Du Tuyen 2 Key

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Multiple choices
1. I eventually _____ to temptation and had a bar of chocolate at the seventh hour of my fast.
A gave B yielded C flaunted D retired
Key: B yield (v) = to stop resisting something/somebody; to agree to do something that you do not want to do
2. I used to take my health for granted until my body was seriously _____ by sickness.
A blighted B amputated C battered D raved
Key: A blight (v) = to have a bad effect on something, especially by causing a lot of problems
3. That’s weird he didn’t agree to lend you his bike, isn’t he the type of person who would give you _____ off his
A the coat B the shoes C the bag D the shirt
Key: D the shirt off one’s back = Anything or everything one owns or has to offer
4. I had no idea they were planning to organize a party for my birthday, they must have kept it _____.
A in deep water B in a lip lock C among the flowers D under the rose
Key: D under the rose = privately
5. I don’t really like Meg but it was a case of _____ when she was the only person I could ask at that time.
A any Tom, Dick and Harry B any port in a storm
C any fool could do D any shape or form
Key: B any port in a storm = any solution, however unappealing, is acceptable in times of trouble
6. Since a large percentage of her students failed the exam, the teacher decided to give them a second bite at
_____ by allowing them to take the test again.
A the apple B the pie C the cherry D the olive
Key: C a bite at the cherry = a chance or opportunity
7. The graduates of this medical school are considered to be _____ in cardiology.
A the icing on the cake B the big cheese C the cream of the crop D the captain of industry
Key: C the cream of the crop = the best
8. The men turned to us, both _____ confident smiles on their faces and ready for the match.
A smearing B wearing C clothing D masking
Key: B wear (v) = to have a particular expression on your face
9. I decided to watch The hollow crown series of BBC because Tom Hiddleston was in it but the language of
Shakespeare is largely _____ to me.
A insatiable B unearthly C inscrutable D undulating
Key: C inscrutable (adj) = impossible to understand or interpret
10. You had better prepare a more persuasive speech because you will have to _____ a large majority of your
colleagues if you want to get the leadership.
A freight B carry C swathe D impel
Key: B carry (v) = to win the support or sympathy of somebody; to persuade people to accept your argument
11. The Forbidden Forest, which borders the edges of the Hogwarts School, is a dark and _____ forest thick
with mysterious creatures and lurking dangers.
A brooding B crooked C dubious D gloomy
Key: A brooding (adj) = mysterious and threatening
12. Because he started writing his term paper far too late, he is now behind the _____ ball.
A last B ninth C eight D tenth
Key: C behind the eight ball = in a difficult situation
13. Don’t you think an employee with _____ like Henry will soon be promoted?
A a song in his heart B a fire in his belly C kindred spirit D a soul of discretion
Key: B a fire in one’s belly = passion and determination
14. My daughter is a very confident girl and likes to express herself in public, unlike her brother, who is a _____.
A bowl of cherry B top banana C ripe plum D shrinking violet
Key: D shrinking violet = a shy person
15. He is just a little child, please keep your _____ on and be patient with him.
A hat B socks C belt D shirt
Key: D keep your shirt on = not get angry
16. Next time if you happen to arrive somewhere in my _____ of the woods, do come round and have a meal
with us.
A neck B foot C head D leg
Key: A neck of the woods = A neighborhood or nearby area; the area around where one lives.
17. Although the _____ route I showed you is longer, it will actually take you a shorter time as you can avoid
traffic jams during the rush hour.
A exigent B deviant C protracted D devious
Key: D devious (adj) = a route or path that is not straight but has many changes in direction; not direct
18. Although the famous singer dismissed the allegations as _____ and innuendo, police investigation has
shown the opposite.
A smudge B smears C amnesty D bedazzlement
Key: B smear (n) = a story that is not true about somebody that is intended to damage their reputation
19. Students, when you arrive at the theatre, remember that you must sit according to the seating _____ I
showed you yesterday and whoever doesn’t follow will be disciplined!
A plan B scheme C command D structure
Key: A plan (n) = a detailed map of a building, town, etc. seating plan = A seating plan is a diagram or a set of
written or spoken instructions that determines where people should take their seats.
20. The search for _____ between the two sides has appeared to be in vain as none of the two companies was
willing to compromise.
