toward the interests of the firm (Coff, 1997; Rob-
creating penalties for producing low quality. For
erts, 2004). Contingent compensation might op-
example, scholars have argued that quality
erate at the individual level, as with commis-
might be ensured by organizing as an unlimited
sion-based pay and performance bonuses; the liability partnership, which induces partners to
group level; or the firm level, as with equity monitor and pressure each other to provide
stakes. Where retention is problematic, various quality service since each is at risk for any ac-
forms of deferred compensation that induce em- tions of the others that expose the firm to finan-
ployees to stay with the firm, such as stock op- cial or legal liability (Greenwood & Empson,
tions, restricted stock grants, and pensions, 2003). Another example has been suggested by
might be more prevalent (Roberts, 2004). In this Levin and Tadelis (2005), who argue that distrib-
way knowledge-intensive firms might be char- uting profits equally among employee owners
acterized by the broad application of compensa- creates incentives to hire fewer but higher-
tion techniques usually reserved for senior man- quality employees so as not to dilute profits per
agers at traditional firms. owner, and this yields higher-quality output.
Relative to traditional firms, knowledge- Reputation is another way of signaling high-
intensive firms may also display more auton- quality output, so where quality is opaque, de-
omy for employees and more informality in or- veloping and maintaining a reputation is likely
ganizational processes as a way to better satisfy to be very important (Greenwood et al., 2005;
employees’ preferences for autonomy (Green- Lowendahl, 2000; Nanda, 2003). A related type of
wood & Empson, 2003; Greenwood et al., 1990; quality signal is the appearance of a firm or its
Hinings et al., 1991; Malhotra et al., 2006). Spe- employees, which may provide a rough proxy for
cific manifestations of autonomy may include quality. One manifestation is the social and per-
greater decentralization of decision making to sonal characteristics of the firm’s employees,
employees and/or greater participation of em- since those are things clients can observe and
evaluate (Alvesson, 2001; Empson, 2001b; Lowen-
ployees in firm-level decisions, the latter having
dahl, 2000; Starbuck, 1992). As Starbuck writes:
been consistently linked to greater employee
“Clients have to base their judgments on famil-
satisfaction (Coff, 1997). Specific manifestations
iar, generic symbols of expertise. Do the experts
of informality include fewer formal rules, looser
speak as persons with much education? . . . Are
reporting relationships, and even “rotating man- the experts well dressed?” (1992: 731). The impor-
agement,” where managerial positions rotate tance of appearance may also place constraints
among senior employees for finite terms (Green-
wood et al., 1990).
Opaque quality. The second core implication 1
This is related to the “asymmetry of expertise” concept
of knowledge intensity is what might be called from the sociological literature on professions, mentioned
“opaque quality.” This refers to situations where earlier. However, the issue of the unobservability of quality
the quality of an expert’s output is hard for is not unique to professionals and has also been addressed
in the economics literature as an example of “information
nonexperts (i.e., customers) to evaluate, even after asymmetry.” To avoid confusion among asymmetries and to
the output is produced and delivered (Broschak, signal that the concept is not unique to professionalized
2004; Empson, 2001b; Levin & Tadelis, 2005; Lo- contexts, I use the term opaque quality.
162 Academy of Management Review January

