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Serco ota meets “6 > Workbook Unit 1: Grammar Grammar in context Find and read these sentences in the texts on page 5 and answer the questions. 1 Ioften play video games... (Kareem) 2 Hobbies help you to make friends. (Amaya) ‘Which sentence uses the present simple for the following? a) ahabit__ ) something that is usually true__ Which word in sentence 1 is the adverb of frequency ZF [WEEE © We use the present simple for: = habits or things we do often: Do you walk to school? I ride my bike to school every day. ~ things that are usually or always true: We live inasmall house. We don't live ina city. © We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple to say how often something happen: never sometimes often usually always 0% —————— 100% They go before the main verb, (Imever eat cheese) or after the verb to be (He is often late). We use time expressions to show when something happens: all/every day/week/month, once/wice a day/week/ ‘month/threetimesaday, etc. > See Grammar reference, Unit 1, page 144 GBD complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. [elem [ee hee [pay a] 1 She likes music, She _fas a guitar and a piano. 2 He usually to the park on his bike after school, 3 They, English lessons on Mondays and Fridays, 4 She ‘tennis and likes to go swimming. 51 football in the park after school. 6 We swimming every Wednesday. WD) choose the correct word or phrase to complete each question. a) When do / does you go swimming? __ by Where do / does you play football? __ ©) What do / does she ike? __ 4) When do they have / has English lessons? _ €) What does he do when he get/ gets home? __ ) What sports does she play / plays? _ page 6, exercises 1,2,3 WD) Work in pairs. Match the answers in Exercise 1 to the questions in Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences including the words in bold. 1 It's very cold in the winter. often 2 Twatch TV with my sister. usually 3. He goes to bed at 9 o'clock. always. 4 drink cola for breakfast. never Grammar in context Look at these sentences from different notices. Turn off mobile phones in swimming pool area. Please use other door © We use imperative forms to give instructions or orders. © We can use please with orders to be polite, > See Grammar reference, Unit 1, page 144 Choose the correct words to complete the imperative sentences. 1 Remember / Remembers to do your homework 2 Don't/ No forget to bring your camera. 3 Please open / Open please the door GB complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be | have | hit | live love | put | ride | watch VOCABULARY | topic vocabulary | Nouns/verbs | Phrasal verbs Words connected with hobbies GBD ©)102 write tne correct word for Nouns/verbs WE) <1)10+ complete the table, Listen and check. each picture. Use the words in the box. Listen and check. cycling | horse-riding painting | playing computer games reading | rock climbing skateboarding | swimming o ® \) maten the words in the box to the correct description. Listen and check. magazine | photograph | tent | 1 You can take one of these with a camera. 2 People who like swimming in the sea often go here. 3 A thin paper book with photographs, articles, stories, ete 4 When you buy and keep books or ‘magazines, for example, you do this. 5 A meal where you cook and eat food. outdoors, 6 ‘You stay in this when you go camping, > Vocabulary reference, page 156 Workbook Unit 1: Vocabulary, page 7, exercises 1, 2,3 verb [object a % ‘painting a) Gtopaint photograph 2 to photograph / take | _ photographs music °% “10 make/play music guitar guitarist 0) the gitar ©) video 6) /1o play video games WI complete the sentences with words from the table in Exercise 3. 1 Anja loves and uses really bright colours. 2 Tsometimes listen to in bed before I go to sleep, 3 He's a good guitarist. He every day. 4 The took lots of pictures of us climbing. 5 Iwantto bea one day and play the piano. 6 like video games, but I'm not really a big SAY IT RIGHT Resource centre: Unit 1 ‘Word stress Phrasal verbs W@W 10 match the meanings (a-g) to the phrasal verbs (1-7). Listen and check. comein_____a) to return after going somewhere come round____b) to start a machine getback__—_¢) tostopa machine get off __ 4) to leave a bus or train look after__._e) to enter tun off____f) to take care of someone or something turnon____g) tovisit Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Please turn off / on that loud music! ‘Welcome to ‘Games Night’! Come round / in and join us. Let's watch a film, Please turn on / off the TV. Quick, we need to get back / off the bus here. The park's just over the road, ‘Alex is going to come round / in this afternoon, Iwant to play my new video game with him, 6 Can you look under / after my bag, please? 7 We won't get back / off until quite late after the football match, GBD & pairs or as a group, look at the pictures in Exercise 4. 