A moot point B the third way C middle ground D a safe passage
Key: C middle ground (n) = a set of opinions, decisions, etc. that two or more groups who oppose each other can
agree on; a position that is not extreme
21. Marriage, though not the social imperative it once was, still stands for a major rite of _____ into adult life.
A threshold B doorway C pathway D passage
Key: D rite of passage (n) = a ceremony or an event that marks an important stage in somebody’s life
22. Though it is still controversial regarding the character of the young actor, most people can’t deny he is worthy
of his _____ success.
A wildfire B phenomenal C aspiring D influential
Key: B phenomenal success = very great or impressive success
23. The bullet, luckily, just _____ his shoulder, thanks to which his life
A crouched B rasped C browsed D grazed
Key: D graze (v) = to break the surface of your skin
24. Those openly _____ their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible dignity of themselves.
A eliciting B flaunting C reviling D exerting
Key: B flaunt (v) = to show something you are proud of to other people, in order to impress them
25. I understand and would totally support you if you want to _____ of this toxic relationship.
A sift out B bail out C churn out D blow out
Key: B bail out = to escape from a situation that you no longer want to be involved in
26. After watching “Capernaum”, a sombre feeling descended on me and got me _____ on the injustice of the
A ruminating B snaring C instigating D sulking
Key: A ruminate (v) = to think deeply about something
27. Although humanity has long dreamt of exploring the mysterious galaxy, people believe it was the moon
landing that really _____ a whole new era in space exploration.
A elicited B precipitate C inaugurated D expedited
Key: C inaugurate (v) = to introduce a new public official or leader at a special ceremony
28. We can only put a stop to school violence should everyone stop being so negligent and realize the fact that
this phenomenon actually _____ our ignorance.
A prates on B snaps up C battens on D feeds off
Key: D feed off = to become stronger because of something else
29. I wish my girlfriend would just tell me what she wasn’t pleased about, she should know how much I am
_____ by her silence, not knowing what went wrong.
A beguiled B discomfited C fouled D mortified
Key: B discomfit (v) = to make somebody feel confused or embarrassed
30. Can you guys please stop arguing and work in _____ so that we can complete this daunting task a little bit
A concomitant B concoction C concert D conciliation
Key: C in concert (with sb/sth) = (formal) working together with somebody/something
31. I goofed off for the first two years of college, but I turned into a real _____ once I realized the importance of
my academic performance.
A sly dog B study animal C eager beaver D war horse
Key: B study animal = someone who studies very hard or very often
32. I rarely take my kids to the library because he can be a bit of _____, running around and making a mess.
A a bull in a china shop B a pig in mud C a bird in the hand D a duck in Arizona
Key: A a bull in a china shop = a person who is careless, or who moves or acts in a rough way, in a place or
situation where skill and care are needed
33. I know you really want the promotion, but telling the boss about my personal problems was _____.
A under the hatches B under thumb C below the belt D below par
Key: C below the belt = (of a remark) unfair or cruel
34. Don’t worry, I am confident that Annie will manage to solve the quiz soon, she is as sharp as _____.
A a blaze B a blade C a knife D a tack
Key: D as sharp as a tack = very witty, mentally acute
35. Kids, please hold your _____, let’s sing the birthday song before we start eating the cake!
A tatters B horses C brake D tongue
Key: B hold your horses = be calm and patient
36. If you desire some practical lessons before your start-up, there are clear _____ to be drawn from the failure
of these companies.
A cheeks B chapters C morals D policies
Key: C moral (n) = a practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches you
37. His reasoning is based on the _____ that humans are innately good, which reflects his belief in Mencius.
A premise B inception C surmise D conjecture
Key: A premise (n) = a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument
38. Although the matter was outside my _____ of responsibility, I still lent her a helping hand.
A bound B orbit C sphere D hall
Key: C sphere (n) = an area of activity, influence or interest; a particular section of society
39. I don’t think the two directors would cooperate again in the second part, there was a real personality _____
between them.
