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Cancer awareness

Good morning everyone

My name is Pragya Gupta, and I am here today to talk to you about cancer awareness. I
strongly believe that if people would be educated enough about cancer we can
significantly reduce the health risk, and enjoy a healthy and happy life.
So now let’s get started.
The displayed picture depicts the symbol used for cancer – a ribbon with different colours.
For e.g. if it is breast cancer it is depicted by pink, if it is brain then it is grey.
Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room – Cancer.
It is the second most leading disease causing deaths. It is a condition in which if the cells
receive a faulty signal it starts to grow and multiply too much and form a lump called a
tumour. Right now there are even more than 200 types of cancer.
What causes cancer
Many factors contribute to the causes of cancer for e.g. genetics or heredity which means
if someone in your family has been a victim of cancer, then you might be at some risk.
Environmental conditions
It may include exposures to chemicals, air pollution etc.
Last but not the least lifestyle
We all have some custom habits which may include consuming tobacco or alcohol
Signs and symptoms
Here are some common symptoms for cancer like nagging cough, persistent indigestion
It is also important to remember that the symptoms listed here are not always signs of
cancer but if they are persistent then make sure to get yourself checked.
Now of course they can be treated if diagnosed at an early stage by surgeries,
chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc.
But why wait for it to happen? I think we would all agree that prevention is better than
cure and therefore, there are some practices we could follow like a limited exposure to
sunlight, avoid tobacco and alcohol, and last but not the least please make sure to get
regular check-ups.
One can be a victim of cancer or a survivor of cancer it’s all about the mind-set.
Thank you so much!

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