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Table Of Contents


Customer Expectations and Behavior In Japan 2
1. Customers Expect Lower Prices Online 2
2. Customers Expect Fast, Flexible Shipping 3
3. Customers Expect Transparency 3
4. Customers Expect Detailed Information 4
5. Customers Expect To Be Rewarded For Their Loyalty 4
User Experience In Online Shopping In Japan 5
1. Customers Favor Dedicated Digital Storefronts 5
2. Customers Want To Be Able To Shop On Their Mobile Devices 6
3. Customers Want To Shop On Trusted Platforms 6
4. Customers Expect Exceptional Customer Service 7
5. Customers Favor A Busier Look 7
Laws and Regulations in Japan 8
Taxes in Japan 8
Global Shipping VS. Warehousing 9


Fashion & Athleisure 11
Beauty & Cosmetics 12
Supplements 13
Sports & Outdoor 13
Electronics 14


It’s A Straightforward Process To Get Started 15
It’s Packed With Amazing Features 16
It Has Everything Your Customers Want 17
It Has Everything You Need As A Seller 17
It Has a Built-in Loyalty Program 18
Rakuten is The Full Package 19

SOURCESplace 20
No matter what it is that you plan on selling, To be successful in selling in Japan, a solid plan
expanding your customer base outside of the and well thought out strategy is required to make
US doesn’t have to be difficult. In this guide, that goal into a reality. The plan should cover
we’re going to cover everything you need to know research on the Japanese market and its potential
about selling in Japan; one of the most readily customers, the best methods available to ship
available markets worldwide. your products and a thorough review of Japanese
regulations. This information and the resources
This comprehensive guide is created by IGW to available from the Rakuten eCommerce shopping
illustrate what you can expect when entering the platform will position for success in selling to Japan.
Japanese marketplace. It describes Japanese
customer expectations, their online user habits
and the regulations you will encounter as a seller
in Japan. This guide will also explain and help you
use Rakuten, Japan’s largest online marketplace
to reach your sales goals.
Why Sell In Japan?
Japan has a lot to offer sellers from all areas of the world. It
is often believed that Japan is a hard market to penetrate
because of the differences in language and culture; however,
there are a multitude of resources available to help overcome
any of those perceived barriers. American businesses, in
particular, can be quite successful in selling in Japan and with the
right strategy the process of selling in
Japan can be easy and painless.

Japanese consumers love American products. This is a concept

that reaches as far back as the 70s. At that time, one of the There is also a high internet penetration rate in Japan, coming in
biggest fashion staples in Japan was American-made clothing. around 89.8%; the Internet usage rate by device for smartphones
Even though times change, the influence of American fashion on is 63.3% which is 12.9 points higher than for computers 50.4%.
Japan has only grown stronger over the years. The demand for Online shopping has been steadily trending upward since then
American products reaches far beyond apparel, too. Buying from and was drastically accelerated in 2020 because of COVID-19,
international brands is often seen as a symbol of status. On top surging by over 50%.
of that, American products are synonymous with quality.
eCommerce is booming in Japan and international brands are
Japan offers a customer base that is excited about buying very well-loved. Further, Japanese consumers have a track
American products. The Japanese love buying online and record of being fiercely brand loyal when identifying a
have grown to become the fourth-largest eCommerce market product that meets their expectations. Product return rates
worldwide. are historically low and there are several factors Japanese
consumers tend to prioritize over price.
In 2019, the total market value was $186.7 billion. Predictions
show that the market will continue to grow; the projected Japan is one of the best markets to target for global expansion.
Compound Annual Growth Rate from 2019-2023 is as high as 8%. Choosing a platform like Rakuten can assist in making the
Japan has also had the highest digital buyer percentage in the expansion smooth, transparent and successful.
region for a few years running.

purchased from
a foreign website


27% 80%
of the market of the population

When it comes to eCommerce, Rakuten outperforms several A marketplace like Rakuten may just be the key to getting in
other popular platforms and holds onto roughly 27% of the the door. PayPal mCommerce Study reported that only 20%
market. There are over 111.4 registered members, which had purchased from a foreign website. This shows that using
accounts for as much as 80% of the population. a localized marketplace that these shoppers trust is going to
be a vital part of your success.

What To Know Before You Get Started
Background knowledge of the Japanese market is critical between American and Japanese consumers; and there are
to a business’s success in selling to Japan. Businesses some distinct technical differences between domestic and
making a big shift in their strategy, want to make sure international selling and shipping.
they are thoroughly informed to make the most effective
strategic decisions to advance towards their goals. As is to The following section covers the top things a business should
be expected, there are going to be some cultural differences know before you get started selling in Japan.

The largest portion of the Japanese economy is made up of
middle-class consumers that have a considerable amount of
disposable income, which is one of the primary reasons why it is
such an attractive market for businesses with global expansion
plans. One of the largest differences in Japanese shoppers and
an existing American customer base is culture, which can often
pose challenges to breaking into the market.

One of the best things that a business can do to help bridge

that cultural gap is to understand what Japanese customers
will expect when choosing an American made product.

1 Customers Expect Lower Prices Online

One of the biggest reasons that Japanese with different stores located close
consumers like to buy internationally is together. This is extremely convenient
that foreign brands often offer better for consumers and can be more
prices. While it is true that there are favorable than waiting for something
multiple contributing factors in product to ship. This means that a lot of online
selection and brand loyalty that are more retailers in Japan must keep their prices
important than price, offering competitive low to incentivize online shopping.
pricing is a must. It is also expected that Japanese consumers are also more
products will be available cheaper online. likely to use price comparison tools than
This is especially important for resellers their American counterparts, which
of national branded items who will be forces Japanese products to be priced
competing with a variety of other sellers. competitively online.

