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Course: English I

Term: January – April 2023.

Type: Ordinary Heteroevaluation Checklist
Unit: I Evidence: 3 20%

Student Name:_________________________________________________
Instructor: Beatriz Favela
(___/25) 20%
Criteria ID PG Complete Incomplete
1.Identification of collocations of verb + to or verb + -ing. A 60 1 0
2.Identification of tense + collocations of verb + to or verb + -ing. B 61 2 0
3.Identification of sematical difference of verbs used in both cases: C 61 2 0
verb + to or verb + -ing.
4.Identification of functional prepositional phrase for + verb-ing. A 62 1 0
5.Identification of functional prepositional phrase for + noun. B 63 2 0
6.Identification of functional prepositional phrase for + to verb C 63 3 0
7.Identification of object + to infinitive. A 64 2 0
8.Identification of rephrasing statements with object + to infinitive. B 65 3 0
9.Identification of answering with a restatement woth object + to C 65 3 0
10.Identification of rephrasing statements with object + infinitive with the D 65 3 0
verbs let as allow and make as force or order.
11.Identification of rephrasing statements with object + infinitive with E 65 3 0
verbs related to senses.
Course: English I
Term: January – April 2023.
Type: Ordinary Heteroevaluation Checklist
Unit: I Evidence: 4 20%

Student Name:_________________________________________________
Instructor: Beatriz Favela
(___/50) 20%
1.Complete the sentences with the correct tense of each verb and the correct form of the verb
( +to infinitive or +-ing). (20 points, 1 correct tense, 1 correct form of +to infinitive or +-ing) ____/20
1.They ___________ ____________ married last month. (decide / get)
2.She ___________ ____________ to the news, they are terrible. (avoid / listen)
3.Joaquin ___________ ____________ to the doctor because he is scared. (refuse / go)
4.She often ___________ herself ____________ a Ferrari. (imagines / drive)
5.Maritza ___________ _____________ a house for her little dog. (want / buy)
6.My brother ___________ _____________ every weekend. (enjoy /fish)
7.They couldn’t ___________ _____________ for a new car. (afford / pay)
8. Roberto couldn’t ___________ _____________ the floor because everyone was out. (finish / mop)
9.Ericka ___________ _____________ the piano next year. (learn / play)
10.I ___________ _____________ bread and cake next month. (stop / eat)

2.Match the verbs with their correct structure +to infinitive, +-ing, or both.
(10 points, 1 each correct form) ____/10
a.+ing b.+to infinitive c.+ing and +to infinitive
___1.begin ___6.afford
___2.hope ___7.promise
___3.give up ___8.continue
___4.practice ___9.start
___5.intend ___10.stop
1.Complete the sentences with the correct tense of each verb making a correct collocation of do or make. (20 points,
1 correct tense, 1 correct collocation ____/20)
1.Mariana ___________ ___________ last week. (favor)
2.I ___________ ___________ in the test of the last hour. (error)
3.We ___________ ___________ last week. (shopping)
4.My child ___________ ___________ on his first day of school. (friends)
5.She never ___________ ___________. (homework)
6.He usually ___________ ___________ on Sundays. (cake)
7. Jose ___________ ___________ every weekend. (laundry)
8.Miriam never ___________ ___________. (breakfast)
9.We can’t help you, we ___________ ___________ right now. (work)
10. You shouldn’t ___________ ___________ at school. (noise)
Course: English I
Term: January – April 2023.
Type: Ordinary Heteroevaluation/Selfevaluation Checklist
Unit: I Evidence: 5 25%

Student Name:_________________________________________________
Instructor: Beatriz Favela

(___/14) 15%
(___/11) 10%

Write a paragrph describing a procedure using at least 2 collocations of do and 2 collocations of make.
Please deliver the evidence printed, with this rubric attached.
Heteroevaluation 15%
Criteria Complete Incomplete
1.The paragraph contains a topic sentence. 2 0
2.The paragraph contains at least 8 sentences. 1 0
3.All of the paragaph is centered in the process. 2 0
4.The paragraph contains connectors. 1 0
5.The paragraph contains at least 2 collocations with do correctly. 4 0
4.The paragraph contains at least 2 collocations with make correctly. 4 0

Selfevaluation 10%
Criteria Complete Incomplete
1.I am able to understand collocations with do. 4 0
2.I am able to understand collocations with make. 4 0
3.I am able to write complete sentences to form a paragraph. 1 0
4.I am able to use the correct tense in the sentences of teh paragraph. 2 0
Course: English I
Term: January – April 2023.
Type: Ordinary Heteroevaluation Checklist
Unit: I Evidence: 3 20%

Student Name:_________________________________________________
Instructor: Beatriz Favela
Course: English I
Term: January – April 2023.
Type: Ordinary Heteroevaluation Checklist
Unit: I Evidence: 3 20%

Student Name:_________________________________________________
Instructor: Beatriz Favela

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