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Oswaldo: Hi my Friends my name is Oswaldo and he ies Cristian we are going to present some

interesting places at tthis wonderful place named Xochimilco

Xochimilco Lake is one of the five lakes which were part of lake region where the Mexica culture
that settled built Gran Tenochtitlan. Among the variety of villages that were part of this society
Xochimilcas stood out. This village adapted and grew around the lake. It developed an agriculture
system that survives until present day named chinampería.

Cristian: At this place there are some atractions, one of the most important is doll’s island this is
a chinampa of the Laguna de Teshuilo and one of the main attractions of the channels. Dolls of
various styles and colors are found throughout the island, originally placed by the former owner
of the island, Julián Santana Barrera. He believed that dolls helped to chase away the spirit of
a girl who drowned years ago. He died in 2001 of a heart attack. Sources say he was close to
the same spot where the girl drowned

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