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You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport.

Write a letter to the

airline. In your letter:
- Describe what happened that caused you to miss the flight
- Explain how missing your flight affected you
- Make it clear what you would like the airline to do
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to express my disappointment about the sudden change
in flight time that caused me to miss my flight A380 at Tan Son Nhat Airport
from Sai Gon to Hanoi on 18/09/2023.

When I arrived at the airport, I was shocked when the airline staff said there was
a change in the flight schedule, making the flight depart 2 hours earlier. As a
result, I was miss for my flight.

The consequences of missing my flight have severely affected my business trip.

I had vital a meeting awaiting me in Hanoi that I now can not attend. In
addition, I had to rearrange my all travel plans and buy new flight tickets, which
led to incurring more costs.

Because of this undesirable situation, I would like to ask the airline for a full
refund of the original airfare and the cost of buying a ticket for the new flight.

I am confident that your airline will quickly resolve this issue. If I do not
receive a satisfactory response soon, I will appeal to the court to deal with it.
I hope to hear back from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

When I arrived at the airport, I was shocked when the airline staff said there was
a change in the flight schedule, making the flight depart 2 hours earlier. This
important information was not informed to me before I arrived at the airport,
causing me to completely unknown the delayed flight time. As a result, I was
miss for my flight.
Because of this undesirable situation, I would like to ask the airline for a full
refund of the original airfare and the cost of buying a ticket for the new flight.
Furthermore, thoroughly check the flight time information and inform me early
if the flight time is changed.

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