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Eng ineeri ng
Treatment and Resource Recovery

Fifth Edition
Metcalf & Eddy I AECOM
Revised by
George Tchobanoglous Contributing Authors:
Profcssor Emcritus of Civil and Mohammad Abu·Orf
Environmental Engineering North America Biosolids Praccice
University of Califomia at Davis Leader. AECOM

H. David Stensel Gregory Bowden

Profcssor of Civil and Environmental Wastcwater Technical Leader, AECOM
University of Washington, Seattle William Pfrang
Wastewater Treatment Technology
Ryuiiro Tsuchihashi Leacler, AECOM
Wastewater Tcchnical Leader, AECOM

Franklin Burton
Consulting Engincer
Los Altos, CA

Published by McGraw-1-lill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10 L2 l. Copyright© 2014 by

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About the Authors

George Tchobanoglous is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Envi-

ronmental Engineering at the Universily of California, Davis. He received a B.S. degree in
civil engineering from lhe University of the Pacific, an M.S. degree in s,rnitary eugineering
frorn the University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. from Stanford University in
1969. Dr. Tchobanoglous' research interests are in the areas of wastewater treatment and
reuse, wastewater filtration, UV disinfection, aquatic wastewater managemenl systems,
wastewater managemenl for small and decentralized wastewater mauagement systems, and
solid waste managemenl. He has authored or co-authored over 500 technical publications
including 22 textbooks and 8 reference works. The text.books are usecl in more than 225
colleges and universities. by practicing engineers, and in universities worldwicle both in
English and in translation. His books are famous for successfully bridging lhe gap between
academia and the day-lo-day world of the engineer. He is a Pasl Presidenl of the Associa-
tion of Environmental Engineers and Science Professors. Among his man y honors, in 2003
Professor Tchobanoglous received the Clarke Prize frorn the National Water Research
Institute. In 2004, he received lhe Distinguished Service Award for Research and Education
in Integrated Waste Management from the Wasle-To-Energy Research and Technology
Council. In 2004, he was also inducted into the Nacional Academy of Engineering. In 2005,
he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.
In 2007, he received the Frederick George Pohland M edal awarded by AAEE ancl AEESP.
In 2012 he was made a WEF Fellow. He is a registered Civil Engineer in California.

H. David Stensel is a Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Deparlment

at the University of Washington, Seanle, WA. Prior to his academic positions, he spent
JO years in practice developing and applying industrial and municipal wastewater treatrnent
processes. He received a B.S. degree in cívil engineering frorn Union College, Schenecrady,
NY, and M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in environmental engineering frum Cornell Uníver:;ity. His
principal research interests are in the areas of wastewater treatment, biological nutríent
removal, sludge processing methods, resource recovery. and biodegradation of micropollut-
ants. He is a Past Chair of the Environmental Engineering Dívision of ASCE, has served on
the board oftheAssociation of Environmental Engineering Professors and on various commit-
tees for ASCE and the Water Environmenl Federation. He has authored or coauthored over
150 technical publícations and a textbook on biological outrient removal. Research recogni-
tion honors include the ASCE Ruclolf Hering Meda!, the Water Environment Federation
Harrison Prescott Eddy Meda! twice, and the Bradley Gascoigne Meda!. In 2013, he received
the Frederick George Pohland Meda! awarded by AAEE and AEESP. He is a registered profes-
sional engineer, a diplomate in the American Academy ofEnvironmental Engineers anda life
member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Environmenl Federation.

Ryu¡iro Tsuchihashi is a technical leader wilh AECOM. He received his B.S. and M.S. in
civil and environ mental engineeringfrom Kyoto University, Japan, anda Ph.D. in environmen-
tal enginee1ing from che Uníversity of California, Davis. The areas of his expe1tise include
wastewater/water reclamation process evaluation and design, evaluation and assessment of
water reuse systems, biologicaJ nutrient removal, and eval.uation of greenhouse gas emission
vi About the Authors

reduction frorn wastewater treatment processes. He was a co-author of the textbook "Water
Reuse: lssues, Technologies and Applications;' a companion textbook to this textbook. He is a
technical practice coordinatorfor AECOM's water reuse leadership team. Ryujiro Tsuchihashi
is a member of tl1e Water Environment Federation, Ame1ican Society of Civil Engineer, and
International Water Association, and has been an employee of AECOM for 10 years, during
which he has workecl on various prqjects in the United State, Australia, Jordan, and Canacla.

Franklin Burton served as vice presiden! and chief engineer of the western region of
Metcalf & Eddy in Palo Alto, California for 30 years. He retired from Metcalf & Edcly in
1986 and has been in prívate practice in Los Altos, California, specializing in treatment
technology evaluation, facilities design review, energy management, and value engineer-
ing. He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University andan M.S.
in cívil engineering from the University of Michigan. He was co-author of tbe third and
fourth editions of the Metcalf & Eddy textbook "Wastewater Engineeru1g: Treatrnent and
Reuse." He has authored over 30 publications on water and wastewater treatment
ancl energy managernent in water and wastewater applications. He is a registered civil
engineer io California and is a liJe member of lhe American Society of Civil Engineers,
American Water Works Association, and Water Environment Federation.

Mohammad Abu-Orf is AECOM's North America biosolids practice leader ancl

wastewater director. He received bis B.S. in civil engineering from Birzeit University, West
Bank, Palestine and received bis M.S. and Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering
from tlle University of Delaware. He worked with Siemens Water Technology and Veolia
Water as biosolids director of research ancl development. He is the main inventor on five
patents and authored and co-authored more than 120 publications foc using on condition-
ing, dewatering, stabilization and energy recovery from biosolids. He was awarded first
place for Ph.D. in the student paper competition by the Water Environment Federation for
two consecutive years in 1993 ancl 1994. He coauthored maouals of practice and reports
for the Water Environment Research Foundation. He served as an editor of the Specialty
Group for Sludge Management of the International World Association for six years and
served on the editorial board of the biosolids technical bulletin of the Water Environment
Federation. Mohammad Abu-Orf has been an employee of AECOM for 6 years.

Gregory Bowden is a technical leader with AECOM. He received his B.S. in chem.i-
cal engineering from Oklahoma State University anda Ph.D. in chemical engineering from
the University of Texas at Austin. He worked for Hoechst Celanese (Celanese AG) for
10 years as a senior process engineer, supporting wastewater treatment facility operations
at chemical production plants in North America. He also worked as a project manager in
the US Filter/Veolia North American Technology Center. His areas of expertise include
industrial wastewater treatment, biological and physical/chemical nutrient removal tech-
nologies and biological process modeling. Greg Bowden is a meinber of the Water Envi-
ronment Fecleration and has been an AECOM employee for 9 years.

W illiam pfrang is a Vice-President of AECOM and Technical Director of their Metrn-

New York Water Division. He began his professional career with Metcalf & Eddy, lnc., as a
civil engineer in 1968. During his career, he has specialized in municipal wastewater treat-
ment plant design including master planning, alternative process assessmcnts, conceptual, and
detailed design. Globally, he has been the lead engineer for wastewater treatment projects in
the United States, Southeast Asia, South Ameiica, and the Middle East. He received his B.S.
and M.S. in civil engineering from Norlheastem University. He is a registered professional
engíneer, a member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, and tbe Water
Envisonment Federation. William Pfrang has been an ernployee of the firm for over 40 years.

About the Authors 1-8 Reactors Used in Wasrewater Trealment 22

Preface ,Lriii Types of Reacrors 22
A cknowledgmems xxvii Hydraulic Charac/eristin· uf Reac:lors 24
Foreword xxix Applicarion <l Reacwrs 25
1-9 Mode ling Ideal Flow in Reactors 26
Ideo/ F/ow in Complete-Mix Reactor 26
1 lntroduction to Wastewater
ideal Plug-Flow Reactor 27
Treatment and Process 1-10 lntroducrion 10 Process Kinetics 29
Analysis Types of Reac1i011s 29
1-1 Evolution of Wastewater TreatmcnL 4 Rafe of Reacrion 30
7i-entmelll Objectives 5 Specific Reaction Rafe 3 J
Curre111 Health a1Ul E11viro11111.enta/ Concems 5 Ej]ecrs of Temperature 011 Reaction Rate
S1wai11ability Considerations 5 Coe.fjicients 3 1
Reac:1io11 Order 33
1-2 Evol ution of Regulations of Signilicance to
Rafe Expressions Used in Wasiewaler
Wastewater Engineering 6
Treat111en1 34
E.vtablisl11m:11t ()j' E11vimn111enflll Protection
Analysis cf Reac1io11 Rafe Coe.fficiems 39
/lgency 6
Importan/ Federal Regulatio11s 6 1-11 lnlroductíon LO Treaunent Process Mocle ling 42
01her Federal Regulatio11s 9 Batch Reactor wilh Reae1ion 43
State <md Regional Regulalirms 9 Complete-Mix Reactor wit/1 Reactio11. 43
Comple1e-Mix Reactors in Series wi1h Reac1ion 44
1-3 Characteristics of Wastewater 9
Ideal Plug-Flow Reactor wilh ReaClion. 47
Sources o/Wa.~rewa1er 9
Co111parison of Com.plete-Mix and Plug-Flow
Twes o/' Colleuio11 Sys1e111s 9
N.eac/Ors with Reac1ion 48
Wasrewa1er Co11sti1uents lO
Plug-Flow Reactor with Axial Dispe1:~io11 and
1-4 C lassitication of Wastewater Treatment
Reactirm 50
Methods 10
Other l?eactor F/ow Regimes wul Reacfor
Physical Unif Pmcesses JO
Comhinalirms 51
Chemical /Jrúf Processes 12
Problems and Discussion Topics 53
Biological Unif Processes 12
1-5 Application of Treatment Methods 12
Wastewa1er Processing 12 2 Wastewater Characteristics 57
Residua/s Pmcessi11p, 13
2-1 Wastewater Characterization 60
Typical Treatme11/ Process Flow Diagrams 13
Wasfewater Properfies cmd Constilue11ts 60
1-6 Status of Wastewater Treatment in the Canstif1iems of Concern i11 Wastewmer Treatment 60
Un ited States 17
2-2 Sam pling and Analytical Procedures 60
Recen/ Survey Resul!s J8
Sampling 63
Tre11ds 18
Methods ofAnalysis 65
1-7 lntroduction to Process Ana lysis J9 Unit.1· of Expressionfor Physicc,/ and Chemical
Mass-Balam:e Analysis 19 Paramelers 66
Applica1io11 of rhe Ma.\·s-Ba/anc<' Analysis 2 1 Use.ful Chemical Re/(lfionships 66

viii Contents

2-3 Physical Properties 73 Unregulated Trace Organic Compounds 133

Sources of Physical Properties 73 Analysis of Individual Organic Compound.1· 133
Solids 73 2- 8 Radionuclides in Wastewater 136
Panicle Size and Particle Size Measuremem 76 Sou rces of Radionuclide 137
Particle Size Distribution 80 Units of Expression 137
Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites 83 Description of lsotopes Foun.d in Wastewater and
Turbidity 83 Sludge 137
Relationship Between Turbidily and TSS 85 Treatment Technologies for the Removal ~f
Color 85 Radionuclides 13 7
AbsoqJtion/Transmittance 85
2- 9 Biological Constituents 139
Temperature 87
Sources of Microorganisms in Wastewater 140
Themial Energy Collfent of Wastewater 89
Enumeration and ldentification of
Conductivily 89
Microorganisms 144
Density, Specific Gravity, and Specific Weight 89
Pathogenic Organisms and Prions 151
2-4 lnorganic Nonmetallic Consticuents 90 EvoLving Pathogenic Microorganisms 161
Sources of lnorganic Nonmetallic Constituents 90
2- 10 Tox..icity 161
pH 90
Sources ofToxicity 161
Chlorides 91
Evolution ancl Application f1{Toxicity Testing 162
Alkalinity 92
Toxicity Testing 163
Nitrogen 92
Analysis of Toxicity Test Results 165
Phosphorus 96
Application of Toxicity Test Results 167
Suifur 97
ldentification ~f-Yoxicity Components 169
Gases 98
Odors 103
Problems and Discussion Topics 171
2-5 Merallic Constituent~ 111
Sources of Metallic Coristituents 112
Importance of Metals 113
3 Wastewater Flowrates and
Sampling and Methods ~f Analysis 11 4 Constituent Loadings 183
Typical Effluent Discharge Limitsfor Metals 114 3- 1 Wastewater Sources and Flowrates l85
2-6 Aggregace Organic Constituencs 114 Municipal Uses (~{Water 185
Sources ofAggregare Organic Consrituenrs 114 Domestic Wastewater Sources and Flowrates 186
Measurement of Organic Content l 14 Strategiesfor Reducing Interior Water Use
Biochemica/ Oxygen Demand (BOD) 115 and Wasrewater Flowrates 189
Total an.d Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand Water Use in Other Parrs of the World 194
(COD and SCOD) 123 Sources cmd Rafes of Industrial (Nondomestic)
Toza/ a,ul Dissolved Organic Carbon. (TOC and Wastewater Flows 194
DOTC) 123 Varia.tion.s in Wastewater Flowrates 195
UV-Absorbing Organic Consrituents J24 Long-Term Mulliyear Varfotions Dueto
Theoretical Oxygen Demand (ThOD) 125 Conservation 198
Interrelationships berween BOD. COD, and lmpact of Water Conservation on Future
TOC 125 Planning 200
Oil and Grease 127 3- 2 Impact of Collection Systcm on Wastewater
Surfactants 128 Flowrates 200
Chemical Energy in Wastewazer ami Biosolids 129 InfiLtration//riflow 200
2- 7 Individual Organic Compouods 131 lnjlow into Collection Systems 202
Sources of Individual Organic Compounds l32 Exfiltration from Collection Systems 204
Priority Pollutants 132 Combined Collection. System Flowrates 205
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 132 Direct Measurement of Combined Sewer Flowrates
Disinfection Byproducts 132 and Wastewater Characteristics 207
Pesticides and Agricultura/ Chemicals J33 Calcula/ion <!f Combined Sewer Flowrates 207
Contents ix