on a firm’s level of diversification. Since special- equipment and a large, specialized building, is
ization has been argued to be a signal of com- also critical). Thus, I define knowledge intensity
petence (Greenwood et al., 2005; Ruef & Scott, independently of the level of capital intensity.
1998), firms facing opaque quality may need to For knowledge-intensive firms, low capital in-
stay relatively undiversified (Greenwood et al., tensity has two important implications. First, it
2005; Starbuck, 1992). further increases employee bargaining power
Last, scholars have also suggested that the for three reasons. If production does not require
establishment of ethical codes is a way to signal much capital, employees’ skills become even
quality (Leicht & Lyman, 2006; Nanda, 2003). Ex- more important. Employees’ outside options also
perts pledge to uphold a code of conduct whose increase since they can more easily start up
goal is to protect clients’ interests, and their their own firms. And without nonhuman capital
adherence to this code is enforced by the ex- to specialize to, there is less likelihood of gen-
perts’ professional association. This mechanism erating firm-specific human capital, which
could be organized around firms or around indi- would reduce employee mobility (Teece, 2003). If
vidual experts (as an occupation). Since ethical knowledge intensity creates the cat herding
codes are one of the core features of a profession problem, adding low capital intensity turns it
(Nanda, 2003), the professionalization of an oc- into a situation where the assets go down the
cupation (described in more detail below) may elevator each night (Coff, 1997; Lorsch & Tierney,
be a response to opaque quality, as implied by 2002; Scott, 1998), and the firm can’t control
the asymmetry of expertise argument in the pro- whether they come back.
fessions literature (Abbott, 1988; Gross & Kieser, But low capital intensity also generates a re-
2006; Parsons, 1939). lated opportunity. It reduces the need for raising
Knowledge intensity, then, is a substantial investment funds and thereby reduces the need
source of distinctive challenges and organiza- to organize in ways that protect outside inves-
tional outcomes. It can be theoretically linked to tors. This may then allow firms to adopt orga-
two key challenges— cat herding and opaque nizational features that better address the cat
quality. These, in turn, can be linked to two herding challenge. For example, attracting out-
families of organizational responses—alterna- side investment likely requires allocating a sub-
tive incentives and quality signals— each of stantial share of equity to outside investors. It
which encompasses a wide range of specific also may require firms to be more centralized
organizational features. However, the core PSF and formalized in order to maintain greater con-
examples of law and accounting can also be trol over the firm so as to assuage investors’
characterized by low capital intensity and pro- concerns about having their funds expropriated
fessionalized workforces, which is not true of all (Masten, 2006). In contrast, an absence of outside
knowledge-intensive firms. As I detail below, investment would allow all of the firm’s equity
these two characteristics have their own impor- to be allocated to employees to maximize the
tant managerial and organizational implica- effect of contingent and deferred compensation.
tions. And it would allow firms to adopt more auton-
omy and informality to better satisfy employee
preferences. Thus, among knowledge-intensive
Low Capital Intensity
firms, variation in their level of capital intensity
Low capital intensity indicates that a firm’s is hypothesized to affect the intensity of their
production does not involve significant amounts use of alternative incentive mechanisms, as
of nonhuman assets, such as inventory, factories well as the likelihood or extent of outside own-
and equipment, and even intangible nonhuman ership.
assets like patents and copyrights. Note that low
capital intensity is not a necessary implication
Professionalized Workforce
of knowledge intensity: one can imagine firms
whose production requires both an intellectu- A third important characteristic comes from
ally skilled workforce and significant non- the “professional” in PSF. While there has been
human assets (e.g., hospitals, where a large much debate about whether specific fields are
fraction of the workforce has advanced degrees or are not professions, a broad consensus has
but where nonhuman capital, such as medical developed on the institutional features associ-
2010 von Nordenflycht 163

ated with professions (Abbott, 1991; Starbuck, A professional ideology consists of a set of
1992; Torres, 1991). Torres (1991), for example, norms, manifested both in explicit ethical codes
synthesized arguments from a wide range of enforced by professional associations and in in-
studies into three key features of a profession.2 ternalized preferences often developed during
The first is a particular knowledge base. The professional training (Leicht & Lyman, 2006).
second is regulation and control of that knowl- One of the central professional norms is a strong
edge base and its application. This encom- preference for autonomy (Alvesson & Karreman,
passes several features: that a profession has a 2006; Bailyn, 1985; Briscoe, 2007; Friedson, 1970;
monopoly on the use of that knowledge; that it Hall, 1968; Lipartito & Miranti, 1998; Scott, 1965).
regulates that monopoly autonomously, rather As noted earlier, a preference for autonomy has
than being regulated by the state; and that such also been postulated to arise from knowledge
regulation not only excludes nonprofessionals intensity per se, independent of formal profes-
but also mitigates competition among profes- sionalization. So we can hypothesize that pro-
sionals. The third feature is an ideology. This fessionalization may further amplify employees’
refers to the professional codes of ethics preference for autonomy.
(Goode, 1957; Nanda, 2002), as well as less Another core professional norm is the idea
explicit norms that define appropriate behav- that professionals have a responsibility to pro-
ior for professionals. tect the interests of clients and/or society in gen-
The first feature, a particular knowledge base, eral. This norm— described by various labels
is already captured by our primary characteris- such as conflict of interest (Nanda, 2003), altru-
tic of knowledge intensity. Thus, I use the term istic service (Lowendahl, 2000), or trusteeship
professionalized workforce to refer specifically (Brint, 1994; Greenwood & Suddaby, 2005)—is at
to the presence of the other two institutional the core of professional codes of ethics and is
features of professionalization: ideology and often contrasted against a “commercial” or “eco-
self-regulation. As noted earlier, these features nomic” ethos that allows unfettered pursuit of
may be outcomes of knowledge intensity since self-interest (Greenwood et al., 2006; Lipartito &
they may represent one solution to the opaque Miranti, 1998).
quality challenge (Parsons, 1939). However, One managerial implication of this trustee-
ideology and self-regulation are not inevitable ship norm is the existence of normative and co-
outcomes of knowledge intensity. Not all knowl- ercive prohibitions against organizational forms
edge-intensive fields alight on professionali- that are perceived to threaten trusteeship be-
zation as the solution to opaque quality. Large havior. A primary example is a resistance to
management consulting firms, for example, having nonprofessionals, especially commer-
have long opposed efforts to professionalize cially oriented nonprofessionals (such as inves-
consulting by not joining industry associations tors), involved in the ownership and governance
and not supporting licensing efforts, seeking in- of professional firms (von Nordenflycht, 2008).
stead to address opaque quality via the alterna- This is intended to prevent the introduction of
tive mechanism of firm-specific reputations pressures that might compromise the interests
(McKenna, 2006). Thus, a professionalized work- of clients. In some cases the professional code
force characterizes some but not all knowledge- expressly prohibits nonprofessionals from shar-
intensive arenas. What, then, are the manage- ing ownership in professional firms. In other
rial implications of the ideology and self- cases, such as hospitals, organizing as a nonprofit
regulation that constitute a professionalized is another way to minimize commercially ori-
workforce? ented governance (Hansmann, 1996).
Self-regulation means that professionalized
occupations have strong control over the prac-
Torres actually postulated four categories, with the tice of the occupation. A central association cer-
fourth being association, which refers to the existence of a tifies membership into the profession, based on
central professional association. However, this seems to be demonstrated expertise and adherence to the
a specific mechanism, such as educational institutions, eth-
ethical code. And in the archetypal profession
ical codes, and state licensing, which facilitates the three
broad features—in particular, regulation/control. Thus, I im- this certification is backed by the state such that
plicitly subsume Torres’ association feature within the reg- no one can legally practice the profession with-
ulation/control feature. out certification by the association (Gross &
164 Academy of Management Review January