In the United States, about 70% of Japanese consumers look for things like
products are the same price online as product quality, product features, and
they are in a physical retail store and overall value of a product more than
only 22% are cheaper online. However, they look for low prices; however, it is
45% of products can be purchased for important to remember that they are
a lower price online than they can in used to things being more affordable
stores in Japan. online as well as when purchased from an
international brand. Knowing this can help
Several factors contribute to this. In companies price their products effectively.
Japan, cities tend to be densely packed,

2 Customers Expect Fast, Flexible Shipping
Japan is a very small country, Sellers must ensure they have a range
geographically speaking. This of flexible shipping options that will
means that most retailers can offer allow shoppers to customize when their
same-day and next-day deliveries. products will arrive. This will help them
Japanese consumers are used to fast make sure that they’re home to receive
shipping but there is a lot of evidence to their deliveries or they can get it faster if
demonstrate that they are willing to wait they need it sooner.
for international shipping as long as the
products meet their expectations. This is Fortunately, this is something businesses
further accentuated when they approve can handle regardless of the shipping
of a brand and when they have a positive location, whether that is domestically in
online shopping experience. Japan through a warehouse or globally
from a stateside warehouse.
Although fast shipping is a critical
factor in Japanese customers’ purchase Providing a range of shipping
decisions, the most important thing is options is easy on a platform like
that shipping is flexible. Most Japanese Rakuten, which has a range of
consumers are used to being able to options built right in. This high rate
customize their delivery dates and times of customizability is a perfect way
so this is something that they have come to meet customer expectations and
to expect, no matter where they’re prove you are dedicated to providing
shopping from. your products at their convenience.

3 Customers Expect Transparency

In 2020, Edelman Trust Barometer they’re properly translated so that other
Japan Results shows that Japan ranked Japanese shoppers can read them when
in the 7th lowest among 26 countries making their selections.
when it comes to trusting businesses.
This means that Japanese customers do Ranking lists of products can help
not take marketing messages at face showcase what others have previously
value and that they may be skeptical in purchased. Japan is typically not as
their purchase decisions. individualistic as America so these
shoppers will be interested in what
This isn’t an impossible hurdle to products their peers have purchased and
overcome, but a business must show that what they’ve had to say about them.
they are dedicated to the transparency
that these consumers demand from Research has also shown that Japanese
international brands. One of the primary consumers want to know how to return
ways that you can do this is by selling a product. Return rates are astoundingly
through a trusted marketplace like low compared to the US; those rates are
Rakuten. just 3% in Japan as opposed to up to 30%
in America. However, most brands in
One of the persisting trends among Japan don’t offer as much transparency in
Japanese consumers is that user reviews this area compared to American brands.
are more important than any expert Make sure to include this information in an
insight. A great way to help build trust easily-accessible way as well.
among your brand is to make sure that
customer reviews are accessible and that

4 Customers Expect Detailed Information
Assurance is something that Japanese Your product listings should include
consumers demand when it comes to robust product descriptions, list
shopping online. Japanese customers features, purchase options, dimensions,
diligently research before making a product reviews, and more. The more
purchase. Because of that, having information provided, the better.
detailed information about your brand Japanese people are very careful
and your products is going to be critical shoppers, especially in comparison to
to your success. consumers in other parts of the world.

You can expect a Japanese consumer One way to ensure that as much
to research your brand or shop directly information as possible in the
before making a purchase. You can product description is to use an online
use this to your advantage by including marketplace. A platform like Rakuten
detailed product description in your allows you to do custom product
listings. Price and convenience are not pages that appeal to targeted
the sole motivators for shopping online customers. Ensure everything is
in Japan, so these shoppers are going to appropriately translated also helps
have great attention to detail. Therefore, to remove any potential stumbling
it is important that you provide details blocks on the shoppers’ path from
that fully explain your product offerings. consideration to the final purchase.

5 Customers Expect To Be Rewarded For Their Loyalty

Japanese consumers have a history of This builds on the brand loyalty you are
fierce brand loyalty when they find a working to build with customers.
product that meets their expectations.
Japanese consumers expect to be This is another place where Rakuten
rewarded for their loyalty and taking shines. Rakuten has a built-in system that
this into account can help you drive your can link directly to shoppers’ credit cards
success in the long run. that you could choose to take advantage
of as a seller on the platform. This point
Almost half of all Japanese consumers system is one of the contributing factors
choose to buy from a specific website to Rakuten’s widespread success in Japan.
based on the presence of a rewards
system. According to this particular Some type of rewards system has been
survey, this was the most significant in place on Rakuten since as far back
factor for shoppers, right behind the as 1998; however, the current iteration
variety of products available. has been around since 2002. It is called
Rakuten Points and it is a massive reason
Most rewards structures are based on that so many consumers have remained
a points system that allows shoppers to on the platform. Rakuten Points offers
earn points towards discounts with every buyers an extra motivational boost to
purchase. This practice is successful shop on the platform, and sellers have
because it draws in customers and the opportunity to help provide extra
incentivizes them to keep coming back. incentives for buying their products.

Even the way that Japanese people use the internet has distinct differences from
the way that Americans do. Internet usage penetration in the United States
sharply drops off after the age of 50 and that is not the case in Japan.

Internet Usage Penetration By Age Group In Japan:

In addition to the differences in user base, there are some User experience is one of the most important things businesses
differences in preference as well. Japanese consumers actually should consider when selling anything online. A business
favor direct communications about products and sales through that falls short in terms of providing the experience that
email whereas the majority of American consumers consider customers expect, will be considerably less successful in the
these to be annoying. Without a physical store that customers online shopping experience.
can walk into, it is important to recreate a personally tailored
experience in a digital format.

