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Received: 13 February 2018 | Accepted: 16 February 2018

DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31607


Genetic counseling globally: Where are we now?

Kelly E. Ormond1 | Mercy Ygon~a Laurino2,3 | Kristine Barlow-Stewart4 |

Tina-Marie Wessels5 | Shelley Macaulay6 | Jehannine Austin7 |

Anna Middleton8,9,10
Department of Genetics and Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford University, Stanford, California
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines
Cancer Prevention Programs, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, Washington
Sydney Medical School Northern, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Division Human Genetics, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Division of Human Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand & the National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa
Departments of Psychiatry and Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Society and Ethics Research, Connecting Science, Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Correspondence The genetic counseling profession is continuing to develop globally, with countries in various stages
Kelly E. Ormond, Department of Genetics
of development. In some, the profession has been in existence for decades and is increasingly rec-
and Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics,
Stanford University, 300 Pasteur Drive, ognized as an important provider of allied health, while in others it is just beginning. In this article,
MC 5208, Stanford, CA 94305-5208. we describe the current global landscape of the genetic counseling specialty field’s professional
development. Using examples of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, South
Funding information Africa, and various countries in Asia, we highlight the following: (a) status of genetic counseling
Wellcome, Grant/Award Number: 206194 training programs, (b) availability of credentialing through government and professional bodies (cer-
tification, registration, and licensure), and potential for international reciprocity, (c) scope of clinical
practice, and (d) health-care system disparities and cultural differences impacting on practice. The
successful global implementation of precision medicine will require both an increased awareness of
the importance of the profession of “genetic counselor” and flexibility in how genetic counselors
are incorporated into each country’s health-care market. In turn, this will require more collaboration
within and across nations, along with continuing engagement of existing genetic counseling profes-
sional societies.

1 | INTRODUCTION (South America, many parts of Africa and Asia, and some European coun-
tries), physicians primarily provide genetic counseling; in some cases that
The profession of genetic counseling started in the United States is even a legal requirement as genetic counseling is considered a medical
with the advent of the first master’s level training program at Sarah Law- service. However, even in these countries, genetic service development is
rence College in New York in 1969. Since then, the profession has being forged with the input and support of genetic counselors who have
expanded globally, and in early 2018 we estimate there are nearly 7,000 often trained outside of their countries. Elsewhere around the world, the
genetic counselors in over 28 countries (see Table 1). In some countries genetic counseling profession is in various stages of development;
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, pro-
vided the original work is properly cited.
C 2018 The Authors. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Am J Med Genet. 2018;1–10. | 1


T AB LE 1 Global state of the genetic counseling profession

Countries where genetic 2018 estimated Year of first established master’s training
Region counseling exists as a professiona number of GCs program (total no. of programs)

North America US, Canada 4400 1969 (42, with 5 more

under review 1/2018)

Europe Denmark, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, 900 1992 (8)

Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, UK

Middle East Israel, Saudi Arabia <100 1997 (2)

Oceana Australia, New Zealand 300 1995 (1-year graduate diploma);

2008 (Masters) (2)

Africa South Africa 25 1988 (2)

Asia India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, 350 2003 (5)

Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

Central/South America Cuba 900 1999 (1)

Existence of the profession does not imply governmental acknowledgement of the profession or a regulatory process, but rather than the profession
exists separate from physicians or other health-care providers offering genetic counseling services. Other countries not listed have small numbers of
genetic counselors trained in other countries who may be offering both clinical services or consulting services through corporate or academic

training programs are being established, and in some cases, forms of regu- 2018 as described by the current ACGC standards and practice-based
lation and/or credentialing are being implemented, often leading to the competencies (,
national recognition of the profession. accessed January 25, 2018).
In this article, we explore development of the genetic counseling Graduate-level training programs in genetic counseling began in
profession using the four countries where genetic counseling is most Canada in the mid-1980s, and in Australia and the United Kingdom in
well developed as a profession: United States, Canada, the United the early 1990s. Canada (Leeming, 2013) and the United Kingdom
Kingdom, and Australasia (which includes Australia and New Zealand, (Skirton et al., 1998) adopted a master’s degree from the start. In Aus-
but we will call Australia for the sake of simplicity). We will also high- tralia, training started in 1995 as a 1-year Graduate Diploma program
light efforts in South Africa and across Asia. We discuss similarities and and evolved in 2008 into the 2 year master’s programs currently
differences in training, scope of practice, and types of clinical services offered as the minimal entry requirement for certification (Barlow-
where genetic counselors practice, as well as country- and region- Stewart, Dunlop, Fleischer, Shalhoub, & Williams, 2015). South Africa
specific issues (e.g., health-care systems, culture) that shape the manner started their first training program in 1988, based primarily on the U.S.
in which genetic services, including genetic counseling, are offered. We training model for genetic counselors (Kromberg, Wessels, & Krause,
refer readers interested in a more granular summary of development of 2013). Training programs in all these countries are similar in terms of
the genetic counseling across the globe to a paper by Abacan et al. general curricular requirements in scientific, clinical, and psychological
(personal communication, February 5, 2018). areas, the incorporation of supervised clinical training and a research
project with varying requirements and accreditation by professional
2 | TRAINING governing bodies. As a result, there is international recognition
between these countries of the master’s degree qualification.
In the late 1980s, nearly 20 years after the profession of genetic coun- Asia is a diverse region, and the development of genetic counseling
seling was established, approximately 15 genetic counseling masters training has been equally diverse as the profession becomes estab-
programs existed in the United States. A certification examination had lished. China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, South
been developed in 1981 in conjunction with credentialing of medical Korea, and Taiwan currently offer graduate-level genetic counseling
geneticists, and work was underway to establish more rigorous and training programs (Laurino et al., 2018), and some countries (e.g., India)
consistent criteria for genetic counseling training (Scott, Walker, Eunpu, have multiple approaches evolving in parallel. While some offer a 2
& Djurdjinovic, 1988; Walker et al., 1990). This ultimately led to the year master’s degree in genetic counseling (e.g., India’s Kasturba
establishment of the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) in Medical College, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea,
1993, which began certifying genetic counselors and accrediting train- Taiwan), others offer a 1-year program or a 6-month track as part of an
ing programs in the United States and Canada, a role now undertaken already existing master’s program (e.g., India’s Vellore Institute of
by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC) (https:// Technology offers a genetic counseling track as part of their master’s, accessed January degree in biomedical genetics). Understandably, these differences are
25, 2018). During this period, the curriculum and clinical training due to varying available resources including access to experts to teach
requirements were established and continue in similar form even in genetic counseling courses, and available budget for training program