A disagreement B brawl C clash D discord
Key: C personality clash [collocation] = a situation in which two or more people have very different characters
and are unable to have a good relationship with each other
40. Although he was a talented artist, he lived a life _____ with financial worries.
A pestered B beseeched C clasped D beset
Key: D beset (v) = to affect somebody/something in an unpleasant or harmful way
41. When Tony came in class with his ridiculous costume, he was greeted with _____ of laughter.
A clap B blasts C gales D rounds
Key: C gale(s) of laughter = the sound of people laughing very loudly
42. I intended to petrify him by telling him there was a snake in his room but he didn't seem _____ concerned.
A in least B at least C the least bit D leastways
Key: C
43. The architecture chose a gentle colour scheme to create a relaxing _____ for the owner’s bedroom.
A ambience B complex C palette D sentiment
Key: A ambience (n) = the character and atmosphere of a place
44. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam.
A pulse B heartbeat C compass D avatar
Key: B heartbeat (n) = an important feature of something, that is responsible for making it what it is
45. While everybody else all _____ or the Shang-Shi premiere, director Chloe Zhao dressed casually in jeans
and a loose-fitting top as if she was just dropping by.
A gussied up B bobbed up C blazed up D bucked up
Key: A gussy up = to dress yourself in an attractive way; to make somebody/something more attractive,
especially in a showy way
46. Despite his fame and talent, the well-known rock star’s reputation was seriously damaged by the _____
A plague B smugness C haul D sleaze
Key: D sleaze (n) = dishonest or immoral behaviour
47. Please tell Severus to come to my office should you see him, I need him to help me _____ the applications
that have no chance of succeeding.
A make out B sift out C leaf through D muddle through
Key: B sift out = to separate something, usually something you do not want, from a group of things
48. As an inexperienced first-time traveller, I was _____ by a local vendor, who charged me $40 for a little
souvenir fridge magnet.
A ragged on B eaten away C ripped off D torn up
Key: C rip off = to cheat somebody, by making them pay too much, by selling them something of poor quality, etc
49. I don’t think congratulating someone on acing a test and adding that you have never expected that is a real
praise but more like a _____!
A faint praise B false note C two-handed comment D backhanded compliment
Key: D a backhanded compliment = a comment that seems to express approval but could also be understood as
expressing a poor opinion of somebody/something
50. Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral _____.
A magnet B anchor C compass D arrow
Key: C moral compass = a natural feeling that makes people know what is right and wrong and how they should
51. Our teacher said _____ after lunch was a good way to refresh ourselves and be more productive in the
A taking a dive B catching forty winks C hitting the deck D striking a chord
Key: B catch forty winks = have a short sleep during the day
52. You must have been crazy to challenge John in chess, he is the state champion and he will _____ with you.
A wipe the floor B carry the day C buy the farm D dress to the nines
Key: A wipe the floor with sb = to beat sb easily
53. There are 40 people coming to the party tonight, I need _____ to help me with the decoration and cooking.
A all beer and skittles B all hands on deck C all ducks in a row D all mops and brooms
Key: B all hands on deck = everyone helps or must help, especially in a difficult situation
54. I will let the kids play in the living room so please make sure the floor will be as dry as _____ when you
A a bone B the air C sand D Africa
Key: A dry as a bone = very dry
55. You should hire an engineer to check that used car before making the final decision or you may end up
buying a _____ in a poke.
A parrot B house C horse D pig
Key: D buy a pig in a poke = to buy something without inspecting it thoroughly, often with negative
56. Harry and his friends spent hours in the library _____ through hundreds of heavy old books to find
information about the Philosopher’s stone.
A sifting B poring C sieving D meshing
Key: A sift (v) = to examine something very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find
something important
57. After volunteering in the SOS village for the orphans in Ben Tre, I now understand how lucky it is to be able
to live in the _____ of your family.
A center B bliss C oasis D bosom
Key: D bosom (n) = a situation in which you are with people who love and protect you
58. Marriage is a big and long-term gamble in which _____ is dubious in defiance of all oaths and promises.
A jubilation B winnings C felicity D swoon
Key: C felicity (n) = happiness jubilation (n) = a feeling of great happiness because of a success
59. Returning home after a bad exam, I just wanted to sleep and _____ all the disappointment and worries.
A bliss out B winnow out C blot out D clock out
Key: C blot out = to deliberately try to forget an unpleasant memory or thought
60. The National Contest for the Gifted is an annual event in which students from all over Vietnam _____ their
wits against each other.
