Comment Analyser1

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Comments analyser using


Vishu Gupta
Shikha yadav Project Id - 2020CSEAI042

Rohit Kumar yadav


Why Analyze comments
Traditional Comment Analysis
Sentiment analysis
Topic modelling
Named Entity Recognition
Text Classification
Visualization technologies

Welcome to the presentation on

Python-Based Comment
Analysis: Unveiling Insights with
Advanced Techniques. In this
presentation, we will explore how
advanced techniques in Python
can be used to analyze
comments and extract valuable
insights. Get ready to dive deep
into the world of comment
Why Analyze Comments?

Comments provide a wealth of

information and opinions.
Analyzing comments can help
businesses understand customer
sentiments, improve products,
and enhance user experiences. In
this slide, we will discuss the
importance of comment analysis
in gaining valuable insights.
Traditional comment analysis methods
Traditional Comment Analysis often involve manual reading and
categorization. This approach is time-
consuming and subjective. In this slide, we
will explore the limitations of traditional
methods and why advanced techniques
are needed.
Sentiment analysis is a powerful technique
Sentiment Analysis for understanding the emotions expressed
in comments. By leveraging Python
libraries such as NLTK and TextBlob, we can
perform sentiment analysis to uncover
positive, negative, and neutral sentiments
in comments.
Topic Modeling

Topic modeling helps identify the

main themes or topics in a
collection of comments. Python
libraries like gensim and LDA
enable us to extract meaningful
topics and understand the
underlying patterns in comment
Named Entity Recognition

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

allows us to identify and extract
important entities such as
names, organizations, and
locations mentioned in
comments. Python's spaCy
library provides powerful NER
capabilities for comment analysis.
Text classification is a technique that
categorizes comments into predefined Text Classification
classes or labels. With Python and libraries
like scikit-learn, we can build robust
comment classifiers to automate the
categorization process.
Visualization Techniques

Visualizing comment analysis

results can help in presenting
insights effectively. Python
libraries such as Matplotlib and
Seaborn offer a wide range of
visualization options to represent
comment sentiments, topics, and
Comment analysis has numerous real-world
applications. From social media sentiment Real-World Applications
analysis to customer feedback analysis,
Python-based comment analysis techniques
are widely used in various industries. Let's
explore some practical use cases in this slide.

In this presentation, we have

seen how advanced Python
techniques can be leveraged to
analyze comments and gain
valuable insights. By employing
sentiment analysis, topic
modeling, named entity
recognition, text classification,
and visualization techniques,
businesses can unlock the power
of comment analysis and make
data-driven decisions.

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