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Activity 3

A. Evaluate the following text based on the properties written in the

table. Rate each property accordingly.

I will not allow my child, Brian, to play violent video

games. Why? It’s because violent video games could make my
child more aggressive. And if he will be continously exposed to
this kind of games, he might also imitate what he sees. And I
don’t want that to happen. There’s a tendency that my child would
hate other people for no reason at all. Oh my gosh! I just realized
that he might not have friends and he might be bullied in school
because of this! What if Brian never marries in the future because
he is so anti-social? I might not have grandkids if that happens!
What a truly frightening thought!
Also, I’m not sure about this, but I think playing violent
video games will also affect his brain. That’s what his doctor told
me during our most recent consultation with him. During this
consultation, we also found out that Brian has ADHD, and so
banning him from playing this kind of game is even more
important now. The health of my child cannot be compromised
because of this! And his social skills must also be honed by playing
with others in real life, not through this kind of violent game.
Parents whose child plays games like this must watch their
child closely to see if these games affect their social and physical
behavior. We cannot allow our society to be ruined because of
this! It is up to us parents to monitor the behavior of our children
and preserve the peace of our community. Therefore, we must say
“No” to our kids playing viollent video games! THE FUTURE IS


Presentation of a focused idea 18/20

Connection of ideas 17/20

Logical arrangement of ideas 16/20

Use of appropriate tone, style, and 15/20

level of formality

Appropriate use of punctuation and spelling 15/20

TOTAL 81/100
Part B. Write a one paragraph response to the text. State whether you agree or
disagree with the ideas proposed by the writer.

I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea of stopping your child to play violent
video games since I play violent video games and don’t have aggressive
thoughts nor have become aggressive in the slightest. I have not imitated any
violent interactions from the multiple violent videogames I have played nor have
any intention to do so in the future. I have not once been bullied due to playing
such games nor have been ostracized by people, instead I have made friends
because they also play such games and the connection between our hobbies
made us feel even closer. Violent games have not affected my brain. Studies
have shown no evidence of an increase in crime associated with video games
and perhaps a decrease. (Cunningham, Engelstätter & Ward, 2016)


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