operational cost. Local leaders (medical geneticists, genetic counselors, becomes increasingly global, and given workforce shortages of genetic
and other allied health providers) actively advocating for genetic coun- counselors in some countries (e.g., Dobson and DaVanzo, 2016), the
selors needed to be creative in establishing training programs to meet potential for genetic counselors to become credentialed through proc-
their current demands. To illustrate, China’s 1-year program, launched esses of certification, registration, or licensure in countries other than
in 2016, is offered as a joint collaboration with Peking University where they have trained has become a critical issue. These terms are
Health Science Center in Beijing, China and the University of Manches- often used interchangeably but they have slightly different meanings
ter, Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine (MCGM, 2017). This and may be implemented in different manners even when the creden-
Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counseling professional training course is tialing intent is similar. Key to this discussion is understanding that cre-
provided through a combination of both e-learning sessions and inten- dentialing can occur through a statutory (governmental) regulation,
sive 4-day face-to-face case-based genetic counseling training sessions either as a state-, province- or country-based format, or through pro-
in Beijing. Fostering partnerships amongst Asian countries, the Profes- fessional organizations.
sional Society of Genetic Counselors in Asia (PSGCA) leadership Only a handful of countries have a national statutory regulation of
recently convened with representatives from the Board of Genetic genetic counselors. The Health Professions Council of South Africa
Counseling in India, the Indonesian Society of Genetic Counselors, the (HPCSA) governs the genetic counseling profession using Genetic
Japanese Board of Genetic Counseling, and the Taiwan Association of Counselling South Africa (GCSA)-developed standards of practice
Genetic Counseling to begin work in aligning core skill requirements guidelines to guide the training and registration of genetic counselors
and curricular standards for genetic counselor training in the region. in South Africa. Malaysia is currently the only Asian country wherein
The background and prior experience of students entering into the genetic counselor registration is in place with the Lembaga Kaunselor
masters programs is another area of variation both between and within Malaysia (
countries. Across all countries, students are expected to have a strong In the United Kingdom, there is a state of flux, which is likely to be
background in science and to demonstrate communication and empathy resolved throughout 2018; here, “registration,” for part of the profes-
skills. While frequently this means students enter with their main degree sion at least, will also mean “regulation,” which entails a government
in a scientific field, some countries will also allow well-qualified students supported licensure equivalent. Graduates from the new Masters Level
to enter with a psychology or social science degree if they meet other genomic counseling degree apply for a Certificate of Attainment from
course prerequisites. Given that the university-level training in some the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS), which allows registration
countries is very focused on the major area of study, it can be challeng- as a clinical scientist (genomic counselor) with the Health and Care Pro-
ing for applicants from outside of the country to meet application pre- fessions Council (HCPC). Registration with the HCPC comes with a
requisites, and they may be required to take entrance examinations or legal protection for the title and government-recognized competency
document competence in basic principles in other ways. Within the to practice. The genetic counseling profession in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa in particular, it is preferable has been campaigning for statutory regulation for more than 10 years
if students can demonstrate prior experience of working in a “caring and at the moment, the mechanisms to transition from voluntary to
role,” which means that many graduates from genetic counseling pro- statutory regulation (also called “registration”) are still being explored.
grams have also had previous life experiences or volunteer work in nurs- The United Kingdom also has “registration” through a professional
ing, psychology, or other areas of medicine or social or crisis support body, which is assessed via a portfolio of work submitted to the
services. The United States and Canada tend to focus on applicants who Genetic Counsellor Registration Board (GCRB) within the United King-
have had experience specifically providing one-on-one counseling (pref- dom and Republic of Ireland (ROI).
erably in an organization that provides structured training around active In areas where the profession of genetic counseling is well-
listening skills), for example, crisis counseling or social support services. established but it is not yet a legal requirement and no registration or
Some countries (e.g., Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, etc.) have also licensure systems are in place or available, the professional societies
focused on individuals with prior clinical training as physicians, physician and/or registration bodies have taken on this self-regulatory role while
assistants, or nurses, as these professions may already be recognized as advocating for appropriate legislation and/or statutory regulation. The
health-care providers, allowing different clinical practice options. The terms “registration” and “certification” are both used to describe volun-
opportunity to enroll in a genetic counseling training program provides tary credentialing by professional bodies. For example, in the European
these health-care professionals the chance to increase their knowledge Union (EU), the European Board of Medical Genetics (EBMG) provides
of the genomic contribution to health, and addresses gaps when there genetic counselor registration through an EBGC portfolio process simi-
are no medical genetics training programs or limited training slots for lar to that established by the GCRB in the United Kingdom. In United
practitioners who are not specifically trained in pediatrics. States, Canada, and Australia, the term “certification” is used to
describe this professional body credentialing, but it is achieved through
3 | CREDENTIALING, REGISTRATION, AND different means; in this case, via examination through ABGC or CAGC,
INTERNATIONAL “RECIPROCITY” or through portfolio application to the Human Genetics Society of
Australasia (HGSA). Additionally, the United States also has been lobby-
Table 2 summarizes the current state of credentialing and continuing ing for statutory regulation and since the early 2000s has achieved
education requirements in several countries. As our profession state-based licensure, a governmental regulatory process, in 201 of

