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The Factors that influence maritime student Decision to Pursue a career in Maritime

Study Background:
Research on the factors that influence maritime students' decisions to pursue a career in
Maritime Transportation is important for understanding the dynamics of the maritime industry
labor force and for informing educational institutions and industry stakeholders.
Maritime transportation has been a vital industry throughout history, responsible for the
movement of goods and people across the world's oceans and waterways. The sector
encompasses a wide range of careers, including ship officers, marine engineers, naval
architects, and maritime logistics professionals. Likewise, the maritime industry plays a crucial
role in global trade and commerce. It is responsible for the transportation of a significant portion
of the world's goods, making it essential for economic growth and development.
However, there are research gaps that needs to be addressed to analyze the factors and
how it affects the decision for careers prospects in maritime engineering. Investigating how a
student's family background, especially if they have family members already in the maritime
industry, influences their career choice. Understanding how family connections impact decision-
making can provide insights into recruitment strategies. While researching on the sources of
information that students rely on when considering maritime careers and if students are
adequately informed about the opportunities and challenges in the field, and how can
information dissemination be improved are considered to be an area of inquiry, Thus, the key
purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence maritime student decision to
pursue a career in maritime transportation.
Additionally, the researches wanted to conduct the study if it can provide valuable
insights into how educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and policymakers can better
support and encourage students to pursue careers in maritime transportation.
Objectives of the study:
Generally, this study aims to identify the perception of Maritime Students about the
future of Maritime Industry.
More specifically, this aims to do the following:
1. to determine the profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 age
1.2 sex
2. to determine which factors that influence maritime student Decision to Pursue a
career in Maritime Transportation in terms of :
2.1 Interest and passion;
2.2 Skills and Aptitude;
2.3 Family and Peer influence;
2.4 Educational Opportunities
1.5 Financial/ Prospective income considerations
3. to determine the level of the different factors that influence that influence maritime
student Decision to Pursue a career in Maritime Transportation when group according
to age and sex.

Statements of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to identify the perception of Maritime Students about the
future of Maritime Industry.
More specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 age
1.2 sex
2. Which factors that influence maritime student Decision to Pursue a career in Maritime
Transportation in terms of :
2.1 Interest and passion;
2.2 Skills and Aptitude;
2.3 Family and Peer influence;
2.4 Educational Opportunities
1.5 Financial/ Prospective income considerations
3.What is the level of the different factors that influence that influence maritime student
Decision to Pursue a career in Maritime Transportation when group according to age
and sex.
Significance of Calculation in Cargo During Leading the Unloading on Port

Study Background:
The maritime industry plays a pivotal role in global trade, with the majority of goods
being transported by sea. Efficient cargo handling at ports is crucial for ensuring the timely and
cost-effective movement of these goods. One critical aspect of cargo handling is the accurate
calculation of cargo quantities during the unloading process.
Historically, the maritime industry has relied on manual methods and conventional equipment for
cargo measurement and calculation during unloading. However, the increasing scale of global
trade and the need for precision, efficiency, and safety have necessitated the adoption of
modern technology and advanced measurement techniques in port operations.
The significance of accurate cargo calculation during the unloading process cannot be
overstated, and this study seeks to shed light on its multifaceted importance. However, Cargo
handling inefficiencies, including inaccuracies in cargo measurement, can result in delays,
disputes, and financial losses. Accurate cargo calculation is vital for facilitating smooth trade
operations, reducing financial disputes, and ultimately contributing to the economic growth of
nations. Incorrectly measured or improperly distributed cargo can pose serious safety hazards,
potentially leading to accidents, injuries, or even environmental disasters. Ensuring cargo is
correctly measured and loaded onto vessels is a fundamental aspect of maritime safety.
Moreover, many international regulations and conventions, such as the International
Maritime Organization's (IMO) Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, require accurate
cargo measurements to be provided before loading and unloading. Compliance with these
regulations is essential to avoid legal issues and penalties.
Despite the increasing importance of accurate cargo calculation, there is a noticeable
gap in research exploring the latest techniques, technologies, and best practices in this area.
This study aims to bridge this gap by providing insights into the significance of accurate cargo
calculation and the potential benefits of adopting innovative methods. While there has been
progress in implementing technology for cargo calculation, there is a need for research into the
integration of various technologies, such as IoT sensors, AI, and blockchain, to create a
seamless and automated cargo measurement and tracking system. Research can explore the
challenges and benefits of adopting such integrated systems in real-world port operations.
The researchers can help address the gaps through this research inquiry which can lead
to improved practices, increased efficiency, enhanced safety, and reduced environmental impact
in port operations. It can also contribute to the overall competitiveness and sustainability of the
maritime industry.