1 Customers Favor Dedicated Digital Storefronts

Japan’s entire retail system tends to A seller can use this space to share
focus on individual stores. This is true information about shipping, returns,
when it comes to eCommerce in Japan and any other policies. This added layer
as well. Because Japanese consumers of transparency will help put Japanese
seek out detailed information and want shoppers at ease if they’re unfamiliar
to get to know the brands they’re buying with your brand.
from, dedicated digital storefronts are
much more popular among shoppers as The dedicated storefront feature is built
opposed to simple product catalogs. right into Rakuten. The platform gives
you the space to create a storefront
Implementing an indvidiual store can full of information and even allows you
benefit a seller by providing a dedicated to have dedicated product pages that
space for customers to get to know go into more robust detail about the
a brand and products will help gain product. It is one of the reasons why
their trust. This provides the space and Rakuten holds the largest market share
opportunity to provide the information in Japan. In fact, it is home to almost
consumers expect and allows you to 50,000 different unique online shops.
completely cater the experience to them Websites with this structure provide
as a shopper. sellers with greater success than those
that simply function as a catalog.

2 Customers Want To Be Able To Shop
On Their Mobile Devices
Mobile phone use is the most widespread With this in mind, it is critical to ensure
form of internet use in Japan. Japan the chosen online marketplace is
is sometimes referred to as the most completely mobile-friendly. The platform
mobile nation worldwide with some should provide fast-loading images,
sources purporting that there are as appropriately-sized buttons for use on a
many as 173 million mobile connections touchscreen, and a site that is completely
throughout the country. That’s greater optimized for mobile users in order to
than the country’s population! make the most of selling in Japan.

Research shows that as much as 73% A business can invest in mobile

of Japanese consumers have bought optimization on their own site or they can
something on their mobile device at choose to use an online marketplace that
least once. Recent data also states that comes with a fully-kitted mobile platform
close to one-quarter of all eCommerce allowing them to reach more shoppers.
sales take place on mobile devices. The Rakuten has a dedicated mobile app
majority of Japanese fashion sales take that boasts millions of downloads from
place through mobile devices. Conversion shoppers all over the world.
rates are also as much as 10% higher
on mobile devices. Even older Japanese
consumers trend towards mobile

3 Customers Want To Shop On Trusted Platforms

As mentioned, trust is huge in Japan. Japanese consumers tend to favor
There is a lot of skepticism among Rakuten over other platforms; 80% of
Japanese consumers; which means the Japanese population uses the site
that less than a third of shoppers are for shopping online. There are also a lot
comfortable purchasing products of different features that make it more
from a foreign website. So, even though desirable among consumers.
international brands are well-liked and
even more desirable than some Japanese Choosing a trusted platform to get
products, the platform can still be started selling in Japan can be one of the
a hurdle. most important foundational steps that a
business can take as they expand globally.
There are a lot of options when it comes This is especially true for businesses that
to selling in Japan. Many brands choose do not have a lot of brand recognition.
to set up dedicated websites, for instance. In this case,it is very helpful to have the
There are also multiple platforms that a support that comes along with using a
business can choose from that already platform like Rakuten and sort of a built-in
have large user bases in Japan. Rakuten is customer base that will start exploring
the one with the largest user base, the and eventually purchasing your products.
largest market share in eCommerce, and
the highest monthly active users.

4 Customers Expect Exceptional Customer Service
Being polite is extremely important in Exceptional customer service comes down
Japan. Japanese culture is deeply rooted to making sure the entire experience is
in etiquette and respect. Things already catered to the customers and that you
touched on like customizable delivery treat them the way that they expect to
dates, clearly outlined policies, and even be treated. Focusing on the little things to
generally working hard to meet the help make their online shopping with your
expectations and needs of your brand more convenient is going to help
Japanese customers are all part of elevate their experience.
providing great service.
Rakuten provides sellers with great
Having an easy-to-navigate site on support in the forms of expert training
desktop and mobile, providing reviews and guidance and with outreach and
for potential customers to read, and communication tools built into the
thoughtful and thorough product platform. There is also the Rakuten
descriptions will be critical to Japanese Worry-Free Guarantee to help protect
ecommerce success. Customers should customers and provide them with
have a way to get in touch with you to ask assistance in handling their claims,
questions or voice any concerns. It is also which helps bolster the popularity of this
important to make sure to have someone massive online marketplace.
who is completely proficient in Japanese
to help you when dealing with customers
that may not speak English.

5 Customers Favor More Content

Minimalism has been on-trend in America potential customers. This is especially
for years now. This simplistic look is important when first breaking into the
favorable to American consumers so it global market and getting started selling
may surprise you that the exact opposite in Japan. It gives shoppers an easy way
is true in Japan. Instead, Japanese to start to get to know your company,
customers have a strong preference recognize your brand, and understand
for very rich and vibrant imagery, busy your products.
designs that are packed with information,
and very little whitespace. The ability to create custom product
pages for each individual product that
Very image-heavy and text-heavy pages you sell on Rakuten makes this a breeze.
may not be something that you are used Rakuten offers the ability to focus each
to as this is typically seen as off-putting page on the right keywords to come up
and even overwhelming to your existing in searches, the in-depth features of the
customer base. However, the use of a lot product that provide value, and bring
of images and text on your product pages products to life on their screens.
is going to be something that is essentially
required in Japan. These consumers The most important thing about setting
want detailed information and extensive up pages to cater to your Japanese
illustration while doing their online customers is to be diligent about
shopping. picking the best photos, making sure
everything is properly translated, and
In fact, designs that are “too minimal” by creating an entirely new design that fits
Eastern standards may end up making their tastes and grabs their attention.
your offering seem untrustworthy to

