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Lifestyle - refers to the way how people live their lives. It is a kind of life
chosen by an individual or group of people. It could also be the
individuals' behavior and daily routine activities.

Weight Management - is also an important component of having a

healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet and physical activity are essential to
weight management.

BMI/Body Mass Index - is a good starting point in planning a weight

management program. It is one of the tools for determining one's body
composition. It's also calculated by taking your weight in kilograms and
dividing it by your height in meters square.


Less than 18.5 = Underweight
18.5 to 24.9 = Normal Weight
25 to 29.9 = Overweight
30 to 39.9 = Obese (Class I-II)
40 and above = Extremely Obese (Class III)

BMI of 18.5 and below - indicates that you're underweight. You must
increase your weight by eating a balanced diet or you may be in danger
of developing other health conditions related to malnourishment.

BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 - This category shows normal and healthy weight.

BMI of 25 to 29.9 - This category indicates that you are overweight. It

means you are slightly over what is considered as healthy.

BMI of 30 to 39.9 - You may be at risk of developing lifestyle diseases if

you do not lose weight.

BMI of more than 40 - If you are in the classification as severely obese,

you might be experiencing health-related issues.

Lifestyle diseases - have a direct impact on the health and quality of life
among the community members. It can also affect our ability to think and
work efficiently.


1. Improved pedestrian or bicycle lane - This may be designed for

tricycle enthusiasts.
2. Fitness parks - local parks are now created and modified into fitness
and activity-friendly communities. This is to encourage community
member to increase their physical activity levels.

Physical Fitness - is the ability to do everyday tasks without becoming

overly tired with enough time to experience and enjoy free time and for

Two main components of Physical fitness are health-related and skill-

related fitness.


1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance (CRE) - is also referred to as

cardiovascular endurance. This measures how wet the heart, lungs,
and muscles can do physical activities from moderate- to high-
intensity levels like exercise for an extended period of time.
2. Muscular Strength - is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to
lift and move objects with a single maximum force like push and pull.
3. Muscular Endurance - is defined as the ability of a given muscle or
group of muscles to do repetitive contractions against a fixed object
for an extended period of time.
4. Flexibility - is mostly defined as the ability of the muscles, joints, and
tendons to observe a maximum range of motion.
5. Body composition - is the measure of your body fats, in relation to
your lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue, and organs). It serves as a
guide to consider if you are at risk of obesity.

1. Agility - is the ability to change direction quickly.

2. Balance - is the ability to control and maintain the body in an
upright position while standing still or in motion.
3. Speed - can be described as the ability to respond to a stimulus and
move the body as quickly as possible.
4. Coordination - is the ability to use two or more body parts together
to produce smooth action.
5. Reaction Time - refers to the speed at which an athlete responds to
an external stimulus.
6. Power - is the ability to exert force in a short period of time.

Yoga - is an ancient system of physical and mental practices that

originated during the Indus Valley Civilization in South Asia.


Hatha Yoga - This kind of yoga is best for individuals who are new to

Ashtanga Yoga - It is a structured form of yoga. It involves a continuous

structured sequence of posture with the breath. More of a physical
style of yoga than hatha yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga - It is also called "flow" or "Vinyasa flow". The postures in

this yoga are usually done in a smooth-flowing sequence.


1. Tadasana/Mountain Pose - is usually the first position in standing

2. Urdhva Hastasana/Raised Hand Pose
3. Uttanasana/Standing Forward Bend
Good Health Consumer - examines carefully the information that goes
with health products and services.

Health Consumer - a person who purchases and utilizes goods and


Health Products - goods, commodities, or devices that either make a

person healthy, strong, and energetic. It includes medicines, medical
equipment, and related devices.

Health Information - includes the facts, concepts, and updates

related to human and community health. It could be through
brochures, leaflets, posters, magazines, or through various online

2 categories of health information: Reliable and risky.

