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Renaissance and Reformation

Protestant Reformation
Giovanni Boccaccio
Francesco Petrarch
Leonardo da Vinci
Jan van Eyck
Printing Press
John Knox
Martin Luther
Edict of Worms
95 Theses
John Calvin
Niccolo Machiavelli

French Revolution / Miracle on Ice Reign of Terror

How many were executed in 10 months?
The Directory
Old Order
King Louis XVI
First, Second, Third Estate
Why was February 22, 1980 USA Hockey win over Russia so important to
the American people?
French Revolution/Napoleon
Explain the 1799 coup d’état
What were the #'s in the Russian campaign of 1812? How many began?
Died? Taken prisoner? Wounded or deserted? Survived?
Battle of Nations
Where was Napoleon exiled to the 1st and 2nd time?
Hundred Days
Battle of Waterloo
How old was Napoleon when he died?
How did the French Revolution change Europe? (3 reasons)

Ireland/The Troubles
Anglo-Irish Agreement ,1985
Bloody Sunday 1972
Bobby Sands
Eamon de Valera
Easter Rising 1916
Gerry Adams
Good Friday Agreement
Harry Boland
Hunger Strikes 1980’s
Internment without trial
Irish Civil War 1922
Irish Free State Treaty
Michael Collins
Northern Ireland (Ulster)
Republic of Ireland
The Troubles
The Industrial Age
Ben Franklin
Michael Faraday
Name some inventions, besides the lightbulb, during the late 1800’s.
Thomas Edison
Bessemer Process
Henry Ford
The Wright Brothers
Samuel Morse
Alexander Graham Bell
What was the city and state of the first Industrial City?
Smog episode 1873
How many immigrated to America between 1870-1900? From where?
What percentage of New Yorkers were foreign born in 1890?
Electricity made way for what new products?
What city built the first multi-story skyscraper in 1883?
What sports developed?
Name the three causes for an increase in leisure (free time) activities.

WWII Pacific
Date and year for the attack on Pearl Harbor and why it happened.
Name the Axis Powers.
What US President was in office when the attack happened?
Explain the Doolittle Raid.
What three countries, other than the US, made up the Axis Powers?
What state is Pearl Harbor located in?
What date did the US enter WWII?
Hideki Tojo
Did fighting in WWII for the US begin in Europe or the Pacific?
Battle of Midway / Guadalcanal / Iwo Jima / Okinawa
Hiroshima + Nagasaki – atomic bombs
Island hopping
Herbert Hoover

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