A hedge B pit C have D set
Key: B pit somebody/something against something = to test somebody or their strength, intelligence, etc. in a
struggle or contest against somebody/something else pit your wits against somebody (=compete against
someone using your intelligence or knowledge)
61. Not until the doctor confirms that my sister is _____ can the whole family stop worrying.
A beyond the pale B out of the woods C on the round D in the zone
Key: B out of the woods = no longer in danger or dealing with a particular difficulty, though not entirely resolved.
62. After the competition, my friends tried to _____ by teasing me about my failure.
A bell my cat B go to the dogs C get my goats D shoot my bull
Key: C get sb’s goat = to make sb annoyed or angry
63. Only kids _____ when Tet comes because they don’t have so many things to do like adults.
A keep their chins up B hit the hay C carry the day D have a ball
Key: D have a ball = have an enjoyable time
64. My younger brother keeps begging me to let him join our club’s party, but it is likely that he will feel like
A a fifth wheel B the fourth wall C an extra pair of hands D a gift horse
Key: A a fifth wheel = an unwelcome or extra person
65. Work-life balance is the most important thing to me so I would never take that job for all the tea in _____.
A Britain B England C Turkey D China
Key: D would not do sth for all the tea in China = used to say that nothing could persuade you to do something
66. Large, black rain clouds _____ in the sky this morning, signalling an approaching storm.
A glowered B scowled C ruptured D crouched
Key: A glower = looked likely to produce rain
67. I don’t know what’s so interesting that my daughter always listens to this speaker with _____ attention
whenever there is his show on TV.
A blissful B rapt C spellbinding D griping
Key: B rapt (adj) = so interested in one particular thing that you are not aware of anything else
68. Despite his competency, the director was _____ after a conflict with his boss and was demoted to a low-level
A struck off B ratted out C toned down D crossed out
Key: A strike off = to remove a doctor, lawyer, etc. from an official list so that they are no longer allowed to work
in that job
69. Eight months of lockdown were eight months I was _____ in the stifling tiny flat of mine in the city,
unemployed and unable to go anywhere.
A bricked up B clocked up C bottled up D cooped up
Key: D coop up = to keep a person or an animal inside a building or in a small space
70. The well-reputed CEO _____ with £10,000 of the company's money last night and has come England’s most
wanted man at the moment.
A assailed B absconded C debunked D deflated
Key: B abscond (v) = to leave secretly and take with you something, especially money, that does not belong to
71. I thought I only liked the character Loki, but it turns out after that I like the actor himself as I can’t help _____
over photos of Tom Hiddleston.
A drooling B slobbing C dredging D drizzling
Key: A drool (v) = to show in a silly or exaggerated way that you want or admire somebody/something very much
72. The monument is a(n) _____ reminder of those who died in the catastrophic Sichuan earthquake 14 years
A poignant B affective C sardonic D pungent
Key: A poignant (adj) = having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way that made you feel sad
73. The gentle colour _____ creates a relaxing ambience for the bedroom of my little daughter.
A complexion B palette C structure D scheme
Key: D scheme (n) = an ordered system or arrangement colour scheme = the way in which colors are arranged,
especially in the furniture and decoration of a room
74. One special thing about Ron is that he never has a _____ plan - he just makes decisions as the need arises
but still manages to ace any task given.
A ground B base C foundation D post
Key: A ground plan (n) = a plan for future action
75. He _____ with only 152 votes out of 300, which is not at all something to brag about compared with that of
his predecessor.
A tucked in B dragged by C scraped in D passed through
Key: C scrape in = to manage to get a job, a position, a place at college, etc., but with difficulty
76. Why don’t you get your homework ______with so you can enjoy the rest of the evening?
A. around B. over C. by D. away
77. Morag is very good at ______off the teacher in her school.
A. sending B. calling C. taking D. putting
78. The class went to see the performance of Macbeth because it ______in well with the project they were doing
on Scottish history.
A. crammed B. stood C. tied D. booked
79. I was sitting in a train looking out of the window, when my mind suddenly ______back to that amazing trip we
made to India.