Kieser, 2006). In essence, this means that a pro- To summarize, I use the term professionaliza-
fession has a self-regulated monopoly (Fried- tion here to refer to the distinctive features of
son, 1970; Larson, 1977). professions aside from knowledge intensity—
A chief implication of this self-regulated mo- namely, self-regulation and ideology. Variation
nopoly is muted competition, from two sources. in the professionalization of a workforce thus
First, control over certification erects significant refers to variation in the existence and strength
entry barriers into the occupation or industry. of regulatory mechanisms and professional
Second, self-regulation is also used to mute codes for that occupation or field. Thus, a field
competition among professionals. Unfettered like law, where the professional association
competition among providers of professional controls access to the ability to practice law and
service is often seen as a threat to the trustwor- prohibits particular forms of ownership in law
thiness of professionals in the eyes of clients, firms, is more professionalized than a field like
since it may encourage deterioration in the management consulting, where there is no dom-
quality of service provided (Torres, 1991). So in inant professional association and no associa-
the name of preserving the profession’s trust- tion either controls the ability to practice con-
worthiness, professional codes tend to prohibit a sulting or stipulates how consultancies can be
range of commercially competitive behavior, in- organized.
cluding soliciting competitors’ clients, advertis- More generally, variation in workforce profes-
ing in any way (Cox, DeSerpa, & Canby, 1982; sionalization might be measured as an index,
Torres, 1991), and even competing on price (Mor- combining some measure of the strength of reg-
rison & Wilhelm, 2004; Torres, 1991). ulating mechanisms—such as the existence of a
dominant professional association, the exis-
Several bits of evidence support this idea that
tence and strength of licensing requirements,
key features of professionalization reduce com-
the strength of the association’s enforcement
petition. Morrison and Wilhelm (2004) showed
power, and the existence of ethical codes that
that in the securities trading industry profit mar-
limit commercially oriented forms and prac-
gins decreased after commercial restrictions in
tices—with the percent of a firm’s workforce be-
the industry’s professional code—including pro-
longing to such professionalized occupations.
hibition of outside ownership and price floors—
Finally, I hypothesize that greater profession-
were lifted. The Australian and U.K. govern-
alization of a firm’s workforce has three effects.
ments recently legislated the removal of many
First, it affects the intensity with which a firm
organizational constraints embodied in the le- employs alternative incentive mechanisms,
gal profession’s code of ethics, with the express both because it amplifies the cat herding chal-
intention of increasing competition. And in the lenge and because it mutes competition, which
United States, key aspects of professionalization allows adoption of more alternative incentive
in a number of occupations have historically mechanisms with less regard for any added in-
conflicted with— or been challenged via— efficiencies. Second, it may decrease the level of
antitrust statutes (Torres, 1991). commercial and/or outside ownership because
Muted competition has several organizational of the trusteeship norm. Third, it increases the
implications. In general, it likely results in level of organizational slack.
higher levels of organizational slack (Cyert & Taken together, the three characteristics dis-
March, 1963) or inefficiency (Tirole, 1988) since cussed in this section have both overlapping
firms are able to survive without operating at and distinctive implications. On the one hand,
high levels of efficiency. More specifically, all three characteristics increase the intensity of
muted competition may provide an opportunity the cat herding challenge. On the other hand,
to address the challenges of cat herding in ways each also generates unique challenges or op-
that would not be possible in more competitive portunities. But defining PSFs as firms that face
environments. For example, firms may be better all three characteristics is problematic. It ex-
able to satisfy employee preferences for auton- cludes a number of industries that rank quite
omy by adopting highly autonomous and infor- highly as examples of PSFs but are not profes-
mal structures, whose consequent lack of inter- sionalized, such as management consulting, re-
nal coordination might be too inefficient in more sulting in poor face validity. And it makes it
competitive environments. hard to study the implications of knowledge in-
2010 von Nordenflycht 165