3-3 Analysis o f Was tewate r Flowrate Data 208 Owner Needs 270
S1atistical Ancilysis of Flowrate Data 208 E11vironmer11at Considerations 270
Developing Design Parameters .fimn Flowrate Compatibiliry with Exis1ing Facilities 27 1
Data 2 11 Energy and Resource Requirements 271
Observed Variability Íl1 lnfluent F/owrates 2 12 Cost Considerations 272
3-4 Analysis of Wastewater Constituents 214 Other Design Considerations 273
Was1ewater Consti1Ue11ts Discharged By 4-2 Considerations in Process Selection 274
lndividuals 21 4 lmpor1ant Fac1ors in Process Selection 274
Constiluent Co11ce11tra1ions Based on Individual Process Selection Based on Reaction Kinetics 276
Mass Discharges 218 Process Selection Based On Mass Tran.¡fer 277
Mineral lncrease Resulting from Water Use 2 18 Process Desig11 Based on Loading Criteria 277
Composifio11 of Wastewater in Collection Bench-Scaie Tests cmd Tesr-Bed Pilot-Scale
Sysrems 2 19 Srudies 277
Varia1io11s in Constifuellf Conce111ralions 2 19 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requiremen1s 278
Statistical Analysis o.f Constituenf 4-3 Treaunent P rocess Relia bility and Selection of
Concentmtions 225 Design Values 279
Observed Variability Í11 l11jhumt Constituent Vu.riability in Was1ewater Trearrnem 280
Concenr ratio11s 225 Se/ec1io11 of Process Desif?n Parame1ers to Mee,
3-5 Analysis of Conslituent Mass Loading Data 226 Dischcirge Permit Limils 286
Simple Average 226 Pe1formance (~{ Combined Processes 289
Flow-Weighted Average 226 4-4 Elements of Process Design 29 1
Mass Loadings 229 Design Period 29 1
E.ffect of Mass Loading Variability 011 Treaunent Treatment Process Flow IJiagrams 29 1
Plan/ Pe1forma11ce 23 1 Process Design Criferia 291
3-6 Selection of Design Flowrntes and Mass Prelimir1ary Sizing 292
Load ings 232 Solids Balance 293
Design Flowra/es 234 Pla11t Layout 294
Design Mass Loadi11gs 240 P/ant Hydrauiics 295
3-7 Flow ancl Consti tuent Load Equalization 241 Energy Management 296
Description!Applica1io11 of Flow Equalizatio11 242 4-5 Tmplementation of Wastewater Management
Tite Bene.fi1s of Fiow Equa/ization 243 Programs 297
Design Considercuions 243 Facilities P/c11111ing 297
Equalization of Constit11ent Mass Loading Design 297
Rates 253 Value E11gi11eeri11.g 298
Equalization of Sludge ami Bioso/ids Processing Co11struction 298
Rewrn Flows 253 Facilities Srcmup and Opera/ion 299
Problems and Discussion Topics 254 4-6 Financing 299
Long-Term Municipal Debt Fincmcing 299
Non-Debt Financing 300
4 Wastewater Treatment Leasing 300
Process Selection, Design, Privatization 300
and lmplementation 263 Problems and Discussion Topics 300

4-1 Planning for New and U pgrading Existi ng

Wastewater T reatrnent Planls 265
Need 10 Upgrade Exisling Wastewater Treaunent
5 Physical Unit Processes 305

Plants 265 5-1 Screen ing 3 10

Plan11i11g for New Wastewater Treat111en1 Ciass(fication. of Screens 3 1O
Plants 266 Screenings Characterisfics and Quantilies 311
Treatment Process Desig11 Considerations 266 Coarse Screens (Bar Racks) 3 12
X Contenls

Fine Screens 318 Characterisrics and Qua11tities o.f So/ids (Sludge)

Microscreens 323 and Scum 397
Screenings Handling, Processing, and 5-7 High-Rate Clarification 398
Disposal 324 Enhanced Parric/e F/occula1io11 398
5-2 Coarse Solids Reduction 325 Analysis of Ballasted Particle Flocculation and
Comminutors 325 Settling 399
Macerators 326 Process Application 401
Grinders 327 S-8 A otation 403
Design Considerations 327 Descriprion 404
5-3 Mixing and Flocculation 327 Design Co11sideratio11sfor Dissolved-Air Flotation
Conti1wous R(lpid Mi.xing in WastewC1ter Systems 406
Treatmellf 328 5-9 New Approaches for Primary Treatmeni 408
Contim,ou~· Mixing in Wastewa.ter Treatmen1 329 Microscreening of Raw \Vastewater 409
Energy Dissipa1ion in Mi.xing Charged B11bble Flotation 409
Floccu/a,/011 330 Primary Ejf111ent Filtra1io11 410
Time Sea/e in Mixing 332 5-1 O Gas Liquid Mass Transfcr 411
Types of Mi.xers Used for Rapid Mi.xing Historical Developme11t of Gas Tra11sfer
in Wastewarer Treatment 332 Theories 411
Types of Mixers Usedfor Maintaining Solids in Tite Two-Film Theory o.f Gas Tra11sfer 412
Suspension in Wastewater Trewment and Absorption of Gases Under Turb11/e11t
C/remica/ Mixing 335 Conditions 415
Types of Mixers Usedfor Flocculation Absorprion of Gases U11der Quiescent
in Wastewater Trearment 338 Conditions 417
Types of Mixers Usedfor Continuo11s Mixing Desorptio11 (Removal) of Gases 4 18
in Wasrewarer Trearmem 341 5-11 Aeration Systems 419
New Developmenrs in Mixing Tec/1110/ogy 344 Oxygen Transfer 4 19
5-4 Gravity Separation Theory 344 Evaluation ofAlp/,a (a) Correctirm Factor 421
Description 345 Types of Aeration Systems 424
Panicle Serrling T/reory 346 Dijfused-Air Aeration 424
Discrere Portie/e Settli11g 350 Mecha11ica/ Aerators 436
F/occulent Partic/e Se11/i11g 354 Energy Requiremem for Mixing in Aeratirm
lnclined Plate and Tube Se11/ing 356 Systems 439
Hindered (Zone) Seuling 360 Generation and Dissol11tion of High-Puriry
Compression Set1/i11g 364 Oxygen 440
Gravity Separarían in an Accelerated Flow Postaeration 443
Field 364 Problems and Discussion Topics 448
5-5 Grit Removal 365
Wastewarer Grir Clwracteristics 366
Gril Separatorsfor Wastewater 370 6 Chemical Unit Processes 455
Grit Se/larators for Combined Wastewarer 6-1 Role of Chemical Unit Processes
and Stormwater 379 in Wastewater Treatment 458
Grir Was/ring 380 Applicmions of Chemical Uni.t Processes 458
Grit Dryi11g 382 Considerations in the Use of Chemical Unit
Disposal o.f Grit 382 Processes 459
Solids (Sludge) Degritting 382 6-2 Fundamenta Is of Chemical Coagulation 460
5-6 Primary Sedimeotation 382 Basic Defi11irions 461
Descriptio11 383 Na.ture of Particles in Wa.vrewarer 46 l
Sedimentation Ta11k Pe,:/ormance 391 Developmenr and Measurement of Surface
Design Considerations 393 Clwrge 462
Confenfs xi

Parricle-Particle lnteractions 463 Photolysis Processes 522

Particle Deswbilization and Aggregarion Basic Co11sidera1io11sfor Photolysis Processes 522
with Polyelectrolytes 466 Photolysis P,vce:;:; l.,imitu1ions 528
Particle Destabilization and Removal with 6-10 Chemical Neu tral ization, Scale
Hydrolyzed Metal Ions 468 Control, and Stabilization 529
6-3 Chemical Precipitation for Lmproved pH Adjustmenl 529
Plant Performance 473 Analysis of Scaling Potential 530
Chemica./ Reactions in Wastewater Precipitation Scale Control 535
J\pplications 474 Stabilizalion 536
Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment 6-11 Chemical Storage, Feeding, Piping,
(CEPT) 477 and Control System5 536
!ndependenr Physical-Chemica/ Treatnumt 478 Chemical Storage and Handling 536
Estimation of Sludge Qua11tilies ji-om Chemical Dry Chemical Feed Systems 538
Precipitation 479 Liquid Chemical Feed Systems 542
6-4 Chemical Phosphorus Removal 481 Gas Chemical Feed Systems 542
Chemicals Usedfor Phosphorus Removal 481 /nitial Chemical Mixi11g 543
Plwsphorus Removalf,vm rhe Liquid Stream Problems and Discussion Topics 544
wíth Metal Salts 487
Phosphorus Renwvc1/ from the liquid Stream.
with Calcium 489 7 Fundamentals of Biological
Strategies for Chemical Phosphorus Remo val 491 Treatment 551
6-5 Chernical Formation of Struvite for Ammonium and 7-1 Overview of Biological Wastewater Treatrnenl 555
Phosphorus Removal 492 Objectives of Bioiogical Treatme,11 555
Chemistry of Struvite Formation 493 Role of Microorganisms in Wastewater
Conflvl cmd/or Mitigation Measures for Trealmelll 555
the Formation of Struvite 496 Types of Biological Processes for Was1ewater
Enhanced Struvite Formation .for Nutriem Treatmenf 556
Removal 496 7-2 Composition and C lass ification of
Chemical Precipltation for Removal of Hcavy Microorganisms 561
Metals and Dissolved Substances 498 Cell Components 562
Precípitation Reactions 498 CeLI Compositüm 564
Co-precipitalion wilh Plwsphorus 500 Environmentul Factors 564
6-7 Conventional Chemical Oxidation 501 Microorganism ldem(fication and
Applications for Conventional Chemical Classification 565
Oxidation 501 Use of Molecular Tools 568
Oxidants Used in Chemical Oxidation 7-3 lnlroduction to Microbial Metabolism 571
Processes 501 Carbo1·1 and Energy Sources for Micmbial
Fundamentals of Chemica/ Oxidation 503 Gmwth 571
Chemical Oxidation of Organic Constituents 508 Nutrient (//Uf Growth Factor Requireme/lJs 573
Chemical Oxidation ofAmmonium 508 7-4 Bacteria! Growth, Energetics, and Dccay 573
Chemical Oxidation Process Limitations 5JO Bacierial Reproduction 574
6-8 Advanced Oxidation 51 O Bacteria/ Growth Pattem s in a Batch Reactor 574
Applications for Advanced Oxidation 51 O Bacteria/ Growth and Biomass Yie/d 575
Processes for Advanced Oxidation 513 Measurin.g Biomass Growth 575
Basic Considerations.for Advanced Oxidation Estimating Biomass Yie/d mul Oxygen Requirem.ents
Processes 517 from Stoichiometry 576
Advanced Oxidation Process Limitations 520 Esti111ating Biomass Yield.frmn Bioe11ergetics 579
6-9 Photolysis 521 Stoichiomefly (!( Biofogical Reactio11s 586
Applicalion:; for Photolysis 52 1
xii Contents

Biomass Synrhesis Yie/ds.for Different 7-9 Biological Oxidation of Inorganic Nitrogen 618
Growth Condirio11s 587 Process Descriptio11 6 19
Biomass Decay 587 Microbiology 6 19
Observed versus Synthesis Yield 588 Stoichiometry of Bíological Nitriftcation 622
7-5 Microbial Growth Kinetics 588 Nitijica1ion Kinetics 624
Microbial Growth Kinetics Terminology 589 AOB Kinetics 626
Rate of Uti/ization of Soluble Substrates 589 NOB Kinetics 627
Other Rate Expressions for Soluble Substrate Environmenta/ Factors 628
Utilization 591 7- 10 Denitrification 63 1
Rote of Soluble Substrcue Production from Pn1cess Descriptio11 632
Biodegradable Paniculate Organic Microbiology 633
M atrer 591 Stoichiometry oj Biologica/ Denilrijicatio11 ,md
Net Biomass Crowth Rate 592 Denirritation 634
Kinetic Coefficientsfor Su.bstrate Uti/ization and Organic Substrate Requirementsfor Denitrification
Biomass Growth 593 and Denitritaticm 635
Rare of Oxygen Uptake 593 Denitrification Kin.etics 637
Effects of Temperature 594 Em,ironmental Factors 640
Total \lolatile Suspended Solids cmd Active 7- 11 Anaerob ic Anunoitium Oxidation 640
Biomass 594 Proces.1· Description 640
Net Biomass Yield cmd Observed Yield 595 Micmbiology 641
7-6 Modeljng Suspended Growth Treatmem Anammox Stoichiometry 64 1
Processes 597 Growth Kinetics 644
Description of Suspended Growrh Trea/ment Environmemal f'actors 645
Processes 597 7- 12 Greenhouse Gas from Biological Nitrogen
Solids Reten/ion Time 597 Transform ations 645
Biomass Mass Balance 598 Source of Nitrous Oxide Emissions 645
Sub.mate Mass Balance 600 Nitrous Oxide Production Pathways 646
Mi.xed Liquor Solids Concemration and Solids
7-13 Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal 648
Production 600
Prvcess Descrip1io11 648
The Observed Yie[(l 603
Prvcesses Occurring in the Anaerobic 650
Oxygen Requirements 603
Proce1>\fes Occurring in a D0wns1ream Aerobic
Design and Operating Pararnerers 606
or Anoxic Zone 650
P1vcess Perfornumce and Stability 607
Microbiology 651
Modeling Plug-Flow Reaccors 609
Other Process Considerationsjor EBPR 652
7-7 Substrate Removal in Attached Growth Treatment
Swichiometry of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus
Process 610
Removed 653
Biofilm. Chara.cteristics 61 l Growtlt Kinetics 655
Biomass Characterizalion 611 Environmenral Facrors 655
Mechanistic Models 612
7- 14 Anaerobic Fermentation and Oxidation 655
Substrate Flux in Biojilms 612
Pivcess Description. 656
Substrate Mass Balancefor Biofilm 613
Microbiology 657
Substrate Flux Limitations 613
Stoichiometry of Anae,vbic Fermentation and
7-8 Aerobic Oxidation 615 Oxidation 659
Process Description 615 Process Kinetics 660
Microbio/ogy 615 Enviromn.ental 1'11ctors 663
Process Operation lssues 6 16
7- 15 Biological Removal of Toxic and Recalcitrant
Stoichiometry of Aerobic 8 iological Oxída1ion 617
Organic Compounds 663
Growth Kinetics 6 17
Development of Biological Trea/ment
Environmental Factors 6 18
Methods 664
Contents x iii

Aerobíc /Jíoclegradation 665 General Process Desig11 Corrsiderations 754

Abio1ic Losses 666 Comple1e-Mix Activa1ed-Sl11dge Process
Mode/i11g Biolíc and Abio1íc Losses 669 Design 754
7-16 Biological Removal of Trace Organic Seq11e11ci11g Batch Reactor Process Desig11 771
Compounds 671 Staged Activated-Sludge Process Design 782
Removal oj"li'ace Organic Co111po1111ds 672 Alternative Processesfor l:JOD Removal c111d
S1eady-S1ate Fr¡/() Mnde/ 672 Nitrificatio11 786
7-17 Biological Removal of Heavy Metals 674 8-7 Processes for Biological Nitrogeo Removal 795
Problcms ancl Discussion Topics 674 Process Development 796
Overview of Types o.f Biologica/ Nitrogen-Removal
Processe.1 797
8 Suspended Growth Biological General Pmcess Desig11 Co11sideratio11s 802
Treatment Processes 697 Prea11oxic De11i1rijica1i011 Processes 804
Postanoxic De11irrijicc11io11 Processes 831
8-1 Introduction to the Acrivmccl-Sludge Proccss 700 Low DO 011d Cyclic Ni1r(tirarion!De11irr(fication
Hístoríca/ Deve/opment af Aclirnted Sludge Processes 833
Procesr 701 Alternmfre P1vcess Conjigurwions Jor Biological
Basic Pmcess Descríptio11 701 Nirrogen Removal 838
Evo/u1io11 <l the Cu11ve111io11a/ Activwed-Sludge Denitrification wirh Externa/ Carbo11
Process 702 Addition 848
Nutríent Re1110\'{// Processes 706 Process Co1111vl and Perfnmrance 860
8-2 Wastewater C haracteri7ation 707 8-8 Processcs for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus
Key Hi1stewmer Co11sti111e111s for Process Remova l 861
Desígn 707 P,vcess Development 86 1
Measurement Methods far Waste1rnter 01·el"l'iell' of E11ha11ced Biological Phosphnnis
Characterí::,ation 7 12 Remova/ Processes 862
Recycle Flmvs 011d Loadi11gs 7 J6 General Proc:ess Design Consideratio11s 864
8-3 Fundamcnrals of Proccss Sclection, Dcsign. and Operatio11al Factors That A.fJect Enlwnced
Control 717 Biological Phosplrorus Removal 878
Overa// Co11.1íderations in Treatme111 Pmcess E11ha11ced Biological Plrosplrorus Removal Process
lmple111e111a1ion 7 17 Desig11 880
lmportant Fl,i·tors in P,vcess Se/ection cmd Provision .for Chemical Addition 883
Des(i:n 717 Process Control and Pe,formance
Process Cmuml 726 Op1i111i:.01io11 884
Opermimwl Problems i11 Activated Sludge Systems 8-9 Aeration Tm1k Design for Activated-S ludge
1vith Sec(Jlu/wy C/arifie,:r 732 Processe~ 885
Operaticmal Prvble1m with MBR Systems 738 Aeration System 885
8-4 Selector Types and Design Consideration 738 Aera1io11 Tw,k:. aI1d App11rte11a11ces 886
Selector Types anti Desig11 Considem1io11.1· 739 8-10 Analysis of Liquid-Solicls Separation for
Poor Settling Even wi1h Use of Selector 741 Activatccl-Sludge Processes with C larificrs 889
8-5 Activatcd Sludge Proccss Design Solids Separatio11 by Secondary Clarifiers 889
Considera1ions 742 A.rsessíng S/udge Tlricke11i11g Characteristics 891
Steady-Swte Design Approach 742 Clarífier Design Based on Solids Flux
Use o.f Si11111/atio11 Mod<!I 744 Analysis 893
Model Matrix Formal, Co111po11e111s, a11d C/arífier Desig11 Based 011 State Point
Reacti011s 747 Analysis 900
Other Simuftttion Model Applications 751 8-11 Design Considemtions for Secondary
8-6 Processcs ror Bod Removal al)(! Ni trifica1ion 752 Clari fíers 906
01·ervieiv of BOD Re111ova/ and Nitri.ficatio11 Types e!{ Sedí111e11tatio11 Tank 906
Processes 752 Sidewater Depth 91 O
xiv Contents