1 What is the same about the pictures in each set? 2 What are the differences between the pictures? y Identifying differences 2 When you are asked to look at pictures while you listen first look at the pictures and note down the differences between them. Then listen to the recording. For example if someone is doing different activities, write down the different activities you can see. This will help you answer the question, © When listening, you often hear about places and where they are, for example, the shop next to the hotel. Note down any prepositions such as next to that give important information. WD) Look at the set of pictures below (A-C) and match them to the notes (1-3). A B c camping, busy campsite, tents together __ camping, campsite, tent on grass ___ D camping, campsite tnt under tree GB) %)))10» risten to tne conversation. Write a word or phrase in each gap. Girl: So, where is your cousin's tent? Boy: Its in a good place. There aren't any other tents (1) it Girk:Is it (2) of that field? Boy: No, its (3) that big tree. 8 > Workbook Unit 1: Listening, page 8, exercises 1,2 i LISTENING | 3-option multiple choice (pictures) lai aeey 0. 3-option multiple choice (pictures) «Read the questions carefully and underline the important words you need to listen for. © Be careful. When you listen, you will hear words that are about al three pictures, but only one picture will fully answer the question, )) 107 Listen to the five conversations. ‘There is one question for each conversation, For each question, choose the correct picture. 1. What game do they play? 5. When does the girl have art lessons? mS oe | 8 = A B c GE 107 risten again and check your answers. Ch A LMGLLLLN A AGMA Ny : Grammar in context Look at these sentences from the audio in the listening lesson and answer the question, 1 My brother’s new video game is good. 2 I sometimes look at my sister’s pop magazine. 3 Ryan's dad brings us home in the car, ‘Which statement is true, a or b? a) one of the sentences uses ‘sto replace is. ») all ofthe sentences use ‘sto show possession. 1 We use ‘to show possession: itis the bag that ‘Amy owns. > Itis Amy's bag. © We can use s to show possession with plurals: The children’s books are on their desks. © Forplurals ending in s, we just add an apostrophe: ‘My parents’ house is near here, Note: Apostrophes are also used in contractions to indicate missing letters, e.g. She's my sister. = She is imy sister He's gota book, = He has got a book. > See Grammar reference, Unit 1, page 145 GBD complete the second sentences using possessive ’s. 1 This book belongs to Anna, This is 2 The bags that belong to the boys are all here. ‘The are all here. 3. My parents own that red car. ‘Thatis red car, 4 The desks for the children aren't very big, ‘The _aren't very big. WD Decide the use of s in each sentence ~ possession (P) or the verb to be (B). ‘Your mother’s brother is your uncle, _ ‘That woman's married to Jim, __ ‘Your aunt's son is your cousin, __ My sister's very good at English. __ Bowe Grammar in context Look at these sentences from the audio in the listening lesson. Match the words in bold to a function (a or b). 1 It'simagood place. There aren’t any other tents near it 2 No. it’s under that big tree. 3 Itabways begins at 9.30. 4 We had pizza on Monday. a) describing place, ) describing time : ‘© We use a variety of prepositions in time expressions: oo ‘6pm, midnight, New Year, | the morning/aftemoon’ the weekend, the moment evening, lune, summet, Saturday, Monday today, yesterday, | morning, New Year's Day, tomorrow lastnight, 22,June, holiday, my/your! | two weeks ago, yesterday her etc birthday evening, tonight ‘¢ We use prepositions of place to show where things are: The book is on the table. My school is next to the library. There isa parkin front of my house. We usually meet atthe park. > See Grammar reference, Unit 1, page 145 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. 1 We went to the cinema in last week / last week. 2 Our team plays football in the park next to / of ‘the museum. We play at / on Saturday morning, 3. We usually go on holiday in / at August. 4 In/ On two weeks’ time I'm going to England, 5 We usually go to the pool every day in / on summer, but it’ closed today / at today. 6 Do you usually have a party at / on your birthday? WZ) complete the text with the words in the box. at | in | infront | near | next | on Last year when we were (1) holiday (2) Greece. We stayed with my mum's best friend, Alexandra, She's Greek and she lives (3) the sea. ‘She's really good at painting and has a studio (4) to the house with amazing sea views. (5) the weekend, she paints beautiful pictures of the sea and of birds flying (6) of her studio. This is one of her pictures. > Workbook Unit 1: Grammar 2, page 7, exercises 1,2 answer the questions. GE) <1) 10° Listen to two students talking to 1 Who ar 2 ee eee eee an examiner. Complete the notes below. 