tensity per se, since any results may well result the characteristics. I first review the definition of
from low capital intensity or professionalization each category and then discuss how they differ
instead. organizationally.
Instead of searching for a single, dichotomous Starting at the bottom, with the fourth row, we
definition of a PSF, we might make more have firms that meet all three characteristics,
progress by thinking of degrees of professional such as law and accounting firms. These are
service intensity, based on the presence of more firms with the highest degree of professional
or fewer of the characteristics. In the next sec- service intensity, and I label them Classic PSFs
tion I use the preceding analysis to specify a since they reflect the classic or archetypal view
taxonomy of different categories of PSFs and to of professions that includes ideology and self-
hypothesize how the categories differ from each regulation (another useful label might be Regu-
other in terms of predicted organizational fea- lated PSFs). Moving upwards, the firms in the
tures. third row differ from Classic PSFs by being more
However, before developing this taxonomy it capital intensive, with hospitals being a central
is useful to comment briefly on several com- example. I use the label Professional Campuses
monly invoked characteristics of PSFs that I to capture the idea that the capital intensity
omitted from my analysis. A number of studies often stems from a specialized physical infra-
cite intangible output as a distinctive character- structure.
istic. However, as Lowendahl (2000) pointed out, The second row differs from the Classic PSF
this term is ultimately hard to pin down, or at category by having nonprofessionalized (or
least does not prove very helpful. One can think weakly professionalized) workforces. For this
of products that are intangible (software, pat- category, which includes management consul-
ents, legal rights) and of services that result in tancies and ad agencies, for example, I suggest
having tangible outputs transferred to the cus- the label Neo-PSFs, which captures the PSF lit-
tomer (blueprints from architects or engineers, erature’s shift of emphasis (relative to the pro-
reports from consultants, contracts from law- fessions literature) from professionalism to
yers). In addition, the managerial implication knowledge intensity more broadly. Finally, the
often attributed to intangibility is opaque qual- first row represents firms characterized by
ity. So the concept of intangibility is both am- knowledge intensity but neither of the other
biguous and essentially redundant. Scholars characteristics. This category displays the low-
also frequently list customized output as a key est degree of professional service intensity but
feature of PSFs, who apply their expertise to nonetheless shares with the others the chal-
each client’s specific situation. A review of the lenges of cat herding and opaque quality. The
literature, however, suggests that customization main examples in this category are firms whose
does not have any distinct implications not al- workforces are composed of engineers or scien-
ready captured by knowledge intensity (it gen- tists and that also require significant invest-
erally amplifies the same challenges). Finally, a ments in equipment or significant up-front cap-
few studies explicitly identify the serving of ital to fund development of new products.
business clients, rather than individuals, as a Hence, I label this category Technology Devel-
defining characteristic. However, existing liter- opers.3
ature has little to say about how the nature of For each category, the predicted intensity of
the customer base might lead to distinct orga- challenges, opportunities, and organizational
nizational outcomes. As I note in the conclusion, features is indicated by check marks. The
future research on distinctive implications of checks represent the strength or intensity of a
customization and business clients may be war- construct. For example, row 1 and row 2 both

While the taxonomy is based on discrete categories, the
A TAXONOMY AND THEORY OF underlying characteristics can be conceived of (and mea-
KNOWLEDGE-INTENSIVE FIRMS sured) as continuous variables. Thus, the boundaries be-
tween categories are conceptual and artificial. Classifying
The taxonomy and its implications are de- specific firms with this taxonomy may ultimately involve
picted in Table 2. Four categories are listed, plotting them on a spectrum, rather than into one of four
each representing a particular combination of categories.

