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Name : Ahmad Zajuli

NIM : E2214401059

Class : 1C

Procedure Text
Procedure Text is a text that aims to inform, explain or help the readers about the steps to do
something. That’s why it is usually started with “How to”, “How to make …”, “How to operate …”
or “How to use …”.

This type of text might include formats such as:

● A recipe - how to cook something;

● Directions - how to get from one place to another;

● A how-to guide - for example, how to tie your shoelaces;

● Rules - for example, of a board game;

● Safety procedure - telling you how to stay safe, for example if there's a fire;

● Craft instructions - such as how to make a paper chain;

● Instruction manual - how to use a new toy.

Key points of Procedure Text:

1) ingredients
2) tools
3) time sequencer 🡪 it is used to say when or in what order things happen, for example first,
then, after that, next, finally.
4) commands/imperative words 🡪 word that give order or command (instruction to do
something), such as cook, sprinkle, cover, turn, open.

Example of identifying the time sequencer and commands word in a procedure text.
First, sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet. Then, combine the granulated
sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan. After that, cook over medium-high heat
until the hard-crack stage. Next, remove from heat. Then, add the peppermint oil or other
flavor and stir well. After that, pour onto the cookie sheet. Next, sprinkle with more powdered
sugar. Finally, cut with a knife as soon as cool enough to handle.
The yellow one indicated time sequencer. Meanwhile, the blue one is indicated the command

1. Find two examples of procedure text. Make sure the texts have different purpose. Copy and
paste the texts.
Answer :
1. How to Make Mango Juice
Ingredients :
● Some ice pack
● A ripe mango
● A spoon of sugar
● A half glass of water
Tool :
● Blender
● Knife
1) First, peel the mango and wash it cleanly
2) Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the blender
3) Put the sugar, the water, and some ice
4) Turn on the blender and wait about 15 seconds
5) Finally, Pour the mango juice into the glass and it is ready to drink
2. How to Make Handicraft Flower Pots
Ingredients :
● Plastic bottle
● Fertilizer and soil for planting
● Plants
Tools :
● Soldering iron
● Cutter
1) First, prepare used plastic bottles
2) After that, cut the bottle in half and take the bottom part
3) Then, make some holes at the bottom of the bottle so the water can come out
4) Put the soil and fertilizer inside the bottle
5) Plant the plant and water them

2. Why did you choose those two texts?

Answer :
first text about how to make mango juice. Mango juice is my favorite juice and how to
make it easy. the second text is about how to make flower pots. I chose the text because
it is interesting and the way it is made is not too complicated.
That is the reason why I chose the two texts.

3. Identify the key points of each procedure text by completing the table below.

Key points Procedure Text 1 Procedure Text 2

Ingredients Some ice pack, A ripe Plastic bottle, Fertilizer and

mango, A spoon of sugar, A soil for planting, Plants
half glass of water

Tools Blender, Knife Soldering iron, Cutter

Time sequencer First, Next, Finally First, After that, Then

Command words Peel : Kupas Prepare : Siapkan

(write down the
Wash : Cuci Cut : Potong
meaning of each
word, tuliskan arti Cut : Potong take : ambil

dari setiap katanya) Turn on : Nyalakan make : buat

Wait : tunggu Plant : tanam

Put : Masukan/meletakan Water : sirami/air

Pour : Tuangkan Put : Masukan/meletakan

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