Flow Distribution 910 Design of Physical Facilities l003

Tank lnlet Design 9 JO I FAS Process Design Analysis 1005
Weir Placement a11d Loading 912 BOD and Nitrijication Design Approach l 008
Scum. Removal and Managemen.t 912 9-5 Movi ng Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) lOJ 5
8- 12 Soli ds Separation for Membrane Bioreactors 913 Background 1015
Design Parameter 913 MBBR Process Applications JO 16
Membrane Properties 9J4 MBBR Process Advantages ami
Membrane Design and Operating Dísad11antages 1016
Characteristics 917 Design o.f Physica/ Facilities 1019
Membrane Usage 917 MBBR Process Design Analysis 1020
Membrane Fouling lssues 917 BOD Removal a11d Nitrification Design. 102 1
Problems and Discussion Topics 9 19 9-6 Submerged Aerobic Attached Growth
Processes l 026
9 Process Developm.en.t 1026
Attached Growth a nd
Process Applicalions 1027
Combined Biological Process Advantages and Disadva,11ages 1027
Trea tment Processes 941 Desig11 of Physical Facilities 1029
9-1 lntroductioo to Attached Growth Processes 943 BAF Process Desigrz Analysis 1031
Types ofAuached Growth Processes 943 FBBR Process Design Anal.ysis 1034
Mass Transfer Limítations inAttached Growth 9-7 Attached Growth Denitrification Processes l034
Processes 947 Process Development 1034
9-2 Nonsubmerged Attached Growth Proce~ses 947 Description and Application <~f'Altached Growth
General Pro<.:ess Description 947 Denürification Processes 1035
Trickling Filter Classijication an,/ Process Design Analysis of Postanoxic Attached
Applications 950 Growth Denitr(fication. 1037
Advaniages ami Disadvantages of Trickling Operational Considerations fór Postan.oxic Attached
Filters 953 Gl1)wth Denitrijication. 1041
Physical Facilítíesfor Trickling Filters 954 9-8 Emergíng Biofilm Processes 1045
Design Consi.derationsfor Physícal Membrane Biofibn Reactors 1045
Facilities 957 Biofilm Airlifi Reactors 1046
Process Desí.gn Considerarionsfor BOD Aerobic Granules Reactor 1046
Removal 968 Problems and Discussiou Topics l 046
Process Analysisfor BOD Removal. 972
Process Analysis for Nitrijication 978
10 Anaerobic Suspended and
9- 3 Sequential Combined Trickli ng Filter and
Suspended Solids Processes 987 Atta ched Growth Biological
Process Development 987 Treatment Processes 1059
Process Applications 987 10-1 The Rationa le for Anaerobic TreaU11ent 106 1
Trickling Filter/Solids Contact Process 988
Advamages ofAnaerobic Treatmen.t
Trick/ing Filter!Activated Sludge Process 990
Processes 106 1
Series Trickling-Filler Activated-Sludge
Disadvaruages ofAn.aerobic Treatment
Process 997
Processes 1062
9-4 lntegrated Fixed-Filrn Aclivated Summaiy Assessmen.t J063
Sludge Process 997 10-2 Development of A naerobíc Technologíes 1063
Process Development 998
Historical Developments in Liquefaction. 1063
Process Applications 1000
Treatment ofWastewater Sludges 1065
!FAS Process Adl'antc1ges and
Treatment of High Strength. Wastes 1066
Disadvantages 1002 Future Developments J067
Contents XV

10-3 Avai la ble Anaerobic Technologies 1067 Avoi/t1ble Filtration Technologies 1144
Type.1 of Anaerobic Tecluwlogies 1067 Perfon11a11ce of Different Types of Deptl,
App/ication of Anaerobic Teclmologies !071 Fillers 1146
lo-4 Fundamental Considerations in the Appl ication of Considerations Re/ated to Design and Operation
Auaerobic Treatment Processcs 1075 of Treatment Facilities 11 56
Characteris1ics ofthe l.füstewater !075 Selecrion of Fi/tration Technolngy 1158
Pretrealment of Wastewa1er 1080 Design Considera1ions for Granular Medium
E.xpecled Gas Producli<m 1083 Filters 11 61
Energy Produc1io11 Pote111ial 1085 11-6 Surface Filtration 1171
Suljide Produclion 1088 Available Filtra1io11 Teclmologies 1172
Ammrmia Toxicily 1090 Description of the Swface Fi/1ratio11 Process 1175
10-5 Design Considerations for lmplementation Performance of S111face Filters J178
of Anaerobic Treatment Processes 1090 De~ig11 Considerations 1180
Treatmellt Efficie11cy Needed 1091 Pilot Plafll S!udies 1180
General Process Design Paromeiers 1091 11-7 Membrane Filtration Processes 1181
Process lmplememation Jssues 1093 Membra11e Process Ten11i110/ogy 1181
1()-6 Process Design Examples 1095 Membr<me Process Classijica1ion 1182
Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanker Pmcess 1095 Memhrane Comaimnent Vessels 1185
Anaerobic Conracl Process 1103 Operationa.l Modes for Pres.mrized
Use of Simularion Models 1107 Conjigurations 1189
10-7 Codigestion of Organic Wastes with Munici pal Pmcl'ss Analysisfor MF and UF
SJudge 1108 Memhranes 1190
Opera1i11g Strategiesfor MF and UF
Problems and DiscllS.5ion Topics 1109
M embranes 1192
Process Analysis.for Reverse Osmosis 1193
11 Separation Processes for Membrane Fouling 1198
Removal of Residual Cnnr rol ofMembra11e Fo11Li11g 1201
Application and Pe,fnmwnce of Membranes 1204
Constituents 11 11 Fnrwtml Osmosis: An Emergi11g Membrane
11-1 Need for Additional Wastewater Treatment 1120 Technology 1212
11-2 Overview ofTcchnologies Used for Removal of Pilor-P/ant S111dies for Membrane
Residual Paiticulate and Dissolved Applications 12 14
Constituents 11 20 Management o.f Retentate 1215
Separa/ion Processes Based 011 Mass 11- 8 Elcctrodialysis 1217
Transfer 1120 Descriplion of the E/ectrodialysis Process 1217
Tra11sformation Based on Chemical and Electrodialysis Reversa/ 1218
Biologica/ Processes 1122 Power Co11sumprio11 1220
Applicalion of U11i1 Processes for Removed Opera1ing Cnnsidera1ions 1222
of l<esidual Constiwents J123 Electrodialysis Versus Reverse Osmosis 1223
11-3 Unit Processes for the Removal of Residual 11-9 Adsorplion 1224
Particulate and Dissolved Constituents 1123 Applications for Adsorptio11 1224
Typical Process Flow Diagrams 1124 Types of Adsorbe11ts 1224
Process Performance Expectations 1125 Fundam.entals of Ad.rnrp1io11 Processes 1227
11-4 lntroduction to Depth Filtration 1129 Deve/opmenr o/Adso,ption lsothenns 1227
Description of the Filtratio11 Process 1 129 Adsorption of Mix111res 1232
Filter Hydraulics 1134 Adsorption Capacity 1232
Mode/i11g 1/ze Fi/tration Process 1142 Sma/1 Sea/e Co/1111111 Tests 1240
11-5 Oepth Filtration: Selection and Analysis o/ Powdered Actil'{//ed Carbon
Design Considerations 1144 Co111ac1or 1243
xvi Contenfs

Acrivated Sludge-Powdered Activated Carbon Faciors that Ajfecl Disinfectio11 of 1*1stewa1er

'freatment 1244 with Ch/orine Compounds l 323
Carbon Regenera/ion 1245 Modeling the Ch/orine Disinfection Pmcess 1328
Adso11-1tíon Process Limitatíons 1245 Required Chori11e Dosages jor Disinfeclion 1329
11-10 Gas Stripping 1245 Forma/ion and Control of Disinfection Byproducts
Ana/.ysis of Gas Stripping 1245 (DBPs) 1333
Design o.f Stripping Towers 1256 Envimnmental Impacrs of Disirif'ection with
Air Stripping Applications 126 1 Ch/orine l 336
11-11 loo Exchange 1261 12-4 DisiJ1fection with Chlorine Dioxide 1337
Ion Exchange Materials 1262 Characteristics of Ch/orine Dioxide 1337
Typica/. Ion Exchange Reactions 1263 Chforine Dioxide Chemistry 1337
Exchange Capaciry of Ion Exchange Resins 1264 Ejfectiveness of Chlorine Di oxide as a
fon Exchange Chemistry 1266 Disin.fectant 1338
App/.icatüm of Ion Exchange 1270 Modeling the Ch/orine Dioxide Disin.fection
Operationa.l Considerations 1275 Process 1338
11-12 Distillation 1275 Required Chlorine Dioxide Dosages for
Distillation Processes 1276 Disinfeclion 1338
Performance Expectations in Reclamatio11 Byproduct Formation and Control 1338
Applications 1277 Environmental lmpac1s 1339
Operating Problems 1278 12-5 Dechlorínation 1339
Disposa/ of Con.cen.trated Was te 1278 Dechlorination of Treated Wastewater
Ptoblems and Discussion Topics 1278 with Sul,fur Dioxide 1339
Dechiorirwtion of Treated Wastewafer with Sodium
Based Compounds 1341
12 Disinfection Processes 1291 Dechlorinatíon with Hyd1vgen Peroxide l 342
12-1 Tntroduction to Disinfectants Used in Dech/orination with Activated Carbo11 1342
Wastewater 1294 Dechlorination. of Ch/orine Dioxide with Sulfur
Characteristics for a11 ideal Disi11fec1a111 1294 Dioxide 1342
Disinfection Agen1s and Methods 1294 12-6 Design of Chlorination and Dechloriuation
Mechanisms Used to Explain Ac1ion of Facilities 1343
Disinfecranrs 1296 Sizing Chlorinalion Faciliries 1343
Comparison of Disü!fe c1ams l297 Disinj'ec1ion Process Flow Diagrams 1344
12-2 Disinfection Process Considerations 1297 Dosage Conrrol 1347
Physical Fa.ciliries Usedfor Disinfection 1297 Injection a,ut lnitia/ Mixing 1349
Factors Ajfecting Pe1:formance 1300 Chlorine Contact Basin Design 1349
Developmenr of rhe CT Concep1 for Predicring Assessir1g the Hydrau/ic Performance of Existing
Disin.fe ction Pe,jorman.ce l 306 Chlorine Contact Basins 1359
Application of the CT Concept 10 Wastewarer Outlet Control and Ch/orine Residual
Disinfec1ion 1307 Meas1.1rement 1365
Performance Comparison of Disinfection Ch/orine Srorage Facilities 1365
Techno/ogies 1308 Chemical Contaimne/'11 Facilities l366
12- 3 Disinfection with Chlorine 1312 Dechlorination Facilities l 366
Characterisrics of Ch/orine Compounds 1312 12-7 Disinfection with Ozone 1367
Chemistry of Chlorine Compou11ds 1314 Ozone Properties 1367
Breakpoint Reaction with Ch/orine 13 16 Ozone Chemistry 1368
EjJ'ectiveness of Free and Combined Chlorine Effectiveness of Ozone as a Disiefectant 1369
as Disinfectants 1320 Modeling the Ozone Disinf'ection Process 1369
Measurement and Reporting of Disinfe ction Process Required Ozone Dosages for Disinfection 1372
Pe,jormance 1322 Es1imation of th.e CT Value 1372
Contents xvii

Byproduct Formation and Control 1374 13-2 Regulations for the Reuse aod Disposition of SJudge
Environmental lmpacts <~f Using Ozone 1374 in the U11ited States 1461
01her Bene.fits of Using Ozon.e 1375 Land Application 1461
Ozo11e DisinfeClion Systems Components 1375 Su,face Disposition 1462
12-8 O ther Chemical Disinfection Methods 1378 Paihoge11 and Vector Attraction Reduction 1462
Peracetic Acid l379 lncineration 1463
Use of Peroxone as a Disinfectant 1380 13-3 Sludge Processing Flow Diagrams 1466
Sequential Chlorination 1381 13-4 Sludge and Scum Pumping 1467
Combined Chemical Disinfection Processes 1381 Pumps 1467
12-9 Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Disinfectioo 1.382 Headloss Determination 1475
Source of UV Radiation 1383 S/udge Piping 1480
Types o.f UV Lamps 1384 13-S Prelimioary Sludge Processing Operations 1481
UV Disiufecrion System Co11/iguratio11s 1387 Grindi11g 1481
Quartz Sleeve Cleanin.g Systems J 390 Screenillg l 482
Mechnnism of /11activatio11 by UV Degriuing 1482
lrradiation 139 l 8/ending 1483
Gennicida/ Effectiveness of UV Jrradiation J 393 Storage 1484
Estirnating UV Dose 1399 13-6 Thickening 1486
Ultraviolet Disi11fection Guidelines 1404 Application 1486
Relc1tionship of UV Guidelines to UV System Description and Design <~f Thickeners 1487
Design 1405
13-7 lntroduction to Slu dge Stabilization 1497
Validation of UV Reactor or System
Pe,formance 1405
13-8 Alkaline Stabilization 1498
Chemicai Rea.ctions in Lime Stabi/iza1io11 1498
Factors Effecti11g UV System Design 14 13
Heat Generation 1499
Se/ection and Sizi11g of a UV Disinfec1io11
Applicatiori oj Alkali11e Stabi/ization
System 1420
Processes 1500
Use of Spot-Check Bioassay to Validare UV System
Pe1.formance 1422 13-9 Anaerobic Digestion 1.502
Troub/eshooting UV Disinfection Systems 1426 Pmcess Fundamentals 1503
Enviror1111entaL lmpacts o.f UV Racliation Description of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion
Disinfection 1428 Processes 1504
Process Design for Mesophi/ic Anaerobic
12-10 Dis.infection By Pasteurization 1428
Dige.1·1io11 1506
Description of the Pasreurization Process 1428
Selectio11 ofTank Design and Mixing System 1512
Thermal Disi1if'ec1ion Kinetics 1429
Methods for Enhancing Sludge Loading and
Germicida/'ectivene.u of Pasteurizc,tion 1433
Digester Pe,forman.ce 1520
Regularory Requirements 1433
Gas Production, CoLlection, a11d Use 1520
Application of Pasteurization.for
Digester Heming 1525
Disi11fection 1433
Advancerl Anaerohic Digestion 1530
Problems and Discussion Topics 1434 Sludge Pre-treatment.for A11aerobic
Digestion l 533
13 Processing and Treatment Co-digesrion with Other Organic Waste
Material 1538
of Sludges 1449
13-10 Aerobic Digestion 154 1
13-1 Sludge Sources. Characteristics, and Process Description 1542
Quantities 1453 Conventional Air Aerobic Digestion l.544
Sources 1453 Dual Digestion 1549
Characteristics 1454 Autothermal Thennophilic Aerobic Digestion
Qua11tities 1456 (ATAD) 1549
xviii Contents

