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Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/
her understanding of British-American Literature, including
Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation
of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Most Essential Learning Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations
Competency (MELC) (intimate, casual, formal, consultative, and frozen)

Lesson Objectives At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:

1. Define frozen, formal, casual, consultative, and intimate

communicative styles
2. Identify the appropriate communicative style in each
communicative situation; and
3. Apply your knowledge on communicative styles for various
I. CONTENT Communicative Styles
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Grade 9 MELC guide (Page 140)
2. Learner’s Materials pages English 9 Quarter I - Week 3
3. Textbook pages ---
4. Additional Materials from ---
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resource Power Point Presentation, Visual Aids, Television, and Printed
Materials, Videos

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

Preliminary Activity (Prayer and Greetings)

A. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

Directions: Listen carefully to the statements.
Stand if the sentence is TRUE and take your seat
(A student will read the directions.)
while raising both of your hands if it is FALSE.

1) Communicative styles are also called language
2) When the participants are strangers, casual
*Correct answers
communicative style is used.
3) You give additional explanations when using 1. TRUE
intimate communicative style. 2. FALSE
4) Using correct grammar usage should be 3. TRUE
applied when talking with your best friends. 4. FALSE
5) The couple is attending a business meeting, 5. FALSE
intimate communicative style should be used
when talking to each other.

“Wassup?” “How do you do?”

What do you think is the difference between these “Communicative Styles”

two sentences? Do they share the same meaning?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Define frozen, formal, casual, consultative, and

intimate communicative styles (Students will read the objectives.)
2. Identify the appropriate communicative style
in each communicative situations; and
3. Apply your knowledge on communicative
styles for various situations

C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new

Directions: Listen carefully to the following
statements. Raise the placard “I have” if you have
experienced the given situations and “I have never” if (A student will read the directions of the
you have not. activity.)
1. Never have I ever talked to my parents in a
formal conversation.

(Answer may vary depending on students’

2. Never have I ever spoken a speech in front experience.)
of many people.
(Answer may vary depending on students’

3. Never have I ever written a poetry for my

crush. (Answer may vary depending on students’

4. Never have I ever consulted a doctor using (Answer may vary depending on students’
slang words. experience.)

5. Never have I ever conversed using correct

grammar sentences with my best friend. (Answer may vary depending on students’

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills # 1
Directions: Match the correct dialogue to the
picture where it belongs.

a. “The right time has come. Will you marry

me, Darling?”
b. “Oh guys, I could still recall our high school
crushes. How’s Jose Rizal?”
c. “Calling all officers. Please come forward
for our oath taking ceremony.”
d. “You need more strength to practice. You
can do it!”
e. “No leader, however strong, can succeed at
anything of national importance or
significance unless he has the support and
cooperation of the people he is tasked to
lead and sworn to serve.”


*Correct answers

Picture 1: C
Picture 2: A Picture
3: B
Picture 4: E
Picture 5: D

Creazilla. Marry Me Clipart.


- Inaugural Address of His Excellency Rodrigo Roa Duterte
President of the Philippines


Which communicative styles are these presentations


4. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills # 2
What is a communicative (speech) style?
It is also known as language register. It is the form (A student will read the definition)
of language used for a particular purpose or in a
particular setting.


*Correct answer
Among these scenarios that you have identified a
while ago, which of them do you think the frozen style Picture 1: C
is more likely to happen?
(A student will be called to answer the
“What is a frozen communicative style?” question.)

This style is intended to be remembered and

used in every formal setting such as place,
church, ritual, speech for state ceremony, and (A student will read the definition)
some other occasions.

• static register
• rarely or never changes
• wording is the same every time it is spoken -
Biblical verses are another example of frozen style.
For example:
John 3:16 (Students read the example John 3;16)

• Archaism (Students will read the definition of Archaism.)

 Obsolete words For

(Students will read the example.)

Another examples are the pledges of allegiance to

the Philippine flag such as:
Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas

Which among these pictures/dialogues is an *Correct answer
example of a formal style? (Still referring to the
Picture 4: E
pictures/dialogues posted on the board) What
is a formal communicative style? (A student will be called to answer.)
This style is used in formal situation, there is
the least amount of shared background, and
the communication style is largely one way (A student will read the definition)
with little or no feedback from the audience.

• Used in speaking to a large group
• Occurs in formal situation
• Avoids using slang terminologies
• One-way communication
• Used polished speech, complex sentences,
and precise vocabulary
• No interruptions

Which one do you is an example of a casual style?
(Still referring to the pictures/dialogues posted on *correct answer
the board) Picture 3: B

What is a casual (communicative) style?

(A student will be called to answer.)
This is an informal communication style
usually used between friends, groups, and
peers, or even insiders who have things to
(A student will read the definition.)
share and have shared background
information but do not have close relations.