A Taxonomy and Theory of Knowledge-Intensive Firms
Characteristics Challenges & Opportunities Organizational Responses

Low No
Category (with Knowledge Capital Professionalized Cat Opaque Investor Trusteeship Muted Alternative Autonomy & No Outside
Examples) Intensity Intensity Workforce Herding Quality Protections Norm Competition Compensation Informality Ownership Slack

Technology Developers
Biotech X √ √ √ √
R&D labs

X X √√ √ √ √√ √√√ √

Professional Campuses
Hospitals X X √√ √ √ √ √√ √√√ √ √
Academy of Management Review

Classic PSFs (or

Regulated PSFs)
Law X X X √√√ √ √ √ √ √√√ √√√√√ √√ √
2010 von Nordenflycht 167

have checks for cat herding and opaque quality, confounding effects of a professionalized work-
signifying the challenges of knowledge inten- force and low capital intensity. First, we cannot
sity, but row 2 has a second check mark for cat automatically infer that distinctive features of
herding, because I argued that low capital in- Classic PSFs are responses to the cat herding
tensity augments the cat herding challenge. challenge because they might result instead
This then translates into a prediction that Neo- from constraints imposed by the trusteeship
PSFs (in row 2) will display more intense usage norm. Second, even if a distinctive feature of
of contingent and/or deferred compensation Classic PSFs is a response to cat herding, we
than Technology Developers (in row 1).4 cannot automatically generalize it to other
For the organizational features, a difference in knowledge-intensive firms since Classic PSFs
checks could be manifested in several ways. It also face the opportunity of muted competition.
could mean more widespread use of a certain Classic PSFs may enjoy weaker levels of com-
mechanism—for example, contingent compen- petition than other knowledge-intensive firms,
sation offered to a broader set of the workforce. so they may be able to adopt solutions to cat
It could mean greater magnitude of a mecha- herding that are too costly or uncompetitive in
nism—for example, contingent compensation other settings.
representing a larger percentage of total com- In the next section I illustrate more concretely
pensation. It could even imply a shift from one the value of the taxonomy for reinterpreting past
type of mechanism to another—for example, a research on Classic PSFs by analyzing the gen-
shift from end-of-year bonuses to equity-based eralizability of three specific organizational fea-
compensation (or an addition of equity-based tures commonly seen among Classic PSFs. Each
compensation on top of a bonus plan). Thus, this feature has been interpreted in past research as
framework’s predictions of organizational differ- a response to the challenges of knowledge in-
ences across categories are stated in broad tensity and, thus, of potential relevance to all
terms. Establishing more specifically what a dif- kinds of PSFs and knowledge-intensive firms.
ference in the number of checks represents will But I argue that they may be closely tied to a
require more empirical research (as I discuss in professionalized workforce.
the concluding section).
In this way the taxonomy articulates more
clearly the distinctive managerial challenges
shared by knowledge-intensive firms across all
four categories, justifying the potential rele- As noted earlier, the professional partnership
vance of PSF research to a broad universe of (hereafter, “partnership”) is a set of several dis-
firms. However, a key contribution of the taxon- tinctive organizational features associated with
omy is that it also identifies the constraints on Classic PSFs and is commonly viewed as a re-
generalizing specific organizational features sponse to their extreme knowledge intensity
from one category to another. These constraints (Blair & Kochan, 2000; Empson & Chapman, 2006;
are most clearly illustrated in the context of the Gilson & Mnookin, 1985; Greenwood & Empson,
Classic PSFs. In this framework Classic PSFs 2003; Winch & Schneider, 1993). However, the
are indeed “extreme” examples of knowledge- taxonomy suggests that the applicability of
intensive firms, facing the most intense version these organizational features to other categories
of the cat herding challenge and therefore pre- of knowledge-intensive firms will depend on
dicted to display more extensive usage of alter- how much they are tied to a professionalized
native compensation and autonomy and infor- workforce or low capital intensity. In this section
mality. I discuss three specific organizational features
But we still need to be cautious in applying associated with Classic PSFs—informal man-
specific organizational features from Classic agement processes, up-or-out promotion, and no
PSFs to other categories because of the potential outside ownership— each of which has been in-
terpreted in existing research as a response to
either cat herding or opaque quality and, hence,
Because I did not hypothesize any effects of low capital
intensity or workforce professionalization on the opaque relevant to all knowledge-intensive firms. In
quality challenge, I do not predict any differences across the each case I show that the feature may be driven
categories in quality signaling features. by (or at least enabled by) professionalization
168 Academy of Management Review January