A. put B. flashed C. stirred D. associated
80. Roberto should try not to let his regrets for what he has done ______away at him.
A. come B. eat C. stick D. flood
81. I wish he wouldn’t make such unkind and ______remarks.
A. lapse B. disparaging C. inconsolable D. rough
82. Could you lend me some money to ______ me over to the end of the month?
A. hand B. tide C. get D. make
83. Lisa attempted to ______ herself with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra work.
A. ingratiate B. please C. gratify D. command
84. Before they open the new factory, a lot of the young people round here were ________the dole.
A. in B. under C. on D. at
85. The factory paid ________nearly a million pounds to their employees who were injured in the explosion.
A. off B. out C. for D. into
86. Harry blew a ________ when his holiday was cancelled.
A. switch B. fuse C. plug D. socket
87. I know you have a good voice and have ambitions to be an opera singer but don’t give up your day________
A. situation B. work C. job D. place
88. Not only is little Johnny's grammar incoherent and his spelling atrocious but alsohis punctuation ______
A. slothful B. sluggish C. hazard D. haphazard
89. The media are always keen on reporting ______
A. mishaps B. calamities C. reverses D. hardships
90. They continued fighting despite all the ______they met with.
A. adversities B. amenities C. properties D. liabilities
91. I was informed by the police officer that he would be forced to take me into______
A. guardianship B. bail C. custody D. protection
92. By being rude to his superiors he is considered to have __________ the mark.
A. transcended B. outrun C. surpassed D. overstepped
93. I have been back to the doctor three times and he still hasn't ____________ the reason for all the pain I have
been suffering from recently.
A. indicated B. highlighted C. pinpointed D. looked up
94. As soon as the bomb was discovered by one of the cleaning staff, the police had the area ___________ off
and no-one was allowed within two blocks of the cafe.
A. fenced B. cordoned C. walled D. isolated
95. A couple of boys were _____________ in the pool.
A. impinging on B. larking about C. ploughing ahead D. floating out
96. We were ____________ the task of writing a report of the college´s games.
A. assigned to B. taken over C. run up D. saddled with
97. Anti-terrorist squad officers _________ the area to search for possible bombs.
A. sealed off B. set off C. come through D. split up
98. The secretary dashed ___________ the weekly report to his director
A. up B. off C. of D. for
99. I __________ an important deal yesterday and she was so thrilled!
A. came across B. mucked up C. shot down D. gunned for
100. There’s been a slight improvement in his heallth, but he’s not out of the _______ yet.
A. bush B. wood C. hand D. tree
101. The money was taken out of the bank in small amounts so as not to ______suspicion.
A. awake B. arouse C. instigate D. incite
102. Hopes of a peaceful settlement have been ______
A. torn B. tarnished C. dashed D. smashed
103. The motor industry is ______at the cut in car tax.
A. cheering B. relishing C. rejoicing D. enjoying
104. He's very understanding: if I'm ______by the middle of the week he'll always let me have a few groceries on
tick till Friday.
A. hard up B. pricey C. indebted D. bankrupt
105. The sales assistants were so rude to me, I decided to take my ______elsewhere.
A. income B. custom C. capital D. fortune
106. The police are going to ______down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets.
A. dragging B. kicking C. dumbing D. clamping
107. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ______.
