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Name : Ahmad Zajuli

NIM : E2214401059
Class : 1C

Giving Opinion

Part 1: Read the conversations below. Then, complete the table by identifying the expression of
opinion found in the conversations, as well as answering the following item.

Conversation A, between Krisna and Attar:

Krisna : Why are you looking so sad?
Attar : I was reading an opinion article on bullying. It made me extremely sad.
Krisna : Ah, people like to exaggerate things, bullying is not a big deal.
Attar : No, I don’t think so. Bullying is prevalent in our society. It is important that
everyone should be made aware of this.
Krisna : I don’t agree with you. Little bit teasing here and there is acceptable.
Attar : I strongly believe that no one has any right to harass or make people feel
inferior. No one should have that kind of power.
Krisna : Hey stop. You are getting too serious.
Attar : Yes. You should be serious about it as well. I would like to point out that
bullying is everyone’s problem and responsibility. If you condone bullying in
any way, shape or form, it means you are taking part in it, whether it is directly
or indirectly by being silent.

Conversation B, between Kaira and Salsa:

Kaira: What do you think we should do about video games?
Salsa: In my opinion, video games offer a lot of benefits. They can relax a child’s
mind after a tiring day at school.
Kaira: Actually, I am not sure about that. According to the article I read, video games
make children lazy. Playing video games is addictive. Therefore, many children
prefer playing video games to studying.
Salsa: I don’t think that’s a very good argument, because video games can trigger
children to be more creative. The games provide a challenge that can sharpen
their brains.
Kaira: Sorry, I don’t see it that way. There is no easy solution to this dilemma.

Conversation A Conversation B
Asking Opinion Why are you looking so sad? What do you think we should do
about video games?
Agreeing with an opinion
I strongly believe that no one has In my opinion, video games offer
any right to harass or make a lot of benefits. They can relax a
people feel inferior. No one child’s mind after a tiring day at
should have that kind of power. school

Disagreeing with an
opinion I don’t agree with you. Little bit Actually, I am not sure about that.
teasing here and there is According to the article I read,
acceptable. video games make children lazy.
Playing video games is addictive.
Therefore, many children prefer
playing video games to studying

(What are they talking Bulliying Video Games
about in the
(Tell your position, do you I think I agree that bullying has
agree or disagree with
become commonplace in our I think, I agree that video games
the topic discussed in the
conversation. Do not society. It is important that make kids lazy. Playing video
forget to give a reason to
everyone should be made aware games is often addictive.
your opinion)
of this. If you condone bullying in Therefore, many children prefer
any way, shape or form, it means playing video games rather than
you are participating in it, either studying.
directly or indirectly by silence

Part 2: Complete the table below by answer the question. You can agree or disagree with the
opinion. Do not forget to use the right expression as well as add a reason to support your opinion.

Question Answer
1. What do you think about Korean Drama? In my opinion, Korean dramas are fun to
watch, with various genres and stories that can
captivate audiences of all ages. the cast is also
handsome and beautiful. I am also a person
who likes Korean dramas
2. Do you think Korean Drama is better than I think, Korean dramas are better than
Sinetron Indonesia? Indonesian soap operas. the story is better
than Indonesian soap operas, also the
audience can get carried away with their
3. What do you think about an infamous I do not agree with that statement. Women
statement that women should not work? are not required to work, but women may
work if they receive permission from their
guardian or husband (if married), and may
even help their husbands earn a living, as long
as they do not neglect their responsibilities as
housewives. women who help their husbands
work for a living, they are waging jihad.
4. Most people say that Internet gives only I don't agree with most people. In my opinion,
positive impacts for education. How do you besides the positive impact, of course there is
feel about it? also a negative impact on education. it is
important to recognize that the Internet has a
complex impact on education.
5. Some people say that living in a city is I don't believe it. Living in a city has a lot of air
better than living in a village. What is your pollution and is also noisy with vehicles.
opinion about it? However, in a more peaceful rural
environment, there are lots of trees which
make the air clean and cool and the water in
the countryside more refreshing.

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