T AB LE 2 Global credentialing of genetic counselors


Internationally trained option for State- or Province-based

Region Credentialing body Eligibility criteria credential? Recertification? registration or licensure

North ABGC (U.S. and some Two year MS (Masters Genetic Yes, if attended an MS GC program that is Every 5 years Twenty states require licensure
America approved Canadian Counseling) from an ACGC considered accredited: http://www.abgc. by continuing education (typically based on ABGC
Programs) accredited training program; 50 net/becoming-certified/approved-ac- unit (CEU) or exam certification); most employers
case logbook; pass certification crediting-bodies/ require certification
exam to demonstrate entry level
CAGC (Canada) Two year MS from an ACGC Yes, see Every 10 years No, but under consideration
accredited or Canadian training page5111 by CEU or exam
program; 50 case logbook; pass
certification exam to demonstrate
entry level competency

Europe GCRB (UK) 2 year MS from a GCRB accredited Yes, see Every 5 years by Voluntary but most employers only
training program plus 2 years 9332/overseas-guidelines-v2-jan-2017. Continuing hire registered GC or those working
experience as a genetic counselor pdf Professional toward. Statutory regulation is
OR 3 year combined MS and work- Development available for new 3 years combined
based genetic counselor training; reflective log MSc and work-based genetic
extensive portfolio to document counselor training (“STP training”)
competence (50 case logbook,
evidence of counseling supervision;
case studies and essays and video
recorded consultations
EBMG: MS in GC, ideally from EBMG accre- Yes, if registered in home country and after Every 5 years by Not required dited program. Logbook of 50 working fulltime in Europe for 11 year CEU
471.0.html cases, case studies, references, re-
flective essays, Grandfather clause

Oceana HGSA (Australia/NZ) MS in GC from HGSA accredited Yes, varies by country: https://www.hgsa. Voluntary by CEU No but development of
program, 2 years of clinical practice, self-regulation under the auspice of
logbook of 50 cases and supervisor the HGSA in progress
reports, 5 case studies, reflective
essay, publication and simulated

Africa HPCSA (South Africa) MS in GC, 2 year internship (1 year Yes, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia Yes, by CEU Required
completed after MS degree) are eligible; others on case-by-case basis.

Asia Japan Board of Genetic MS in GC from an accredited program Yes, as long as certified by ABGC, etc.; Yes, every 5 years Not required
Counseling active member of JSGH and/or JSGC (CEU)
for at least 2 years
For more info:
Taiwan Association of
Genetic Counseling en/index.asp
Board of Genetic http://www.geneticcounselingboardindia.

Counseling, India com/index.html


the 50 U.S. states (, accessed and certification to be recognized. The Transnational Alliance of Genetic
February 12, 2018). Pending federal recognition and regulation in the Counseling (TAGC) formed an International Committee on Genetic Coun-
United States, state-based licensure functions as a recognition process selor Credentialing in 2011 to examine and document some of these
to ensure an individual is competent to practice in a specific profession issues. The aim and scope of this group was merely to begin dialog in this
(in this case as a genetic counselor), and is meant to ensure public space. Currently in most countries, the process of international recognition
safety and title protection for those within the profession. Require- is rigorous, with the first formal criteria for true reciprocal registration
ments for licensure vary by state, but most have accepted the ABGC established by the GCRB in 2006. This started with a recognition that
certification examination as documentation of competency. India, Tai- genetic counselors registered with the relevant boards in Australia (HGSA),
wan, and Japan have also established a certification process with over- South Africa (HPCSA), and the United Kingdom (GCRB) would be able to
sight by their in-country professional genetic counseling societies, but receive individual registration (“certification”) in any of these countries
many other countries have no form of credentialing yet established. without having to complete a whole new registration process. Several cer-
While a master’s degree in genetic counseling is the minimum entry tification boards currently recognize Master’s training programs overseas
to the credentialing process for most countries where one exists, one of (see Table 2) with varying country-based requirements, including a
the most important conceptual differences is that some countries (United reduced portfolio in some cases, to fully meet requirements for examina-
States, Canada) consider their credential to measure entry level compe- tion or portfolio. The only true reciprocal arrangements between registra-
tency, while most other countries with registration or certification proc- tion boards exist between United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, and
esses require a minimum of 2 years of supervised clinical work practice,
the EBMG (Genetic Nurse and Genetic Counsellor Branches).
postmaster’s degree, and consider their credential to measure the compe-
tence to work autonomously. The various systems place emphasis on dif-
ferent competencies and measure them differently; some countries (e.g.,
United Kingdom, EU, Australia, South Africa, etc.) measure work practice
In most countries, the scope of practice of master’s-trained genetic
by an assessment of a portfolio of evidence, focusing on lived experience
counselors includes working with patients (and their families) who face
of genetic counseling in practice, demonstrating scientific knowledge,
conditions with a genetic component in a clinical setting. The National
counseling skills, use of counseling supervision, and reflective practice.
Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) has framed the clinical scope of
Notably, these portfolios require clinical practice, which impacts the abil-
practice for genetic counselors to include medical roles (history taking;
ity of genetic counselors working in nonclinical settings to become cre-
risk assessment; education regarding inheritance, natural history, and
dentialed. Other countries (e.g., United States, Canada, Taiwan, India, etc.)
genetic testing; coordination of testing, including cascade testing, and
require the prospective candidate to pass an examination that demon-
in some cases ordering the genetic testing), psychosocial support
strates applied clinical knowledge including both scientific and counseling
(assessing adaptation, providing anticipatory guidance and short-term
skills. Additionally, countries vary in whether they allow alternative
client-centered counseling) and case management (documentation; pro-
degrees or training approaches to be considered for genetic counseling
vision of resources) (,
registration, particularly in areas where professionals obtained on-the-job
accessed January 22, 2018). These roles seem to occur at least in part
training to practice as genetic counselors in the early stages of the profes-
across the globe by individuals trained as genetic counselors, though
sion. For example, in Europe, the professional bodies that support genetic
there is within and between country variation in how these roles are
counselors were keen to keep the two professional groups—genetic
implemented, and specifically with regard to how psychotherapeutic
counselors and genetic nurses, together. As such, the credentialing bodies
the genetic counseling process is. Within the United Kingdom,
that offer voluntary registration for genetic counselors (e.g., the GCRB in
the United Kingdom and ROI, and the EBMG/EBGC in the EU) therefore Australia, and South Africa, genetic counselors aim to follow a patient-