It should not go unmentioned that complying with all of the Japan’s Customs and Tariffs Bureau also provides a list of
laws and regulations when it comes to selling products online import-related laws and regulations that apply on a national
is absolutely mandatory. Depending on what those regulations scale. Comprehensive resources like Lexology’s resource explores
are, being non-compliant can lead to steep fines and even the current legal and regulatory framework of eCommerce
criminal charges. It is important to understand the local laws in Japan; and Japan’s Manufactured Imports and Investment
and regulations as well as any taxes that apply prior to Promotion Organization or MIPRO, which is an organization that
selling in Japan. has spent the last fifty years acting as a resource to foster the
growth of imports and investments in Japan. MIPRO has a Guide
Depending on what a business is offering to the Japanese to Safety Assurance for Products Imported to Japan that covers
consumer, there are some national laws and regulations in a wide variety of commerce regulations.
Japan that are helpful to be aware of.
Each locality in Japan might have different laws and regulations
as well. Diligent research is key to ensure compliance. An
A non-exhaustive list from the Japanese External important note: Only official translations of any laws or
Trade Organization includes: regulations are going to be legally binding. Keep this in mind and
make sure that you are getting the most current and
• The Food Sanitation Act correct information.
• The Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act
• The Household Goods Quality Labeling Act It is also critical to understand that everything imported to
• The Consumer Product Safety Act Japan is required to arrive with proper documentation. The three
main documents that you will be required to include are a Bill of
• Technical Regulations Conformity Certification
Lading, a Packing List, and a Commercial Invoice. You can find a
for Radio Equipment full explanation of these documents on the website for Japan’s
• The Pharmaceutical Affairs Act Customs and Tariffs Bureau.

Another thing to understand before selling in Japan is how Import Duty is separate from the Consumption Tax but may be
taxes will work. If a company chooses to warehouse products in referred to by several other names like import tax, import tariff,
Japan for distribution, the company is responsible for hiring an customs duty, or just tariff. This amount can be up to 20% of the
importer to obtain all the necessary legal paperwork to have the value of your goods; however, the average rate is just around
products commercially imported to Japan and tax must be paid 5% and can be even lower on some products. The customer is
when inventory arrives in the country. responsible for these fees.

When a customer purchases products directly from overseas For companies that choose to establish a Japanese entity to
sellers shipping internationally, Import Tax may be charged sell their products, these costs would become the organization’s
when the items arrive in Japan depending on the order value. responsibility. Most of those sellers build this cost into the price
Items shipped directly to the customers from an overseas of their products. This is a common practice and it is almost to be
warehouse each time they make a purchase are considered as expected by international shoppers; however, it should be kept in
personal imports; they are either exempt from duty and tax mind that lower prices are more competitive.
when the order is under ¥16,666 JPY ( $150 USD) or are subject to
personal import tax each time something crosses the border into
Japan and arrives in customs. This cost falls on the consumers
in Japan. When your customers receive your products, they will
have to pay cash on delivery to cover this tax.

Another detail to consider before selling in Japan is shipping. The other option is in-country warehousing. In this example,
Two main options exist when it comes to how you plan to products are stored at a warehouse in Japan as you wait for
fulfill orders. orders to come in. This can be the better of the two options
because Japanese consumers are used to extremely fast
The first option is cross-border shipping. Products take a much shipping because of how relatively small the island is. Same-
less direct route to customers this way and will take significantly day and next-day shipping are often the standard and having
longer to arrive. Orders received in this manner must be sent products already in Japan can help ensure same fast shipping
out through an international courier service. It would then be times as your potential competitors.
processed by an international courier service agency and sent
through Japan Customs. Once Japan Customs grants an import Two warehousing choices exist: an independent warehousing
permit on the shipment, it would be passed off to a Japanese solution that meets your needs or warehousing and shipping
courier for last-mile delivery. services that are offered by the various online marketplaces
in Japan. One key benefit of choosing in-country warehousing
When an item is shipped this way, a customs broker may handle is that things like tax and duty may be more manageable this
things like putting the shipment through customs and paying any way, however you would have to pay these costs instead of your
required customs duty on behalf of the company; the company is customers.
then required to pay this broker anything owed. However, this is
all typically handled by a logistics company, of which would have Although some businesses find warehousing favorable, most
been set up previously. If you choose an international courier consider it to be cost effective to choose cross-border shipping
service, you will not need to worry about a customs broker. when first getting started.

A wide range of factors must be considered when choosing a

warehousing solution. Here are some key questions to consider:

What are the storage costs going

What types of products are you shipping?
to amount to?

How do the storage costs compare to your

Are they easily warehoused?
estimated taxes on individual imports?

Are you both willing and able to

How quickly do similar products deliver?
handle fulfillment on your own?

Does your sales volume make

How will the shipping time impact
cross-border shipping excessively costly,
your product?
inefficient, or otherwise unmanageable?

Does your sales volume make Does the size/weight of your products make
cross-border shipping more cross-border shipping excessively costly,
cost-effective? inefficient, or otherwise unmanageable?

Shipping products across the border would allows a business to in Japan. Warehousing products will result in faster shipping and
choose if you or the customer are subject to the customs fees, could potentially help you lower costs, but requires the need to
you don’t have to register your products in Japan, and you will work with a marketplace that has the appropriate framework
not be required to translate labels; however, this takes much in place or find your own importer. This is definitely a more
longer and may not prove to be as cost-effective when you long-term solution that is best-suited for experienced sellers.
consider the long term. It is the most cost-effective solution for
anyone who wants to start selling in Japan, though. There are advantages and disadvantages to each option and
the right one for your business is going to heavily depend on your
Without data to support a product’s sales volume, warehousing answers to the questions above.
poses a larger risk for anyone who is just starting to sell online

What Are Japanese Consumers Buying?
Japanese consumers shop online for a variety There are millions of online shoppers in Japan that
of reasons and they buy an incredibly diverse are purchasing on a daily basis and the only limit
range of products. Shopping from international to what they’ll buy online is what is available.
sellers allows them to access products that aren’t
typically sold in Japan, access more variety, and While this diversity is amazing and allows for all
benefit from lower prices. People buy everything types of brands to find success selling in Japan,
from gifts to groceries, from furniture to fitness there are still some trends and statistics
gear, and beyond when shopping online. worth noting:

The Japanese eCommerce market

is broken up into three major The same publication found that
categories which are retail, services, supplements, beauty products,
and digital content. Retail is the and personal care products are
largest category and accounts for the top products that Japanese
more than half of all eCommerce consumers purchase from
purchases made in Japan. international merchants.