A. grade B. term C. mark D. degree
108. The sexual scandal will ______from the president's fame.
A. ruin B. detract C. spoil D. impair
109. There isn't a ______of truth in those rumours.
A. pinch B. grain C. trace D. speck
110. Every ______of emotion seemed to have drained from his face.
A. pinch B. grain C. trace D. speck
111. Here I sit ______ - no food, no money, no anything
A. high and dry B. thick and thin C. huff and puff D. wear and tear
112. The media regarded Gorbachev as the ______favorite to dethrone the old champ
A. last-minute B. odds-on C. so-called D.well –earned
113. The research has ______implications for medicine as a whole.
A. far-fetched B. far-reaching C. long-winded D. nerve-wrecking
114. Jacques launched into a ______explanation that left us just as confused as before
A. far-fetched B. far-reaching C. long-winded D. nerve-wrecking
115. We ______ deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game during our
A. categorically B. fully C. distinctly D. highly
116. All personal details are treated as ______confidential and remain on computer file.
A. severely B. strictly C. sharply D. harshly
117. The people in that company always talk ______, even on the weekends.
A. dirty B. shop C. turkey D. money
118. It took me ages to ______up the courage to ask for a promotion
A. pick B. hurl C. yield D. pluck
119. They still ______enormous influence in politics.
A. possess B. utilize C. brandish D. wield
120. I don't know where he is but I could ______a guess.
A. hazard B. conjecture C. expose D. imperil
121. Don't ______a hard bargain over such a little thing .
A. make B. push C. drive D. bring
122. His patience began to wear ______ during the long wait.
A. thin B. rusty C. empty D. perished
123. And undoubtedly, their mysterious, indefinable quality is the source of their ______ power.
A. disconcerting B. disembodied C. dismissive D. discordant
124. The depths of this understanding - which I had not at all expected - put me in a ______.
A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity
125. He walked out after a ______row with his wife.
A. blazing B. heated C. stormy D. smouldering
126. I am ______ to listen to your pathetic excuses.
A. sick and tired B. in no mood C. having enough D. sick to death
127. Anyone who breaks the law does so at their ______
A. peril B. interest C. stake D. doubt
128. Thousands of lives will be at ______if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.
A. peril B. interest C. stake D. doubt
129. Sandra will be at least 15 minutes late - that's a ______
A. must B. definite C.deal D. given
130. The researchers determined that concentration effects are applicable to overrepresented minorities living in
______ impoverished ghettos.
A. severely B. strictly C. sharply D. harshly
131. She's been told that her husband is being______ treated in prison.
A. severely B. strictly C. sharply D. harshly
132. Alcohol is ______ forbidden on school premises.
A. severely B. strictly C. sharply D. harshly
133. These results contrast ______with other medical tests carried out in Australia.
A. severely B. strictly C. sharply D. harshly
134. I felt a bit _______ and seemed to have more aches and pains than usual.
A. out of sorts C. on the mend B. over the worst D. under the fever
135. A: ‘Oh, I’m exhausted! I’ve been doing homework all day.’
B: ‘Come and put your _______ up for 5 minutes and I’ll make you a cup of tea.’
A. hands B. hair C. heart D. feet
136. I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school by the skin of my _______.
A. mouth B. leg C. neck D. teeth
137. If you want a flat in the centre of the city, you have to pay through the _______ for it.
A. teeth B. head C. nose D. arm
138. You will be putting your life on the _______ if you take up skydiving.
A. ground B. line C. way D. lane
139. As far as her future goes, Olivia is _______. She hasn't got a clue what career to follow.
A. on the level B. all at sea C. behind the scenes D. in the know
140. Your husband was a bit out of control at the party, to _______ mildly.
A. take it B. put it C. say D. tell
141. There is a large effort ________ to rebuild arts education in the New York city public schools.
A. under way B. a long way C. out of the way D. in the way
142. A woman who appears to be a __________person who lives under bridges, turns out to be has a
metamorphose into a princess and has a regal personage.
