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Online Slang: 1n

How to 'LOL' Article

Other Languages
Online Slang: How to 'LOL' in Other Languages

If you want to show that you found a text message or social media post funny in English, you
could use an emoji, write "LOL" - or "laugh out loud" - or just say "haha." But how do other
languages do it? Here's how people LOL in different languages around the world.
French speakers might write "MDR" if something is very funny. This means "mart de rire,"

post /paust/ which translates to "died of laughter." Portuguese speakers are a little more relaxed about it
a photo, video, piece of writing, etc. put on a social media website or
and just write "RS," short for "risos," meaning "laughs" or "laughter."
application by a user
An Iranian who sees something funny online might write "MKM." That's short for the Farsi
His post has been retweeted over 50,000 times. phrase, "man khandeh mikonam," which means "I am laughing." And if a Swedish speaker
gets sent a really good joke, they might write "ASG." This is short for "asgarv," which doesn't
just mean "laughter," - it means "intense laughter!"

intense i4i> /rn'ttns/ of very great strength, force, etc.

Writing out the sound of laughing is a common way to say that something is funny on line. In
The CEO is under intense pressure to step down. English you can write "hahaha," and change how long it is depending on how much you really
laughed. But different languages write that sound in different ways.

depend on '41> /d1'pend on/ to be affected or influenced by something

For example, in Spanish, the letter "j" is pronounced like the English "h." So instead of
Phrasal Verb
"hahaha," Spanish speakers write "jajaja." And in Greek, it's "xaxaxa" for the same reason.
I'd love to come to your wedding, but it will depend on
whether or not I can get time off work.
And if you see "55555" on a social media post, it's not because someone pressed the wrong
key. In Thai, the number 5 is pronounced "ha," so "55555" is "hahahahaha" - the sound of

reason 14>> /'ri:zan/ a cause or explanation for an action or event laughing!

Is there any particular reason that you are late today? -4>>

press -4>> /pres/ to push or be pushed closely against an object


Press one if you would like to leave a message. -4>>

key /ki :/
each of the several buttons used to operate a computer, phone, etc.

Press any key to unpause the game.

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