According to a survey conducted by

Statista, the most popular type of The fastest-growing eCommerce
product that Japanese consumers categories in Japan include
purchased online was clothing; cosmetics, electronics, furniture,
41% of responders have purchased and more.
clothing online in the past year.

There are some products that

A report from eShipper says
cannot be delivered in Japan at
that the fastest-growing category in
this time; Rakuten offers detailed
eCommerce globally is electronics.
information about these products
and provides additional resources.

According to the list of Japan’s

eCommerce market share by Note: In order to make sure you’re
category released by METI (Ministry following all the regulations that
of Economy, Trade and Industry), apply to overseas entities, it is best to
electronics is the largest category. consult with a legal expert and default
It’s accounting for about 10% of the to Japanese government resources
market. when it comes to what is prohibited.

Now, we’re going to take a deeper look at some of the most popular,
profitable, and promising categories in Japanese eCommerce.

Japanese consumers have a storied relationship with over $14 million USD for the year 2020. These are highly
American fashion and their purchasing habits often reflect desirable products for Japanese consumers and have remained
current trends. Athleisure, a term that has come to describe desirable for decades, making this a fairly foolproof move for
clothes you can wear in the gym or out and about, is one of those businesses who want to sell in Japan.
trends that has Japanese consumers getting on board.
Any products in this category are subject to a few different
Sporty clothing like yoga pants, tennis shoes, sweat pants, sports regulations in Japan. The primary regulation that sellers will
bras, leggings, and windbreakers are all examples of products need to understand is the Household Goods Quality Labeling
that fall under the category athleisure. Act, which is applicable to any sellers with a Japanese entity
or warehouses in Japan. All clothing items must feature labels
Clothing always comes out at number one when you look at that describe the composition of the fabric, care instructions,
eCommerce trends in Japan. Nearly half of Japanese shoppers repellency, and the name of the label with clear
have purchased some kind of clothing in the past year and contact information.
clothing continues to hold the largest market share in Japanese
eCommerce. Revenue in fashion is projected to be roughly $24 For fashion brands resellers, valid purchase invoices and
million for the year 2020, placing Japan in the top five in terms of proof of brand authorization are both required for some
global fashion revenue. internationally known fashion brands. This applies to anyone
who wants to sell clothing online in Japan, regardless of where
Apparel alone, excluding any accessories that also come under your business is registered.
the fashion umbrella, has a projected market value of

Japanese beauty products are all the rage in America. One price and the variety of products available. With about the 89.8%
thing that stands out is that beauty products and cosmetics in internet penetration rate you read about, coupled with the rise
Japan heavily favor skincare and more natural looks. American of social media, Japanese young generations have increased
cosmetics have more bold shades, offer more coverage, and access to western beauty information. This has skyrocketed the
come with high-end and luxury labels that Japanese interest and demand for western beauty products.
consumers enjoy.
Many Korean brands have already cashed in on the trends
In 2019, there was a report that went in-depth to explore the and found success in Japan thanks to strong digital marketing
trend of buying used makeup among Japanese millennial strategy and savvy social media tactics. Rakuten has
consumers because the demand for the products was so documented the success of brands like Clio Cosmetics and
significant. Japanese shoppers like the variety that American Ohora.
cosmetics offer because many beauty products aren’t widely
available in Japan; American products are also typically much Cosmetics and beauty products are subject to quite a range of
cheaper. regulations in Japan. Products cannot have labels that include
terms such as “rejuvenating” or “anti-aging.” It is important to
Skincare, foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, highlighter palettes, check that the products you intend to sell do not include any
and all other sorts of makeup and personal care items fall into ingredients that are banned in Japan.
this category.
In order to sell cosmetics or beauty products in Japan, a business
Reports from 2020 show that Japan houses the third-largest typically must obtain a license to distribute cosmetics; and will
beauty and personal care market in the world. While that’s a also have to submit ingredients check for the products and apply
smaller slice of the pie than some other categories may have, for licenses. As an overseas cosmetic company, a license is not
cosmetics and beauty products are one of the fastest-growing mandatory to sell on Rakuten.
eCommerce markets in Japan. Even in the wake of COVID-19,
cosmetics is projected to still hit growth predictions in 2021. Even without a license, all beauty products must adhere to the
Standards for Cosmetics. Labels must include ingredients, the
Cosmetics are also some of the best-selling products from name of the manufacturer, and other key information. There are
international brands in Japan. Japanese consumers purchase also some ingredients that can’t be included in products sold in
personal care and beauty products as well as cosmetics from Japan. This is all due to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act.
more foreign brands than they used to. This has to do with both

The dietary supplements market as a whole is massive. Total Supplements are the best selling international products on the
revenue worldwide is projected to reach more than $210 Japanese eCommerce market. It is also one of the
billion USD in the next six years. The market for supplements fastest-growing categories, making it perfect to tackle for
and nutraceuticals is also huge in Japan; Japan is the largest businesses who want to start selling in Japan. Japanese
consumer of these types of products in the region. Annual consumers want supplements that they can trust and the
revenue for just vitamins and minerals is quickly approaching unsteady ground that domestic products have been standing
$2 billion USD in 2020. Probiotics, functional foods, and sports on has left them running over to international manufacturers.
nutrition products are also booming in popularity.
Japanese consumers show a lot of interest in quality
Products like Vitamin C, protein powder, multivitamins, supplements that were manufactured in America and the EU;
probiotics, other vitamins, minerals, and food additives can all be platforms like Rakuten help pave the way for you to sell them.
classified as supplements. However, there are several regulatory hoops to consider before
a business can start taking orders. Supplements, vitamins,
When it comes to protein, the Japanese market is expanding nutraceuticals, nootropics, and any other products that fall into
steadily. According to the Fuji Keizai Group Report in 2020, both this category are subject to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act.
the protein supplement market and the protein powder market
are forecasted to grow by 11.8% and 17% YOY respectively. In
recent years, not only protein powders, but also other types of
protein food products have increased in popularity. Especially
during this COVID-19, new products like supplements and health
food are being launched.

