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Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175

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Analysis of influence of conveyor belt overhang and cranking

on pipe conveyor operational characteristics
Vieroslav Molnár a,⇑, Gabriel Fedorko a, Miriam Andrejiová b, Anna Grinčová c,
Marianna Tomašková b
Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conveyor belt, which is installed in a pipe conveyor, is subjected to various processes dur-
Received 27 June 2014 ing its current operation, whereas these processes are causing a wear-out of the conveyor
Received in revised form 25 November 2014 belt. The wearing process of the conveyor belt is induced predominately by influence of the
Accepted 4 December 2014
transported material as well as due to improper operational conditions that are often
Available online 15 December 2014
caused as a result of an incorrect design of the idler housings. One of the possible conse-
quences of the idler housing incorrect design is an irregular guiding of the pipe shaped belt.
The incorrect guiding of the pipe shaped belt is manifested usually by an overhang and
cranking of the conveyor belt. There are presented in this paper the experimentally
Contact force obtained results based on a simulation of the cranking and overhang of the conveyor belt.
Rubber–textile conveyor belt The negative phenomena of the conveyor belt cranking and overhang were induced by
Idler roll means of an intentionally incorrect setting-up of the idler roller positions, in order to ana-
Regression models lyse their influence on the operational characteristics of the pipe conveyor. The experimen-
tally investigated influence was verified by means of the developed regression models
specified for description of a dependence among the normal contact forces and the tension
force, as well as by the regression models, which are describing interrelations among the
normal contact forces in two neighbouring idler rollers.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for bulk material transport. If the transported goods have

to be protected against the environmental influences or if
Environmental aspects of bulk material transport are the environment has to be protected against dust origi-
relevant presently with regard to a protection of the sur- nated from the goods being transported, the closed pipe
roundings against pollution. A close interconnection conveyor is just the suitable transport system or the sys-
between the bulk material transport and the living envi- tem of a first choice. The pipe conveyor is an enclosed
ronment is evident. The producers and users of the belt and curve shaped transportation system, which is specified
conveyor transport systems are looking for new solutions for all kinds of bulk materials. This conveyor system is
in the given engineering area, in order to eliminate possi- identical with a ‘‘classic’’ open trough conveyors in its
ble negative environmental impacts of the existing or loading and discharging point. A significant difference
newly projected conveying systems, which are specified occurs behind the loading point, where the belt is formed
into its typical pipe shape by means of a special idler roll
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 556023143; fax: +421 556028023. arrangement over a certain distance and, finally, the pipe
E-mail address: (V. Molnár). shaped conveyor belt is guided through the hexagonal idler
0263-2241/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175 169