2 Which two days of the week are they all free to practise their dance? Student A 3. When is the competition? FE) © Watch the video again. Underline the words and phrases in the Phrase expert box that you hear on the video. {PHRASE ExPERT My (surinameis... | That's R-C-H-A- SON, | Inmy free time, usually... Atlunchtime / After school /In the evenings / ‘Atthe weekend /In the holidays... We always/usually/often/sometimes/never GE ©)10» Listen again. Write down the questions the examiner asks. WH) <))10 Listen and repeat the alphabet. Then im pairs, ask and answer the questions. | Aa Bb Gc Di Ee Ff Gg | Hh fi Jj Kk bi Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Ww ww ‘Write down the phrase the student used to Ww Xx Yy Zz ask for the question to be repeated. What's your name? How do you spell it? OPTIMISE YOUR [EXAM Questions © Ifyou don’t understand the examiner, ask him/her to repeat the question. Use phrases like (Sorry,) could/can you repeat the question, please? © You can givea short answer for your name and yourage. You should give a longer answer to other questions. © For longer answers, think about the types of topics ‘you may have to talk about and what you could say about them, Talking about yourself Learn to give basic information about yourself such as your name, age and where you are from. © Also learn to talk about things in your regular daily life such as school, home, hobbies and interests Use phrases such as /go to... school. lke... because... In my free time, I... © Learn to talk about specific events in your life, such as What did you have for lunch yesterday? (© Check that you can describe your hobbies and interests by learning vocabuiary related to them. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions. ‘What's your name? ‘How old are you? ‘Where do you live? ‘What activities do you do at the weekend? ‘Who do you spend time with at the weekend? ‘Tell me what you did last weekend. 10 Workbook Unit 1: Speaking, pages 8-9, exercises 1, 2,3 LANGUAGE IN USE | open cloze ‘Work in pairs. Read the text below and answer the questions. 1. What can you do at the club? 2 Can anyone use it? 3. How much is it to use the club? 4. Would you like to join the club? Why / Why not? Come and make new friends or try a new activity! > Remember that prepositions are used to talk about time (at three o'clock), place (in Greece), and can be used with verbs (turn off) > Prepositions often come before a noun (Maxis at home.) before a pronoun (Come with us.) or after a verb to form a phrasal verb (Let's find out). 2 Some adjectives go with certain prepositions (('m good at English. The town is famous for its history). Look at the advert in Exercise 1 and underline the prepositions. Decide whether they are used to talk about time or place, before a noun/pronoun or as part of a phrasal verb, Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. at | of | on | out | up | with 1 Come and have an adventure ust 2 We meet every Friday 8pm. 3. Meet us in front the bank and then ‘we can go to the cinema together. 4 You need to get carly tomorrow. 5 Find more on our website, 6 We'll give you more information when we are the bus. v OPTIMISE YOUR [EXAM Open cloze ‘© Read each sentence carefully and look for clues. before and after the gap. © Ifthe missing word s before a noun or pronoun or ater a verb, it could be a preposition. Some prepositions have more than one word, for example, overt, on top of. ‘© Decide what kind of preposition you need for the gap (time, place, etc). For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap. Hi, 'm writing to you about __a__new club near my house. It's great because they do so many things there.;Gaming Club'is @, ‘Mondays and you can play vvideo games (2) ‘other members. Itstarts at 7pmin the clubhouse. Every Wednesday members can (3) skateboarding together. want to try skateboarding (4) the problems yyouneed to have your own skateboard. They ‘meet at 6pm in the park next (5) the school. (6) you want to come with me on Monday? Let me know! Anna THINK |/RESEARCH| CULTURE | )UEARN (ME Work in groups and answer the question. + Do you think there are enough places for young people to do activities outdoors in your country? Why / Why not? > Vocabulary reference, page 163 > Workbook Unit Language in Use,page9 exercises 2. (HH) GBD tn pairs or as a group, answer the questions. 1 Do you go to any clubs or sports activities? ‘Where? When? 2. Are after-school clubs popular with teenagers where you live? Why / Why not? 3. What kind of club would you like to go to? Why? WD keaad the email below. How many pieces of information are given in the email? Underline them, | To: ‘lex HiAlex, Let's meet atthe sports club. We can meet ‘on Saturday. | want to play basketball Bye, | sam WD) Tick the questions that Sam answers in his email. ‘Who does he want to meet? ‘Where does he want to meet? ‘Which sport does he want to play? ‘When does he want to meet? Where is the sports club? ‘Why does he want to play basketball?) Ooo000 Understanding the task Read the task carefully. It will tell you what type of text you need to write (note, email, etc), who itis for and what kind of information you must include. > Plan what you are going to write. Think about the things you could write about and make notes. Then choose your best ideas. 3 Make sure you include everything the task asks you to write about. 