recognizes two different pathways to register as a genetic counselor—the centered psychotherapeutic process, integrating genetics/genomics

first via completing a Master’s Genetic Counselling program, the second knowledge into a consultation that is based on the clients’ needs

via a nursing route, which includes Master’s level genetic nursing in (Clarke et al., 2007; Middleton, Hall, & Patch, 2015). In the United

Europe, or senior nursing practitioner plus training in genetics and coun- States and Canada, though the importance of a “psychosocial” focus to
seling in United Kingdom and ROI (Paneque et al., 2016; http://www. the genetic counseling interaction has been recognized as a core, or foundational element (Veach, Bartels, & LeRoy, 2007; http://www.gce-
In some countries, credentialing is a legal requirement in order to
practice clinically as a genetic counselor, while it is not in others. However, chure_15_Web.pdf, accessed February 12, 2018), process studies
the many differences between training and credentialing processes have show that genetic counselors tend to practice in a more didactic,
made the recognition between countries of each other’s credentials chal- teaching model-based manner (Hartmann, Veach, MacFarlane, &
lenging, though with the global demand for a genetic counseling workforce LeRoy, 2015; Lerner et al., 2014; Meiser, Irle, Lobb, & Barlow-
it is an issue that must be addressed. International recognition began infor- Stewart, 2008; Roter, Ellington, Erby, Larson, & Dudley, 2006). Grow-
mally and on a case-by-case basis in the early 2000s, thus registered/certi- ing evidence suggests the best patient outcomes are associated with
fied genetic counselors wishing to relocate and work in a different country a more counseling-based model (Redlinger-Grosse et al., 2016), and
would contact the appropriate regulatory board and ask for their training this is currently pushing the profession in these countries toward