MyProtein has only just entered the Japanese market, getting

started in 2016. Selling on eCommerce marketplaces became the
brand’s key strategy from 2018 onward. It has been successful
and is now looking at establishing their own cargo airlines in
order to expand their business.


As a category, Sports & Outdoor falls under the umbrella of Toys, A growing market is always a good place to consider when
Hobby, and DIY when it comes to eCommerce. Consumption expanding to Japan. The past few years and the next few years
in this category is trending upwards in 2021 and it is expected have seen some major sporting events take place in Tokyo,
to top $3,833 million becoming one of the fastest-growing sparking a lot more interest. There is a lot of support for this
eCommerce categories in Japan. One of the contributing factors growing area of eCommerce even though the market share isn’t
of this expansion could be the Olympic Games, scheduled to take as large as some of the other featured categories.
place next year in Tokyo.
In fact, it has been ranked among more popular product groups
Products that fall into this category include sports equipment, in Japan since as far back as 2015.
camping gear, and sportswear and accessories, etc.
The regulations that you may be subject to all depend on exactly
Revenue in the Sports & Outdoor segment has grown and what types of products you intend to sell. You could be impacted
predictions show that it could reach nearly $4 billion USD in 2020. by the Consumer Product Safety Act, the Household Goods
This particular category also has a significant edge compared to Quality Labeling Act, or any one of several regulations that
other growing and popular categories; the growth rate is nearly govern toys and other products designed for children. You can
6%. User penetration is expected to jump from 16% this year get a basic overview of some of those regulations from MIPRO.
up to as much as 24.6% by 2025. These types of products are
becoming more important to Japanese shoppers.

Consumer electronics has been the second-largest
eCommerce category in Japan for several years running with There were a handful of factors that kept prices high; market
a market share of over 18%. It trails behind clothing, the top domination from specific entities eroded incentives to lower
category, by just 1%. Electronics is something that Japan was costs and Japanese consumers are not likely to purchase
synonymous with for decades; the shift that took Japan out of electronics secondhand or from a retailer that they don’t trust.
the spotlight happened only recently. For a long time, prices couldn’t budge. Legislation shifted the
market a few years ago; however, the trend has stuck.
Even though that’s true, products like phones, computers,
televisions, and other tech are still some of the most frequently Many Japanese consumers turn to the internet when they’re
purchased by online shoppers in Japan. Revenue is projected shopping for electronics. American retailers typically offer
to reach $14 billion USD in the year 2020. The category has a better prices and better quality products when purchased
projected growth rate of just 4.5%; however, user penetration internationally. If electronics are what you want to start selling in
is expected to surge from about one-third to nearly half of Japan, though, there will be regulations.
consumers over the next four years.
The biggest one to keep in mind is that you will need to acquire
One thing that makes electronics such a desirable category a PSE Mark or Giteki Mark. All electronic products with chargers
for those in eCommerce that want to sell in Japan is that the are required to obtain the PSE mark on the charger, whether sold
average revenue per user is higher than any of the other featured by an international or domestic entity in Japan.
categories. In fact, it is one of the highest across the board in
terms of the nation’s eCommerce market. This is also true of the Giteki mark. This must be present on
all electronic products with radio, signal, WiFi capability and
Surprisingly, electronics are typically more expensive for features, and Bluetooth.
Japanese consumers to purchase domestically. For example,
brand new smartphones can come in under $200 when This article from InCompliance outlines the intricacies of product
purchased from an international seller online; that same phone compliance in electronics.
could be as much as $475 more from a Japanese seller.

Rakuten: Japan’s Largest
Online Marketplace
The final piece of the puzzle for anyone who wants to start selling in Japan is to choose what
eCommerce platform is going to be the best for them. No matter what angle you take, Rakuten is the
best choice for anyone who wants to sell online in Japan. In this section, you will learn about Rakuten,
how to get started, and the features that put this online marketplace leagues ahead of its competitors.

Rakuten is the largest eCommerce marketplace in Japan Rakuten was founded in 1997 and has been slowly pushing
with more than 26.8% of all online sales taking place on forward ever since. Most Americans had probably never heard
the platform. There are over 111.4 million Japanese users of Rakuten until 2014 when the shopping rewards company
registered on the site which means that 80% of the country’s Ebates was acquired by the company. Ebates was a cash-back
population uses Rakuten. It is very widely used and has a track and shopping rewards service in which online shoppers can earn
record of more than two decades serving its customers’ best cash back through finding more than 2,500 partner retailers and
interests. Japanese consumers trust the platform and trust brands through its platform.
is exceedingly important in Japan. Coming to an established
platform like Rakuten that has such an extensive user base Ebates didn’t fully rebrand as Rakuten until late 2019. Rakuten
provides access to millions of potential customers and provides has also invested in Lyft and partnered with massive American
instant credibility to penetrate the market. names like Walmart, the Golden State Warriors and the NBA to
name a few. Despite pursuing multiple endeavors to expand,
There are roughly 50,000 merchants registered on Rakuten and Rakuten remains dedicated to its online marketplace and the
gross merchandise sales exceeded $37 billion USD in 2019. It is an multitude of services it offers to Japan; these endeavors are
incredibly large online marketplace not just in Japan but also by completely separate. This dedication is what sets it apart for
global standards. consumers and sellers alike.