housings. The pipe conveyors permit especially tight curve proposed the test methods and field measurements for
radii and steep angles of inclination. This low-cost and the energy-optimized conveyor belts. Reicks et al. [13]
low-maintenance transport equipment also offers a possi- compared the calculate and measure indentation losses
bility to transport two different materials in the upper and in rubber belt covers. Gallagher [14] researched low rolling
lower strand separately. resistance for conveyor belts.
In addition, the correct conveyor belt alignment is Many authors are applying the Finite Element Method
important in order to prevent that the transported product for modeling and simulation of the conveyor belt static
is being spilled from the pipe conveyor along its length due behaviour in the pipe conveyor idler housing [15,16]. Mar-
to the overlap incorrect position. asová et al. [17] dealt with a model developed especially
An incorrect position of the pipe shaped conveyor belt for determination of the contact load values, which are
in the hexagonal idler housings with the idler rolls is one induced by an interaction of the pair: pipe conveyor belt
of the most frequent problems, which has to be solved just – idler rolls. Pang and Lodewijks [18] simulated stresses
after installation of the conveyor belt itself into the pipe on the six idler rolls and deformation of the belt caused
conveyor supporting structure during a testing operation. by a tension force, which is acting on both ends of the belt.
There are several approaches how to set-up a correct posi- Qin et al. [19] presented a complete system of simulation
tion of the pipe shaped conveyor belt and how to control it. and calculation, which is specified for a steady state
Taking into consideration the above-mentioned facts it is visco-elastic stress analysis. Bocko et al. [20] researched a
very important to analyse all the external and internal complex material and performed experimental testing of
impacts that are influencing the conveyor belt. the conveyor belts, together with numerical analysis.
Lodewijks et al. [1] discussed a nature of pipe rotation. It is necessary to describe exactly the resistance forces,
They also discussed possibilities for a correction of the pipe especially the rolling resistance, in order to obtain the
rotation and limitations for a control of pipe orientation. accurate results from a computer simulation of the con-
Maton [2] presented a theoretical approach how to analyse veyor belt dynamic behaviour. You-fu and Fan-sheng [21]
the existing pipe conveyor. He also reviewed possible developed a new two-dimensional semi-analytical method
advantages and disadvantages concerning installation of based on the Maxwell’s model in order to perform the sim-
a pipe conveyor with elliptical shaped tube, as well as he ulation process rigorously and efficiently and to solve the
emphasized an importance of understanding how the con- rolling resistance of conveyor belts. Zamiralova and Lode-
veyor belt specification and construction are influencing wijks [22] presented a detailed approach to calculation of
the operational characteristics of the piper conveyor, such the rolling resistance forces of the pipe conveyors, too.
as twisting. An adequate attention is also paid to a determination of
The new approaches to measuring and analysing of the the normal contact forces and concentrated loading forces
acoustic emission from a belt, at different conditions inside on each idler roll in the idler housing. The loading forces
an enclosure, investigated Fazenda et al. [3]. This method depend on the mass of the transported material, pipe-
allows an extraction of the useful diagnostic information filling ratio as well as on the mass and stiffness of the belt.
concerning operational conditions of the belt and indicates Wennekamp et al. [23] created of various DIN standards.
the future research areas. Li et al. [4] proposed and verified Which will include the test methods and the use of test
a system, which is able to locate a position of the faulty results for the calculation of the belt width related inden-
idlers with a limited number of sensors what is important tation rolling resistance of belt conveyors. The main reason
for current operation of the belt conveyors. He and Li [5] for performing of the research activities just in this area is a
are oriented into the area of a non-linear modeling, simu- fact that in spite of the several tens installed pipe convey-
lation and vibration analysis of a large scale conveyor sys- ors worldwide, the knowledge base, which could be able to
tem. Kozhushko and Kopnov [6] studied the fatigue describe the contact force relations in the pipe conveyor
behaviour of a fabric conveyor belt subjected to a shear belt, is still insufficient.
The conveyor belt simulation is a very difficult task. Hu
and Guo [7] suggested a new method for belt conveyor 2. Materials and methods
dynamic design, i.e. the virtual prototyping technology.
The results confirm the correctness of a simplified virtual The pipe conveyor, in comparison to the ‘‘classic’’ trou-
prototyping and the feasibility of a heavy-duty belt con- ghed belt conveyor, is able to transport material not only in
veyor virtual prototyping. horizontal curves, but also in vertical curves thanks to its
Determination of the total energy loss of the rubber special tubular construction. This attribute of the pipe con-
conveyer belts is a very difficult problem, especially in veyors is one of decisive factors with regard to their appli-
the case of pipe conveyors, [8]. Kinoshita et al. [9] proposed cation on the real operational conditions.
a method, which is applicable for estimation of the total During a projection of the pipe conveyor trajectory it is
energy loss of the rubber conveyer belts on the idler rolls. necessary to pay a special attention to a proposal of the
Maton [10] discussed and presented a method for estimat- horizontal and vertical curves of the pipe shaped conveyor
ing of friction between the belt and idlers, as well as for belt. The curvature of horizontal and vertical pipe conveyor
determination of the power consumption. Liu and Wang bends has to be designed without any sudden changes of
[11] proposed a method, which presents a fact that this direction, i.e. without a conveyor belt cranking. A curvature
method offers a reasonable evaluation concerning quality trajectory of the piped belt should be continuous and
of the belt conveyor. Adolfo et al. [12] developed and gradual.
170 V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175