lmproved ATAD Systems 1553 14-6 Sludge and Biosolids Conveyance and Storage 1621
High-Purity Oxygen Digestion 1553 Conveyance Methods 1621
Problems and Discussion Topics 1554 Storage 1622
14-7 Solids Mass Balances 1623
Preparation of Solids Mass Balances 1623
14 Biosolids Processing, Resource
Performance Data.far Solids Processing
Recovery and Beneficial Facilities 1623
Use 1561 lmpact of Return Flows and Loads 1623
14-1 Chemical Conditioning 1564 14-8 Resource Recovery from Sludges ancl
Polymers 1564 Biosolids 1636
Factors A.ffecling Polymer Conditioning 1565 Recovery oj Nutrients 1637
Polymer Dosage Determination 1565 Agricultura/ Land Application 1637
Mixing 1566 Non-Agricultura/ Lana Applications 1637
Condirioning Makeup and Feed L567 14-9 Energy Recovery from Sludge and Biosolids 1638
14-2 Dewatering J567 Energy Recovery through Anaerobic
Overview of Dewa.tering Technologies 1568 Digestion 1638
Centrifugation 157 1 Energy Recovery by Thermal Oxidation 1639
Belt-Filter Press 1574 Energy Recoveryfrom Dried Material through
Rotary Press 1577 Gasifica/ion and Pyrolysís 1639
Screw Press 1580 Production <1f Oíl and Liquid Fue[ 1640
Filter Presses 1583 14-1 O Application of Biosolids to Land 1640
Elec1ro-Dewatering 1585 Benefits oj úmd Application 1640
Sludge Drying Beds 1588 U.S. EPA Regulations for Beneficia.( Use and
Reed Beds 1.592 Disposal of Biosolids 1640
Lagoons 1593 Management Practices 1641
14-3 Heat Drying 1593 Site Evaluation and Selection 1643
Heat-Trans.fer Methods 1593 Design Loading Rafes 1644
Process Description 1595 Application Methods 1648
Produce Characteristics and Use 1599 Application to Lands 1650
Product Transport and Storage 1600 Landjilling 1651
Fire and Explosion Hazards 1601 Problems and Discussion Topics 1651
Air Pollution and Odor Con.hvl 1601
14-4 Advanced Thermal Oxjdation 1602
15 Plant Recycle Flow Treatment
Fundamental Aspect.~ of Complete
Combus1ion 1603 and Nutrient Recovery 1659
Multiple-Hearth lncineration 1606 15-1 Sidestream Identifü:ation and
F/uidized-Bed Incineration 1608 Characterization 1661
Energy Recovery from Thermal Oxidation 1610 Sidestreams Derived fivm Primary
Coincineration with Municipal Solid Waste 1611 and Secondary Sludges 1662
Air-Pollution Control ] 612 Sidestreams Derived from Fermen.ted Primary
14-5 Composting 1613 and Digested Prima,y and Secon.{Ú¡ry
P1vcess Microbiology 1614 Sludges 1662
Composting Process Sta.ges 1614 15-2 Mitigating Recycle Flows and Loads 1667
Composting Process Steps 1614 Sidestream Pretreatmenl 1667
Composling Methods 16 16 Equalization of Sidestream Ffows and Loads 1667
Design Considerations 1618 1S-3 Reduction of Suspended Solids and Colloidal
Co-composting with Municipal Solid Wastes [620 Material 1673
P11blic Health and Environmental lssues 1620 Sidesrreams Derived from Sludge Thickening 1673
Contents xix

Sidestreams Derived from Biosolids Design Loadi11.g and Load Equalizatio11 1717
Dewatering 1673 Sidestream Pretrea1111ent 1717
Remo val of Colloida/ Matter 1674 Sidestream Reactor Volwne 1718
Aeration System 17'18
15-4 Physiochemical P rocesses for P hosphorus
Recovery L674
Sl11dge Rete11tio11 Time and Mixed Liq11or Suspended
Description of 1/ie Crystailiza1ion Solids Concen1ratio11 1721
Process 1675 Chemica/ Requirements 1721
Recove1y of Phosphorus as Magnesium Ani111011iw11. Operaling Tempera111re and pH 1723
Plwsp/wte (Struvite) 1678 Opera1ing pH 1723
Recovery of Phosphorns as Q1lcium Energy Balance to De1ermine /?eactor Cooling
Requirements 1723
Phosphate J 683
Plwsphorus Recovery from Mainstream Problems and Oiscussion Topics l728
Pmcesses 1684
15-5 Physiochemical Processcs for Amrnonia Recovery 16 Air Emissions from
a11d Destruction 1686
Wastewater Treatment
Recove1y of Ammonia by Air Stripping
and Acid Absorption 1686 Facilities and Their
Recovery of Ammo11.ic1 by Steam S1rippi11g 1690 Control 1737
Air Stripping with Thermocatalytic: Destruction
16-1 Types of Em issions 1739
of Ar111nonia 1692
16- 2 Regu latory Req uirernents 1739
15-6 Beneficia! Use of Recovered Phosphate a nd
Ambienl Air Quaiity and Attainmenl
Ammonium Products 1693
Status 1739
Magnesium Am111011i11m Phosphate Hexahydrate Preconstruc1io11 and Operaling Permitting
(Struvite) 1693 Programs 1741
Calcium Phosphate (Hydroxapatite) 1694 S1a1ionary Source Control Technology
A111moniu111 Sulfme 1694 Requirements 1741
Ammonium Nitra/e 1695
16-3 Odor Management 1742
15-7 Biological Removal of Nitrogen from
Types of Odors 1742
Sidestrea ms 1696
S011rces of Odors 1742
Nitrogen Removal Processes 1696 Measurement of Odors 1745
Separate Trearme111 Processes .f<)r Nitrogen Odor Dispersion Modeling 1746
Removed 1697 Movement of Odors from W.:1stewcaer
lntegrated Sidestream-Mainstream Treannent
Treatment Facilities 1746
a11d Bioaugmentation 1699 Strategiesfor Odor Manageme,u 1747
15-8 Nitrification and Deuitrification Processes J700 Odor Treatment Methods 1751
F1.111da111e111al Process Co11.sideratio11s 1700 Selection and Design of Odor Control
Trea1me11t Processes 1703 Facilities 1760
15-9 Nitiitalion and Denitritation Prucesses 1706 Design Comideralions for Chemical
Fundamental Process Considera1io11s 1706 Scrubbers 1760
Trearment Processes 1709 Design Consideracions for Odor Control
15-10 Partial Nitritation and Anaerobic Am monium Bio.filters 1762
Oxidation (Deammonification) Processes 1709 16-4 Control of Volati le Organic Carbon
Fundamental Process Considera1ions 1710 Emissions 1767
Treatment Processes 17 15 Physical Properties of Selected VOCs 1768
15- 11 Process Design Considcrations for B iologicaJ Emission <i VOCs L768
Treau11ent Processes 1715 Mass Transfer Ra1es for VOCs 177 l
Sides1ream Characteristics and Treamrelll Mass Transfer of VOCs from Swjace
Objectives 1716 and Dijfused-Air Aerc,tion Processes 1771
XX Contents

Control Strategies for VOCs J774 Energy Recovery from Gaseous Fuels with
Trearmen1 ofOff-Gases 1774 Boilers 1824
16-5 Emissions frorn the Combustion Energy Recovery fmm Solid Fuels 1826
Of Gases And Sofids 1777 Energy Recovery from Syngas 1833
Sources of Fuels 1777 Energy Recovery with Fuel Cell J833
Combustion Systems Used al Wastewater 17- 7 Recovery and Utilization of Thermal
Treatmen.t Plants 1778 Energy 1834
Emissions of Concem .from Combustion Sources of Heat 1835
Sources 1779 Dem.andsfor Hea1. 1836
Flaring of Digester Gas 1780 Devices for Waste Heat Recovery and
16-6 Emission of Greenhouse Gases 1784 Utilization 1838
Frameworkfor Greenhouse Gases Reduction 1784 Design Considerations for Thermal Energy
Assessment Protocols 1784 Recovery Systems 1843
Opportunitiesfor GHG Reduction at Wastewater 17-8 Recovery and Utiljzation of Hydraulic Potential
Trealment Facilities 179 1 Energy 1846
Problems and Discussion Topics 1793 Type of Hydraulic Potential Energy Recovery
Devices 1846
Application of Hydraulic Energy Recovery
17 Energy Considerations in Devices 1847
Wastewater Management 1797 Use of Residual Pressure Head in Treatment
17-1 Factors Driving Energy Managemen1 1799 Processes 1849
Potentialfor Energy Cost Savings 1799 17-9 Energy Management 1850
En.ergy Supply Reliability 1800 Process Optimization and Modijication
Considera.tüms far Sustainability 1800 far Energy Saving 1850
17-2 Energy in Wastewater 1800 Process Modificationfor lncreased Energy
Chemical Energy 1800 Produclion 1856
Thermal Energy 1804 Peak Flmvrate Ma.nagement (Peak Energy
Hydraulic Energy 1805 Usage) 1857
Selection of Energy Sources 1858
17-3 Fundamentals of a Heat Balance 1807
Concept of a Heat Balance J807 17-1 O Future Opportunities for Ahernative Wastewater
Preparatio11 of a Heat Balance 1808 Treatment Processes 1858
17-4 Energy Usage in Wastewater Treatrnent Enhanced Energy Recove,y of Particulate Organic
Plants 1809 Matter 1858
Reduced Energy Usage in Biological
Types of Energy Sources Used at Wastewater
Treatment 1859
Treatment Facilities 1810
Reduced Energy Usage through the Use of
Energy Usefor Wastewater Treatment 1810
Altern.ative Treatment Processes 1859
Energy Use by In,lividual Treatment
Prospects for the Future 1860
Processes 18 lO
Advanced and New Wastewater Treatment Problems and Discussion Topics l860
Tecfmologies 1811
17-5 Energy Audits and Benchmarking 1813 18 Wastewater Management:
Benchmarking Energy Usage 1814
Future Challenges and
Benchmarking Protocol 1815
17-6 Recovery and Utilization of Chemical
Opportunities 1865
Energy 1819 18-1 Futurc Challenges and Opportunities 1867
Fuels Derivedfrom Waslewater 1819 Asset Management 1867
Energy Recovery fmm Gaseous Fuels with Engines Design for Energy and Resource Recovery 1869
and Turbines 1821
Contents xxi

Desig11 of Wastewater Treatment Plant.v SSO Guidarice 1895

for Potable Reuse 1869 Wet-Wea1her Management Options 1895
Decet11ralized (Satellite) Wastewater Discussion Topics 1899
Treatment 1872
Low lmpact Development 1873
Triple Bottom Li11e 1875 Appendix es
18- 2 Impact of Population Demographics, Climate A Conversion Factors 1901
Change and Sea Leve! Rise, Uocontrollable Events, 8 Physical Properties of Selcclcd Gases and the
and Uninteoded Coosequences 1875 Composilion oí Air 1909
lmpact of Popu/(ltion Demogruphics 1876 e Physical Properties ofWater 1913
lmpact of Clima te Change and Sea Leve/
D Statislical Analysis of Data 1917
Rise 1877
lmpact of Unco111rollable Evems 1879 E Dissolved Oxygen Concenlration in Water as a
lmpact of the Lc1w of Unintended Function ofTempernture, Salinity, and Barornetric
Consequences 1879 Pressu re 1923

18-3 Upgrading Trcatment Plant Performance Through F Carbonate Equilibrium 1925

Process Optimization and/or Operational G Moody Diagrarns for the Analysis of Flow in
Changes 1882 Pipes 1929
Process Optimization 1882 H Analysis of Nonidcal Plow in Rcactors using
Operational Ch(l11ges to lmprove Plan/ Tracers 1931
Performance 1886 Modeling Nonideal Flow in Reactors 1941
18-4 Upgrnding Treaunent Planl Performance Through
Process Modilication 1889
Upgrading Physical Facilities 1889
VpRrading to Meet New Co11sti111ent Re111oval Namc lndex 1953
Require111e111s 1890 Subject Tndex 1966
18-5 Management of Wet-Weather Flows 1890
SSO Policy Issues 1892
Suspended Growth Biological
Treatment Processes


Historical Development of Activated Sludge Process 70 7
Basic Process Description 101
Evolution of the Conventional Activated Sludge Process 702
Nutrient Removaf Processes 706
Key Wastewater Constituents far Process Design 707
Measurement Methods far Wastewater Characterization 77 2
Recycle Flows and Loadings 716
Overa// Considerations in Treatment Process lmplementation 717
lmportant Factors in Process Sefection and Design 717
Process Control 726
Operationaf Problems in Activated Sfudge Systems with Secondary Cforifiers 7 32
Operotionol Problems with MBR Systems 138
Selector Types and Design Considerations 739
Poor Settling Even With Use of Selector 7 41
Steady-State Design Approach 7 42
Use of Simulation Model 7 44
Modef Matrix Formal, Components, and Reactions 7 47
Other Simufation Model Applicotions 751
Overview of BOD Removal and Nitrification Processes 752
General Process Design Considerations 754
Complete-Mix Activated Sfudge Process Design 754
Sequencing Batch Reactor Process Design 771
Staged Activated Sludge Process Design 782
Afternative Processes far 800 Removaf and Nitrification 786
Process Development 796
Overview of Types of Biological Nitrogen-Removal Processes 797
General Process Design Considerotions 802
Preanoxic Denitrification Processes 804
Postanoxic Denitrification Processes 831
Low DO and Cycfic Nitrification/Denifrificotion Processes 833
Afternative Process Configurations for Biofogicol Nitrogen Removaf 838

698 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biologicol Treolment Processes

Denitrification with Externa/ Carbon Addition 848

Process Control and Performance 860
Process Development 86 1
Overview of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
Processes 862
General Process Design Considerations 864
Operational Factors That Affect Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal 878
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process Design 880
Provision for Chemicaf Addition 883
Process Control and Performance Optimiza/ion 884
Aeration System 885
Aeration Tonks and Appurtenances 886
Solids Separation by Secondary Clarifiers 889
Assessing Sludge Thickening Characteristics 891
Clarifier Design Based on Solids Flux Analysis 893
Clarifier Design Based on $tate Point Analysis 900
Types of Sedimenta/ion Tank 906
Sidewater Depth 91 O
Flow Distribution 91 O
Tonk In/et Design 91 O
Weir Placement and Loading 912
Scum Removal and Management 912
Design Parameter 913
Membrane Properties 914
Membrane Design and Operating Characteristics 917
Membrane Usage 917
Membrane Fouling lssues 917