• uses informal language *possible answers

• no background info
• Interruptions are common • To ghost someone
• Uses false starts and ellipsis • To flex
• Uses slang words
What are the example of slang words? phone calls, everyday conversation with
friends, chats, gossiping

What are some examples of casual communicative

styles? *Correct answer
Picture 5: D
Among these scenarios that you have identified a
while ago, which of them do you think the (A student will be called to answer.)
consultative style is more likely to happen?

(A student will read the definition.)

What is a consultative communicative style?
Professional or mutually acceptable language is a
must in this style. Consultative style is used in
semi-formal communicative situations, like
negotiating with strangers or colleagues, small

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group discussion, conversation in schools,
companies, or organizations.

• Two-way participation
• Background info is provided
“Intimate communicative style.”
• Prior knowledge is not assumed
• Backchannel behaviour
• Sentences are shorter (A student will be called.)
• Interruptions are allowed

(A student will read the definition.)
The last but not the least picture shows what type
of communicative style? (referring to Picture 2:

What is an intimate communicative style?

The message is expressed by a limited number
of words, with high chance of nonverbal
communication. It is rarely shared in public, uses a
language between people with same orientation
and could not be understood by those who are not
in the same intimate group.

• Private
• Reserved for close friends, family members,
• Intonation is more important than wording
or grammar
• Uses non-verbal messages
• No social boundaries

6. Developing Mastery
Directions: Identify the appropriate (A student will read the direction.)
communicative style in each communicative
situation. Write the correct letter on your ¼ sheet
of paper.
*correct answers
A. Frozen
1. D
B. Formal
C. Casual 2. A
D. Consultative 3. B
E. Intimate 4. E
5. C
1. The student is clarifying something about
his learning module from his teacher.
2. The pastor is solemnly officiating a
traditional wedding ceremony.
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3. The World Health Organization
spokesperson gives an informative update
about the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. The son is confessing to his mother about the
trouble he is involved in.
5. You are talking with your friends about your
childhood crush.

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F. Finding practical application of
concepts and skills in daily living

Individual Activity
Directions: Apply your knowledge on (A student will read the directions.)
communicative styles by performing the task
below. Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of

Frozen Style Group: (One student from the frozen style group will be
Compose a TWO-STANZA free verse poem. Choose called to share his/her answer to the class.)
only ONE topic:

1. Poem about your life

2. Poem about your dream

Formal Style Group: (One student from the formal style group will be
Compose an oratorical speech of at least ONE called to share his/her answer to the class.)
paragraph on ONLY ONE of the topics below:

1. My Means of Mitigating the Effects of

2. My Ways to Show Honesty

Casual Style Group:

(One student from the casual style group will be
Compose a SHORT DIALOGUE on ONLY ONE of called to share his/her answer to the class.)
the following situations:

1. Student leaders discussing about children’s

rights and responsibilities
2. Student leaders planning for free tutorials
among their fellow schoolmates who find difficulty
understanding a certain subject (e.g. math, science,
English, or research)

Consultative Style Group: (One student from the consultative style group
Compose a SHORT SCRIPT on ONLY ONE of the will be called to share his/her answer to the
following situations: class.)

1. The tour guide accompanying the foreign

tourists to a famous tourist spot in Palawan.
2. The doctor confirming his patient has a
serious disease.

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Intimate Style Group:
Compose A SHORT LETTER for ONLY one of (One student from the intimate style group will
these choices: be called to share his/her answer to the class.)
1. Parents
2. Siblings
3. Best Friend

I. Making generalizations abstractions

they have about the lesson
1. What are the five communicative styles The five communicative styles according to
according to Martin Joos? Martin Joos are frozen, formal, consultative,
casual, and intimate (speech) styles.
2. What is the importance of applying the
appropriate communicative styles in every
communicative situation?

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J. Evaluating learning

1. In which of the following situations would the

casual communicative style be used?
*correct answers:
a. during a business meeting 1. b
b. while chatting with a classmate 2. c
c. while conversing with husband or wife 3. b
d. while speaking with a person in authority 4. d
5. a
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic
of the intimate communicative style?

a. It is used in informal situations.

b. It is used in private conversations
c. Participants use titles to address the person
spoken to.
d. The participants need to have a very close

3. How do listeners participate in the

consultative communicative style?

a. by giving feedback
b. by asking a lot of questions
c. by leading the conversation
d. by taking charge of the situation

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4. In which of the following situations will a
speaker use the formal speech style?

a. When consulting with a doctor

b. When speaking with a close friend
c. When speaking with a chance acquaintance
d. When delivering a speech during a
graduation ceremony

5. Which of the following situations does NOT use

the frozen speech style?

a. Parties
b. Rituals
c. Church rites
d. Wedding ceremonies



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why

did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal

or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

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