LKPD Fairy Tale

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Group :
Name :
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...

 Mengidentifikasi kharakteristik dari teks naratif, termasuk fungsi social dan struktur teks;
 Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari teks naratif, diantaranya noun phrases and
adverbs of time, place and manner;
 Memahami informasi implisit dan eksplisit (ide pokok dan informasi detail) dari teks yang
dibaca dan didengar;
 Menulis teks naratif dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks; dan
 Menceritakan kembali teks naratif yang telah ditulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Activity 1
Your teacher will give you a question. Pay attention and answer the teacher’s questions orally.

Activity 2
Pay attention to the video and note some important information. Discuss with your groups and
write the story with your own version.
Activity 3
A short introduction to Fairy tale
Fairy Tale
1. Definition
A text which tells a story from generation to generation that contain elements of
miracles or impossibilities in the characters of the story.

2. Social function
The social function is to amuse or entertain the reader with the story. And sometimes it
has also teach us a lesson or moral.

3. Generic structure
 Orientation: introduces the character, when, where the story happen
 Complication: where the problem of the story arises
 Resolution: where the problem of the story solved
 Re-Orientation: the moral lesson of the story/ the writer advise or notes.

4. Language features
 Using Past Tense
 Using Adjectives (e.g. beautiful, young)
 Using Time connectives (e.g. then, soon, before)
 Using Action Verbs ( e.g. went, walked)
 Using Adverbs (e.g. happily, carelessly)
5. Example

Title Bawang merah and Bawang putih

Orientation Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy merchant in a small village. The merchant’s
wife has passed away many years ago, so he lived only with his beautiful daughter for
years. The name of his daughter is Bawang Putih. One day, the merchant decided to
remarried with an old widow. The old widow also had one daughter and her name is
Bawang Merah. The merchant was very happy because his new wife seemed to be care
of his daughter

Complication One day, the merchant passed away and he gave all of his wealth to his daughter,
Bawang Putih. It turned out that the old widow and her daughter were not nice people.
They started to treat Bawang Putih badly ever since the merchant’s death. Bawang
Putih couldn’t do anything to fight back so she followed every instruction that her step
mother and step sister gave to her.

Complication One day, Bawang Putih was doing the laundry at the river bank. She was too busy
cleaning the clothes that she didn’t realize that one of her stepmother’s favorite clothes
fell into the river and drifted away. By the time she had finished the laundry, she
realized that there was a missing clothes. She tried to look for it anywhere, but she
couldn’t find it. She was so worried, because she knew that her stepmother will be very
angry when she found out that her favorite clothes was missing. Bawang Putih decided
to follow the river flow hoping that she will find the lost clothes. Bawang Putih kept
walking at the river bank until she saw that there is an intersection of the river that flow
into a cave. She entered the cave and she found out that there is an old woman living in
the cave alone. Then Bawang Putih asked to the old woman about the missing clothes. It
turned out that the old woman found it in front of the cave and kept it. Bawang Putih
asked the old woman to return the clothes to her and she explained that it was her
stepmother’s favorite clothes and she will be angry if Bawang Putih didn’t bring it back.
The old woman agreed to return the clothes but she asked Bawang Putih to help her to
cook and to clean the place. Bawang Putih agreed with the old woman request. She also
offered her two pumpkin as a reward for her help. She brought it back to her house.
When she cut it open, she found a lot of jewelry inside the pumpkin. Her step mother
and her step sister took it right away and asked her how did she managed to get the
magical pumpkin.
Resolution Bawang Putih told them the story and they decided to repeat the incident in order to get
another pumpkin. Unfortunately, when they have received the pumpkin and tried to cut
it open, they found a lot of snake in it. After that, they realized their mistake and they
apologized to Bawang Putih

The example of analysis of the narrative text

Structure Details
Orientation Character : Bawang merah, bawang putih, etc.
Place : in a small village (Paragraph 1)
Complication Bawang putih treated badly by her step mom and
bawang merah, etc (Paragraph 2 and 3)
Resolution Her step mother and bawang merah apologized to
bawang putih (Paragraph 4)
Re-orientation / Coda every good deed will be rewarded

Language Past Tense the merchant passed away and he gave all of his
Features wealth to his daughter

Adjectives beautiful, old.

Time Sequences then, until.
Action Verbs Doing, cook, clean, walking
Activity 4
Group Task
Snow White

A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White. When the queen
died, the king remarried. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow White. The queen gave orders that
Snow White was to be treated as a servant.

Snow White grew to be a very beautiful girl. One day a Prince who was riding by saw her at work and
immediately fell in love with her.

The queen was beautiful too, and everyday she asked her Magic Mirror, “Who is the fairest in the land?”
And the mirror always answered, “You are the fairest one of all.”

One day the mirror answered that Snow White is the fairest in the land. In a rage the queen gave orders
to one of her huntsmen to take Snow White into the wood and killed her.

But the huntsman had a kind heart and couldn’t carry out the order. So he told Snow White to run away.
She fled into the woods where The Seven Dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.

Snow White entered the little house and found it untidy. She started to clean it up. Upstairs she found
seven little beds. Feeling very tired she stretched out one the beds, and soon fell asleep.

When the Dwarfs came home they were very surprised to find Snow White. And after some arguments,
they decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them.

The queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch. She a poisoned
apple and set out for the Dwarfs’ cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple. Snow White ate it and
as soon as she bit into the apple, and sank into unconsciousness.

Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she laid in the forest in
her glass coffin. One day the Prince who was riding through the forest looking for Snow White found her.
He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with smile. Everyone was happy. The Prince
took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.

Based on the text above, analyze the text in a group, and present the result of your discussion.
Structure Details



Re-orientation / Coda

Language Features Past Tense


Time Sequences
Action Verbs

Answer the questions based on the text on activity 3.

1. The story tells us about ?
Answer: ...............................................................................................................................
2. Why did the queen go to the woods ?
Answer: ...............................................................................................................................
3. How was the story end?
Answer: ...............................................................................................................................
4. What is the moral lesson of the story!
Answer: ...............................................................................................................................
5. Snow white entered the little house and found it very untidy. (Par.6)
The underlined words means?
Answer: ...............................................................................................................................

Activity 5
Choose one of the following picture, Observe it, and then write down your own tale. Be as creative
as you can. Use the story map below to outline your writing. Then Write your story.

Story Map

Title :

Setting : Character :

Events that happen :

Conflict : Solution :
Ending :

Write your story here :

Structure Details



Re-orientation / Coda

Language Features Past Tense


Time Sequences

Action Verbs

Activity 6

From the task above, now write about your understanding about Fairy Tale.
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m Possible”

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