2 Hi WRITING | Guided writing (an email) WD) Look at this task and Sam’s email in Exercise 2. Then answer the questions. ‘Yu are going toa sports cub with your English friend, Alex, tomorrow. Write an email to Alex In your email: + tell Alex where you want to meet + say what date you want to meet + say which sport you want to play. Write 25 words or more. 1. Does Sam answer all the questions in the email? 2. How many sentences does Sam write in the email? 3 Does each sentence in the email answer a different question? WD complete the sentences with the information in the box. near the school. at 3 o'clock 1 Let's meet at the sports club | because it's so much fun! 2. We can meet on Saturday 3 Iwant to play basketball CTSA ery bv Guided writing (an email) ‘© The task asks for three pieces of information in bullet points. Make sure you supply the information for each bullet. © Don't write less than 25 words or you will get a lower mark. Don't write many more than 25 words ~ the more you write, the more likely you are to make a mistake. © To: (Name) and From: (Name) are not included in the total number of words. However, greetings and endings, for example Hi See you soon, etc ae included. Read the exam task and the email. Then answer the questions. ‘You are going to an activity club with your English friend, Pat, next week. Write an email to Pat In your email + tell Pat which day you want to go + say how you can travel there iS cUE EEE a + say which activity you want to try, HiPat, Write 25 words or more. Let's go tothe club on Wednesday afternoon, We can ‘meet at my house and take a bus. like totry the art class because it sounds interesting, See you soon, Jo 1 How many words does Jo write in her email to Pat? 2 What sentences does Jo use to start and end the email? 3 Does Jo complete the task successfully? Why / Why not? Plan Now plan your email to Pat. Complete the table with your notes. [ Detail ‘My notes “Point 1 ‘say which day to 40 | “Point 2 ‘say how to travel | Point 3 say which activity | | GD Write write your email to Pat in an appropriate style. Write 25 words or more. ; W) Check Before you hand in your email, complete this checklist. Checklist & Wve included information forthe three bullet points.) Ive written 25+ words, | ‘© Wve followed my wating plan. ‘Oe sed most of ny onn words, ' { Wiking reference, page 163 Workbook Unit 1: Wrtng, page 10 exercises 1,2,3,4and Progress check, page 11 (8) Skimming ‘a magazine, and who itis for, for example, teens, parents, business people, etc, 14 ING | 3-00 Im pairs or as a group, answer the questions. 1. What do you like doing for entertainment on school days and at the weekend? 2. What do you like doing for entertainment with your friends and what do you like doing with ‘your family? 3. What entertainment is popular with young, people in your area? ee ager [EXAM Jsxie_) ) Skimming means reading a text quickly to find out the topic and understand the general idea. > You don't need to read and understand every word When you skim a text. > Skimming can help you understand where the text is from, for example, a newspaper, a blog or Read the first and second paragraphs of the article and answer the question. Who is the article for? A young people who play video games B fans of video games who play alone € people who think playing video games is popular © After skimming, read the text again more carefully. © Underline the important words and phrase: the questions and answer options. Then find and underline the words and phrases in the text that. ‘mean the same. © Compare each answer option with the words underlined in the text and choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the text, 1 BUSINESS These days, more young people are playing video games. The world of video gaming entertainment is growing quickly. If you're a gaming fa, read this. deo gaming snow avery popular form of entertainment \ ] ihe pod fro. tn sa pte abe asic and watching TV, though). Both girls and boys play video games regularly, mostly for fun. Some people play and others play in tig MMMM. There are places ke the e-sports Ginity Arena in London, where hundreds of people go to play games with other fans around the world. However, a small number of people make money from gaming. One person wiho does exactly that is teenager Brandon Relph, Brandon knows a lot about computer games. He started playing them when he was 10. He designed and built fantastic digital worlds using Minecraft. Now Brandon works on his business for a few hours every night, when ae worlds, he isn’t doing his homework, Brandon stil designs Cn 4 Brandon earned £10,000 from his business before he was 16! And he lives with his parents, so he doesn't need to spend money on an office. 5 Brandon works with @ German teenager called Florian and they have friends in 13 different countries to help, At the moment, they are making Il for YouTube, gaming channels and films. 