and, thus, may be of limited relevance beyond vited to become partners (up) or are asked to
Classic PSFs (and perhaps Professional Cam- leave (out) but are not allowed to stay on indef-
puses). Determining the most appropriate inter- initely as nonpartners. This feature has been
pretation will require empirical research across interpreted as a device to provide strong incen-
the taxonomy’s categories. tives to hard-to-manage professionals (i.e., an
alternative incentive mechanism to address cat
herding; Gilson & Mnookin, 1989; Greenwood &
Informal Management Processes
Empson, 2003) and as a mechanism to screen the
PSF researchers have characterized partner- productiveness of young professionals where
ships as having informal approaches to man- quality is opaque (Malos & Campion, 2000;
agement processes, citing such features as few O’Flaherty & Siow, 1995). In this view up-or-out
formal rules, little strategic planning or market might be relevant to all knowledge-intensive
analysis, and tolerance of missed revenue tar- firms since they face cat herding and opaque
gets (Greenwood et al., 1990; Hinings et al., 1999; quality.
Malhotra et al., 2006). This informality has been However, it has been studied almost exclu-
interpreted as a response to the cat herding sively in the context of law or accounting firms,
challenge by satisfying employee preferences so its broader relevance is untested. For in-
for autonomy (Greenwood & Empson, 2003; stance, up-or-out is not used by advertising
Greenwood et al., 1990; Starbuck, 1992; Winch & agencies, despite their being knowledge-
Schneider, 1993). In this view informal manage- intensive Neo-PSFs (von Nordenflycht, 2007). In
ment might be a relevant practice for all knowl- fact, Morris and Pinnington (1998) challenged
edge-intensive firms. the idea that up-or-out addresses cat herding or
Alternatively, however, we could interpret in- opaque quality even among law firms. First,
formal management processes as a response to they found that only one-quarter of a broad
cat herding, but one that is particularly enabled sample of U.K. law firms used up-or-out. Sec-
by muted competition. Informal management ond, they argued that the variation of up-or-
may create inefficiencies in the form of lack of out across law firms was not consistent with
coordination or wasted effort. Such inefficien- incentive-based theories but, instead, was
cies may not be viable in more competitive en- consistent with variations in the strength of
vironments. In this view informal management professional ideology: “Patterns of up-or-out
would be a “best practice” lesson only for other usage suggest it exists for reasons other than
Classic PSFs. Or we could even interpret infor- just to minimize monitoring costs. . . . [it] has
mal management as only organizational slack, resonance as a professional norm” and it is re-
enabled by muted competition, and not even as tained because it is “thought to be appropriate
a response to cat herding. In this view informal rather than because of . . . efficiency” (Morris &
management would just be managerial sloppi- Pinnington, 1998: 20). As with informal manage-
ness and would not even provide a lesson for ment processes, then, up-or-out promotion may
other Classic PSFs. be more closely tied to workforce professional-
Which view is most accurate is ultimately an ization than is commonly thought.
empirical question requiring comparison of
Classic PSFs with a broader range of knowl-
No Outside Ownership
edge-intensive firms. But, as noted earlier, this
illustrates the need for caution: without under- No outside ownership refers to a structure
standing which interpretation is more accurate, where ownership of the firm is allocated exclu-
we could end up touting poor management as sively to professionals who work for the firm and
best practice for knowledge-intensive firms. not to any outside investors (i.e., employee-
owned partnerships). The prevalence of this
ownership form among Classic PSFs has been
Up-or-Out Promotion
interpreted by organizational economists as an
Another distinctive feature commonly ob- efficient response to cat herding in the absence
served among law and accounting firms is up- of a need for investor protections. In these
or-out promotion, in which after several years of agency cost-based theories of the no outside
employment junior professionals are either in- ownership model (Alchian & Demsetz, 1972;
2010 von Nordenflycht 169