If the curves of the pipe shaped belt are dimensioned

incorrectly, appears a negative phenomenon of the con-
veyor belt cranking. Such unfavourable situation causes
other negative consequences or unfavourable factors, too.
The primary negative consequence of the cranking
occurrence is an excessive loading of the pipe conveyor
belt. This fact causes consequently an excessive wear out
of the conveyor belt, together with creation of small cracks
on the upper and bottom cover of the conveyor belt. This
process is able to destruct the belt totally on the chance
of extreme situations.
The second negative phenomenon of the conveyor belt Fig. 1. Principle of the experiment performed on 8 m long section of the
conveyor belt.
cranking is increasing of the belt conveyor motional resis-
tance, which is arising on several guiding idler rolls. This
fact also induces the increased power-output requirements Table 1
concerning the pipe conveyor driving unit, together with a Parameters of the rubber–textile conveyor belt and the measuring
higher energy consumption. Afterwards, there is a real pos- conditions.
sibility of the driving unit overloading or destruction and a Rubber–textile conveyor belt EP500/3 HP 5 + 3 D
possibility of problems during the conveyor start-up pro- Diameter of pipe shaped belt 220 mm
cess, as well. Width of the belt 800 mm
The tertiary negative consequence of the pipe conveyor Length of the belt sample 8000 mm
belt cranking is an increased loading of the guiding idler Time of the belt relaxation 120 s
Distance between idler housings 1000 mm
rollers, bearings and a more intensive bending loading of
Ambient temperature 21 °C
the idler roller holders. Transported material Without material
Taking into consideration the above-mentioned facts it
is evident that the conveyor belt cranking is a very nega-
tive phenomenon, which causes a wide range of various The conveyor belt cranking can arise in the upper or
undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to bottom strand of the conveyor belt, in the range of pipe
analyse and to investigate this occurrence. shape closing or opening, in the area of conveyor belt

Fig. 2. Positions of the normal contact forces on the idler rolls in the hexagonal idler housings No. 1, No. 2.
V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175 171

curvature or there is also a possibility of the conveyor belt 3. Theory/calculation

overhang through idler roller in the bottom strand of the
pipe conveyor. 3.1. Regression models
An experimental measuring and investigation of the
given problem is very difficult or it is almost an impossible A relation between the explained variable y (i.e. the
task on the real operational conditions. There are dispos- normal contact force) and the explaining independent var-
able only visual inspection methods and indirect methods iable x (i.e. the tension force) can be described in general
based on measuring of electric energy consumption of the by means of a simple regression model in a polynomial
conveyor driving unit. form
However, more favourable situation is on the laboratory
conditions. In our case, the cranking and overhang phe- y ¼ b0 þ b1 x þ b2 x2 þ . . . þ bk xk þ e; ð1Þ
nomenon of the conveyor belt, which occurs in the phase where b0 is the so-called intercept, the coefficients bj for
of pipe shape forming, was simulated using a testing j = 1, 2, . . ., k are parameters of the regression model, e is
equipment installed at the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Pro- a random component of the regression model and k is a
cess Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of polynomial degree.
Kosice, in Slovakia. The applied experimental testing The point estimation of the regression model is a
equipment was designed and used in the framework of a regression function, which is written in the form
long-time research of the pipe conveyors, which is per-
formed at our workplace. The main purpose of our investi- Y ¼ b 0 þ b 1 x þ b 2 x2 þ . . . þ b k xk ; ð2Þ
gation was to identify an influence of the cranking and
where Y is a theoretical value of the dependent variable, b0
overhang of the pipe shaped conveyor belt on the value
is an estimation of the constant, b0 and bj is a point estima-
and behaviour of the normal contact forces measured on
tion of the regression parameter, bj for j = 1, 2, . . ., k.
the individual idler rolls. There were applied the mathe-
The maximum polynomial degree, considered in our
matical regression methods for evaluation of the measured
case, is k = 2. Thus, the regression model form is
y ¼ b0 þ b1 x þ b2 x2 þ e ð3Þ
2.1. Conveyor belt and measuring method
and the point estimation of the regression model is
Measuring of the normal contact forces was performed Y ¼ b 0 þ b 1 x þ b 2 x2 ð4Þ
in order to identify the individual forces that are induced
due to acting of the conveyor belt on the individual idler The coefficients of parameters are estimated by means of
rolls situated in two idler housings, namely in the area of the least square method.
pipe formation and for the piped belt, according to Fig. 1.
The important parameters of the investigated rubber–tex- 3.2. Method for evaluated data selection
tile conveyor belt, as well as the measuring conditions, are
summarized in Table 1. The individual positions of the nor- The first step, which has to be accomplished for a statis-
mal contact forces on the idler rolls in the hexagonal idler tical data processing, is a categorisation and selection of
housings No. 1 and No. 2 are in Fig. 2. the collected data, because the data obtained immediately
The measured data were recorded continuously by after the recording process represent usually a large
means of the Labview software using the sampling fre- amount of the various values without any periodicity and
quency 0.01 kHz. The measuring process was performed regularity. Therefore, the measured data processing is a
according to the time behaviour, which is presented in necessary step, in order to obtain a clear, well-arranged
Fig. 3. form.
The method, which was applied for selection of the
measured data, with respect to their next processing, is
illustrated in Fig. 3. There was found the point (1) among
the measured data, which represents the required tension
force. The first 10 s of the data recording were left out due
to an initial stabilisation, (2). Thus, for the consequential
data processing it was selected the following 60 s time
interval from the whole time record, (3).

