Modal Verbs Exercises From Cambridge 1 A

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from the theatre, (‘will have acted’ is also possible) 4 Tam confident that I will have finished the report before the end of the week This book on Proust is really difficult. On Saturday 1 will hhave been reading it for a ‘month, and I'm still only half way. 6 Whether P've finished the report ‘or not, by 9 o'clock I will have been working for 12 hours ‘without a break and I'm going hhome. (will have worked? is also possible) 7 As delegates who arrived early will have been discovering, there have been some late changes to the conference programme. (‘will have discovered’ is also possible) 1.3 ‘ill have closed will be enjoying will be leaving will be arriving will have been will have been planning ‘won't be spending will be keeping will all be going UNIT 12 12:1 1 isto be staged (‘will be staged” is also possible) will stop is to merge/ is to be merged (‘will merge’ of ‘will be merged? are also possible) wil rise is to retire; is to be replaced ("will retire’ and Swill be replaced’ are also possible) will become are to receive (will receive’ is also possible) 8 are 1 be created (‘will be created is also possible) 9 will increase 12.2 are to have (see section B) is about to start (C) wins (B) enjoy (B) °m just about r0 go (C) recovers (B) is to keep (B) is to resin is about to resign (C) is to be improved (B) 2 3 UNIT 13 13.4 2 on the point of turning back (Cwas on the verge of quitting? would also be possible) on the verge of becoming due to announce set to rise ‘on the brink of signing 7 on the point of phoning, 8 bound to forget 9 due to undergo 10 om the verge of quitting AL set to. make 12. on the brink of going 13.2 propose! ‘m proposing to deal expect’ “re expecting to finish aim/ 'm aiming to study resolves to give up guarantee to find intend! ‘m intending to move 3.3. ‘will shan'd/ won't (‘won't is more natural) 3 will 4 shall will 5 won't UNIT 14 14.1 was going to do will be v ‘would have shown ¢ (‘was to be announced! is also possible) is about to start ¢ ‘was supposed; was about to ask 7 (am going to see” is also possible) is to be used 7 (‘were meeting’ is also possible) 12. would cause 1 1 Past or present tense forms are possible in 5, 9and 11. 142 1a 2b 3b 4b Sa 6b 7a 8a 9a 10a UNIT 15 15.1 ‘an (A: before passive) ‘were able to (B: single past achievement) could’ were able 10 (A) Could you (B: with ‘understand’; ‘could’ is more natural) ‘can't (A: ‘know how to’) ‘ean (A: happening as speaking) were able t0 (B: single past achievement) 8 could hardly (B: with ‘hardly; ‘could’ is more natural) 9 could (B: with ‘smell’; ‘could’ is more natural) 10 Can you Are you able to (A) 11 can (As before passive) 12. was able to (B: single past achievement) 13 couldn't (B: negative sentences ‘couldn't’ is more natural) 14 was able to (B: single past achievement) ae Key to Exercises 5.2 couldn't couldn't weren't allowed to can't were allowed to ‘wasn't allowed to/ couldn't ‘was allowed 10 could could can't vwas allowed to UNIT 16 16.1 ‘will come invited ‘wouldn't eat would keep will remember or would remember would help decided 6.2 would X used to ¥ (changed past state) would 7 (‘used to" is also possible) 3 would X used to ¥ (changed past state) 4 used to ¥ (would? is not possible) (changed past state) 5 used to ¥ (‘would is also possible) 6 would meet X met ¥ (number of times specified) 16.3 will have recorded would have said would have hurt will have heard would have preferred will/ would have noticed would have bought NQGRORE 16.4 Example answers ‘I think I'm putting on weight.” ‘Well, if you will drive everywhere instead of walking, I'm not surprised.” ‘T've got a headache.’ Well, if you will spend so long in front of the television, Pm not surprised.’ “T'm really hot.’ ‘Well, if you sill wear a heavy sweater when it's 30 degrees, it's not surprising.” UNIT 17 WA 1 might (more likely than 'may’) 2 3 - (possible answer Might you... would be rather formal) 4 might (more likely than ‘may’) 255 Key to Exercises 256 5 Could (possible answer; Might ‘would be rather formal) 6 may 172 ‘may/ might have hurt ‘may/ might have told ‘may/ might be waiting ‘might be sent (‘might have been sent’ is also possible) ‘may/ might have been running ‘may might be closing (‘may/ might close’ is also possible) ‘might have taken ‘mig be dismissed (‘might have been dismissed” is also possible) 9 may/ might have finished (‘may/ might finish’ is also possible) 410 might have caused 17.3 Possible answers 1.1 atleast he's in tune. its never broken down. she has a very wide ‘vocabulary, 5 You may/ might not agree with him, . 