A. tumble-down B. downcast C. run-down D. down-and-cast
143. It included 105 job losses and a _____________ in shift work, with some of the large staff numbers recruited
in the past year expected to be let go first
A. breakdown B. layout C. cutback D. out-take
144. I was so tired that I just ______ in the armchair
A. flaked out B. broke up C. dropped out D. fell over
145. Our teacher tends to ______ certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about
A.boil down B.string along C. skate over D.track down
146. It’s a good idea to ______ people before taking them into your confidence
A.tumble to B.root out C.bank on D.size up
147. Some people can just ______ a cold,but my colds seem to linger for weeks
A.shrug off B.cough up C.pull through D.stamp out
148. The man in the market was selling leather coats very cheaply: they were such bargains that were soon
A.cleared off B.done for C.bought out D. snapped up
149. I couldn’t remember where I had left my car, when it suddenly ______ me that I didn’t have a car any longer!
A.dawned on B.ran into C.went through D.tumbled to
150. After years of working together, the partners found themselves _______ linked.
A. permanently B. indelibly C. perpetually D. inextricably
Word form
1. Although Anna appeared positive, I can feel a(n) _____ of desperation in her speech. (TONE)
1 UNDERTONE (n) = a feeling, quality or meaning that is not expressed directly but can still be understood from
what somebody says or does
2. Chinese mythology contains many tales of animal _____ like huli jing, a fox spirit which can turn into a
beautiful woman. (SHAPE)
2 SHAPE-SHIFTER (n) = a person or an animal that is able to change into other people, animals or things
3. Political conflict and foreign intervention led to the permanent _____ of the country. (MEMBER)
3 DISMEMBERMENT (n) = the act or process of dividing a country, an organization, etc. into smaller parts
4. In Can Tho, there is a park named after Luu Huu Phuoc to _____ the musician whose birthplace is this city.
4 COMMEMORATE (v) = to remind people of an important event or person from the past with a special action or
5. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam. (HEART)
5 HEARTBEAT (n) = an important feature of something, that is responsible for making it what it is
6 Her toes are severely _____ from years of pursuing a career in professional ballet. (SHAPE)
1 MISSHAPEN (adj) = with a shape that is not normal or natural
7 Teaching in mountainous areas is full of hardship but it is _____ to see the determination of the students.
2 HEARTENING (adj) = making you feel hope
8 Mulan is a(n) _____ adaptation of the 1998 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name, starring Liu
Yifei in the title role. (LIVE)
3 LIVE-ACTION (adj) = (of a film) using real people or animals, rather than drawings, models or computers
9 The haughty employee _____ his hand when asking for a pay rise and was eventually given the sack. (PLAY)
4 OVERPLAYED overplay your hand = to behave too confidently because you think you are in a stronger
position than you actually are
10 Firefighters are working 12-hour shifts in extreme heat to battle devastating _____ in the northern forests.
5 WILDFIRES = very big fires that spread quickly and burns natural areas like woods, forests and grassland
11 If there is still time remaining after you have finished the test and gone over it, try to _____ your answers to
avoid mistakes. (CHECK)
1 DOUBLE-CHECK (v) = to check sth again/twice (There is no “recheck” in Oxford, Cambridge or Longman
12 After graduating, I kept some books that are necessary for college and gave away the _____ (REMAIN)
2 REMAINDER (n) = the people, things or time that remain
13 My parents always deem my playful personality _____ of a high school teacher, who should be decent and
serious. (FIT)
3 UNBEFITTING (adj) = not suitable or good enough for somebody/something
14 The journalists are regarded the _____ to the dictatorial government by publicly denouncing their selfish and
cruel policies. (WEIGHT)
4 COUNTERWEIGHT (n) = a thing that has an equal but opposite effect to something else and can be used to
limit the bad effects of something
15 Although political changes affected the social position of a samurai, he still shows great _____ and decency
of a noble family. (FINE)
5 REFINEMENT (n) = the state of having the sort of manners that are considered typical of a high social class
16 Thanks to months of _____. research by the film producers, the enthronement ceremony of Qianlong in “The
story of Ruyi” was highly commended for being historically accurate. (PAIN)
1 PAINSTAKING (adj) = done with a lot of care, effort and attention to detail
17 “Under the hawthorn tree” is a romantic movie with a lovely but tragic _____ (STORY)
2 STORYLINE (n) = the basic story in a novel, play, film, etc 3 to tug at sb’s
18 The death of Bruno and Shmuel in “The boy in the striped pajamas” really tugs at your _____ (HEART)
HEARTSTRINGS = to cause strong feelings of love or sympathy in somebody
19 Border _____ between the two countries is one of the issues that receive the most public attention. (LIMIT)
4 DELIMITATION (n) = the process of deciding what the limits of something are
20 Following the release of Den Vau’s MV “Hide and Seek”, VTV24 made a _____ joke to advise against running
away from COVID-19 isolation centres. (TOPIC)