Term Definition

Activoted sludge process Biologicol treotment process thot involves the convers ion of orgonic motter ond/or other constit-
uents in the wostewoter to gases ond cell tissue by o lorge moss o f oerobic microorgonisms
mointo ined in suspension by mixing ond oerotion. The microorgonisms form flocculent particles
that are separoted from the process efAuent in a sedimentation tank (clorifier) and are returned
subsequently to the aeration process or wasted.
Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biological Treatment Processes 699

Term Definition
Aerobic (oxic} processes Biologicol treatment processes that occur in the presence of free d issolved oxygen; oxygen is
consumed by oerobic microorgan isms in oxidation/reduction reaclions to produce energy for
cell growth o nd cell maintenonce.
A naerob ic processes Biologicol treatment processes that occur in the absence of oxygen.
A noxic process Biologica l treatment process that occurs in the absence of free d issolved oxyg en where nitrate
and nitrite ore used as the main electron acceptors in biologi cal oxidotion/reduction reocti ons;
denitrification is an exomple of an a noxic process.
Biomoss The total mass of solids in a reactor consisti ng mainly of organic matter ond microorgonisms.
Biological nutrient removal The term opplied to the removol of nitrogen ond phosphorus in biologica l trea tment processes.
Denilrification The biological process by w hich nilrate ar nitrite is reduced to nitrogen ond other gaseous end
Enhanced biologica l phos- Removal of phosphorus by exlraord inary storoge in bacteria selected in anoerobic/oerobic
phorus removal (EBPR) process configuration ond subsequent solids separation.
Hindered settling Settling which occurs when the octivoted sludge flocs interfere wi th each other as they settle.
Focultotive processes Biologico l treotm ent processes in w hich the organisms con function in the presence or obsence
of molecular oxygen.
Fermenlalion The conversion o f orgonic matter to volotile fatty ocids in the obsence of oxygen, nitrate, ond
Membrane bioreoctor (MBR) A process thot combines a suspended growth process with o membrone seporation systern
w ithin !he process oeration tan k; membrane seporotion is accomplished by either microfiltrotion
ar ultrofiltration.
Membrane flux The rote of flow ocross a membrane per unit of surloce orea, L/m 2 ·h.
Mixed liquor suspended The biomoss contoined in a treo tment reactor used to bring obout treotment of the organic
solids (MLSS} material in wastewater.
N itrificotion The two-step biological process by wh ich nitrogen (mostly in the form of ammonio) is converted
to nitrite and then to nitrate.
Nocardioform foom A thick layer of brown, biologica l foom caused by o filamentous bacteria that forms o n the top
of aeration tanks and secon dary clo rifiers.
Nonbiodegradable volatile These ore suspended solids contained in influent wastewoter to octivated sludge processes that
suspended solids (nbVSS) ore organic but not biodegradoble. They impacl sludge production.
Phosphorus occumuloting Heterotrophic bacteria selected in EBPR processes that hove the obility for high inlracellulor
orgonisms (PAOs) phosphorus storoge.
Readily biodegradable Dissolved biodegradoble orgonic substroles w hich ore removed by bacteria much faster ~, on
COD (rbCOD) colloidal or porticulate degradoble COD. Th e rbCOD impacts spotia l oxygen demand, EBPR
removal efficiency, and denitrification roles.
Sequencing ba tch reactor An SBR is a batch fill and draw octivated sludge lreatrnent process. lt involves o treatment
(SBR) sequence of fi ll, reoct, settling, supernaton t deconting, a nd idle. Activated sludge aerotion and
liquid solids separotion occurs in the sorne tank.
Simulo tion models Mathernoticol models, bosed on a set of equotions, used to ossess the effects of ki netics ond
changes in the wostewater characterizes on process performance.
Simultaneous nitrificalion Nitrogen removol occurs in sorne activated sludge floc or in a biofilm due to nitrificotion in
and denitrificotion {SNdN) oerobic outer layer and denitrification in interior due to the lack of dissolved oxygen and
presence of nitrate or nitrite.
700 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biologicol Treotment Processes

Term Definition
Sludge production The omount of solids produced during the biologicol processing of wostewoter including
influent nonbiodegradoble solids ond the biomoss resulting from the conversion of orgonic.
Sludge yield The omounl of solids produced relotive to the omount of BOD or COD removed during the
biologicol processing of wostewoter.
Solids flux onolysis A method used to determine the oreo requ ired for hindered settling bosed on on onolysis of the
solids (moss) flux.
Solids retention time (SRT) The average period of time in which solids remoin in o suspended growth process (olso called
sludge oge).
Stoged process Processes which occur with more thon one independent reactor or comportment in series.
Surface overflow rote The hydraulic flowrote applied relative to the clorifier surface oreo (m 3/m 2 ·d ).
Suspended growth processes Biologicol treotment processes in w hich microorgonisms responsible for the conversion of
organic matter or other constituents in the wostewaler lo gases ond cell tissue ore maintoined in
suspension within the liquid.
Volumetric orgonic loading The omount of BOD or COD opplied to the aeration tank volume per doy (e.g ., kg BOD or
role C0D/m 3 ·d).

The theory of biological wastewater treatment is presented and discussed in detail in

Cbap. 7. Biological treatment processes, as noted in Chap. 7, may be classitied as aerobic
and anaerobic suspended growth, attached growth, and various combinations thereof. The
focus of this chapter is on s uspended growth treatment processes as exemplified by the
actívated sludge process for BOD and nitrification and for nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
Attached growth and combined processes are cliscussed in Chap. 9,! suspended and
attached grnwth anaerobic processes are considered in Cbap. 1O. lncluded in this chapter
are ( 1) íntroduction to the activated sludge process. (2) wastewater characterizatioo, (3) fun -
damentals of process selection, design, and control, (4) selector types and design consider-
ations, (5) use of simulation models for activated sludge process design considerarioos,
(6) proce~ses for BOD removal and nit1ification, (7) processes for biological nitrogen
removal, (8) processes for enhanced bio\ogical phosphorus removal, (9) aeration tank design
for activatecl sludge processes, () 0) analysis of liquid separation for activated sludge pro-
cesses with clarifiers, ( 11) design considerations for secondarily clarifiers, ancl (12) solids
separation for membrane bioreactors. Aerated lagoons, non-aerated lagoons, ancl stabiliza-
lion ponds are not covered in this text, as they are used mainly for small rural communities
where sufficient land is avai\able and discharge requirements may not be as st1ingent as in
urban areas. Detailed design information on aerated lagoons and stabilization ponds may be
found i.n the 4th edition of this textbook (Tchobanoglous et al., 2<X)3). Additional sources
of information may be found in Crites and Tchobanoglous (J 998) and Reed et al. (1995).


To provide a basis for the process designs presentecl in the subsequent sect.ions of this
chapter, it will be useful to consider (1) a brief summary of the historical development of
the activat.ed sludge process, (2) a description of the basic process, (3) a brief review of the
evolution of the activated sludge process, and (4) an overview of recent process
8-1 lntroduction to the Activated Sludge Process 701

Historical Development ol Activated Sludge Process

Tbe activated sludge process is now used routinely for the biological treatment of
municipal and industrial wastewaters. The antecedents of the activated sludge process
date back to the early l 880s in England, to the work of Dr. Angus Smith, who inves-
tigated the aeration of wastew,1Ler in tanks, which hastened the oxidation of the
organic matter. The aeration of wastewater was stuclied subsequently by a number of
iuvestigators, and in 19 l O Black and Phelps reported lhat a considerable reduction in
putrcscibility could be secured by forcing air into wastewater in basins. In experiments
with aerated wastewater, conducted at the Lawrence Experiment Station during 1912
and 1913, Clark and Gage found that growths of organisms could be cultivated in
bottles and in tanks pa1tially filled with roofing slate spaced about 25 mm (l in.) apart
and that these growths greatly increased Lhe degree of purificalion obtained (Clark and
Adams, 1914). /
The resulLs of the work at the Lawrence Experiment Station, with respect to Lhe treat-
ment of wastewater, were so striking that knowll?dge of rhem led Dr. G. J. Fowler of the
University of Maochester, England to suggest that experiments along sinúlar lines be
conducted at the Manchester Sewage Works where Ardero and Lockett carried out valu-
able research on the subject. During the course of theü· experiments, Ardern and Lockelt
found that the sludge played an important pai1 in the results obtained by aeration, as
,mnounced in their paper of May 3, 1914 (Ardem and Lockett, 1914). The process was
named activatecl sludge by Ardern and Lockell because it involved the production of an
activated mass of microorganjsms capable of aerobic stabilization of organic material in
wastewaler (Metcalf & Eddy, 1935).

Basic Process D~scription

By definition, the basic activated sludge treatment process, as illustrated on Figs. 8- 1(a)
and (b), consists of,the following three basic components: ( 1) a reactor in which thc
microorganisms respousible for treatment are kept in suspension and aerated; (2) liquid-
solids separation unit, usually in a sedimentation tank; and (3) a recycle system for
returning solids removed from the liquid-solids separation unit back to the reactor.
Numerous process configurations have evolved employing these compone11ts. An i_mpor-
taot fealure of the activated sludge process is the forma ti oo of flocculent settleable sol ids
lhat can be removed by gravity settling in sedimentation tanks. In most cases, the acti-
vated sludge process is employed in conjunction with physical and chemical processes
that aJe used for the prelim.ínary and primary treatment of wastewater (discussed in
Chap. 5), and post treatment, incl uding disinfection (Cha p. 12), and possibly filtration
(Chap. l J).
Historically, most activated sludge plants have been used to trcat wastewaters that
have been pretreated by primary sedimeotation, as shown on Figs. 8-l(a) and (b). Primary
sedirnentation is most efficient at removing settleable solids, whereas thc biological pro-
cesses are essential for removiog soluble, colloidal, and particuJate (suspended) orgaiúc
substances; for nitrification and dcnitrification; and for biological phosphorus removal. For
apptications such as treating wastewater from smaller-sized cornmunüíes, primary LTeat-
ment is often not used as more cmphasis is placed on simpler and less operator-iutensive
treatmcnt methods. Primary treatment is ornitted frequently in areas of the world tbat have
hot climates, wbere odor problems from primary tanks and primary sludge can be signifi-
cant. For these applications, various modifications of conventional activated sludge pro-
cesses are used, including sequencing batch reactors, oxidation d.itch systems, and mem-
brane bioreactors.
702 Chapter 8 Suspended Growth Biological Treatment Processes


lnílu~ o _ _ , _ (: -)

T Plan view of aeration tank

Return activated sludge

(a) Sludge

Aeraüon tank


Return activated sludge

- Fill - React/ - Settl e - Decant -

(e) Time sequence

Figure 8-1
Typica l octivated sludge processes w ith di fieren! types of reactors: (a) schematic llow d iagram of p lug-
llow process ond view of plug-ffow reactor, (b) schematic flow diogrom o f complete-m ix process a nd
v iew of complete-m ix activoted sludge reactor, a nd (c) sc hemolic d iagram o f sequencing bolch
reactor process a nd view of sequenci ng batch reactor.

Evolution of the Conventional Activated 5/udge Process

Prior to the 1980s, the pri ncipal objective of actívated sludge process designs was aimed
mainly at achieving a "secondary treatment" standard of 85 percent BOD and TSS
removal. Since then, more emphasis has been placed on meeting more stringent discharge
limits as well as the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). Thus, a number of
activated sludge processes and design configurations have evolved in response to (J) the
need for higher-quality eftluents from wastewater treatment plants; (2) the need to remove
nutrients; (3) increased discoveries and understanding of microbial processes and funda-
mentals; (4) technological advauces in equipment, materials, electronics, and process
control; and (5) the continua) need to reduce capital and operati ng and energy costs for
municipalities and industries. Many activated sludge processes used today and expected to
be used in the foture may incorporate nitrification, biological nitrogen rcmoval, and/or
biological phosphorus removal. Typically, reactors in series, operated under aerobic,
anoxic, and anaerobic conditions are used. T he general types of activated sludge processes
used (i.e., plug flow, complete mix, and sequencing batch reactor), illustrated on Fig. 8- 1,
are considered in the followi ng discussion.
8-1 lntroduction to the Activated Sludge Process 703

Plug-Flow Process Configurations. Since the process carne into common use in
the early 1920s and up until the late l 970s, the type of activated sludge process used most
commonly was the one in which a plug-tlow reactor with large length to width ratios
(typically > 1O: l) was used Lsee Fig. 8-1 (a)). In considering the evolution of the activated
sludge process, it is important to note lbat the discharge of industrial wastes to domestic
wastewater collection systems increased ÍJl the late 1960s. The use of a plug-flow process
became problematic when industrial were introduced because of the toxic effects
of sorne of the discharges.

Complete-Mix Process Configurations. The complete-mix reactor was devel-

oped, in part, beca.use the larger volume allowed for greater diJution and thus mitigated the
effects of toxic discharges. The more common type of activated sludge process in the
1970s and early 1980s tended to be single-stage, complete-mix activated sludge (CMAS)
processes [see Fig. 8- l(b)J, as advanced by McKinney ( 1962). For sorne niuification
applications, two-stage systems ( stage consisting of an aeration tank and clarifier)
were used with the first stage designed for BOD removal, followed by a second stage for

Comparing Plug Flow and Complete Mix Process Configurations. In

cornparing the plug-flow [see Fig. 8- 1(a)] and complete-mix activated sludge (CMAS)
ísee Fig. 8-l(b)] processes, the mixing regimes and tank geometry are quite different. In
the CMAS process, the mixing of the tank contents is sufficient so that ideally the concen-
trations of the mixed-liquor constituents, soluble substances (i.e., COD, BOD, NH4 -N),
and co!Joidal and suspended solids do not vary with location in tbe aeration basin. Tbe
plug-flow process involves relatively long, narrow aeration ba~ins, so that the concenu·ation
of soluble substances and co!Joidal and suspended solids varies along tbe reactor length.
Altbough process configurations employing long, nan-ow tanks are commonly referred to
as plug-flow processes, in reality, b·ue plug tlow does not exist. Depending on tbe type of
aeration system, back mixing of the mixed liquor can occur and, dependi ng on the layout
of the reactor and the system reaction kinetics, nominal plug flow may be described more
appropriately by the series of complete-mix reactors as discussed in Chap. 4.

Sequencing Batch Process Configuration. With the development of simple

inexpensive program logic controllers (PLCs) and the availability of leve! sensors and auto-
rnatically operated valves, the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process [see Fig. 8- l(c))
became used more widely by the late 1970s, especially for smaller communities and i11dus-
trial installatfons wit.h intermittent 11ows. In recen! years, however, SBRs are being used for
larger cities. TJ1e SBR is a fill -and-draw type of reactor system involving a single complete-
mix reactor in which all steps of lhe activated sludge process occur. Mjxed liquor remains in
the reactor during ali cycles, thereby eLiminating tbe need for separate sedimentation tanks.

Other Activated Sludge Processes. Other activated sludge processes that have
fou nd application, with their dates of major intcrest in parentheses, include the oxidation
ditch ( 1950s), contact stabilization ( 1950s), Krause process ( 1960s), pure oxygen activated
sludge (1970s), Orbal process (J970s), deep shaft aeration (1970s), and sequencing batch
reactor process ( 1980).

