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Simple Present Tense

Exercise 1:

1. She _____________ four languages.

a. speak
b. speaks

2. Jane is a teacher. She _______________ French.

a. teach
b. teaches

3. When the water _______________, will you make some tea?

a. boil
b. boils

4. I always _______________ the window at night because it is cold.

a. close
b. closes

5. Those shoes ________________ too much.

a. cost
b. costs

6. The food in Japan is expensive. It ______________ a lot to live there.

a. cost
b. costs

7. His job is great because he ________________ a lot of people.

a. meet
b. meets

8. He always _________________ his car on Sundays.

a. wash
b. washes

9. My watch is broken and it ________________ to be fixed again.

a. need
b. needs

10. I ________________ to watch movies.

a. love
b. loves

11. I _________________ to the cinema at least once a week.

a. go
b. goes

12. They never _______________ tea in the morning.

a. drink
b. drinks

13. We both __________________ to the radio in the morning.

a. listen
b. listens
14. He ______________________ a big wedding.
a. want
b. wants

15. George _____________________ too much, so he’s getting fat.

a. eat
b. eats

16. The earth ____________________ around the sun, doesn’t it?

a. go
b. goes

17. The shops in England ____________________ at 9:00 in the morning.

a. open
b. opens

18. The post office _______________ at 5:30 pm.

a. close
b. closes

19. Jackie __________________ two children now.

a. has
b. have

20- Mr. Smith _________________ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth.

a. smoke
b. smokes

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