4. Results

The measured data were recorded during the whole

measuring process, (Fig. 4). Tensioning of the conveyor belt
sample was realised by means of a gradual increasing of
the tension force with the constant increment 6000 N.
The conveyor belt sample was relaxed during the time
interval approx. 120 s after each increasing of the tension
Fig. 3. Data selection method. force. The measuring process started with the initial
172 V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175

Table 3
Regression models – idler housing No. 1.

Normal Regression model Adjusted R-

contact force squared
ID1 Y = 3.0072 + 0.0237x2.44E07x2 0.9995
ID2 Y = 5.8710 + 0.0082x 0.9930
ID3 Y = 19.796 + 0.0256x2.80E07x2 0.9992
ID5 Y = 8.4309 + 0.0625x1.46E06x2 0.9754
ID6 Y = 101.338 + 0.0484x9.19E07x2 0.9869

position IDX (X = 1, 2, ... 6) of the idler housing No. 1 and

the selected tension force. These point estimations are
summarized in Table 3. In order to verify the statistical sig-
nificance of the model, the F – test of statistical significance
Fig. 4. Time behaviour of the tension force. was applied. The resulting p-value is less than the consid-
tension force value 4000 N and the final reached tension ered significance level in all models. It can be supposed
force was 28,000 N. The real time behaviour of the tension from this reason that the proposed regression models are
force, during the whole performed experiment, is illus- statistically significant.
trated in Fig. 4. The important numerical characteristics A statistical significance of the individual parameters in
of the obtained tension forces are in Table 2. the regression models was verified using the test of statis-
A cranking of the conveyor belt was simulated by tical significance for the regression parameter. All parame-
means of a total overhang on the idler roll ID5 and by a ters of the proposed regression models are statistically
partial cranking on the idler roll ID4. significant.
There were investigated three basic dependences based A quadratic dependence was not confirmed for the nor-
on the values obtained during the experiment. mal contact force position on the idler roll ID2. In the case
The regression model I represents dependence among of the normal contact force position on the idler roll ID2, an
the values of normal contact forces on the idler rolls ID1– overlapping of the conveyor belt occurred during its shap-
ID6 of the idler housing No. 1 and the values of considered ing into the pipe form. A suitable model could not be found
tension forces. for the normal contact force position on the idler roll ID4,
The regression model II represents dependence among because the idler roll position ID4 is the point of simulated
the values of normal contact forces on the idler rolls partial cranking of the conveyor belt, where the resistance
ID7–ID12 of the idler housing No. 2 and the values of con- forces are overcome during a gradual increasing of the ten-
sidered tension forces. sion force (overhang of the conveyor belt through the
The regression model III represents dependences neighbouring idler roll ID5 and cranking on the idler roll
among the values of measured normal contact forces on ID4, according to Fig. 5) and, consequently, the measured
the idler rolls of idler housing No. 2 and the values of nor- normal contact forces are changed discontinuously or sud-
mal contact forces on the idler rolls of idler housing No. 1, denly (Figs. 6 and 7). It is not possible to find a suitable
concerning the corresponding pairs of idler rolls. The corre- model for description of the above-mentioned situation
sponding pairs of the normal contact forces on the idler by means of the least square method.
rolls of idler housing No.2 and idler housing No. 1 were
selected in a direction of the tension force according to 4.1.2. Regression model II
Fig. 2, namely they are these pairs of the idler rolls: ID7– The point estimations of the regression models, which
ID1, ID8–ID2, ID9–ID3, ID10–ID4, ID11–ID5 and ID12–ID6. describe dependence between the normal contact forces
at the position IDX (X = 7, 8, ... 12) on the idler housing
No. 2 and the selected tension force, are presented in
4.1. Regression models I and II Table 4. Analogically with the normal contact force posi-
tion on the idler roll ID2, a quadratic dependence was also
4.1.1. Regression model I unconfirmed between the output normal contact force and
The point estimations of the regression models describe the input tension force on the idler roll position ID8 for the
dependence between the normal contact force at the normal contact force. The reason was the same as it was on