Development of Selectors. Activated sludge process designs before and until the
late J970s generally involved the configurations shown on Figs. 8-l(a) and (b). These
designs very often suffered from solicls settli ng problems in the secoudary clarifiers dueto
704 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biologicol Treotment Processes

the proliferation of filamentous-type bacteria. Jn the early 1980s researchers and practiciJ1g
engineers advanced the concept of a "biological selector" in activated sludge design, wbich
was first introduced in a patent by Davidson (1957) to select for good settling "floc-
forming" activated sludge over fiJamentous bacteria. Selectors are smaller single or multi-
staged aerated reactors in front of the main activated sludge treatment aeration basin. The
selector concept is also inherent in designs with single or multi-staged anoxic or anaerobic
reactors before the main aeration tank to select for conditions for denitrification of nitrate/
nitrite or for phosphorus-storing bacteria. The anoxic or anaerobic reactors also serve as
selectors resulting in the development of good settling activated sludge. Selectors are con-
sidered in detail in Sec. 8-4.

M embrane Bioreactor Process Configuration. A membrane bioreactor

(MBR) is an activatecl sludge system witb membranes located at the end of the activated
sludge basin(s) for liquid-solids separation in lieu of using secondary clarifiers (see
Fig. 8- 2). In the integrated MBR system shown on Fig. 8-2 the key componen! is the
microfiltration or ultrafiltration membrane that is immersed directly into the activated
sludge reactor. The membraoes are mounted in modules (sometimes called cassettes)
that can be lowered into the bioreactor. The modules are com.prised of the membranes,
support structure for the membranes, feed inlet and outlet connections, and an overall
support struclltre. The membranes are subjected to a vacuum (less than 50 kPa) that

Mixed liquor solids Solids

,--- -'-'='ª::::.ºirc::,u::::l
"-' a:,::lis:,on.,___ _ _~_t_o~waste

influ ~ Screened
Aerobic influenl
zone Aeration

Interna! r~ycle
Membrane Submerged
compartment membrane
(a) (oplional) (b) modules

(e) (d)

Figure 8-2
Membrane bioreoctor (MBR). A multi-stoged octivoted sludge system with membrones far liquid-solids
seporotion: (o) section through MBR wi th seporate comporfment far the membranes, (b) p io n view of
MBR, (e) view of membrana cassettes being placed in seporote compartment, and (d) view o f
seporate membrane comportment.
8-1 lntroduction to the Activoted Sludge Process 705

draws water (permeate) through the membrane while retaining solids in the reactor. To
minirnize the accumulation of solids and fouling on the exterior of the membranes, com-
pressed air is inrroduced through a disufüution manifold ar the base of the mernbrane
module. As lhe air bubbles rise to the surface, scouring of the membrane surface occurs;
the air also provides oxygen to maintain aerobic cooditions and solids suspension
within the reactor.

lmplementatioo of MBR Proccss. In 1969, U.S. Patent 3,472,765 was issued to

William E. Budd and Robert W. Okey of Dorr-Oliver for a process that integrated com-
plete-mix activated sludge process with rnembrane technology. Membrane separation for
activated sludge treatment was first demonstrated al Pikes Peak, CO, in 1974 by Dorr
Oliver, but it was not economically feasible for widespread use unlil membrane materials
and rnanufacturing methods improved. 1n addition, the initial designs employed cross-
flow mernbrane separation units located outside the activated sludge tanks, whicb had
high energy requirements for pumping mixed liquor across the membrane to control foul-
ing. Placement of the membrane separation unit in the activated sludge reactor and using
co~u·se bubble aeration, in the late 1980s, was less eoergy intensive and led to future MBR
applications (Yamamoto et al., 1989). The lower energy MBR systcm was first commer-
cialized with flat plate membranes by Kubota for wastewater treatment in Japan in l 990.
About three years later an MBR system using Zenon's hollow fibcr ZceWccd® system
was installed at Stoney Creek, Ontario Canada. The first MBR installation for biological
wastewater treatment in the U.S. was in 1998 at lhe Arapohoe County Lonc Tree Creek
WWTP in Colorado. The use of ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) membranes
in MBR systems for activated sludge treatment was well accepted in the late 1990s and
carly 2000s.

MBR Proccss Advantages and Disadvantages. The use of membrane liquid-solids

separation provides many advantages compared to activated sludge processes with gravity
clarifiers. Tbese are (l) a much smaller area requirement (less than 50%) dueto operation
with a higher mixed liquor concentration (typically 8000 to 12,000) and the reduced space
for membrane separation compared to clarifiers, (2) simpler process operation with no
concerns about the effect of filamentous activated sludge, (3) a redaimed water quality
eft1uent due to complete suspended solids capture across the membrane separation, and
(4) a lower disinfection dose requirement dueto the low turbidity effluent. Disadvantages
are an increased energy cost, the need for future mernbrane replacement, and the cleaning
and operational demands for membrane fouling control.

MBR Process Applications. The mosl frequent applications for MBRs have been for
domeslic wastewater treatme11t and water reuse, ranging in flows from smaU housing
developments and apartments to large centralized wastewater treatment facilities. The Iarg-
est facility, as of 2008, is the King County, Washington Brightwater wastewater treatment
plant, at an average design flowrate of 117,000 rn 3/d (Judd, 2008a). MBR designs have
also been used for industrial wastewater treatment applications, including food and
beverage processing, chenúcal plants, automotive plants, dairy wastewater, oíl refinery
wastewater, landfill leacbate and pharmaceuticals, and also in anaerobic treatment
processes (Yang el al., 2006).
Process applications of MBRs are described along with similar applications using
activated sludge and clarifiers for nitrification, nitrogen removal and enhanced biological
phosphorus removal in Secs. 8-7 and 8-8. Design considerations assocíated with the use
of gravity clarifiers or membranes for activated sludge liquid-solids separation are
706 Chapter 8 Suspended Growth Bialogical Treatmenf Processes

discussed in Secs. 8- 10, 8-11, and 8-1 2. Membrane systems used in advanced wastewater
applications including membrane materials, membrane designs, and operating conditions
are discussed in Sec. 11-6 in Chap. 11.

Nutrient Removal Processes

Over the past JO years, achieving higher nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) removals has
gained importance in lhe implementation of the activated sludge treatment process. As a
result, a number of biologica\ nutrient-removal configurations have been developed
including those using aclivated sludge with secondary claritiers or membranes for Jiquid-
solids separation. Nem-Ly all of the various activated sludge process modifications, wbether
witb secondary clarifiers or membranes, are based on the same fundamental principies of
biological treatment as described previously in Chap. 7. Processes used in fu ll-scale
operalion are clescribed in Secs. 8-6, 8-7, and 8- 8; design examples for the processes most
commonJy used are also included.
A key element in the new nutrient removal designs is the use of interna! recycle
from the aeration or anoxic tanks to upstream reactors (see Fig. 8-3), in contrast to
recycle in the past being only from che secondary clarifier underflow to the head of the
aclivated sludge aeraLion tank as shown on Figs. 8- l(a) and (b) . The process efliciency
benefits of using reactors in series as well as staged reactors has also been recognizecl
and implemented in ful l-scale designs. However, because the design and operation of
activated sludge nut1ient removal processes has become more complex, computer mod-
eling is an increasingly in1portanr too! to incorporate Lhe large number of components
ancl reactions necessary to evaluate aclivated sludge performance in nuu"ient removal
application. The use of sirnu lation modeJs for suspended growth systems is discussed in
Sec. 8-S .

Interna! recycle


Return activated sludge


(a) (b)

Figure 8-3
Modified Borden pha process with slage reoclo rs for biologico l nitrogen removal a nd enhonced
biologicol p hosphorus removol: (o) schemalic diagram o f slaged process and (b) view o f a Modified
Bardenp ho lreatmenl plan! in Pa lmetto, FL; the firsl o f ifs type in the United Stafes built in 1979.
[From H. D. Stensel.) (Coordinates 27.5256 N 82.5959 W, view a l oltitude 360 m, since then,
an oxidotion d itch has been built alo ng side.)
8-6 Processes fer 8od Removal and Nitrification 793

1 Table 8-19
Typical design parameters for commonly used activated sludge processes
Volumetric looding
Type of kg BOD/ lb BOD/ kg BOD/ MLSS,
Process name reactor SRT, d kg MLVSS·d 1000 ft3·d m 3 ·d mg/L Total T, h

High-rate aeration CMAS or 0.5-2 1.5-2.0 75-150 1.2-2.4 500-1 500 1-2
(first step in AB Process) plug Aow
Contad stabilization CMAS or 5-10 0.2-0.6 60-75 1.0-1.3 1000-3000° 0.5... 1°
plug flow 6000-1 O,OOOb 2,_4b

High-purity oxygen Staged 1-4 0.5-1.0 80-200 1.3-3.2 2000-4000 1-3

Conventionol plug Aow Plug Row 3-15 0.2-0.4 20-40 0.3-0.7 1000-3000 4.8
Step feed Plug Row 3- 15 0.2-0.4 40-60 0.7-1 .0 1500-4000 3- 5
or staged
Complete mix CMAS 3-15 0.2-0.6 20-100 0.3-1.6 1500- 4000 3-6
Extended aeration CMAS or 20-40 0.04-0.l 5-15 0.1-0.3 2000-4000 20-30
plug Aow
Oxidation ditch CMAS+ 15- 30 0.04-0.l 5-15 0.1-0.3 3000-5000 15-30
plug flow
Batch decont Plug flow 12-30 0.04-0.1 5-15 0.1-0.3 2000-5000 20- 40
Sequencing batch Batch 15-30 0.04-0.1 5-1 5 0.1-0.3 2000-5000 15~40
Counter current aerotion Plvg Row 15-30 0.04-0.1 5- 10 0.1-0.3 2000-4000 15-40
system (CCAS™)

ª MLSS and detention time in contact bosin.

b MLSS ond detention time in stobilizotion basin.

may be completely mixed, staged, or plug flow. The oxidation ditch is a combj.nation
of complete mix and plug flow. The recirculation flowrate in the ditch provides a
flowrate that is typically 20-30 times the intluent flowrate so the dilution factor
approaches a complete mix substrate condition. In additíon, plug flow kinetics condi -
tions are approached as thc flow moves down the ditch channels away from the mixed
acration zone.

Process Selection Considerations. Selection of an activated sludge process for

BOD removal and 1útrífication is a function of many considerations including spec\fi.C site
constraints, compatibility with the ex.isting process, compatibility witb existing equipment,
present and futurc treatmenl needs, level of capability of the operating staff, capital costs,
and operating costs. Significant features and limitations of the various activated ,sludge
process alternativcs that affect process selection in certain applications are summartized in
Table 8-20.
8-9 Aeration Tank Design far Activoted Sludge Processes 885


Tbe selection and design of the aeration equipment and aeration lank dcsign is of critica!
importance in tbe implementation of the activated sludge processes used with secondary
clarifiers or membrane separation systems. Aeration system and aeration tank and appur-
tenances design considerations are considered in this section.

Aeration System
The aeration system design for the activated sludge process must be adequate to (1) satisfy
U1e oxygen demand for the biological ox idation of the bCOD in the wastewater, (2) satisfy
the oxygen dernand dueto the endogenous respiration of the biomass, (3) meet the oxygen
demand for biological nitrification, (4) provide adequate mixing within U,e reactor, and
(5) maintain a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration throughout the aeration tauk. If
the oxygen transfer efficiency of the aeration system is known or can be estimated, the
actual aiJ requirements for diffused air aeration or installed power of mechanical surface
aerators may be cletermined. The characteristics of air diffusers and the energy require-
ments for mixing for diJfused air ancl mechanical aeration systerns are discussed in
Sec. 5-J2 in Chap. 5. An important issue considered in this section is the effect of the
activated sluclge process design on the oxygen transfor efticiency in mixed Jiquor.

Alpha Factor for Activated Sludge Process with Clarifiers. Aeration

desig11 for activated sludge processes involves using clean water oxygen transfer pe1for-
mance data for aeration equipment and adjusting the oxygen transfer rates at the same
diffuser air tlow or rnechanical aerator kW output for the effect of mixed liquor operating
conditions. One of the most important factors in tbe mixed liquor correction is the effect
that the rnixed liquor has on the aeration design alpha factor. The alpha factor is defined
as the ratio of the oxygen transfer rate in mixed liquor to that in clean water. In mixed
liquor, the alpha is less than 1.0 dueto the effect of surfactants and organic contarninants
011 gas-liquid mass transfer and the effects of viscosity. The sllrfactant and organic con-
tarninant concentrations clecrease as the SRT is increased dueto biodegradation. A range
of alpha val ues for activated sludge/secondary clarifier systems as a function of SRT has
been presented by Rosso et al. (2005b) after evaluating oxygen trru1sfer test data for
30 facil ities in the United States for fine bubble aeration. Average alpha values increased
from about 0.53 to 0.60 to 0.65 as the SRT was increased from IO to 20 to 30 d.

Alpha Factor for Membrane Bioreactors. The alpha values for fine bubble
aeration in MBR systems are further affected by the increased viscosity caused by the
higher MLSS concentration. The effect of MLSS concentration on alpha valnes is shown
on Fig. 8-40 for four reports with fine bubble diffused aeration and one report with coarse
bubble diffused aeration. The references and correlations of alpha as a function of MLSS
concentration are listed in Table 8- 32. Approximate alpha values for fine bubble diffusers
in MBR aeration tanks are 0.47 at an MLSS concentration of 8000 mg/L and 0.35 for an
MLSS concentration of 12,000 mg/L.

Modeling Peak Oxygen Demand. Activated sludge simulation models can

include the effects of diurna! changes in tlowrate and influent bCOD and TKN concentra-
tions in determining daily sustained peak oxygen demands for different reactor configura-
tions. Experience and enginee1ing judgment can also be used to estimate oxygen demand
at peak load cooditions as well as design for average oxygen demand conclitions. A peaking
886 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biologicol Treotment Processes

Figure 8-40 1.00 1 1

~, - FBRef. 1
Effect of MLSS concentrotion on
'' '... ' - • FB Aef. 2
diffused oerolion alpho values in
MBR systems. References ore Q)
' ' ", , .. ' - - - FBRef. 3
- -· FBReí.4
given in Table 8-32. ] ,..., _ .. _ CBRef S
"' 0.60

-a ~
g> 0.40 ~ r--...
-..... _ ..
:» ' ... ~
', ~ --.:. ~ .
-- '

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

factor of at least 1.5 to 2.0 times the average BOD and TKN load should be used. Aeration
eguipment may also be sized based on a residual dissolved oxygen (DO) of 2 mg/L in tbe
aeration tank at the average load and 1.0 mg/L at peak load. The aeration eguipment must
be designed with enough flexibi lity to (I) meet mínimum oxygen demands, (2) prevent
excessive aeration and save energy, and (3) meet maximum oxygen demands. Consideration
of using muJtiple smaller blowers to meet mínimum oxygen demand is often needed so that
the system is not over-aerated and energy wasted at low loads. Excessive aeration can harm
biological nutrient removal process performance. Toe impact of the use of blowers with
adjustable guide vanes and variable speed drives on the energy requirements for aeration is
considered in Sec. 17- 8 in Chap. J7.

Aeration Tanks and Appurtenances

After the activated sludge process and the aeration system have been selected and a
preliminary design has been prepared, the next step is to design the aeration tanks and
support facilities. The following design aspects are considered in the following discussion
(1) aeration tanks, (2) flow disufüution, and (3) frotb control systems. Energy require-
ments for aeration tank mixing are discussed in Sec. 5-12 in Chap. 5.