6 Kemay/ might not sound very exciting, 7 She may/ might not express hee feelings openly,» UNIT 18, 18.1 1 must have found 2 must be 3 must be starting (‘must be going to start” and ‘must start’ are also possible) 4 most have had to work (‘must hhave worked’ is also possible) 5 must be using 6 must be having 7 must have changed 8 must have to show 9 mnst be taking (must have taken’ is also possible) 10 must be 18.2 2 Suzanne rarely has to be asked to tidy her room. 3. Have we got to hand in the homework tomorrow? (‘Do we have to...” is also possible) 4 [didn’t have to go t0 the hospital after all 5. Did Ben have to go alone? 6 Don sometimes has to start work at 6.30. (‘Don has sometimes got to start work... is also possible) 7 The college has to be extended to accommodate the growing number of students. Chas got to be extended” is also possible, but less likely in a formal context) 8 We may/ might have to cance! our holiday because my mother isi 18.3 iv 2. always-have-got-to-pull: always have to pull 3 Have you-to-bang. Do you have to bang (‘Must you bang...” is also possible but less likely) ¢ must-have to-squeeze- most hhave had to squeeze or must have squeezed 6 must-leave. must have left Tw 8 smusta’e wait. didn’t have to wait 9 smust-be disturbed must have been disturbed 10 Pveto-get I've got to get or] hhave to get uv 12. may-museget- may have to get 13 Pyeso-go- I must go or I have to go oF I've got to go 14 must get must be getting v 16 haveto-get must get (more likey) ‘The three common expressions with ‘must’ are “I must say...’ ‘1 must admit.” both used to ‘emphasise the following point), and “needs must” (meaning if something necessary I will do it, even though I may not want to). UNIT 19. 19.1 1. T'llgive you a lift to the station 0 you needn't worry/ bother about booking a tax 2. The questions are in the book +0 you needn't bother to copy them down. 3. All the windows have screens so you needn't panic! worry about being birten by mosquitoes. 4 Your son is being looked after by friends so you needa’t concern yourself with his safety. 5 The new tax laws don’t come into force until ext year 80 you redo’ change the details on 19.2 2 We need only (or We only need...) look at the population projections to see the seriousness ‘of the problem. (less formally ‘We only need to look at.) 3. With such a lead in the opinion polls che Democrats need hardly bother (or «the Democrats hardly need bother.) ‘campaigning before the election. (less formally ...he Democrats hardly need to bother campaigning...) 4 No-one need know who paid the ransom to the kidnappers. (less formally No-one needs to know who paid...) 5 After such a huge lottery win, he need never work again. (less formally ... he never needs to work again.) 19.3 1 don’t need 10 2 needn'd/ don't need to 3 needn’®/ don't need to 4 don't need to 5 needn't don't need to 6 1 1 2 don't need to You needn't worry.. Do we need to make... is more likely needn't be a problem... 7 need hardly tell youn» oF less formally Uharaly need (to) tll you... 6 some people would prefer ‘needn't’ in this context (see C) 77 8 needn't mean... UNIT 20 20.1 1 should/ ought ro win (should! ‘ought to have won is also possible) 2 should I put (more likely than «ought E10 put. shoold I have put és also possible) 3. should/ ought to have arrived {should ought to arrive is also possible) 4. should be sent (more likely than ‘ought to be sent) 5. should! ought to visit 6 should/ oughe to have taken (should! ought to take is also possible) 7 should be removed (more likely than ought to be removed) 8 should ought to wear 9 should/ ought to have resigned (0. Should we answer (more likely ‘than Ought we to answer Should we have answered is also possible) 11. should go (ought to is not possible) 12. should/ ought to be (should/ ‘ought to have been is also possible) 20.2 1 should or must; ‘must’ gives a stronger recommendation must should or must; ‘must’ gives stronger advice and is perhaps more likely than ‘should’ in this context 5. should or must; ‘must’ gives a stronger recommendation 6 must (2, 3 and 6 include logical conclusions, $0 we use ‘must’ not ‘should’)

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