Table 2
Numerical characteristics of the tension force (relaxation time 60 s).

Tension force [N] TF1 TF2 TF3 TF4 TF5

Average 3829.31 9508.12 15718.48 21118.21 27599.25
S.D. 59.65 99.57 139.98 145.34 174.67
Maximum 3991.66 9761.39 16067.95 21481.35 28037.43
Minimum 3707.86 9322.74 15499.84 20883.43 27320.11
Range 283.80 438.64 568.11 597.93 717.32
V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175 173

Fig. 5. Simulated conveyor belt cranking and overhang.

the idler roll position ID2, i.e. the conveyor belt overlap-
ping during its shaping into the piped form on the idler roll
position ID8.

4.2. Comparison of mutually related normal contact forces

and regression model III

The normal contact forces on the idler housing No. 2 are

changed markedly in comparison with the idler housing
No. 2. This fact is evident from analysis of the measured
normal contact forces on the individual idler rolls in the
whole range of the considered tension forces. The average
values of the normal contact forces on all idler rolls,
obtained during the relaxation time interval 60 s, are in
Table 5. Fig. 8 illustrates a time behaviour of the normal
contact forces for a pair of the normal contact force posi-
tions on the idler rolls ID9–ID3.
Fig. 6. Time behaviour of the normal contact force on the idler housing The normal contact force value on the idler rolls of the
No. 1 – tension force TF3. idler housing No. 2 decreased almost in all cases (Table 5).
Only for the normal contact force positions on the idler
rolls ID10–ID4, at three tension forces (TF1, TF4 a TF5),
the normal contact force value increased (Fig. 9). This phe-
nomenon occurred just in such place where an overhang of
the conveyor belt was simulated (it is a position of the nor-
mal contact force on the idler roll ID4). Table 6 summa-
rized finally a decrease or increase of the measured
values for the normal contact forces on the idler housing
No. 2. The sign () represents a decrease and the sign (+)
means an increase of the normal contact force, which is
measured on the ID position of the idler housing No. 2,

Table 4
Regression models – idler housing No. 2.

Normal Regression model Adjusted R-

contact force squared
ID7 Y = 5.3840 + 0.0063x7.22E08x2 0.9983
ID8 Y = 15.3520 + 0.0020x 0.9960
ID9 Y = 36.9533 + 0.0111x1.76E07x2 0.9987
ID10 Y = 56.4993 + 0.0152x2.34E07x2 0.9997
ID11 Y = 53.3848 + 0.0101x9.44E08x2 0.9993
Fig. 7. Time behaviour of the normal contact force on the idler housing ID12 Y = 9.4372 + 0.0171x2.94E07x2 0.9971
No. 1 – tension force TF3 (Detailed).
174 V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175

Table 5
Resulting average values of the normal contact force [N] for the individual tension forces.