refocusing on the psychotherapeutic aspects of the work (Austin, service centers. Patients in rural areas have limited access to genetic
Semaka, & Hadjipavlou, 2014). counseling and services by telephone and videoconference have
Specifically in Asia, an online survey conducted by the PSGCA was recently been implemented to address this. Only 2 of the 11 provinces
recently completed in order to gain a better understanding on the clini- of South Africa have genetic counselors, 2 more provinces have genetic
cal scope of genetic counselors currently practicing in the region. In services provided by specialists in medical genetics, and for the rest of
addition to being a valuable “genetics-expert” resource to patients and the country, genetic services are provided by nongenetics health-care
families affected with genetic conditions, the genetic counselor’s role in providers (Greenberg, Kromberg, Loggenberg, & Wessels, 2012).
providing psychosocial counseling is highlighted as one of the main rea- Another area of difference is the frequency with which genetic
sons of the profession’s important contribution as a member of the counselors work in clinical versus nonclinical roles across the various
health-care team. Clearly distinguishing, as best as possible, the unique countries. In some countries, this has been a rapidly growing area for
and value-added role of genetic counselors in the region, and in fact genetic counselor positions, with expansion into academic and com-
globally, will help standardize the necessary core practice competencies mercial laboratory genetic counselor roles and research-related genetic
for training and professional development. counselor roles, both clinical roles and nonclinical roles. The transition
Finally, genetic counselors across the globe work both as part of a of genetic counselors into these nonclinical roles contributes to some
health-care team and in some cases in a more autonomous role, and degree to the workplace shortages mentioned above. In the United
they practice across various specialities that may or may not include States, at least 20% of genetic counselors are employed in primarily
medical geneticists. One area of variation is the frequency with which industry-based positions (NSGC Professional Status Survey, 2016), and
genetic counselors work as “generalists” as part of a medical genetics in Canada 30% of genetic counselors are in nondirect patient facing
team (frequently seeing all types of genetics referrals), versus within a roles (CAGC, 2016). Research, education and industry roles are emerg-
specialty team (e.g., in cancer genetics, cardiology genetics, etc.) that is ing for genetic counselors in the United Kingdom (Middleton et al.,
increasingly embedded within that medical speciality and working in 2017) and Australia (Barlow-Stewart et al., 2015), and there is a slower
conjunction with nongenetics trained physicians who become experts rate of growth in South Africa and Asian countries, noting a few
in genetic conditions within their specialty. In the United States, spe- genetic counselors working primarily in industry (e.g., India, Hong Kong,
cialty practice has been increasing rapidly over the past 20 years, with Singapore, Thailand), but the majority practice clinically as “generalists”
substantial percentages of genetic counselors reporting that they work in both private and public health-care settings across Asia.
in cancer genetics (48%), cardiogenetics (10%), neurogenetics (8%),
infertility genetics (5%), and other speciality areas (NSGC Professional 5 | HEALTH-CARE SYSTEM DISPARITIES
Status Survey, 2016). In Australia, many of the familial cancer services AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES
are led by medical oncologists who work alongside genetic counselors.
More recently, however, with the decreasing costs of genetic testing, An important global difference in how genetic counseling is practiced
oncologists and surgeons working in private practice are ordering can be traced back to the different type of health systems that exist,
genetic tests. For some time this has been happening in the context of including which types of patients can be seen autonomously, which
treatment focused genetic testing in breast and ovarian cancer (Quinn services and tests are available and how they are offered, billed,
et al., 2017) with those women found to be mutation-positive referred ordered, and reimbursed. Accessibility to genetic testing is based on
to familial cancer services. However it is anticipated that with genetic several issues: availability of testing (including laws that may govern
testing becoming recognized as an important component of medical whether testing may occur internationally or only in-country), variation
care (“mainstreamed”), more nongenetics health-care providers in other in what tests are covered by public and private payer systems, as well
specialities will be ordering tests. Current limitations on genetic coun- as who is permitted to order (request) tests. Below, we provide several
selors charging a fee-for-service means that they are often not involved examples of practice variation based on health-care system, contrasting
with these physicians clinically although they may be working in the systems that are primarily publically funded (e.g., United Kingdom,
laboratories providing testing and assisting with return of results. While Canada, Taiwan, South Korea) with those who have mixed systems
the future role of genetic counselors in Australia as genetic testing is (e.g., Australia, South Africa, Philippines, etc.) and those that are primar-
mainstreamed in this genomics era remains unclear, recent policy ily private payer systems (United States). We will also discuss how
frameworks developed at the National and State levels recognize there these variations include the clinical incorporation of noninvasive prenatal
is a clear need for their involvement ( screening (NIPS) and whole exome/genome sequencing (WES/WGS).
au/genomics/national-health-genomics-policy-framework/supporting_ In the United States, health-care services (both medical services
documents/National%20Health%20Genomics%20Policy%20Frame- such as genetic counseling and the genetic testing itself) are primarily
work%20Consultation%20Draft%20D161361443.PDF). funded through private payers, with around 25% of patients having
Generalist practice occurs more frequently in countries with publicly funded insurance. In recent years, genetic testing has moved
smaller numbers of genetic counselors, because geography (e.g., rural from academic laboratories toward commercial laboratories, and this
clinics) and workforce limitations require them to address all referral has accelerated the pace of clinical translation of new genomic technol-
indications. For example, in South Africa, genetic counseling is primarily ogies such as NIPS (first offered in 2011 to high-risk women and more
available in the major cities and mostly occurs at tertiary health-care recently offered to all pregnant women), WES (2011) and next-