One of the reasons that Rakuten is such a great option to After you are well informed of what to prepare, you will have to
start selling in Japan is that it has opened international go through an application process. This is an important feature
sellers onboarding service to the American sellers first before that helps provide Japanese consumers peace of mind. All new
any other country. merchants are closely examined and must be completely vetted
before they’re allowed access to the platform which helps create
In order to make joining their Japanese platform easier and more trust.
accessible, the company has also stationed a dedicated team in
their US headquarters (San Mateo, CA) to provide local support Businesses do not need to have a Japanese business entity in
to the American sellers. Users receive a free consultation for order to be eligible to sell on Rakuten. Businesses that operate
expanding their business to Japan with one of their onboarding out of the United States are completely welcome. International
consultants by filling out a basic contact information from their sellers from any country that isn’t listed for the Direct Shop Plan
onboard guidance page. will be required to sign a contract with a Rakuten-approved
service partner, though. The service partner is a third-party
entity that will give you a local team to set up your store.

Since many are not likely to have an existing Japanese entity, you will
want to be familiar with the following criteria to sell on Rakuten:

The business must be capable of establishing

The business must be incorporated and not
reliable logistics so products can go straight
be operating as a sole proprietorship
from you to your customers

It must have great capabilities in Japanese

The company must already have a eCommerce language or you are capable of securing a
site or sell on a third-party platform trusted third-party partner or a freelancer to
set up and manage the store.
Once a business is confident it meets all of those criteria, it sign up with PingPong, an ecommerce global payment company
should reach out to a representative by visiting the onboard that makes accessing your funds simple and painless.
guidance page and fill out the contact information. The
representative from Rakuten will reach out to you and cater to After you have submitted your full application and have passed
any question you may have about the platform and Japanese the screening process, you’ll be able to officially register. Then,
market in general so that you can make an informed decision you will be able to access your Rakuten account and set up
before it is time to register. your online store. Don’t worry, you will have another Rakuten
representative who will assist and answer any question regarding
During the registration process, you will need to provide your the store set up. This entire process can take about 2-3 weeks to
company details and some basic information about your complete. While you’re waiting to receive your documents, that
business, and your contact information. You’ll receive an is the perfect time to even out some logistics and make sure you
application kit from the representative you talk to if you both have access to reliable translators.
agree that you’re ready.

If you’re ready to proceed, your application will be sent in for the

screening process to begin. They will verify the information that
you provided and make sure that you are a legitimate business
and don’t have any serious problems in your history as a US
seller. The application kit contains important documents you’ll
need to complete before you can set up your store.

Rakuten has taken extra steps in recent years to streamline

the application process and make it more easily accessible for
US-based businesses. Businesses will even be able to receive all
payouts in USD, no conversion necessary! This is because you will


Rakuten is so widely successful because it is designed, in The extensive options you’ll have for these pages will allow
every way, to provide businesses and consumers with the best you to curate gorgeous content that provides strong visuals
possible online shopping experience. and highlight the features and benefits of your products. You
can also show step-by-step examples of how to use it. Rich
One of the main things that sets Rakuten apart is that it isn’t information and rich tutorials can help boost your sales because
an online marketplace that functions as a catalog of products. it makes product selection engaging and immersive. This level of
In the past, it has been likened to the equivalent of an online customization is something you can only find on Rakuten.
shopping mall. The shop-centric focus of Rakuten helps provide a
consumer-centric experience for shoppers. If the prospect of setting up a completely custom online store
seems overwhelming, you’ll be pleased to know that you have
With account access, you will be able to set up a completely nothing to worry about. Every seller on Rakuten is paired with an
customizable digital storefront. Japanese consumers favor this advisor to help walk you through opening your shop. This advisor
as opposed to the format of Rakuten’s main competitors. Your can provide you with advice for setting up your account, design
digital storefront is where you will tell the story of your brand, tips for your shop, and can help you perfect your merchandising
explain your policies, showcase products, and more. You have the strategy with market insight and years of experience.
ability to update your storefront at any time to reflect any sales,
promotions, holidays, or general updates to the way you run You will also have a Merchant Development Manager that will
your business and the products you offer. This is one of the main help familiarize you with the specifics of cross-border trading and
differentiators for Rakuten. It is a rich ecosystem of businesses Japanese eCommerce. Finally, the last member on your team of
that function independently. dedicated consultants is the eCommerce Consultant. They will
help point you in the right direction with promotional guidance,
Product pages are given the exact same flexibility. Rakuten tips to improve your marketing strategies, and ongoing
allows you to create custom pages for each individual product performance feedback.
that you sell. This is extremely useful because these dedicated
pages help you reach your customers more effectively. You Rakuten offers exceptional customer support for both sellers
can include as many photos, features, descriptions, and other and shoppers. You will be able to access help any time you
details that you see fit. Having access to as much information need it while you run your shop on the platform.
as possible is part of the reason why shoppers in Japan love
Rakuten so much. This attention to detail truly enhances the
customer shopping experience.
One of the things that has grown Rakuten to The feedback system, which takes shape as user reviews,
the eCommerce powerhouse that it is is that customers on Rakuten is another way that shoppers are offered great
love it. The verification process sellers go through helps transparency. After making a purchase, people are able to rate
establish trust for your business, the detailed storefront and sellers as well as each individual product that they bought.
product pages help potential buyers get to know you and Your customers will be asked to rate their experience based on
your products, and the customer support helps problems get several factors like item description accuracy, condition of the
resolved with ease.Each company is responsible for customer item, shipping speed, and customer service. The reviews that you
support; however, you will have access to a consultant that helps receive may impact your placement in search rankings.
you handle customer service effectively. Japanese consumers
also have the opportunity to raise problems directly with Negative reviews are not allowed to be removed. This helps
Rakuten if necessary. shoppers know that all of the information they see is true and
reflects the accurate experience of people who’ve bought
Rakuten offers sellers the opportunity to include more shipping from you in the past. It also further incentivizes shop owners
options than any other platform to help maximize flexibility for to provide the best possible products and customer service.
their customers. Customers tend to prefer free shipping and
have gotten accustomed to very fast delivery times because
Japan is such a small country, geographically speaking. This
isn’t a dealbreaker for many shoppers, though. The best part
is that there are no shipping-related surprises for customers at
checkout because you can include information about standard,
priority, expedited, and other shipping options you offer.