Aerotion Tonks. Aeratioo tanks usually are constructed of reinforced concrete and
left open to the atmosphere. The use of rectangular or square shapes permits common-
wall construction for multiple tanks. The total required volumetric capacity of the tank is

Table 8-32 Reference on Alpha Reference

Summary of Figure 8-40 calculation

relationships between FB Ref. 1 e-<0.082'MLSS) Gunder and Krauth (1999)

alpha and MLSS FB Ref. 2 e-(0.0SS'MLSS) Krompe ond Krouth (2003)
concentration in MBRs FB Ref. 3 (] .Ó)e-(0.IS·MLSS) MBR Plant l , Racoult et al. (201 O)
FB Ref. 4 (J.0255)e-(009A6"MLSS) MBR Plant 2, Rocault et al. (201 O)
CB Ref. 5 (] .2888)e-(00818'MLSS) MBR, CB Racault et al. (2010)

Note: FB - Fine bubble diffuser, CB - Coarse bubble diffuser.

8-9 Aeration Tank Design for Activated Sludge Processes 887

determjned from the biological process design, as set forth in Secs. 8-6, 8-7, and 8-8.
For plants in a capacity range of 0.22 to 0.44 m 3/s (5 to 10 Mgal/d), at least two tanks
should be provided (a mínimum of two tanks is preferred for smaHer plams as weli, for
reduodancy). In the range of 0.44 to 2.2 1113/s (1 O to 50 Mgal/d), four tanks are often
provided to allow operational flexibility and ease of maintenance. Large plants, over
2.2 1113/s (50 Mgal/d) in capacity, should contain six or more tanks. Sorne of the largest
plants have from 30 to 40 tanks arranged in severa! groups or batteries. Although the air
bubbles dispersed in the wastewater occupy perhaps l percent of the total volume, no
allowance is made for this in tank sizing.

Use of Diffused Air Systems. If the wastewater is to be aerated with diffused air, the
geometry of the tank may sigruficantly affect the aeration efficiency and the amount of
mixing obtained [see Fig. 8-41 (a) and (b)]. The depth of wastewater in the tank should be
between 4.5 and 7.5 m (-15 and 25 ft) to maximize the energy efficiency of diffuser sys-
tems. Freeboard from 0.3 to 0.6 m (1 to 2 ft) above the waterlioe should be provided. The
width of the tank in relation to its depth is important if spiral-flow mixing is used in the
plug-flow configuration. The width-to-depth ratio for such tanks may vary from l.0/1 to
2.2/1, with 1.5/1 being the most common. Ln large plants, the channels become quite long
and sometí mes exceed 150 m (-500 ft) per tank. Tanks may consist of ooe to four channels
with round-the-end flow in multiple-channel tanks. The Jength-to-width ratio of each chan-
nel should be at least 5/ 1. Where complete- rujx djffused air systems are used, the length-
to-width ratio may be reduced to save construction cost.
For tanks with diffusers on both sides or in a grid or paoel pattern, greater wiclths are
permissible. The important point is to restlict the width of the tank so that "dead spots" or
zones of inadequate mixing are avoided. The dimensions aod proportions of each indepen-
dent unit should be such as to maintain adequate velocities so that deposition of solids will

Figure 8-41
Activated sludge aeralion
syslems: (a) ceromic d isk diffusers
in a deep complete-mix
nitrificalion tank, (b) ceramic disk
d iffusers placed in the ouler lwo
circular channels of an MBR
activated sludge process,
(e) mechanical surface aerotor,
a nd (d) view of empty reactor
with mechanical aeralor. Views
of membrane panel aeralion (a) (b)

devices are shown on fig . 5-67

in Chap. 5.

(e) (d)
888 Chapter 8 Suspended Growth Biological Treatment Processes

Table 8-33 Aerator sixe Tank depth Tank width

Typical aeration tank hp kW ft m ft m
dimensions for 10 7.5 10-12 3-3.6 30- 40 9- 12
mechanical surface
20 15 12-14 3.6-4.2 35- 50 10.5- 15
30 22.5 13-15 3.9-4.5 40-60 12- 18
40 30 12- 17 3.6-5.l 45-65 13.5-20
50 37.5 15- 18 4.5-5.5 45- 75 13.5-23
75 56 15- 20 4.5-6 50-85 15-26
100 75 15- 20 4.5- 6 60-90 18- 27

not occur. In spiral-flow tanks, triangular baffles or fillets may be placed longitudinally in
the corners of the channels to eliminate dead spots and to deflect the spi.ral t1ow.

Use of' Mechanical Aeration Systems. For mechanical aeration systems, the most effici.ent
arrangement is one aerator per tank [see Fig. 8-41 (e) and (el)]. Where multiple aerators are
installed in the same tank for best efticíency, the length-to-width ratio of the tank should
be in even mulliples with the aerator centered in a square configuratio n to avoid interference
at the hydraulic boundaries. The width and depth should be sized in accordance with the
power rating of the aerator as i!Justrated in Table 8- 33. 1\vo-speed aerators are desi.rable to
provide operating flexibility to cover a wide range of oxygeo demand conditions. Freeboru·d
of about 1 to 1.5 m (3 .5 to 5 ft) shoulcl be provided for mecbanical aeration systems.
Individual tanks should have inlet and outlet gates or valves so that they may be
removed from service for inspection and repair. The common walls of multiple tanks must
therefore be able to withstand the foil hydrostatic pressure from either side. Aeration tanks
must have adequate foundations to prevent settlement, and, in saturated soil, they must be
designed to prevent flotation when the tanks are dewatered. Methods of preventing flota-
tion include thickening the floor slab, install i_ng hold-down piles, or i.nstalling hydrostatic
pressure relief valves. Drains or sumps for aeration tanks are desirable for dewatering. In
Jarge plants where tank clewatering might be more common, it rnay be desi.rable to install
mud val ves in tbe bottoms of ali tanks. The mud valves should be connected to a central
dewatering pump orto a plantel.rain discharging to tbe wet well of the plant pumping sta-
tiou. Dewatering systems are commonly designed to empty a tank in 12 to 24 h.

Flow Distribution. For wastewater treatment plants containing mttltiple units of

p1imary sedimentation basins and aeration tanks, consideration has to be given to equal-
izing the distríbution of flow to the aeration tanks. ln many designs, the wastewater from
the prímary sedimentation basins is collected in a common conduit or channel for transport
to the aeration tanks. Por efficient use of the aeration tanks, a method of splitting or con-
troHing the flowrate to each of the individual tanks shou.ld be used. Methods commonly
used are splitter boxes equippecl with weirs or control valves or aeration tank infl uent
control gates. Hydraulic balancing of the ffow by equalizing thc headloss from tbe pri-
mary sedimentation basins to the individual aeration tanks is also practicecl. Flow regimes
using a form of step feed particularly need a positive means of flow control. Where chan-
nels are used for aeration tank intluent or eftluent tnu1sport, they can be equipped with
aeration devices to prevent deposition of solids [see Figs. 8-42(a) and (b)]. The air required
ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 m3/lin m·min (2 to 5 ft3/lin ft·min) of channel.
8-1 O Analysis of Liqu id-Solids Separation far Activated Sludge Processes with Clorifiers 889

Figure 8-42
Aerotion tonk oppurtenonces:
(o} o nd {b) views of octivoted
sludge aerated mixed liquor
tronsler channels ond (e) o nd
(d) views o l loom spoy nozzles
used to breokup and move foam
to waste callection points.

(a) (b)

(e) (d)

foam Control Systems. Spray nozzles are commonly mounted above the liquicl
surface aJong sides of aeration tanks to break up foaming and to help move foam into
surtace wasting collecrion points [see Figs. 8-42(c) and (d)]. During system start up or
seasonal load changes foaming may ctevelop anct sprays can help move the foam back inco
the mixed liquor and to keep the leve] of foam down. Screened or filtered plant efl:luent is
commonly pumped through the spray nozzles. Nocardioform froth is undesirable on aera-
tion tanks and its prevention and control has been discussed previously in Sec. 8- 3.


Liquid-solids separation is critica! to the operation and successful performance of the
activated sludge process. Liquid-solids separation involves two very important fonctions
( 1) gravity settling to remove over 99.5 percent of the mixed liquor TSS from the treated
effluent and (2) thickening of the settled activated sludge to reduce the volume before
returning it to the process for mixing and treatment with the influent wastewater. In prior
sections of this chapter, activated sludge treatment flow schemes for BOD removal and
nitrification, biological nitrogen removal, and enhanced biological phosphorus removal
have been shown using two different methods for liquid solids separation : gravity settling
in secondary clarifiers and membrane separation. Liquid-solids separation by gravity set-
tling is considered in this section. Design considerations for secondary clarifiers are con-
sidered i11 the following section. Membrane separation of solids is considered in Sec. 8- 12.

Solids Separation by Secondary Clarifiers

The surface overflow rate and solids loading rateare the two principal parameters used for
the anaJysis and design of secondary clarifiers. These two parameters are both dependent
on the activated sluclge system design and operation, which determines the rnixed liquor
890 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biological Treatment Processes

!loe characteristics and lhe amount of dispersed sol ids not captured in the floc particles
during settling. Larger and denser tloc particles, usually the result of having biological
selectors in the activated sludge design, result in better settling and thickening anda more
efficient clarifier performance.

Surface Overflow Rate. The surface overflow rate (SOR), defined as follows, is
related to the time needed to allow particle separation from the effluenl liquid flow.

SOR= Q (8- 80)

where SOR = surface overflow rate, m3/m2 ·d
Q = influent t1owrate, m 3/d
A = clarifier surface area, m 2
Overílow rates are based on wastewater llowrates instead of on the m:ixed-liquor flowrates ro
the clarifier, which includes the influent and recycle sludge flowrates, because the overflow
rate is equivalent to an upward flow velocity. The retmn sludge tlow is drawn off the bottom
of the tank and does not contribL1te to the upward ílow velocity. Floc and small particles with
settling velocities Jess than the SOR will be removed with the efl1uent from the clarifier. Floc
and small particJe,5 settling velocities greater than the SOR will be removed by graviry settling.
Selection of a surface overflow rate is intl uenced by the efl1uent requirements and the
need to provide consistent process performance. Typical surface overflow rates are given in
Table 8-34 and range from 16 to 33 m/d (400 to 800 gal/ft2·d). Because steady-srate

Table 8-34
1 Typical design information for secondary clarifiers for the activated sludge process
Overflow rate Solids loading Side-
gal/ft2 ·d m3/m 2·d 2 water
Type of treatment lb/ft •h kg/m 2 ·h
Average Peak Average Peak Average Peak Average Peak mb
Settling following oir 400-600 1000-1200 16-28 36- 56 0.8-1 .2 2.0 4-6 10 4.0-5.5
octivoted sludge
(excluding extended
Selectors, biologicol 600-800 1200-1600 24- 32 40-64 1.0-1 .5 2.0 5- 8 10 4.0-5.5
nutrient removol
Settling following 200- 400 600-800 8-1 6 24- 32 0.2-1.0 1.6 1.0- 5 8 4.0-5.5
extended aeration
Settling For effluent P
concentration after
chemical additionº
Total P = 2 600-800 24- 32
Totol P = l < 400-600 16-24
Total P = 0 .2-0.5d 300-500 12-20

ª Adopted in part from Kong (1987), WEF (2010).

bm X 3.2808 = ft.
<Occosionol chemicol oddition required.
d(ontinuous chemicol oddition required for effluent polishing.
906 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biologicol Treotment Processes

For A = 314 m3 and X = 2 g/L,

(15,070 m)/d)(I d/24 h)(2 kg/m' )
SFQ = m2 = 4 kg/m 2 ·h

The MLSS concenlration possible is the "state point'' where the overflow rate
operating line intersccts the underflow rate operating line. In the above fi g ure, the
state point is approximately 2. 1 g/L (2 100 mg/L) MLSS concentration.
6. Determine clarifier solids loading.
a. For 2 c larifiers: A = 628 m2; MLSS = 3.5 g/L, and R = 0.41
Solids loading = Q(I + R)(X)IA
( 15,70 m 3/d){ l + 0.41)(3.5 kg/m3)
= (314 m2)(24 h/d) - - = 4.93 kg/m2·h
b. For onc clarifier: A = 314 m 2
(15,070 m 3/d)(1 d/24 h)
Clarifie r overflow rate = m = 2.0 m/h
3 14 2
Underflow velocity (from step 3d) = 0.41 m/h
R = (0.4 1 m/h)/(2.0 m/h) = 0.205
. . ( 15,070 m 3/d)(l + 0.205)(2.1 kg/m 3)
Solids loadmg = (3 14 1112) ( 24 h/d) = 5.06kg/m2 ·h


Solids separation is the final step in the procluction of a well-clarified, stable cffluent low
in BOD and TSS and, as such, represents a critica! link in tbe operation of an activated
sludge treatment process. Althoug h much of the information presented in Chap. 5 for the
des ign of primary sedimentation tanks is applicable, the presence of a large volume of
fl occulent solid in the mixed liquor requires thal special considcration be given to the
design of activated sludge settling tanks. As mentioned previous ly, these solids tend to
form a sludge blanket in the bottom of the tank that will vary in thickness. The blauket
may fi ll the entire depth of the tank and overflow the weirs at peak flowrates if the return
s ludge pumping capacity or the s ize of the settling Lank is inadequate. Further, the mixed
Jiquor, on entering the tank, has a tendency to flow as a density current, interfcring with
the separatio n of the solids and the thickening of the s ludge. To cope successfully with
these characteristics, the follow ing factors must be considered in the design of sccondary
sedimentatio n tanks: (1) surface and solids loading rutes, (2) tank types, (3) s idewater
depth, (4) flow distribution, (5) inlet design, (6) weir placement and loading rates, and
(7) scum removal. Surface a nd solids loading rutes have been cons idered previously in
Sec.8-10. T he re maining factors are considered in this chapter.

Types ol Sedimentation Tanks

The most commonly used types of aclivated sludge settling tanks are e ither c ircular
[sce F igs. 8-49(a) and (b)] or rectang ular [see Figs. 8-49(c) a nd (d)]. Square tanks are
used on occas io n but they are notas effective in reLaining separated solids as circular
8-1 l Design Considerotions far Secondory Clorifiers 907

Figure 8-49
Typicol views of secondory
clorifiers: (a) circular clarifier with
inboord effluent weirs, sludge
colleclion mechonism is maunted
in lhe center, (b) circular cla rifier
peripherol weir and rim drive
bridge for the collection of sludge
and surfoce ski mming, (e) lorge
rectangular clorifier shown full,
and (d) fank shown on (e) empty.
Note chain ond flight sludge (e) (b)
collection ond skimming
mechanism. Because of width of
clarifier three choin ond !light
mechonisms ore used.

(e) (d)

or rectangular taoks. Solids accumulate in the corners of the square tanb and are
frequently swept over tbe weirs by the agitation of the sludge collectors. Circular tanks
have beeo constructed with diameters ranging from 3 to 60 m (10 to 200 ft), although
thc more common range is from 1O to 40 m (30 to 140 ft). The tank rad ius s hould pref-
erably not exceed five to six times the sidewater depth.