generation sequencing-based gene testing panels (2013). The commer- component of the Australian health system) are largely on a fee-for-
cial drive for genetic testing in the United States means that different service basis. The private health insurance system does not cover the
companies offer different testing options; for example, cancer panels costs of the tests. Only a few tests are currently funded nationally with
across different companies include a wide range of genes with a range reimbursement to the patient through the national Medicare system,
of evidence around clinical validity and clinical utility, and a wide range although that number is increasing. Similarly, in South Africa, some pri-
of pricing. Their broad conceptual availability does not mean that all vate medical insurance (self-funded medical aid) schemes will cover
patients are able to access these technologies, however, and many are local genetic testing (which is limited), others will cover a portion or
faced with justifying genetic test orders with letters of medical neces- none of the costs. In such cases patients are required to self-pay for
sity, with high deductible co-payments and with denial of coverage. genetic testing. Because of the high costs of genetic tests in South
In Canada, health-care services are publically funded, with the govern- Africa, tests are often performed by international laboratories that may
ment setting health-care standards through the Canada Health Act, and cost up to 50% less than the local price. However, getting medical aids
through provincial funding for regional service delivery. Each province has to cover the cost of international genetic testing is challenging. For
its own health-care insurance plan, and there is variation regarding which example, access to array CGH only became locally available in 2017;
professions are regulated (sometimes with diverse legislative approaches) gene panels and WES are available on a research basis in state labora-
and their scope of practice. Similarly, the specific types of genetic testing tories or on a fee-for-service basis to individuals with private insurance,
(e.g., NIPT, WES) that are covered by the health-care system, and for although the cost and funding remains problematic. Because there are
whom, may vary on a provincial/territorial basis. In the United Kingdom, a number of founder mutations for various genetic conditions in the
most genetic counselors practice clinically within Regional Clinical Genetics local South African populations, founder testing is still being offered
Services (or the newly formed Genomic Medicine Centres) within the pub- particularly through the state laboratory services. However, with the
licly funded National Health Service (i.e., genetic testing and genetic coun- improvement in genetic testing technology it is becoming more cost-
seling is paid for by the government and not the patient). Genetic effective to perform next-generation sequencing on genes as opposed
counselors work together with their clinical geneticist and clinical scientist to testing for selective founder mutations.
colleagues as well as independently and autonomously with their own While genetic testing companies offering NIPT/NIPS are actively
patient load. Although private practice for genetic counselors is on the marketing in the Asia region, the limited number of trained providers
increase, it is by no means the predominant role. As genomics becomes offering quality genetic counseling and overall low medical genetic liter-
“mainstreamed,” that is, testing is offered throughout a whole health-care acy may compromise the informed decision-making process (Chandra-
setting, the roles for genetic counselors are evolving, with more involved sekharan, Minear, Hung, & Allyse, 2014). The provision of genetic
in teaching, policy, research, and outreach clinical services (Middleton counseling services, in itself, differs among countries in Asia, and these
et al., 2017). With regard to genetic testing in both Canada and the United underlying differences are attributed to country-specific health-care
Kingdom, since the health service pays for genetic testing, decisions about systems and honoring its cultural, religious, and ethical norms (e.g.,
which test to offer and to whom are based on medical necessity; each pregnancy termination being legal in some countries and not in others)
country has rigorous requirements for tests that are covered to be “medi- (Laurino, Sternen, Thompson, & Leppin, 2017). This being said, a
cally necessary” or “required” (Canada Health Act) clinical utility and cost- trained genetic counselor is expected to maintain professional stand-
effectiveness before offering testing ( ards in providing the patient and their family genetics education and
committee/372/soci/rep/repoct02vol6part7-e.htm, accessed Febru- appropriate psychosocial counseling. But what may differ are the addi-
ary 12, 2018). In the United Kingdom, for example, NIPT is now tional services/resources available to those individuals/patients. In gen-
available; whole genome sequencing (WGS) is only available within eral, the majority of genetic counselors in Asia provide clinical genetic
defined research projects, for example, in England via the 100,000 counseling services or conduct research whereas a minority primarily
Genomes Project (Caulfield et al., 2017). However, the availability of work for genetic testing laboratories.
other forms of genetic and genomic testing (e.g., a clinical exome, Finally, not surprisingly, cultural, linguistic, and religious issues also
gene panel tests, virtual panel based on a WES or sequencing of a influence the provision of genetic counseling services. For example,
single gene) is based on the clinical question being asked. South Africa has 11 official languages, while the Philippines has approx-
Australia and South Africa are examples of a public/private mix of imately 175 ethnolinguistic groups; this makes it challenging to provide
health-care delivery, which raises concerns that future access to counseling in a patient’s native language. In addition, there are no
genetic testing will be increasingly available to those who have the words in many indigenous languages for “gene,” “chromosomes,” and
capacity to pay, while waiting times for accessing publicly funded serv- “genetics,” making it difficult to follow the traditional western genetic
ices will become longer. In Australia, genetics services are available in counseling model. Research has also shown that across the world indi-
all States and Territories though the public health system. Where viduals have different worldviews and cultural practices, and these may
genetic testing is considered appropriate, it is offered free of charge, differ significantly from a westernized and more biomedically focused
funded largely by the State Governments which are responsible for approach to practice (Abad et al., 2014; Penn & Watermeyer, 2012;
health-care delivery. If a patient wishes to access genetic testing that is Penn, Watermeyer, MacDonald, & Moabelo, 2010). And finally, religion
not available through the public system, it may be accessed privately. and culture may also significantly impact the availability of various rele-
Genetic tests offered by physicians in private practice (a major vant services, such as the legal availability of pregnancy termination

worldwide, impacting prenatal genetic counseling practice. Therefore, a CAGC. (2016). Professional status survey. Retrieved from https://www.
critical aspect of genetic counseling is that the communication and

services should be adapted to meet the needs of the individual and Caulfield, M., Davies, J., Dennys, M., Elbahy, L., Fowler, T., Hill, S., . . .
Woods K. L. (2017). The 100,000 genomes project protocol. Retrieved
family, fostering of cultural competence in an attempt to address from
potential barriers (Saleh & Barlow-Stewart, 2005; Yeo et al., 2005). Chandrasekharan, S., Minear, M. A., Hung, A., & Allyse, M. A. (2014).
Noninvasive prenatal testing goes global. Science Translational Medi-
cine, 6(231), 231fs15.
Clarke, A., Middleton, A., Cowley, L., Guilbert, P., Macleod, R.,
Clarke, A., . . . AGNC Supervision Working Group. (2007) Report
Genetic counseling is a rapidly growing profession with the overarching from the UK and Eire Association of Genetic Nurses and Coun-
goal to add value to the care of patients with genetic conditions and their sellors (AGNC) supervision working group on genetic counselling
families. There are many global similarities in the educational process, supervision. Journal of Genetic Counselling, 16(2), 127–142.

mechanisms of credentialing, and the scope of practice, but the profession Dobson and DaVanzo. (2016). Projecting the supply and demand for
certified genetic counselors: A workforce study. Retrieved from
has evolved in unique ways in different countries due to varying health-
care systems, legal restrictions, and cultural issues. The era of precision son-DaVanzo-Report-to-NSGC_Final-Report-9-6-16.pdf
medicine is further challenging the way that genetic testing is offered, and Greenberg, J., Kromberg, J., Loggenberg, K., & Wessels, T. M. (2012).
the roles that genetic counselors play; thus far a “one size fits all” definition Genetic counseling in South Africa. In D. Kumar (Ed.), Genomics and
health in the developing world. Oxford mongraphs of medical genetics
of the job title “genetic counselor” does not exist. Genetic counselors can
(pp. 531–546). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
learn from each other, sharing experiences, building on what works in
Hartmann, J. E., Veach, P. M., MacFarlane, I. M., & LeRoy, B. S. (2015).
other countries and adapting it to unique circumstances in one’s own Genetic counselor perceptions of genetic counseling session goals: A
home country in order to improve care for our patients and their families. validation study of the reciprocal-engagement model. Journal of
Genetic Counseling, 24(2), 225–237.
Together, we can be solution-driven in strategically increasing professional
recognition—both within and across nations.
Kromberg, J. G., Wessels, T. M., & Krause, A. (2013). Roles of genetic coun-
selors in South Africa. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 22(6), 753–761.
AC KNOW LE DGME NT Laurino, M. Y., Leppig, K. A., Abad, P. J., Cham, B., Chu, Y., Kejriwal, S.,
. . . Thong, M. K. (2018). A report on ten Asia Pacific countries on
This work is supported by Wellcome Grant [206194] paid to Con-
current status and future directions of the genetic counseling profes-
necting Science, Society and Ethics Research Group, Wellcome sion: The establishment of the Professional Society of Genetic Coun-
Genome Campus. selors in Asia. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27(1), 21–32. https://doi.