5 TOPICAL (adj) = connected with something that is happening or of interest at the present time
21 When I first met your mother, I just thought she might be 40 or _____ because she looked so young.
1 THEREABOUTS (adv) = used to say that a particular number, quantity, time, etc. is not exact
22 When demand for a product _____ its supply, the price of that product will increase. (STRIP)
2 OUTSTRIPS (v) = to become larger, more important, etc. than sb/sth
23 His love for life and optimism gave him a _____ power to overcome what the doctors refer to as “an incurable
disease. (NATURAL)
3 PRETERNATURAL (adj) = that does not seem natural; that cannot be explained by natural laws
24 Fans do not know where the event was held because its location was _____ (CLOSE)
4 UNDISCLOSED (adj) = not made known or told to anyone
25 You may earn a six-figure salary from that job but your health will be the cost, it’s all swings and _____
5 ROUNDABOUT (adj) = not done or said using the shortest, simplest or most direct way possible
26. Mary ______________ with her husband about his budget this month. (POSTULATE)
27. It is impossible to _______________ his excellence at work. (SAY)
28. People in coastal area live mainy on the ______________, which allows them to earn a great deal of money
from the sea products (CULTURE)
29. People felt a great pity for the time spent to see such a(n) _____________ film. (ABYSS)
30. Every book has a ______________ including what the authors say about their masterpiece. (WORD)
31. I cannot imagine why there are such ______________ people in this world. Don’t they feel any sympathy for
the homeless? (HEART)
32. I will bring my unbrella along on the _____________ that it rains. (CHANCE)
33. The dramatic decrease in the ________________ of this factory can be a direct result of underpayment. (PUT)
34. The contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan can cause ______________ consequences. (LIFE)
35. It is a _____________ fact that the vegeterian sausages were invented during World War I. (KNOW)
36. His recent unpredictable mood ____________ him from his friends. (STRANGE)
37. I was ______________ and fell in love with her immediately at first sight. (LOVE)
38. The camera must be clean with a soft ____________ cloth. Otherwise, the water will permeate and cause
damage. (WRING)
39. His recent ups and downs made the criminal more ____________ than ever. (BITE)
40. John Cena used to be in his _____________ in WWE but since his dislocation, he had to leave for operation
and it would take him a long time to make a full recovery. (DAY)
41. Bats use ______________ to navigate in the dark when hunting prey. (LOCATION)
42. He was lying, indicated by the _______________ sign that his hands were shivering. (TELL)
43. Thanks to the _____________ at the bottom of the page, the Chinese-VietNamese poem becomes more
accessible. (NOTE)
44. The dog seems rather _______________; it must not have been fed for days. (SEE)
45. ________________ injection is the most common way to inject drugs. (VEIN)
46. _________________ medication brings about a quick relief but it is not recommended for long-term treatment.
47. Ivan’s camera now ________________ because he carelessly dropped it into the pool. (FUNCTION)
48. Mary told the doctor about her stomach’s ________________. It didn’t seem to work properly. (FUNCTION)
49. A cock roach can continue to live for a few days even if it is ________________. (CAPITA)
50. Their house is decorated in such a _________________ way so that it fit in with other houses. (DESCRIBE)
51. This place is an ___________ zone, which is restricted to people who work in the Parliamentary House only.
52. He was ___________ by the darkness and got lost in the forest. (NIGHT)
53. He was ___________ with intelligence but he tried hard to make up for it. (ENDOW)
54. Any ___________ gimmicks are forbidden in this competition. (MALICE)
55. Surely all women must have ___________ instinct or the human race would die out. (MOTHER)
56. Putting up with noise coming from the neighbor is probably the most ____________ thing. (TO)
57. The leader was taken into custody, which brought an end to the _____________. (SURGE)
58. The spectacular view of Sa Pa has _____________ many visitors. (RAPTURE)
59. Andy has received such _____________ fame after he tried himself in the school’s play. (WONT)
60. The aridity in that area _____________ a poor crop. (TOKEN)
61. Some people argue that money has _____________ football. (BASE)
62. This remote village bore the _____________ of the storm. (PREDATOR)
63. “People” is a ____________ word. (SYLLABLE)
64. The young boy was _____________ by the two men who then asked the innocent for money. (WAY)
65. Taking that old lady for a ride is _____________. (CONSCIENCE)
66. To achieve the _____________ logic, you have to employ certain techniques of using connectives like ‘and’,
‘or’ in the right place within the sentence. (SENTENCE)
67. This chair is almost too ____________, so replace it with a new one! (ANNUAL)
68. Underground nuclear _____________ are believed to have been carried out. (NOTE)
69. The opponents of nuclear power may object to the scheme for some ______________ reasons. (MENTION)
70. Every point in his speech is _____________, which allows the audience to follow easily. (PERSPEX)

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