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1. Defined community as a group of people who share common interests, who interact with each
other, and who function collectively within a defined social structure to address common
concerns. Clark

2. Defined community as focused on geographical boundaries, combined with social attributes of

people. Baldwin

3. Defined community as a collection of people who interact with one another and whose
common interest or characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity or belonging. Allender

4. What is a functional community?

These are relational, interactive groups, in which the place or setting is more abstract, and
people share a group perspective or identity based on culture, values, history, interest and

5. What is a territorial community? *

It is formed by both natural and manmade boundaries.

6. Used Optimum Level of Functioning (OLOF) as the definition of health.

Modern Concept of Health

7. Under OLOF, this refers to the power and authority to regulate the environment.
C. Political

8. What are the determinants of health? Select all that apply.

Employment and working conditions
Income and social status
Physical environments
Social support networks
Health services

9. 3 P's of Public health.

A. Prevention of disease, Promotion of health, Prolonging of life

10. Mission of public health. Social Justice

11. True or false. Public health connotes organized, legislated, and non tax-supported efforts that
serve all people through health departments or related governmental agencies. False

12. What are the core functions of public health?

A. Assessment
C. Policy Development
D. Assurance
13. The utilization of the nursing process in the different levels of clientele, individual, family,
community, and population groups concerned with the: promotion of health; prevention of
disease and disability; and rehabilitation. Maglaya

14. Who are the clients of community health nursing?

Population Group

15. it is the application of the nursing process in caring for individuals, families and groups
where they live, work or go to school or as they move through the health care system
Community-based nursing

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