C ONFLICT OF INT E RE ST Laurino, M. Y., Sternen, D. L., Thompson, J. K., & Leppin, K. A. (2017).
Identifying opportunities for collaboration and growth of genetic
None. counseling services in the Asia Region. Journal of Community Genetics,
8, 243–248.
OR CID Leeming, W. (2013). Looking back on the future of genetic counselling in
Canada. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 30(1), 101–122
Kelly E. Ormond
Lerner, B., Roberts, J. S., Shwartz, M., Roter, D. L., Green, R. C., & Clark,
~a Laurino
Mercy Ygon J. A. (2014). Distinct communication patterns during genetic counsel-
Tina-Marie Wessels ing for late-onset Alzheimer’s risk assessment. Patient Education and
Shelley Macaulay Counseling, 94(2), 170–179.

Jehannine Austin MCGM. (2017). Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine. Retrieved
Anna Middleton
Meiser, B., Irle, J., Lobb, E., & Barlow-Stewart, K. (2008). Assessment of
the content and process of genetic counseling: A critical review of
R E FER E NCE S empirical studies. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 17(5), 434–451.
Abad, P. J. B., Tan, M. L., Baluyot, M. M. P., Villa, A. Q., Talapian, G. L., Middleton, A., Hall, G., & Patch, C. (2015). Genetic counselors and
Reyes, M. E., & Laurino, M. Y. (2014). Cultural beliefs on disease cau- genomic counseling in the United Kingdom. Molecular Genetics &
sation in the Philippines: Challenge and implications in genetic coun- Genomic Medicine, 3(2), 79–83.
seling. Journal of Community Genetics, 5(4), 399–407. Middleton, A., Marks, P., Bruce, A., Protheroe-Davies, L. K., King, C.,
10.1007/s12687-014-0193-1 Claber, O., . . . Boyes, L. (2017). The role of genetic counsellors in
Austin, J., Semaka, A., & Hadjipavlou, G. (2014). Conceptualizing genetic genomic healthcare in the United Kingdom: A statement by the Asso-
counseling as psychotherapy in the era of genomic medicine. Journal ciation of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors. European Journal of Human
of Genetic Counseling, 23(6), 903–909. Genetics, 25(6), 659–661.
s10897-014-9728-1. NSGC. (2016). 2016 professional status survey: Executive summary.
Barlow-Stewart, K., Dunlop, K., Fleischer, R., Shalhoub, C., & Williams R.
(2015). The NSW genetic counselling workforce: Background infor- tive-summary-2.pdf
mation paper: An evidence check rapid review brokered by the Sax Paneque, M., Moldovan, R., Cordier, C., Serra-Juhe , C., Feroce, I., Lam-
Institute for the Centre for the NSW Ministry of Health, May 2015. bert, D., . . . Skirton, H. (2016). Development of a registration system
Retrieved from for genetic counsellors and nurses in health-care services in Europe.

European Journal of Human Genetics, 24(3), 312–314.

