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GTM for Pricing Strategy for SKU’s or Products

Target Segment-

Any Company Selling Products or Services as sales to Consumers, excluding B2B sales.

Ideal customer profile-

Companies having multiple levels of the product category or service categories.

Target Persona- Strategy head & Brand Manager

Reach out Plan-

Content Campaign (Linkedin), On-Page SEO,

Cold Emails to prospects (target Persona)

Value message-

Benefits customer has gained using our service.


Step 1:
Sales and pre-sales team to qualify Leads generated through in-mail campaigns and called

Step 2:
Sales team to request meetings with Prospects. To walk them through the case studies and
customer success stories using our service.

Sales team to again connect with the prospect to understand their pain points in deducing
pricing strategy

Step4 :
Draft a proposal along with inputs from sales that best suit customer requirements.

Awaiting customer feedback on the proposal.

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