Over-the-counter drugs (OTC) - Health products that can be bought

over-the-counter. No medical prescription is needed to buy drugs like
aspirin, ibuprofen, and laxatives.

Due diligence - is needed when one considers buying OTC drugs like pain
relievers medicine for dry cough, allergies, and laxatives because large
dosages can harm the body.

Alternative Medicine - includes herbal treatment, food supplements,

massage therapy, and other treatments that could complement regular
medicine. These medicines are not considered standard medical
practices by professional medical experts.


Herbal medicine - refers to the use of plants or parts of plants like stems,
roots, bark, seeds, leaves, flowers, and fruits for medical purposes.

Ventosa - is an alternative therapy in which glasses are placed on some

important points at the back of a person.
Reflexology - is done by applying pressure to the feet, ears, or hands by
means of the thumb or a particular finger.

Reflex points are pressed because they are believed to correspond

to a person's major area of the body or human organ.

Naturopathy - is from the word "nature" and thus, uses natural ways to
treat a patient. The physicians who employ this kind of treatment try to
restore the balance of the body and mind of the patients.

Massage therapy - is generally believed to result in the good circulation

of blood. It also helps reduce muscle pains and stiffness. It is popular
because of its relaxing effect.

Acupuncture - an ancient practice that originated in China, involves

pricking the skin or tissues with thin needles at certain points on the
body, to various depths.

Consumer rights - are privileges that must be guaranteed. These rights

make individuals smart consumers and prevent them from being
deceived by the inaccurate information.


1. Right to be safe
2. Right to choose freely
3. Right to be informed
4. Right to be heard
5. Right to service
6. Right to education

Quack - is a person or company involved in health fraud that usually

appears scientific and trustworthy.

Quackery - is the practice of promoting and selling fake and unproven

health products and services.
Health fraud - is the advertising, promotion, and sale of products and
services that have not been scientifically proven safe and effective.

Medical Quackery - offers a cure to life-threatening illnesses including

cancer and other major illness.

Nutritional Quackery - Quacks sell food, in which ingredients may not

contain substances that are good for the body.

Device Quackery - Quacks use devices that are worn like bracelets and
necklaces that can diagnose illness.

Beauty Quackery - sells products that offer a cure for skin, weight, and
hair loss problems.


Anesthesiologist - administration of anesthesia like in surgery.

Cardiologist - coronary artery disease; heart disease

Dermatologist - skin conditions

Family practice physician - general care physician

Gynecologist - female reproductive system

Internist - treatment of diseases in adults

Obstetrician - pregnancy, labor, childbirth

Ophthalmologist - eye diseases and treatment

Primary care physician - general health and medical care


Dentist - general care of teeth and oral cavity

Endodontist - diseases of the tooth below the gum line and root canal

Orthodontist - teeth alignment, malocclusion

Pedodontist - dental care of children

Periodontist - diseases supporting structures

Prosthodontist - construction of artificial appliances for the mouth

MENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS: Psychologists, psychiatrists, child,

and adolescent psychiatrists

OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: nurses, midwives, medical

technologists, radiology technicians, nursing aides or assistants.

Parenthood - is one of the most important duties in our society.

Parenthood means centering on the needs of others besides one's own.
The best reason to have a child is the desire to love and guide a child.

Reproductive Health - refers to the state of complete physical, mental,

and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease relating to
the reproductive system and its functions and processes.

Family Planning - is a program that provides information and a means

for couples and individuals to have the desired number of children that
they can responsibly raise.


1. To mothers
2. To Children
3. To fathers
4. To the family
5. To the community
6. To the country and the world
Birth Control - The husband and wife will have to decide on the
prevention of the birth of a child. This is where birth control comes in.
To prevent pregnancy.

Surf the Net

Consumer Act (RA 7394) - This law directly protects members of a


The Consumer Act of the Philippines (RA 7394) - is a national policy

that is aimed at protecting the interest of the consumers and buyers of
products and services.

Department of Health (DOH)

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Department of Agriculture (DA)
Department of Education (DepEd)

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