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Directions (Q. 1-5): In each of the following sentences there are two blanks.

Below each sentence

there are five pairs of words. Find out the pair which can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in
the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully correct.
1. The National Mission for clean Ganga ___ that by 2020, no untreated municipal sewage or Industrial
___ will flow into the Ganga.

1. envisions, effluent 2. prevails, garbage 3. portrays, trash

4. illustrates, waste 5. visions, unused
2. The quality of water in the river, once famed for its purity, is ___ now. And one of the key areas
which need attention is ecological ___.
1. noisome, restore 2. abysmal, restoration 3. disgusting, issue
4. massacre, sustainable 5. maladroit, disturbance
3. Perhaps the supreme court’s ___, along with the government’s new resolve, could act as a ___ for
cleaning the Ganga.
1. admonition, catalyst 2. signal, sluggish 3. warning, attempt
4. reprimand, empower 5. dissolute, sign
4. One of the concepts proposed which developed out of the ___ of social movements was ___ justice.
1. problem, collusion 2. fight, obscene 3. battle, cognitive
4. tough, evasive 5. sensitive, elude
5. What is particularly ___ is that the community’s confidence in health workers continues to remain low,
and people are largely ___ to seek medical attention.
1. poignant, unwilling 2. dishonor, will 3. instigate, abated
4. touching, keen 5. penetrating, pursue

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