6 Brandon and Florian are a good example of people who have made gaming a business. IF you're a gamer, who but now people buy them and use them in adverts. PPP (}) 10 Read the article and the questions. For each question, choose the correct answer. | 1 wien aces does ne wer say are most popular wih young peop? stein to misieand vido gaming 3 watching Vand seni to mis 6 video gaming and wating 7 2. Wat can pope do at the Gly Arena? A pay spor for 3 play sprts onl forboys € play abit er pope 3 Siar haypene when Brandon Rep ws 10 years? 1 ets: beame interested in gaming 2 He art bow to bud computers € He made sown computer games 4: How da Brandon team about Compute aes? | * A’festaea nem atschoo He wens Ganty 3 C He created his own world in Minecraft. knows ~ the next person to do this could be you! PBL BEY 5. How does Brandon earn money? A He works for Minecrayt. +B He sells his digital worlds He plays computer games. 6 How do Brandon's friends help? A They create advertisements, B They start channels on YouTube. © They make films Write a highlighted word from the text to match each definition. 1 on your own someone who likes a sport, game, etc. very much beautiful or pretty to look at another word for ‘adverts’ people can win prizes in these on the internet aoRe > Workbook Unit 2: Reading, pages 12-13, exercises 1,2,3,4,5 15 Grammar in context Find the sentences in the text on page 15 and then answer the questions. 1 These days, more young people are playing video games. (paragraph 1) 2 Both girls and boys play video games regularly, (paragraph 2) 3 Brandon knows a lot about computer games. (paragraph 3) Which sentence: a) talks about a habit or routine? _ b)uses a stative verb? __ ©) talks about something happening around now? _ GD choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. 1 I'm learning / Tearn to play the piano at the ‘moment, 2 She goes /’s going to the art gallery almost every weekend, 3 Sam plays / is playing video games every weekend. 4 We're doing / do our homework now, so we can't 0 out. 5 I'm usually spending / usually spend my ‘money on clothes. 6 He's wearing / wears his new trainers today. 7 They're never reading / never read fashion ‘magazines. 8 Amy's not liking / doesn’t like loud music. WD tse the prompts to write sentences using the present simple or the present continuous. 1 every week / Dad / read / an online newspaper 2 at moment/T/ play / a video game 3 Mum / not work / this week 4. Chris / come from / Slovenia / and / speak / three languages 5 T/ usually / like / his books / but /I/ not enjoy / this one 6 I/like / fruit / but /T/ not eat /it / every day SAY IT RIGHT. Resource centre: Unit 2 Pronunciation of ~ing 16 Workbook Unit 2: Grammar 1, page 14, exercises 1,2 © We use the present simple to talk about habits, routines, facts and permanent situations. ‘© We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening at this moment. We use it to describe what is happening in pictures or photos, actions happening around now and temporary or changing situations. © There are some verbs called stative verbs, e.g. lke, agree, know, understand that are usually only used in the present simple to express states, not actions. > See Grammar reference, Unit 2, page 145 WD) complete the paragraph using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Karl (1) (love) being with has family and he (2) (spend) a lot of his free time watching his children do their hobbies. His son, Mare, (3) (play) the violin in a youth orchestra and Karl (4) (go) to see Marc play whenever he can. But today is a special day for Megan, Karl's daughter. Her hobby is hip-hop dance and today she ©) (dance) in a musical show. Karl co) (prefer) rock to hip-hop, but he ” (enjoy) the show and Megan ®) (do) really well. Karl feels happy and he (9) (smile). Karl's fathers at the | show too, but he (10) (mot watch) the dancing, In fact, ne (14) (sleep)! Work in pairs. What's your favourite type of, entertainment? Tell your partner about it. VOCABULARY | Topic v Words connected with entertainment GBD ©). maten the places (A-F) to the entertainment (1-6), Listen and check. see an exhibition of famous paintings _ 1 2 seea play __ 3 learn about a period in history _ 4 listen to a famous classical singer _ 5 download a game _ 6 see a well-known band __ ‘Complete the sentences using words from Exercise 1. 1 We saw a really cool exhibition of fashion photography at the 2 His brother's playing the violin at a in London. They are showing it on TV! 3. My parents are going to the tisten to some world-famous singers, Joe's playing a game online at the He's playing with people from all over the world. ‘You can see lots of interesting things from hundreds of years ago at the 6 We saw a great play at the Saturday, to last P Vocabulary reference, page 156 DEN a BN Coce rire ce ete ttn Words + prepo: )) 112 Read the descriptions of what different people do for entertainment. Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence. Listen and check. On Friday nights T stay in / out and listen at /to music. Every Saturday evening I go in/ out with my friends, We like looking at / with the new fashions. Sometimes we try on / out different clothes. Ireally like the theatre. Igo to an after-school drama club. I want to actin / outa play. Tove street dancing, Most kids I know prefer to play video games, but they thought twas cool when I danced on / with my club in a competition. And we won! Collocations with nouns ©) 1) comptete the phrases in bold with the words in the box. Listen and check. ticle | game | player programme | screen 1. Chess is a well-known board Tove playing it 2 Did you read the newspaper _ ‘There are some good photographs in it 3: I'm watching a great TV. about the history of rock music. 