Materi LDKS 2023

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Here's a breakdown of each topic with specific content and teaching methods for your student council

introduction session:

*1. Leadership:*

- Content: Discuss the qualities of effective leaders, such as vision, decision-making, and empathy.

- Teaching Methods: Role-play scenarios where students take on leadership roles and make decisions.
Share inspiring leadership stories.

*2. Teamwork:*

- Content: Explain the importance of collaboration, trust, and mutual support within the council.

- Teaching Methods: Group activities or team-building exercises that require students to work
together to achieve a common goal.

*3. Communication:*

- Content: Emphasize the significance of clear and respectful communication in council discussions
and with the student body.

- Teaching Methods: Practice active listening, conduct mock debates, or use communication games to
enhance speaking and listening skills.

*4. Organization:*

- Content: Teach organizational skills, including time management, setting priorities, and using tools
like calendars or to-do lists.

- Teaching Methods: Provide tools like planners, and guide students in creating an event or project

*5. Time Management:*

- Content: Explain strategies for effectively managing time between schoolwork and council

- Teaching Methods: Time management workshops, sharing time-saving tips, and creating a time
management schedule.

*6. Problem Solving:*

- Content: Discuss the problem-solving process: identifying issues, brainstorming solutions, evaluating
options, and making decisions.

- Teaching Methods: Present real or hypothetical problems and guide students in brainstorming
solutions collectively.

*7. Public Speaking:*

- Content: Highlight the importance of confidently delivering messages to the student body and

- Teaching Methods: Practice public speaking through prepared speeches, impromptu speaking
exercises, and constructive feedback.

For each topic, consider involving guest speakers, mentors, or teachers who excel in these areas to
provide additional insights and guidance. Encourage students to apply what they learn in real-life
situations within the student council, and periodically revisit these topics throughout the year to
reinforce their skills.

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