Objectives of the Study:

Generally, this study aims to identify the perception of Maritime Students about the
future of Maritime Industry.
More specifically, this aims to do the following:
1. to determine the profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex.
2. to determine the perceived significance of calculation in Cargo During Loading and
Unloading among marine transportation in terms of:
2.1 Trade and Economic Implications;
2.2. Industry Efficiency;
2.3. Supply Chain Management.
3. to determine the perceived significance of calculation in Cargo During Loading and
Unloading among marine transportation when group according to age and sex.

Statement of the Problem:

Generally, this study aims to identify the perception of Maritime Students about the
future of Maritime Industry.
More specifically, this will seek to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex.
2. What is the perceived significance of calculation in Cargo During Loading and
Unloading among marine transportation in terms of:
2.1 Trade and Economic Implications;
2.2. Industry Efficiency;
2.3. Supply Chain Management.
3. What is the perceived significance of calculation in Cargo During Loading and
Unloading among marine transportation when group according to age and sex.
Integrated Maritime Plotting System Enhancing Trim Stability and Stress for efficient
Vessel operation

Study Background:
The maritime industry plays a pivotal role in global trade and transportation. Ships of
various sizes and types are responsible for moving approximately 80% of the world's goods,
making it an essential component of the global economy. However, this industry faces
numerous challenges that demand innovative solutions. Two of the most pressing challenges
are trim stability and operational stress.
An IMPS is a comprehensive software and hardware solution used for vessel navigation
and management. It integrates various data sources, such as GPS, radar, weather information,
and cargo tracking systems, to provide real-time situational awareness for ship operators. IMPS
is a cornerstone of modern maritime operations, aiding in route planning, collision avoidance,
and efficient vessel management.
However, although IMPS aims to integrate various data sources, there is often a lack of
standardized data formats and protocols across different systems and vessels. Research is
needed to develop common data standards and ensure seamless data integration, which is
essential for effective trim stability and stress management. While research has focused on real-
time adjustments for trim stability, there is room for improvement in developing more
sophisticated algorithms and models that can adapt to changing environmental conditions,
vessel dynamics, and cargo loads in real-time.
Moreover, while there has been some progress in using predictive analytics to manage
operational stress, more research is needed to refine predictive models. This includes improving
the accuracy of weather forecasting, wave impact prediction, and stress assessment algorithms
to provide early warnings and actionable insights to vessel operators. While this are of inquiry is
critical to the maritime industry, the key purpose of this study is to analyzed the perceived
significance on the use of IMPS in enhancing trim stability and Stress for efficient vessel
Objectives of the Study:
Generally, this study aims to identify the perception of Maritime Students about the
future of Maritime Industry.
More specifically, this aims to do the following:
1. to determine the profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex.
2. to determine the perceived significance of Integrated Maritime plotting System in
enhancing the trim stability and stress for efficient vessel operation in terms of:
2.1 Data Integration and Standardization;
2.2 Real-Time Trim Optimization;
2.3 Human-Machine Interaction,
3. to determine the perceived significance of Integrated Maritime plotting System in
enhancing the trim stability and stress for efficient vessel operation when group
according to age and sex.

Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aims to identify the perception of Maritime Students about the
future of Maritime Industry.
More specifically, this seeks to answer the following:
1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex.
2. What is the perceived significance of Integrated Maritime plotting System in
enhancing the trim stability and stress for efficient vessel operation in terms of:
2.1 Data Integration and Standardization;
2.2 Real-Time Trim Optimization;
2.3 Human-Machine Interaction,
3. What is the perceived significance of Integrated Maritime plotting System in
enhancing the trim stability and stress for efficient vessel operation when group
according to age and sex.

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