4 I'mgetting a new MP3 Twant one I can record films on, t00, 5 I'm going to watch a film on the big new 3-D cinema, in town, > Workbook Unit 2: Vocabulary pages 14 exercises 1.2.3 (17) GD mn pairs or as a group, look at the photo and answer the questions. 1. How much television do you watch each day? 2. How do you prefer to watch programmes ~ onTY or online? 3. What do you prefer to do ~ play video games or watch films? Listening for words that mean the same © In matching tasks the speakers som: use diferent words to say the seme thing, © It's important to read all the answer options carefully and think of different words the speakers might use to say the same thing. Read the sentences below. Think of different ways to say the underlined words. 1 Idon’t want to play this game anymore. I's not very interesting and its too hard. 2 I'm listening to a new song by Jane’s favourite and. It's really nice but a bit slow. _ 3. He told me the book was excellent, but its not. The story is too unusual. __ WD) Fea the sentences (a-c) then match them to the sentences (1-3) in Exercise 2 which have the same meaning. a) It’s pleasant but not very fast Its really terrible and quite strange. «) It a bit boring and really difficult. WZ) work in pairs. Discuss which words helped you to match the sentences in exercises 2 and 3. 18 > Workbook Unit 2: Listening, page 16, exercises 1,2,3, WD) Look at the ‘opinion/feeling’ words (A-H) in Exercise 6. For each one, think of another word that has the same meaning. Compare your ideas with a partner. v PTa ees 0.) Matching © Before you listen, make notes on the different ways you can say the words (A-H). © When you listen the first time, check your notes before you choose the answers. «The second time you listen, check your answers carefully. See Grammar reference, Unit 2, page 146 GED complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use one verb in each set of questions (1-6). cook | do | go | meet | study | play 1 __Ae __ you _gaiy _ anywhere this weekend? Where _areyou going ? Who are you going with? 2 you anyone after ‘this lesson? Who 2 3. What video games at the weekend? who ‘them with? 4 anything special for dinner tonight? What —_________? 5 anything exciting next week? What —_______? 6 you this evening? ‘What subjects ? WD tn pairs or groups, take turns asking and answering the questions from Exercise 1. Example: ‘A:Are you going anywhere this weekend? A:Really? Where are you going? ) W) complete the texts with the correct present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. sas to three teenagers from around the world We asked them about their favourite forms of entertainment. 1m really into fashion and I (1) (follow) a few different fashion vloggers ontine, At the moment I (2) (learn) all about diferent ways to dress, and what the latest styles ae, Next week 1 @) (start) a course on clothes design, For the Fist few weeks ofthe couse, the students (4) (have) lessons in college. But in March we @) (go) on a trip to Paris! I can't wait. The only problem is that the plane (6) (leave) at 6 in the morning, so its a very eary sta ‘Alexandra, Moscow @ This week I (a) ___ (listen) to a lot of new hip hop music. It’s 2 useful way to lear new English words. Next weekene, I(2) (make) playlists for my friends to listen to Our exams (3) ____(start) soon so next week we (4) ________ (go) to the ibrary every day to study (5) (spend) my evenings studying at home, too, IFT do well in my exams, I (6) ______ (get) a new smartphone. Then T can download more music. Piotr, Krakow Later this evening my brother and I (1) (play) a game called Carcassonne. In this game, you (2) (tive) in the past, and (3) (build) a city. Ie lots of fun, and makes you think a lot. A few of my friends also play board games. They usually (4) (play) online, but next week they (5) (meet) at my house so we can all play face to face Next month my brother Josh and I (6) (design) a board game about the music business. Til let you know what happens! > Grammar reference, page 15 P Workbook Unit 2: Grammar 2, page 15, exercises 1,2 | 18 20. Workbook Unit: Questions Geter OO iD © watch the Talk2Me video and answer the questions. 1. Who has piano lessons on Mondays? 2 When do they decide to go to the cinema? 3 What are they doing after the cinema? ©} © watch the video again. Underline the phrases in the Phrase expert box that you hear on the video. PHRASE EXPERT Itstarts at (6) o¢lock and finishes at (8) otlock. | Its every (Thursday) from (8) until(10) pm. | ‘They mest on (Fridays) at (7) in the evening. | What time does it start? WD) m pairs, took at the poster and answer the questions. 1 What day is the activity on? 2 What time does the activity start? 