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HTM103 – A2

Explain and give your answers to the following questions.

1. What is quality? How does one determine quality? (At least 100 words)

Quality is an important concept that includes the qualities, features, and traits of
a product, service, or process that meet or exceed stakeholder expectations. By
assessing excellence, reliability, and complete worth, it promotes consumer enjoyment,
trust, and organizational success. Quality is determined by characteristics such as
performance, dependability, durability, safety, customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness,
conformance with industry standards, and innovation. The process is dynamic and
prone to change as consumer expectations, technology, and industry standards evolve.
Quality is a contextual term that varies between businesses and consumer preferences,
making its assessment a complex and vital component of product and service creation
and evaluation.

2. What are goods and services? How are they related to service products?
Give an
example. (At least 150 words)

Goods and services are key components of an economy because they meet people's
needs and desires. Goods are physical, tangible objects that can be handled and seen.
They are frequently created, made, or harvested, and can be purchased, sold, or
exchanged. Clothing, gadgets, automobiles, appliances, and food are examples of
goods, whereas services are intangible offers supplied by individuals, organizations, or
enterprises to meet specific needs or accomplish specified activities. Services are acts,
activities, or processes that deliver value to customers. They can range from
professional services such as healthcare to digital services such as software
development and online education. Service products integrate the two, increasing the
value or utility of a physical product. When we study service items, the relationship
between goods and services becomes clear. For example, a smartphone is a tangible
good, but it comes with a bundle of services such as technical support, warranty, App
Store, and customer service. This integration of goods and services creates a holistic
customer experience, offering a more comprehensive solution that goes beyond the
physical product itself.

3. What is IHIP? What are its implications in the delivery of service products?
(At least 100 words)

The key qualities of services that influence their delivery are referred to as IHIP
(Intangible, Heterogeneous, Inseparable, and Perishable). Intangible services have no
physical form, making marketing difficult. For quality assessment, they rely on
reputation, recommendations, and previous experiences. Heterogeneous services vary
and are affected by human variables, necessitating quality control and meeting
consumer expectations. Customer involvement and staff impact are inseparable
components of inseparable services. Perishable services are non-storable, which
means they can't be saved for later use. Businesses must prioritize service quality,
personnel training, and capacity management measures in order to solve these
difficulties. Technology and digital technologies are frequently employed to improve
customer experience and reduce difficulties of inseparability and perishability.

4. What are the different dimensions of quality for service products? (At least

Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, credibility, ease,

customization/personalization, and cost-effectiveness are all factors in determining
service product quality. The capacity of the provider to deliver the promised service
precisely and consistently over time is referred to as reliability. The responsiveness of a
service provider refers to how quickly it responds to consumer needs and requests.
Customers' confidence and trust are instilled by skilled workers, security, privacy, and
assurances. Empathy refers to the provider's ability to comprehend and relate to the
emotions and requirements of the consumer. The actual or visible features linked with
the service are referred to as tangibles. Credibility is the perception of the service
provider's trustworthiness and honesty. Convenience measures how easily people can
access and use the service. Customization/personalization entails tailoring the service
to the needs of each unique customer. The cost-effectiveness of a service is determined
by balancing the expense of the service with the value it gives to customers.
Understanding and addressing these factors helps boost customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and market competitiveness.

5. Give one pioneer of total quality management and service management and
discuss his
contributions to the hospitality and tourism industry. (At least 150

Joseph M. Juran, a Total Quality Management (TQM) pioneer, has had a considerable
impact on the hotel and tourism industries. Systematic quality planning, continuous
improvement, customer focus, excellent education and training, and leadership and
commitment are among his beliefs. The "Juran Trilogy" (quality planning, control, and
improvement) developed by Juran has been used to improve service quality in hotels
and resorts. He also underlined the necessity of understanding and addressing the
demands of customers, which has resulted in the implementation of guest input into
operations. Juran's principles have inspired hospitality professional training programs
and have been embraced by hotel chains and tourism groups. In order to achieve
quality goals, his worldview emphasizes the necessity of leadership and devotion.
Joseph M. Juran's contributions to Total Quality Management have had a long-term
impact on the hotel and tourism industries. His principles have assisted service
providers in this industry in improving service quality, increasing customer satisfaction,
and remaining competitive in a global market where quality experiences are critical for

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