Fama & Jensen, 1983; Jensen & Meckling, 1979), the second interpretation, where no outside own-
the unimportance of outside investment (be- ership stems from workforce professionaliza-
cause of low capital intensity) allows all of the tion, publicly traded firms should be rare among
firm’s ownership to be used as contingent and Classic PSFs and Professional Campuses.
deferred compensation to retain and direct Table 3 lists the number of publicly traded
hard-to-monitor employees (cat herding). In this firms among the largest twenty-five U.S. firms
view no outside ownership is a response to the in a number of industries (measured between
combination of knowledge intensity and low 2003 and 2006) organized according to the taxon-
capital intensity and, thus, is relevant to Neo- omy. The table reveals that the distribution of
PSFs as well to Classic PSFs. public ownership is roughly consistent with the
However, no outside ownership might be tied predictions in the no outside ownership column
instead to professionalization. As noted earlier, in Table 2. The largest Technology Developers
ethical codes in a number of professions— are all publicly traded. Neo-PSFs and Profes-
including law, public accounting, and medical sional Campuses show a mix of public and pri-
practice—prohibit nonprofessionals from being vate. And the Classic PSF category shows a
owners of firms that sell the profession’s service. marked absence of publicly traded firms.
In this case no outside ownership stems from the But it is also interesting to note that both cat-
professionalized workforce’s trusteeship norm egories with professionalized workforces (Clas-
and is relevant instead among Professional sic PSFs and Professional Campuses) show very
Campuses and Classic PSFs. Here again, the low numbers of publicly traded firms, even
scope of this feature’s relevance is an empirical though Professional Campuses face significant
question. capital intensity. In the case of hospitals, the
twenty-two organizations that are not publicly
traded are either nonprofits (including those
An Empirical Illustration
governed by religious organizations) or state
To illustrate the usefulness of the taxonomy owned. So while this is not no outside owner-
not just in raising but also in answering such ship—which might be difficult given the need
empirical questions, I briefly analyze the distri- for significant investment—it does conform to
bution of ownership types across the categories the idea of minimizing commercially oriented
of the taxonomy. Specifically, I look at the pres- ownership so as to protect the trusteeship norm
ence of publicly traded firms in each category. (as predicted in Figure 1). This suggests that
Public ownership necessarily implies the pres- distinctive ownership outcomes are driven more
ence of outside owners. So publicly traded firms strongly by workforce professionalization than
should be noticeably absent where no outside by low capital intensity.
ownership is a relevant solution.
In the first interpretation, where no outside
ownership is a response to cat herding and no
investor protections, publicly traded firms This study started from the premise that the
should be rare among Neo- and Classic PSFs. In literature on PSFs is conceptually and empiri-

Number of Publicly Traded Firms Among Twenty-Five Largest U.S. Firms by Industry, 2002–2006

Category Industry of Public Year Source Publications

Technology Developers Biotech 25 2004 Chemical & Engineering News

Neo-PSFs Advertising 10 2003 Advertising Age
Management consulting 17 2003 Consultants News; Vault Guide to
the Top 50 Consulting Firms
Professional Campuses Hospitals 3 2002 Modern Healthcare
Classic PSFs Law 0 2006 N/A
Public accounting 0 2006 N/A
Architecture 1 2003 World Architecture
170 Academy of Management Review January

cally hindered by the ambiguity of its central setting. In particular, the framework suggests
term. The inability to specify what is and is not that researchers focusing on Classic PSFs
a PSF has contributed to a constrained body of should be much more cautious about asserting
empirical research on PSFs, with very few com- the broad applicability of their findings to
parisons across different industries and a nar- knowledge-intensive firms, unless they can
row focus on law and accounting firms. This make a compelling case that these findings are
limitation also leaves the literature unable to not driven by strong professionalization or low
verify or even specify the organizational and capital intensity. As I showed in the previous
managerial “lessons” that PSFs offer regarding section, several distinctive organizational fea-
the implications of knowledge intensity— or, tures of Classic PSFs—informal management,
perhaps worse, to suggest inappropriate les- up-or-out promotion, and no outside owner-
sons, such as inefficiency in the guise of best ship— have been interpreted as solutions to
practice. Is it really just a literature of law and knowledge intensity but may also be closely
accounting firms (i.e., of Classic PSFs), or does it tied to a professionalized workforce.
actually apply to some wider world of knowl- Second, by basing the definition of types of
edge-intensive firms? PSFs on conceptual characteristics, rather than
I addressed this problem by developing an on lists of specific industries, the framework
explicit theory about PSF distinctiveness. The may help account for intraindustry variation in
theoretical framework defines three sources of organizational features by linking it to differing
distinctiveness— knowledge intensity, low cap- degrees of professional service intensity within
ital intensity, and a professionalized work- an industry. Morris and Pinnington (1998) pro-
force—and hypothesizes their managerial im- vided an example regarding up-or-out promo-
plications. The framework also links these tion among law firms. Another example can be
defining characteristics to a range of distinctive found in management consulting. Greenwood,
organizational features. I then used this frame- Deephouse, and Li (2007) found that publicly
work to develop a taxonomy of knowledge- traded management consultancies have lower
intensive firms, in which the four categories rep- average performance than private consultan-
resent varying degrees of professional service cies, suggesting that private ownership is the
intensity, based on the number of characteris- more appropriate form for the industry as a
tics facing a firm. For each category I hypothe- whole. However, their sample contains firms
sized its distinctive organizational features rel- that vary substantially in capital intensity, from
ative to the other categories. IT outsourcing firms (who own large data cen-
Ultimately, this analysis indicates that these ters) that may be closer to the Technology De-
categories share similar types of distinctive or- veloper category to strategy consultancies that
ganizational features but vary in the intensity may be closer to the Neo-PSF category. And the
with which those features are manifested. In taxonomy would suggest that the level of out-
particular, there may be opportunities to share side ownership should vary across such firms.
lessons across most of the entries in Table 1 Subsequent analysis by Richter and Schroeder
about how to retain and direct an intellectually (2008) shows that capital intensity and public
skilled workforce. However, the framework also ownership are indeed significantly correlated
reveals the difficulties of generalizing specific and that once capital intensity is controlled for,
organizational features beyond one particular performance does not differ significantly be-
category without first accounting for differences tween private and public consultancies.
in the set of challenges and opportunities that Third, the framework helps interpret past cat-
shape those features. egorizations of organizations of professionals.
This analysis contributes to both the interpre- As noted earlier, an older term related to PSFs is
tation of existing research on PSFs and the de- professional organization, which has been used
sign of future PSF research. In terms of interpret- to refer to organizations with professionalized
ing existing research, the framework first workforces (Brock et al., 1999; Bucher & Stelling,
articulates much more clearly the boundary con- 1969; Hinings et al., 1991; Montagna, 1968; Scott,
ditions or scope of PSF research. This allows us 1965). Professional organization would generally
to better specify the opportunities for and limits refer to two categories in this taxonomy—
to the generalizability of findings in any given Classic PSFs and Professional Campuses—
2010 von Nordenflycht 171