Center and Rim Feed Circular Clarifiers. Two basic types of circular tanks are
used for sccondary sedimentation: center-feed and rim-feed (see Fig. 5-41 in Chap. 5).
Botb typcs use a revolving mechanism to transporl and remove the sludge from the bottom
of the clarifier. Mechanisms are of two types: those that scrape or plow the sludgc to a
center hopper similar to the types used in primary sedimeotation tanks, and Lhose that
remove the sludge directly from the taok bottom through suction orífices that serve the
cntire bottom of the tank in eacb revolution. Of the latter, in one type che suctioo is maio-
tained by reduced static head on the individual suction pipes [see Fig. 8-50(a) l. ln aoolher
patented suction systcm, sludge is removed through a manifold either hydrostatically or by
pumping. Spiral-typc scrapcrs are also used to accelerate movement of settled solíds from
Lhe tank periphery to the collection sump [see Fig. 8-50(b)l

Rectangular Clarifiers. Rectangular tanks must be propottiooed to achieve proper

distribution of incoming flow so that horizontal velocities are not excessive. The maxi-
mum length of rectangular tanks normally s houlcl oot cxceed JO times the depth, but
lengths up to 90 m (300 ft) have been used successfully in large plants. Wbere widths of
rectangular tanks excccd 6 m (20 ft), multiple sludge collection mechanisms may be used
to permit tank widths up to 24 m (80 ft). Regardless of tank shape, the sludge collector
sdected should be ablc to meet the followiog operational conditions: (1) the collector
should have enough capacity so tbat when a high sludge-recirculation rate is desired, chan-
neling of tbe overlying liquid tbrough thc sludge will not result, and (2) the mechanism
908 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biologicol Treotment Processes

(a) (b)

Figure 8-50
1 Typicol circular sludge collection mechonisms: (o) suction·type and {b) spiral·type scropers.

should be sufficiently rugged to traosport and remove very dense sludges that could
accumulate in the settling tank duriog periods of mechanical breakdown or power failure.
Two types of s ludge collectors are commonly used in rectangular tanks: (1) traveling
füghts [see Fig. 8- 5 1(a)] and (2) traveling bridges [see Fig. 8-5 1(b)l Trave ling fli ghts are
similar to those used for the rcmoval o f s ludge in primary settling tanks. For very long
tanks [see Fig. 8-52(a)], it is desirable to use two setS of chains and flights in tandem with
a central hoppe r to receive thc sludgc to minimize the sludge transport distance Lsee
Fig. 8-52(b)]. Sludge may be collected at the influent or eflluem end of the tank. The
traveling bridge, which is s imilar to a traveling overhead crane, travels along the s ides of
the sedimentation tank or on a support structure if severa! brídges are used. The bridge
serves as the support for the sludge-removal system, which usually consists of a scraper or
a suction manifold from which the s ludge is pumped. The sludge is discharged to a
collection trough that runs tbe Jcngth of tbe tank.

Other Types for Clarifiers. Other types of settling tanks that are used include
stacked clarifiers, and tube and platc seulers (see Chap. 5). Stackecl claritiers (see
Fig. 5-45 in Chap. 5) are used in installations where limited land area is available for
clarifiers. Stacked clarifiers are used at the Deer Is land Wastewater Treatment Plant in
Boston, MA, for secondary sedimentation and were selected because of limited land area.

Clarification Tank lmprovements. The ef/icíency of conventional or shallow

clarifiers may be improvcd by the installatioo of tubes or parallel plates to establish lami-
nar flow (see Fig. 5-25 in Chap. 5). Constructed of bt111dles of tubes or plates set at
selected angles (usually 60º) from tbe horizontal, tube and plate settlers have a very short
settling distance and circulation is dampened because of the small s íze of the tubes. Solids
that collect in the tubes or on the platcs tencl to slide out due to gravitational forces. The
major drawback in wastewater treatment is a tendency of lhe tubes and piares to clog
because of the accumulation of biological growth, g rease, and small objects that pass
through coarse screens. Another drawback that can occur is if the characteristics of the
MLSS change, the .fixed a ngle of tbe plates or tu bes may no longer be optima!.
8-1 1 Design Considerations for Secondory Clarifiers 909

Figure 8-51 Flow ports

Scum collector Effluent launders
Typical rectangular sludge
collection mechanisms: (a) chain o

lnlet baffle
and Aight ond (b) troveling
o Flow-

Gollector adjustable
drive Waterlevet
lnfluent Efftuent

·-· -

- · - ·- ·

~ligh'.s ':--


Traveling Scum Effluent


tnfluent bridge lrough weir
Collecting Skimmmg
Water lovel
Sk1mming positlon
Sludge colloction position

(b) hopper

(a) (b)

Figure 8-52
Sludge-collection in long reclongulor clorifiers: (a) chain and flight mechonisms ore used to bring
sludg e to o centrol locotion from both end s of the clorifier where il is removed with o cross collector
(coordinoles 40.6 430 N, 7 4.0343 W, view al a ltitude 750 m). The cross collector shown in (b) is
located under centro! wolkwoy dividing lhe clorifier. The flight mechonism on left side of divider olso
includes skimmers to collect ffooting material.
910 Chopter 8 Suspended Growth Biological Treotment Processes

Sidewater Depth
Liquid depth in a secondary clarifier is normally measured at the sidewall in circular tanks
and at the effluent e nd wall for rectangular tanks. The I iquid de pth is a factor in the effective-
ness of suspended solids removal and in the conceatration of the return sludge. Olher factors
such as inlet design, type of sludge-removal equipment, sludge blanket depth, and weir type
and location also affect clarifier performance. In recent years, the trend has been toward
increasing liquid depths to improve solids inventory capacity for periods of high tlow varia-
tions and highe r Lransient solids loading to the clarifier, which improves overall perfor-
mance. Typical s iclewater depths are presented in Table 8-34. Current practice favors a
minirnum sidewater depth of 4 to 5 m (13 to 16 ft) for large secondary clarifiers. Depths up
to 6 m (20 ft) have been used. The cost oftank construction has to be cons idered in selecting
a sidewater deplh, especially in areas of high ground water Jevels. Tanks with dcpths less
than 3.5 m (- 12 ft) often have d ifficulty containing the typically low-density activatcd
s ludge, and Jow-density sludge blankets are more easily disturbed by hydraulic fluctuations,
espec ially morning diurna ( variations. Deeper tanks therefore provide greater flcxibi lity of
operation and a larger margin of safety when changes in the activated s ludge systcm occur.

Flow Distribution
Flow imbalance bctween multiple process units can cause under- or overloading of the indi-
vidual units and affect overall system perfonnance. In plants where parallel tanks of the same
size are used, flow between the tanks should be equali:i:ed. In cases where the tanks are not
of equal capacity, tlows should be distributed in proportion to surface area. Methods of flow
distribution to the secondary sedi rnentation tanks include weírs, tlow distribution boxes, flow
control valves, hydraulic d istribu tion using hydraulic symmetry, and feecl gate or inlet po1t
control (see Fig. S-53). Effiuent we ir control, although frequenlly used to effect flow split-
ting, is usually ine ffective and should be used o nly where tbere are two tanks of eq uaJ size.

Tank lnlet Design

Poor distribution or jetting the influent to the clarifier can increase the formation of density
currents and scouring of seltlecl sludgc, resulting in unsatisfactory tank perfonnance. Claritier
inlets should be designed to dissipate the influent energy, distribute the flow evenly in
horizontal and vertical directions, mitigate density currents, minimize sludge blanket distur-
bance, and promote tlocculation. 1n circular center-feed clariíiers, a common design is to use
small, solid-skirted, cylindrical baftlcs to dissipate the influent energy and distribute tlow.

Figure 8-53 Flow

/ i ff'"
Pipe mannold control
Alternotive methods of Row
splitting: (o) hydroulic symmetry, ~
(b) llow meosuremenl ond
feedback control, (e) hydraulic
,........... 11
--.. ,..--.. -= § ~ ~ ~ ~
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~
split with weirs, ond (d) inlet feed Meter
9ate control. (a) (b)

lnfluent ohannel

--- -

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Effluent
8-11 Design Considerolions for Secondory Clorifiers 911

Figure 8-54 Top or influent

Effluent launder diffusion well lnfluent port
Typical secondary clorifier with Diffuser Scum box
Scum skimmer
o flocculoting center feed well. port and gate

Aetum sludge line

oenterwell lnfluent line Sludge collection header

However, it has been found that a density current waterfall can be creatcd in clarifiers using
sldrted baflles resulting in poor vertical flow distribution (Crosby and Bender, 1980). Methods
to overcome these problems include the use of a Iarge center diffusion wcU ora floccuJating-
type clarifier (sce Fig. 8-54). Thc large center diffusion well, with a minimum diameter of
25 percent of thc tank diameter, provides a greater area for dissipation of the intluent energy
and distribution of the incoming mixed liquor. Toe bottom of the feed wcll should end wcll
above the sludge blanket interface to minimize turbulence and resuspension of the solids.
Flocculating center-feed clarifiers can incorporate an energy-dissipating inlet (EDl)
and meaos to promote flocculation in the center-feed wcll [see Fig. 8-55(a)]. Typical
flocculation feed wells have díameters of 30 to 35 perceot of the tank diameter. An altcrna-
tive device for diss.ipating energy, developed by the City of Los Angeles, is shown on
Fig. 8-55(b). Operationally, the llow is dischargcd from a centerwell through a series of

lnner chamber

Lower elevation
altemate (lowering
llocculating center well • Adjustment
to Just below water level chain
oliminates need for scum ports) Hinged gate altemate
(difluser pipe and other altematives
to pass flow through the EOI wall
(a) exist but are not shown)

Figure 8-55
Energy-<lissipoting in let devices used in c ircular clorifiers: (o) schomalic of o center column energy-
dissipaling inlet ond flocculating feed well (WEF, 1998) ond (b) view of on energy-dissipoting feed
well (courtesy of the city of Los Angeles).
912 Chapter 8 Suspended Growth Biological Treatment Processes

dow nward-facing discharge ports. By arranging the discharge ports so they discharge fac-
ing each other, che momentum energy is dissipated as the discharge streams impact each
other. ln rectangular tanks, inlet ports or baftles should be provided to achieve flow distri-
bution. lnlet port velocities are typically 75 to 150 mm/s (15 to 30 ft/min) (WPCF, 1985).

Weir Placement and Loading

When dcnsity cuffents occur in a secondary clarifier, mixed liquor entering the tank fl ows
along thc tank bottom until it encouncers a countercurrent pattern or an end walJ. Unless
dcnsity currents are considered in lhe design. solids may be discharged over the eftluent weir.
Experimental work performed by Anderson (l 945) at Chicago on tanks approximately 38 m
( 126 ft) in diameter indicated that a circular weir trough placed at two-thirds to three-fourths
of the radial distance from the center was in the optimum position to interccpt well-clarificd
effluent. With low surface loaclings and weir rates, the placement of the weirs in small tanks
does not significantly affect the performance of the clarifier. Circular clarifiers are manufac-
tured with overflow weirs located near both the center and the peri meter of the tank. If weirs
are located at the tank perimeter or at encl walls in rectangular tanks, a baffle should be
provided to deflect the clensiry cun-ents toward the center of the tank and away from the
cftluent weir. Alternative baffle arrangements are shown on Fig. 8- 56.
Weir loading rates are used commonly in the design of clarifiers, although they are
less critical in clarifier design than hydraulic overflow rates. Weir loading rates used in
large tanks shoulcl preferably not exceed 375 m3/lin m·d (30,000 gal/lin ft·d) of weir at
maximum tlow when located away from the upturn zone of the density currcnt, or
250 m' /lin m·d (20,000 gal/lin ft·d) when loc¡¡ted within the upturn zone. In small tanks,
thc weir loading rate should not exceecl 125 m3/lin m·d (10,000 gal/lin ft ·d) at average flow
or 250 m1/l in m·d ac maximum tlow. The upflow velocity in the immediatc vicinity of the
weir shou ld be limited to about 3.5 to 7 m/h (] 2 to 24 ft/h).

Scum Removal and Management

In many well-opcrating secondary plants, very little scum is formed in the secondary
clarifiers. However, occasions arise when sorne tloating material is presenl (see "Operal-
ing Problems" in Sec. 8-3), neccssitating its removal.

Scum Removal by Skimming. Where primary settling tanks are not used, skim-
ming of the final tanks is essential. Most dcsigns in recenl years provide scum removal for
both circular and rectangular secondary clarifiers. Typical cum-removal equipment
includes desert beach and scraper ty pe, rotating pipe-through skimmer, and slotted pipes.

Figure 8-56 Scum baffle

Scum baffle Scum baffle
Alternativa peripheral baffle Scum baffle
arrangements: (o) Stomford,
(b) unnamed, (e) McKinney (olso .,,.. .
known os the l incoln baffle), ond
(d) Interior trough. (WEF, 1998.)


(a) (b) (e) (d)

Note: SB will vary from 0.5 to 1.5 m, depending

on the diameter of the clarif1er
8-12 Solids Separotion for Membrana Bioreoctors 913

Scum Management. Scum should not be returned to the plant headworks because
microorganisms responsible for foaming (typically Nocardioform such as Gordonia ama-
rae) will be recycled, causing foaming problems to persist because of continuous seeding
of the unwanted rnicroorganisms. In some plants, scum is discharged to sludge-thickening
facilities or is added dircctly to d igester feed st·reams, as appropriate.


In membrane separation, liquid-solids separacion is accomplisbed by filtration or sicving.
Water to be removed is withdrawn through a thin synthctic membrane which excludes
colloidal and suspended solids bccause of thc membranc pore sizcs. In MBR systems thc
membrane.c: are placed (immersed) in the activated sludge mixed liquor with a dedicatcd
air supply system to provide a tangcntial tlow across the membrane to preven! fouling by
mixed Liquor accumulation on the mcmbranc surface. MBR technology background, appli-
cations, and advantages and disadvantages have been discussed previously in Sec. 8-1.
Process configurations for biological nitrification and nitrogen rcmoval, and enbanccd
biological phosphorus removal, with liquid solids separation using membranes in mem-
brane bioreactors (MBRs) have been presented in Secs 8-6 and 8-7. The following topics
are considercd in this section: (1) design parameters for membrane separation in MBRs,
(2) types of membranes and their characteristics, (3) membrane applications, (4) operating
characteristics, (S) membrane fouling issues and (6) membrane fouling control methods.

Design Paramefer
Key design and operating parameters for membrane separation are the membraneflux and
transmembrcme pressure (TMP). The flux is thc flowratc per unit area of membrane and is
commonly expressed in Um2 ·d or gal/ft2·d. The higher the allowable flux, the lower is the
membrane arca requircd for a dcsign tlowrate. An acceptable pressure drop across the
membrane or TMP is dcsired at the design flux. Pemieability is a parameter used to reflect
both flux and membrane pressure drop (fMP), and is the flux per unit of pressure driving
force [(Um 2·h)/kPa]. A decline in the permeability in a membrane system is typically due
to membrane fouling.
The effluent from membrane separation is termed permeate and the rernaining solids
collected behind the membrane is called retentare. In the case of MBRs the retentate com-
prise solids in the return activated sludge tlow and mixed liquor wasted. Recycle flowrates
from the membrane separation zonc are in the range of 4 to 6 times the iníluent flowrate
to prcvent excessive MLSS concent.rations. Whereas solíds thickening characteristics and
thc rate of solids and liquid applied per unit cross-section clari.fier area (SOR and SLR) are
key design parameters for the design of secondary clarifiers in activated sludge treatment,
thc liquid application rate across the membrane area (flux), pressure drop (TMP), and foul-
ing issues apply to liquid-solids separation by membranes.

Membrane Flux. The membrane flux rate is a critica! design parameter lhat is used
to determine the required membrane surfacc area, mcmbrane air scour supply require-
ments, and mcmbrane tank volume. Thc flux is a function of the MBR MLSS coocentra-
tion, temperature, TMP, and degree of membrane fouling. At a given TMP the flux is
related inverscly to viscosity, which incrcascs at lowcr temperature and higher MLSS
concentration (Trussell et al., 2007). Therc is, howevcr, a tradeofT between using higher
MLSS concentrations and smalJer total tank volume for a giveo SRT, and having a greater
mcmbrane surface area.

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