3 How long does the activity last? Talking about free time activities © Learn to talk about your free time activities. Think about the places you go to and the activities you enjoy doing. For example, think about your answers to questions such as Where do you goat the weekend? Whhat do you do in your fre time? O Learn the vocabulary you need to talk about the topic. For example, activities: watch a movie, listen to music, when you do them (at 4oiclock, in the ‘mornings, ec.) and how often you do them: once a week, every Saturday, ete. © Learn the correct prepositions to use with time phrases: from 910 12, on Sunday morning, ete. : Speaking, pages 16-17, exercises 1,2 GH) <1)115 wort im patrs. Look at the prompts and pictures then take turns to ask and answer questions. Listen and check. 1. what time / concert / start Example: What time does the concert start? Uestarts at 800 pm. 2 what /be / opening hours / museum MUSEUM OPEN \— ~ Tuesday — Sunday 10:00 am —5:00 pm 3 how long / film / last Se ers 4 when / be / football training * Football 11+ year-olds Saturdays 9:00-11:00 am v Cas 0) Questions ‘@ Remember to give longer answers in this part of the test. For example, if you are asked Did you do anything last weekend? don't reply Yes, did. Say something lke Yes, went tothe cinema with my friends on Saturday. © Givea detailed answer if the examiner says Tell me about... eg, Tellme about activities you do with friends. You can answer We often goto the cinema (on Saturdays because we love watching flrs. We also play basketball because it’ fun. Take it in turns to ask and answer these questions. Student A: Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema? ‘What's your favourite TV programme? ‘What time is your favourite TV programme on? ‘Tell me about the last TV programme you saw. Student B: What do you do in your free time? ‘Do you prefer spending your free time alone or ‘with friends? What activity would you like to learn? Tell me about what you did in your free time last week, GBD Work in pairs or groups. Read the text and answer the questions below. There are lots of ways to find out what is happening in the world. A lot of people read the news by looking at online newspaper websites and social media. These fare now more popular than TV. Asstudy showed that over 60% of young people read news online. Fewer young people are listening to the radio or reading a newspaper to find out about the news. Only 6% buy or read a newspaper every day. ‘The problem is that anyone can put news online so we don't always know ifit is correct or not. But it does mean that more free information is available, In the future probably more and more people will read news online. 1 Where do most people get their news from in ‘your country, the TV, newspapers, the internet or somewhere else? 2 Which is best? Why? Predicting the answer 2 You can read a text which has some gaps in it and > Read the text fist to get the general idea > Read through all the options before reading the text fora second time. As you read the text again, try to think of the meaning of the gapped sentence with each of the options. Choose the correct word to fll each gap. 1 gives you from around the world, a) stories ) sights 2 People read. to get information quickly. a) radio 1b) websites 3 Today, fewer people get their information from a) the internet wiv 4 Not everyone believes the information they read a)innewspapers _b) online > Vocabulary reference, cage 156 Workbook Unit LANGUAGE IN USE | 3-option multiple-cho’ 5 The art gallery had a lot of next to each painting. ) information by news 6 The best way to get for the theatre is, to use the online booking system. a) places by tickets PEs 7 3-option multiple-choice cloze @ Think of your own ideas before you look at the possible answers. This will help you to identify the correct words «Then look at options A-C. fan option i yourideas, it may be correc. © Before you choose your answer, try each option in the gap to be sure, larto WD For each question, choose the correct answer, ‘How to make a school newspaper ‘Many schools have a school newspaper. School newspapers are a good (1) __ for students and teachers to know what's going on. They're also very useful for stuclents who want to practise their writing, First. find a (2)__ of students who want to make a newspaper. Then tell a teacher what you are planning and find somewhere to work. Next, decide who does what, such as writing or (3) __ photographs Also (4) _ about when you want people to read the newspaper, and the type of stories to (5) __-Try to have something for all interests, eis a good idea to ask students at school what they like reading so you can make sure that your newspaper will be (6) _ with students. 1A practice B way road 2 Agroup —B kind C type 3 Alooking B deciding finding 4 Aagree — Bdiscuss —C think 5 Aincude Bshow —€ enter 6 A popular B famous C well-known THINK) (RESEARCH) | CULTURE | )UBARN ME Work in groups and answer the ques + Do schools in your country have school newspapers or websites? What types of stories do they include? + Do you think the stories and news are interesting? Why / Why not? Language in Use, page 17, exercises 1, 2,3 GBD wm pairs or groups, answer the questions. 