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Solution Manual for Records Management, 9th Edition

Solution Manual for Records Management, 9th


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1. label 11. suspension (hanging) 21. release mark
2. mobile shelving 12. tab 22. sorter
3. color accenting 13. vertical file cabinets 23. special (auxiliary) guide
4. guides 14. follower block (compressor) 24. storage procedures
5. folders 15. inspecting 25. sorting
6. color coding 16. OUT folders 26. general folders
7. bellows (expansion) folder 17. lateral file cabinet 27. individual folders
8. storage (filing) method 18. OUT indicator 28. primary guide
9. storage 19. OUT sheet 29. tickler file
10. direct access 20. position 30. caption

True/False Multiple Choice

1. F 1. c
2. F 2. d
3. F 3. c
4. T 4. c
5. T 5. b

Activity 6-1 Identify the Parts of a File Arrangement

A. special guide
B. OUT indicator (guide or folder)
C. general folder
D. special folders
E. primary guide

Solution Manual for Records Management, 9th Edition

64 Chapter 6: Alphabetic Records Management, Equipment, and Procedures

Activity 6-2 Correct Sequence for Storage Procedures

1. Correct order 2. Name of procedure
3 a. a. coding

1 b. b. inspecting

5 c. c. sorting

2 d. d. indexing

6 e. e. storing

4 f. f. cross-referencing

Activity 6-3 Storage Equipment and Floor Space

1. Answers for Scenarios A and B appear below.
Scenario A
Equipment Type: lateral files Total # Drawers or Shelves: 57
No. of Units Required: 15 for 4-drawer cabinets and 19 for 3-drawer cabinets
1,857 linear inches divided by 33 per drawer ⫽ 56.2 ⫽ 57 total drawers required
57 divided by 4 ⫽ 14.3 ⫽ 15 file cabinets (4-drawer)
57 divided by 3 ⫽ 19 file cabinets (3-drawer)
Explanation: Open-shelf files allow people in the file area to see patient names. The next type of storage requiring
less space is lateral file cabinets, which keep records confidential and can be locked.
Scenario B
Equipment Type: shelf files Total # Drawers or Shelves: 792
No. of Units Required: 114 for 3-foot-wide shelf units
2,178 linear ft. ⫻ 12 in. per ft. ⫽ 26,136 linear inches
26,136 divided by 33 ⫽ 791.9 ⫽ 792 total shelves required
792 divided by 7 shelves per unit ⫽ 113.1 ⫽ 114 shelf units
Explanation: The volume of records and the number of people accessing files indicate shelf files; the vault protects
the confidentiality and security of the open-shelf files.
2. Answers for Scenarios A and B appear below.
Scenario A
83 sq. ft. or 105 sq. ft. (15 ⫻ 5.5 ⫽ 82.5 sq. ft. or 19 ⫻ 5.5 ⫽ 104.5 sq. ft.)
Scenario B
342 sq. ft. (114 ⫻ 3 sq. ft. ⫽ 342 sq. ft.)

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