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A Randy Franklin Smith whitepaper

commissioned by

Big Data Security Analytics (BDSA) is the subject of exuberant predictions. However, a Gartner analyst points outi
that no available BDSA solutions come close to these forecasts. Nevertheless, the principles of Big Data are the key
to advanced security intelligence.

The many information security professionals who successfully monitor enterprise security in real time realize that
Big Data requirements are nothing new to security information and event management (SIEM) technology. Given
their frequent claims about SIEM’s limitations in scalability and analytics, newcomers to the Big Data phenomenon
are evidently unaware of this fact and lack hands-on experience with true enterprise SIEMs.

This white paper discusses the key tenets of Big Data. The paper also demonstrates that HP ArcSight, the
enterprise leader in SIEM, has evolved over 12 years of innovation into a specialized implementation of Big Data
principles, purpose-built to meet the requirements of big security data. In addition, this paper points out the

 The hidden skill requirement of BDSA: data scientists

 The real-time requirement for security intelligence, often misunderstood in relation to Big Data
 The risk of data silos persisting in Big Data repositories
 Investing in a Big Data cluster that runs search and a schema-less database is only the beginning of
building a BDSA practice

HP ArcSight provides BDSA that is specialized for event data. HP ArcSight also supports additional information
types that can be fed dynamically to the HP ArcSight CORR-Engine for real-time detection of threats. And with the
Threat Detector expansion pack, customers can mine archived data for relationships between events that might be
missed by real-time correlation.

For organizations that have data scientists running a BDSA practice with traditional Big Data technology, HP
ArcSight integrates with the Hadoop-based HP Autonomy for bi-directional data flow that empowers users of both

BDSA is the future. And HP Enterprise Security is leading the way.

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