1 Who writes notes to you? Why? 2 When did you last write a note? What was it about? Using your own words (© When you answer a question, its important to use your own words. © Underline the key words and phrases in the question, then think of diferent ways to say the same thing before you start writing, For example, to answer the question Do you enjoy looking at art? dontt say, Yes, lenjoy looking at art. Say something like Ofcourse! love art Read the note below. Underline the questions in the note. ‘What are you doing this afternoon? Can you come to the art gallery? There's a fantastic photography exhibition on. I'm meeting Jessica there at 4pm. Are you free then? Andy W®) Work in pairs. Look at the two answers to Andy's note, Which answer is better? Why? o " Hi Andy, 'm visiting the art gallery | really like photographs. Tell Jessica I'm meeting you later today too. ‘Seeyou later. o ‘Sorry, I'm busy this afternoon because I'm practising for a concert. So, I'm not free to go Hi Andy, l ro the art gallery with you and Jessica, | Have fun! (a note) “The At Galeryof South Ausala WB work in pairs. Discuss different ways to say the underlined words and phrases in the students’ answers in Exercise 3. y PTaee eel) Guided writing (a note) When you write a note, read the instructions carefully and think about: @ who you are writing the note to. © wiy you are writing the note. «© what information is required. ‘© what order to put the information in y Look at this writing task and answer the questions. You are going to the cinema tonight with your friend, Kris, Write a note to Kris. What are you doing tonight? | De you want to sce a new comedy atthe | | cinema at 6.507 Wecan go for apizea | | afterwards, Do you want to come? | kris J Ld Write 25 words or more 1 What does Kris ask? Underline the questions. 2. What does Kris suggest you do first? 3. What does Kris suggest you do next? GB Look at the plans and decide which one (A or B) you will follow for your note to Kris. > = >) You're busy and can't go out with Kris @ Youre free and can go out with kris | | = . 1 Apologise | 11 Where and when to meet | ¥ | v 2 Belin 2 Askabout the film v v 3 Suggest another time 3 What todo after the film | =) J GD) Plan Now pian your note. Use the table to help you. Die My notes TR Point 1 Poimt2 / — — “Point 3 a GB Write write your note in an appropriate style. Write 25 words or more. W Check Before you hand in your note, complete this checklist. Checklist & (© ve followed my writing plan, (Cie ised saine ot ny on word O tre started and ended the note in the right way.) Ive witten 25+ words. © te answered the thre questions, (© tve checked my peting, grammar and punctuation Workbook Unit 2: Witing, page 18, exercises 1, 2,3, 4and Progress check2, page 19.3) The Co WUM Gen ekalsk aus Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. ‘Do you stay in a tent / beach when you go camping? really love that painting / painter, the colours in it are beautiful, He's really famous. I read a newspaper article / programme about him, Tlike going swimming / cycling in the sea when I'm on holiday. William goes in / out with his friends on Saturdays. She's a very good music / musician, She plays the violin and piano. ‘What's your favourite board game / player? ‘Mum and Dad are at an museum / art gallery this evening. ‘My sister is a gamer / game and she plays on her computer most days. y 10 Adam usually meets his friends at the gaming house / café at the weekend, eer awe ene WD complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - 1 Let's go and see my cousin. He usually___(play) football in the park ona Saturday morning. | 21_____ ook) for a book about rock music. Have you got one? 3 Let's hurry. The film_(start) in ten minutes. 4 Don't be late for class! We__ (practise) a new dance this afternoon. 5 Oliver is at home this evening. He _____ (watch) something on TV. 6 The boys are upstairs. They (do) their homework at the moment. 7 Does your grandmother (live) near you? 7 8 Amy always___ (try) to climb higher than anyone else. Choose the correct word to fill each gap. Tlove using my digital camera and I (1) ____make short films with it, My brother, Samuel, likes writing stories and sometimes we act (2) ___one of (3) __stories ina film, We design our own costumes, too! Some of our films are terrible, but (4) _ learning a lot (5) ___ how to make good films. There's film club at our school and Samuel and Igo there (6) ___ Wednesday. It's a great place to share ideas. Mr Watson, ur teacher gives us tips on how to use our digital cameras. always listen (7) hhim very carefully because he knows a lot about cameras! Sometimes my classmates come (8) to my house and we al make a film together. That’ usually a lot of fun! 1 Aoften Bam C never 2Aat Bout Cin 3 Ather Bits Chis 4Aits Bhes C were 5 Aabout B from C for 6 Aa Bthe — C every 7TAa Bto Cfor 8 Around Boff — C after 24

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