10.1038/ejhg.2015.234 M. Y. LAURINO is a genetic counselor and man-

Penn, C., & Watermeyer, J. (2012). Sociocultural perspectives of inher- ager of the cancer prevention programs at the
ited diseases in Southern Africa. In D. Kumar (Ed.), Genomics and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. In 2011, she
health in the developing world. Oxford mongraphs of medical genetics helped established the genetic counseling train-
(pp. 568–584). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ing program at the University of the Philippines
Penn, C., Watermeyer, J., MacDonald, C., & Moabelo, C., (2010). Grand-
Manila and continues to serve as a faculty
mothers as gems of genetic wisdom: Exploring South African tradi-
tional beliefs about the causes of childhood genetic disorders. Journal member. With a team of genetic counselors
of Genetic Counseling, 19(1), 9–21. practicing in the Asia region, she launched the Professional Society of
Professional Society of Genetic Counselors in Asia. (2015). Retrieved Genetic Counselors in Asia in 2015. She continues to dedicate her time
from to advocate for genetic counselors in Asia and in increasing awareness
Quinn, V. F., Meiser, B., Kirk, J., Tucker, K. M., Watts, K. J., Rahman, B., . . . on the importance of genetic counseling.
for the TFGT Collaborative Group. (2017). Streamlined genetic education
is effective in preparing women newly diagnosed with breast cancer for K. BARLOW-STEWART was one of the first in
decision making about treatment-focused genetic testing: A randomized Australia to be certified as a genetic counselor in
controlled noninferiority trial. Genetics in Medicine, 19, 448–456.
1991 after working to develop the training and
Redlinger-Grosse, K., Veach, P. M., Cohen, S., LeRoy, B. S., MacFarlane, I.
professional certification guidelines with the
M., & Zierhut, H. (2016). Defining our clinical practice: The identifica-
tion of genetic counseling outcomes utilizing the reciprocal accrediting body, the Human Genetics Society
engagement model. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 25(2), 239–257. of Australasia (HGSA). She was the Foundation Director of New South Wales Health’s Centre
Roter, D., Ellington, L., Erby, L. H., Larson, S., & Dudley, W. (2006). The genetic for Genetics Education from 1989 to 2012, an internationally recognized
counseling video project (GCVP): Models of practice. American Journal of
source of genetics information for professionals and the community. In
Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, 142(4), 209–220.
2011 she established the Master of Genetic Counselling program for the
Saleh, M. T., & Barlow-Stewart, K. (2005). Genetics education in a cultur-
ally diverse population lessons learnt, future directions. Annals of University of Sydney and is its current director. Her clinical, education,
Human Biology, 32(2), 211–217. and research career has focused on addressing the information and sup-
Scott, J. A., Walker, A. P., Eunpu, D. L., & Djurdjinovic, L. (1988). Genetic port needs of the community, education, and training needs of health-
counselor training: A review and considerations for the future. care professionals, particularly genetic counselors, and the psychosocial
American Journal of Human Genetics, 42(1), 191–199.
and ethical impact of the rapidly developing field of genetic and
Skirton, H., Barnes, C., Guilbert, P., Kershaw, A., Kerzin-Storrar, L.,
Patch, C., . . . Walford-Moore, J. (1998). Recommendations for edu- genomics technologies. Kristine has contributed widely to development
cation and training of genetic nurses and counsellors in the United of policies in these areas both nationally and internationally.
Kingdom. Journal of Medicine Genetics, 35(5), 410–412.
T.-M. WESSELS is a genetic counselor and senior
Veach, P., Bartels, D. M., & LeRoy, B. S. (2007). Coming full circle: A
reciprocal-engagement model of genetic counseling practice. Journal lecturer in genetic counseling. She is the course
of Genetic Counseling, 16(6), 713–728. convener of the Master’s program in Genetic
Walker, A. P., Scott, J. A., Biesecker, B. B., Conover, B., Blake, W., & Counselling and is involved in other undergrad-
Djurdjinovic, L. (1990). Report of the 1989 Asilomar meeting on edu- uate and postgraduate teaching in the Faculty
cation in genetic counseling. American Journal of Human Genetics, 46
of Health Sciences. She is also part of the clini-
(6), 1223–1230.
cal team that provides genetic counseling serv-
Yeo, S. S., Meiser, B., Barlow-Stewart, K., Goldstein, D., Tucker, K., &
Eisenbruch, M. (2005). Understanding beliefs of Chinese-Australians ices and see patients with a wide range of genetic conditions. She co-
about cancer: The utility of an ethnographic approach. Psycho-Oncol- chaired the Transnational Alliance of Genetic Counseling (TAGC) Con-
ogy, 14, 174–186. ference in 2016 and is currently on the board of the TAGC as the
South African representative. She is a past chair of the Genetic
AUT HOR B IOGR AP HIE S Counselling-South Africa subgroup, and was on the Health Professions
Council of South Africa’s committee that updated the rules and regula-
K. E. ORMOND is a professor of genetics, a
tions for the profession and established reciprocity agreements.
genetic counselor, and a bioethicist who cur-
rently co-directs the genetic counseling training S. MACAULAY is a genetic counselor and the
program at Stanford University. She is a past genetic counseling manager at the University
president of the National Society of Genetic of the Witwatersrand and the National Health
Counselors (NSGC), and was the co-chair of Laboratory Service in Johannesburg, South
the Transnational Alliance of Genetic Counsel- Africa. She is the course coordinator of the
ing conference in 2016. She is interested in the practice of genetic MSc (Med) Genetic Counselling degree pro-
counseling internationally, and in 2017 she spent her sabbatical time gram at the university and has recently been
learning about the provision of genetic counseling in parts of Europe involved in redesigning the curriculum. She is actively involved in com-
and Australia and thinking about how they are the same and different munity and publicity awareness for genetic counseling and advocating
to that in the United States. for genetic counseling positions in South Africa.

Genetic Counsellor Registration Board (GCRB; United Kingdom and

J. AUSTIN is a genetic counselor and Canada
Republic of Ireland), through this she has co-written policy and curricula
Research Chair in Translational Psychiatric
on professional genetic counseling issues. She co-wrote the first Reci-
Genetics. While primarily concerned with psy-
procity of Registration for Overseas Genetic Counsellors in the United
chiatric disorders, her research work also
Kingdom and co-led the original International Committee on Genetic
encompasses conceptual and professional
Counselor Credentialing for the Transnational Alliance of Genetic
issues related to genetic counseling more
broadly. She was 2016 president of the
National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), co-chaired the profes-
sional governance committee of Canadian Association of Genetic ~a, Barlow-
How to cite this article: Ormond KE, Laurino M Ygon
Counsellors (CAGC), and is a graduate advisor to the University of Brit- Stewart K, et al. Genetic counseling globally: Where are we
ish Columbia genetic counseling MSc program. now? Am J Med Genet Part C Semin Med Genet. 2018;00:1–10.
A. MIDDLETON has had two parallel careers as a
genetic counselor and social sciences academic;
she now directs the Society and Ethics Research
Group at the Wellcome Genome Campus (inc
Sanger Institute) in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
She is co-founder of the World Congress on
Genetic Counselling, Chair of the Association of
Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (AGNC) and past Vice-Chair of the

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