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1. What is a bezier curve?Bezier curves are parametric functions that

“cheat” insofar as they use more than one function to generate multiple values.
2. How can layers be used to keep your illustration organized?
Layers allow you to move, edit, hide, lock, and work with content on one layer
without affecting content on other layers.
3. Explain the process of organizing shapes as if they were
cardboard cutouts?You can move, resize, rotate, and align them to create
different designs. You can also combine or subtract shapes to create new ones
like cardboard cutouts.
4. What does it mean to close shapes in Illustrator?To close
shapes in Illustrator means to connect the first and the last anchor points of a
path, creating a closed loop.
5. What does 'arranging' the 'stacking order' mean?Arranging the
stacking order means changing the order of how objects are displayed on top of each
6. What is the difference between aligning to artboard/stage
and aligning to selected?Aligning to artboard/stage means that the objects
are aligned according to the boundaries of the artboard or stage, which is the area
where the design is displayed. Aligning to selected means that the objects are aligned
according to the edges or center of the selected object or objects.
7. What are the two types of gradients we have worked with in
class?radial and linear gradient
8. What is opacity?Opacity is the degree of transparency or translucency of an
object, text, or image in Adobe Illustrator.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Select, direct select, pan tool, add anchor point, delete anchor
point, convert anchor point, zoom in/out, save
Workflow Concepts:
Selecting and organizing shapes, naming and organizing layers,
arranging the stacking order, stroke vs. fill

Key tools/palettes:
Add anchor point, delete anchor point, convert anchor point,
direct select, shape builder, align, pathfinder,

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