which indicates that there may be an important sionalization, either across different countries or
distinction within the population of professional where certain service lines are more profession-
organizations on the basis of capital intensity. alized than others (such as audit versus tax
Furthermore, Scott (1965) proposed a distinction work in the accounting industry).
between autonomous and heteronomous profes- Third, the framework’s hypotheses suggest
sional organizations, based on whether profes- key dependent variables and measurements
sional employees enjoy high levels of autonomy thereof for empirical research. For example,
or are subject to bureaucratic control. In effect, akin to the ownership example provided here,
Scott’s distinction is based on an organizational researchers could assess whether the incidence
outcome: level of autonomy. The framework of- of other alternative incentive mechanisms—
fered here suggests that this variation in level of contingent compensation, autonomy, informal-
autonomy likely stems from differences in the ity, etc.—varies across the categories as pre-
strength of professionalization, which varies the dicted.
intensity of the autonomy preference and the level Finally, while this study has identified three
of the occupation’s self-regulation. critical dimensions that may affect the manage-
This framework also provides important guid- ment and organization of PSFs, future concep-
ance for future research on PSFs. Specifically, tual research should analyze additional dimen-
the framework points out the urgent need to sions with which to differentiate further among
move beyond Classic PSFs in order to compare PSFs. This would include the extent of customi-
them with other categories. Work that compares zation and the nature of the customer base. For
only different types of Classic PSFs will not en- example, customization versus standardization
able us to tease out which organizational fea- has been noted as a common point of differen-
tures are associated with which distinctive tiation within several professional service con-
characteristics. Future comparative empirical texts (Hansen, Nohria, & Tierney, 1999; Maister,
work will require samples that capture variation 1993), with important strategic and organization-
across knowledge intensity, capital intensity, al implications.
and workforce professionalization. While such The theoretical framework developed here
cross-industry research poses challenges, the should jump-start greater progress in under-
framework facilitates the design of such re- standing the implications of knowledge inten-
search in several ways. sity and professionalization. To the extent that
First, it more clearly identifies a much wider knowledge intensity is increasing throughout
universe of industries to study. By providing ex- the economy, firms of all kinds will increasingly
plicit criteria to identify different types of PSFs, face the challenges of cat herding and opaque
the framework should help the field confidently quality. Thus, PSFs, however broadly or nar-
move beyond its narrow focus on Classic PSFs. rowly defined, should indeed offer insights into
In particular, it better legitimates the study of a the organizational implications of these chal-
range of knowledge-intensive firms that do not lenges. The key for future PSF research will be to
meet the professionalized workforce criterion by sort out which organizational responses are tied
pointing out that they nonetheless share impor- to these broadly shared challenges and which
tant challenges with Classic PSFs. In fact, the are instead tied to more idiosyncratic factors.
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Andrew von Nordenflycht ( is an assistant professor in the Faculty of

Business at Simon Fraser University. He received his Ph.D. from the MIT Sloan School
of Management. His research focuses on the historical evolution and competitive
effects of employee involvement in corporate governance.
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