TF ID7 ID 1 ID 8 ID 2 ID 9 ID 3 ID 10 ID 4 ID 11 ID 5 ID 12 ID 6
TF1 17.09 91.72 22.38 33.48 2.04 112.38 111.17 75.93 91.32 208.99 49.69 284.11
TF2 50.03 204.38 33.57 83.25 54.71 241.38 180.38 239.37 139.85 446.27 131.02 454.90
TF3 75.09 315.12 47.01 139.52 93.68 348.27 238.06 303.54 191.34 641.28 183.77 639.01
TF4 96.03 398.97 57.93 185.52 117.73 437.04 273.29 256.49 224.62 632.62 219.35 728.11
TF5 114.61 471.16 68.16 225.02 136.07 512.17 298.73 254.41 261.60 613.65 239.09 728.10

Only for the normal contact force positions on the idler rolls ID10–ID4, at three tension forces (TF1, TF4 a TF5), the normal contact force value increased.
This phenomenon occurred just in such place where an overhang of the conveyor belt was simulated (it is a position of the normal contact force on the idler
roll ID4).

compared to the corresponding position on the idler hous-

ing No. 1.

4.2.1. Regression model III

The regression models of dependence among the
related contact forces of the idler housing No. 2 and No.
1 are presented in Table 7. The statistical significance of
the individual parameters for the regression models, as
well as for the model itself, was verified using a testing
of the corresponding hypotheses.
There was detected a linear relation among the corre-
sponding contact forces, which is resulting from analysis
of their mutual interrelations. The low-level values of the
coefficient Adjusted R-squared, in the case of ID10–ID4
and ID11–ID5, are evidently caused due to a simulation
of the conveyor belt cranking and overhang (Fig. 5).

Fig. 8. Time behaviour of the normal contact forces for a pair of the
normal contact force positions on the idler rolls ID9–ID3. 5. Discussion

The measuring process monitored an influence of the

simulated cranking and overhang of the conveyor belt
sample with regard to the values and time behaviour of
the normal contact forces on the individual idler rolls for
both idler housings. The obtained results confirm an
important fact that the phenomenon of cranking and over-
hang of the conveyor belt, which is caused due to an
improperly installed hexagonal idler housing, is relevant
in respect to the contact force values, namely on such idler
roll, where the conveyor belt cranking or overhang is local-
ised. It is possible to postulate a hypothesis that the con-
veyor belt cranking and overhang, which is occurring
during the pipe conveyor operation, is a harmful opera-
tional status and it causes also other negative conse-
quences. The most important negative consequences of
the conveyor belt cranking or overhang are increasing of
the motional resistances and overloading of the conveyor
Fig. 9. Time behaviour of the normal contact forces for the pair ID10–ID4. driving station, with a possibility of its total malfunction.

Table 6
Summarizing of an average decrease ()/increase (+) of the corresponding normal contact forces.

Pairs of contact forces TF1 (%) TF2 (%) TF3 (%) TF4 (%) TF5 (%)
ID7–ID1 81.36 75.52 76.17 75.93 75.68
ID8–ID2 33.08 59.67 66.31 68.77 69.71
ID9–ID3 98.18 77.38 73.10 73.06 73.43
ID10–ID4 +46.52 24.64 21.13 +6.55 +17.42
ID11–ID5 56.30 68.66 70.16 64.47 57.37
ID12–ID6 82.50 71.19 71.24 69.87 67.16

Three tension forces (TF1, TF4 a TF5) where the normal contact force value are increased for the normal contact force positions on the idler rolls ID10–ID4.
V. Molnár et al. / Measurement 63 (2015) 168–175 175

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Acknowledgements [23] T. Wennekamp, S. Hotte, S. Von Daacke, L. Schulz, L. Overmeyer, The
way to DIN 22123 – indentation rolling resistance of conveyor belts,
This work is a part of these projects VEGA 1/0922/12, Bulk Solids Handl. 32 (2012).
VEGA 1/0085/12, VEGA 1/0258/14, FR-TI4/310, SK-CZ-

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