Instead, consumers will be able to see right away when

navigating to your shop if you’re shipping from outside of Japan
and detail the cost and delivery time that they can expect
when purchasing your products. This is very important because
transparency is something Japanese consumers expect from
shop owners like you.

Rakuten is an amazing online marketplace for businesses a default, but you have the option to participate in the Rakuten
that want to sell their products in Japan. Keep in mind that Points program and you could offer your shoppers as much
you must already have an eCommerce presence and be properly as 20% points back daily. You can run seasonal sales or major
incorporated. There are a handful of additional features that promotions or provide coupons and temporary points bonuses to
Rakuten has created to help you reach your business goals when shoppers. There are tools that will help you push add-ons, upsells,
you expand globally. and return customers.

Rakuten has multiple logistic partners that you can reach out to You will have amazing customer outreach tools built right in with
in order to help you with order fulfillment if you do not already R-Mail. R-mail is an email marketing feature in which you’ll be
have your fulfillment channels in place. If you do already have able to send things like email magazines to promote sales, new
logistics organized, Rakuten does not require you to make any product launch information, and prompts to come shop with
changes. There are also official service partners that offer you again to those users who have bought from your store in
translation and localization. Having a dedicated partner for this the past. This is a super unique feature which most of Rakuten’s
is crucial to your success and Rakuten takes the guesswork out of competitors, like Amazon, do not offer.
finding someone reliable and reputable to get it done.
Also, all of the data you could ever need will be right at your
These official service partners don’t just translate your pages fingertips thanks to the Rakuten Merchant Server. The RMS
into Japanese; they also help you to seamlessly localize your stores data like traffic, sales, demographics, and more. You will
content to fit the preferences of Japanese shoppers. The also be able to run tests and gain a ton of valuable insight using
majority of them actually run all general store operations on your this tool. Order management, customer management, analytics,
behalf. and listing optimization are all important tasks to keeping your
store running the way you want it to and the RMS makes all of
Rakuten also provides you with some great promotional tools these things easy.
for running your store. Rakuten users receive 1% in point back as
Finally, the most popular feature on Rakuten has to be its largest credit cards, and is number one in terms of transaction
robust customer loyalty program. A large portion of Japanese volume.
shoppers choose the online marketplace they frequent based
on their ability to rack up rewards points. This is one of the key If one of the 20 million Rakuten Card users shops at Rakuten,
things that distinguishes Rakuten among its competitors. This they get a bonus and receive as much as 3% back. Even if you are
program is called Rakuten Points®. Rakuten has done some not using the card in Rakuten services, 1% of your card spending
amazing things with this program. gets redeemed as Rakuten Point. This is just one example of
how the Rakuten ecosystem is creating synergy. Online banking,
Rakuten offers more than 70 services in total, spanning mobile phone businesses, this credit card, and many other
eCommerce, financial services, and content business. Although services create a lot of synergy with the loyalty program, further
Rakuten got started as an eCommerce company, it is now one deepening customer ties to the platform.
of the market leaders in many fields. Rakuten has one of Japan’s

Some Standout Stats:

Rakuten has issued more than 2 trillion Roughly half of those points have been Expanding the program has ramped
points (roughly equivalent to $2 billion) issued in the last three years because the up usage across multiple services
since piloting the program in 2002 opportunities for shoppers to earn them Rakuten offers, which shows that
have expanded. In 2019 alone, 32 billion shoppers are excited about the benefits
Rakuten Points were issued. of membership. In fact, the number of
shoppers who use more than two Rakuten
services increased from 64.9% in 2017 to
72.3% in 2019.

Customers have the chance to earn Standard Points by making One thing that has helped truly drive the popularity of this points
regular purchases as well as Limited Time Points by participating system is that Rakuten also offers the credit card you just read
in special promotional events. There are special member days about. However, the hottest thing Rakuten has going right now is
that allow shoppers to earn a ton of extra points, too. In these their mobile business. In just the past year, Rakuten has become
kinds of events, users can earn up to 40+%. Sellers will be able one of the top-five mobile providers in Japan and plans to soon
to create store events and shoppers will have occasional bonus roll out 5G to its users. Customers will be able to use Rakuten
offers that are tailored to their shopping habits. Points towards their phone bills too!

Running promotions to help increase the number of points your Anything that helps bolster customer loyalty to the platform
customers receive is a great way to help bring repeat customers. is going to help keep your customer base broad; then, you can
This loyalty points program is extremely popular in Japan and it utilize the points system to your own advantage to drive your
is something customers truly enjoy. Tapping into the possibilities own repeat sales.
with this loyalty program could help you really propel your
business forward once you start selling in Japan.
No matter what type of products you sell or what level of experience you have, there is no better
eCommerce platform out there. Rakuten has a great reputation, the largest market share, the
largest user base, and the most perfectly tailored features that can help you secure your success.

Are you ready to open your shop on Japan’s largest online

marketplace and start selling in Japan?

Get started today with Rakuten.

This ebook was prepared by IGW in collaboration with Rakuten.

IGW is the premier expert in visual communication strategy and
is a proud Rakuten outsource partner.

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