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FIRE PRODUCTION needs to be balanced to ensure continuity of

customer demand thus ensuring stable
“Without the right goods, sales are impossible." profitability of the business products.
- Anonymous This issue is a concern of the production
aspect of the business. What really is production?
To sell a company's good that good must
be of value to the customer. To provide value, the PRODUCTION
product must satisfy the customer wants and
must be carved based on customers needs. Production refers to the process of
Producing these quality goods entails proper making goods and services to satisfy humans'
management of the resources in order to come needs and wants to maximize profits. It is the
up with the expected outputs of the customers action of making or manufacturing from
and that's the time that customers will continue components or raw materials, or the process of
patronizing your products. being manufactured.
Production is also defined as the process
Objectives: done by workers combining various inputs in
order to make something for consumption.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to: Factors of Production (Production Variables)
• Define production
• Identify the different factors and Improving productivity. can be achieved
resources in production in 2 ways: (1) by reducing inputs while output
• Explained why selection of business remains constant, or (2) by increasing output
location is very critical in the success of while input remain constant. These inputs are as
the business follows:

Discussion • Capital. This refers to the stock of goods

made by the people to help them in the
According to Peter Drucker, "Quality in a production of goods and services.
product or service is not what the supplier puts • Entrepreneurship. This is spearheaded
in. It is what the customer gets out and is willing by the entrepreneur who coordinates all
to pay for. Customers pay only for what is of use the factors of production to produce
to them and gives them value. Nothing else goods and services. Without this factor,
constitutes quality." When entrepreneurs begin other resources will be useless.
producing products or providing services, they • Land. This refers to the resources found
quickly learn how much their products or on land or sea. Generally, this is
services depend on the quality of the consisted of the raw materials.
components and services they Purchase from • Labor. This is defined as any kind of work
their suppliers. Sometimes, businessmen, in the that exerts the mind or body that has the
attempt to attain the demands of the customers sole purpose of receiving rewards.
in terms of quality, sacrifices quality. Quality and
quantity are two ends of a balance beam that


Production Resources Rules of Production

a) Financial Resources. These are the funds in producing goods and services,
for the venture's purpose. Insufficient knowing the needed materials and the process
funds will create an interference in on how to create the products is not enough to
production. ensure the success of the business. There are
b) Human Resources. These are the most certain instances when the entrepreneur thinks
important resources among other that the business is earning much because of
resources because these are the people high volume sales but profits cannot be felt by
who strategize and administer the the entrepreneur or the manager.
business activities. One aspect that must be checked
c) Informational Resources. Accurate and thoroughly are the Cost of Production. The
comprehensive data is vital to the following are the indicators whether the business
success of the business. The should continue producing or not.
entrepreneur must know every factor
that may affect his/her business so that FOR LONG-RUN PERIOD
s/he will know what and how to do things
to keep his or her business in the table. - When total revenue (TR) is GREATER
d) Material Resources. These tangible than total cost (TC), PRODUCE MORE.
resources are used for production. - When total revenue (TR) is LESSER than
total cost (TC), STOP PRODUCING.
Four Phases of Production - When total revenue (TR)is EQUAL to
total cost (TC), MAINTAIN
After the different production resources PRODUCTION (BREAKEVEN). There
are determined, the next step would be to may be no profit, but also no loss, yet
perform the necessary steps in creating the there is a payment for the entrepreneur.
products of the Thus, it is still good to maintain the
business. The following are the basic phases that production.
a production of goods usually undergoes: - TOTAL REVENUE (TR) being more than
1) Operation is the main step in production TOTAL COST (TC) means PROFIT. The
where the raw material is turned into opposite is LOST.
something useful.
2) Assembly is the step where producers FOR SHORT-RUN PERIOD
put all parts together to form a final
product. - When total cost (TC) is GREATER than
3) Finishing is the phase where producers variable cost (VC), OPERATE
do the final render to the product. - When total cost (TC) is LESSER than
4) Inspection makes sure that the product variable cost (VC), SHUT DOWN.
is quality-made according to specified - Variable cost (VC) refers to the
quality or quantity. operating expenses like salaries, cost of
raw materials, office supplies, bills for
water, telephone, or electric.



Every production has an input and an The products that we see daily undergoes
expected output. Production inputs are those several phases of production and like humans,
that refer to the materials, techniques, processes, these products also have life stages. These are:
labor that are combined together in order to - Introductory Stage. This is the stage
produce the production output. This production when new products are launched into
output is referred to as product. the market. Product testing are common
Products can be classified as tangible during this stage which also includes
(good) or intangible (service). Almost all services product research and development and
are a mixture of a service and a tangible others.
product. The table below shows the differences - Growth Stage. This stage is
between goods and services. characterized when the market has
accepted the product and sales begin to
Table. Differences in the Attributes of Tangible increase.
and Intangible Products - Maturity Stage. By this stage,
consumers have already tested the
Attributes of Goods Attributes of Services product. This is time when sales of the
(Tangible Products) (Intangible Products) product will reach their peak.
Reselling a service is - Decline Stage. This stage comes sooner
Product can be resold
unusual if nothing has been done to innovate the
Product can be Often produced and product. At this time, sales will begin to
inventoried consumed immediately decline as the product reaches its
Some aspects of quality Many aspects of quality saturation point.
are measurable are difficult to measure
Selling is distinct from Selling is often art of the CONSIDERATIONS FOR PRODUCTION
production service
The service provider, not In drafting a feasibility study or a
Product is transportable the product, is business plan, there are certain considerations
transportable regarding production that must be assessed and
Site for facility is Site of facility is important be decided. These are:
important for cost for customer contact • Production strategy. This answers as to
Service is often difficult to whether the business will opt for
Often easy to automate continuous production or periodic basis.
mechanize or automate
Revenue is generated Revenue is generated o Continuous production is
primarily from the primarily from the advisable when the demand for
tangible product intangible services the product is great and regular.
This also applicable if the
products can be stocked for long
periods of time.
o Periodic basis is applicable when
the product has seasonal


demand or. if on per-order rules or laws imposed by the

basis. government.
• Raw materials to be used. This includes • Product Quality. This factor is about the
identification of the raw materials that quality of the product that an
will be used in producing the products. entrepreneur wishes to sell his/her
Issues like the costs of raw materials, customers.
logistics, quality and attributes of the
raw materials should also be considered. Product Quality
• Production Technology. The type of
technology that will be applied in the Quality refers to the ability of a product,
production should also be considered. whether tangible or intangible, to consistently
This factor usually is affected by the meet and exceed customer requirements or
availability of funds in procuring expectations. There is no single criteria of quality
equipment that will be used. simply because customers have different
• Process operation. This pertains to the perceptions of quality. Regardless of the
actual• steps involved during production. meanings of quality, it still begins with careful
In business plans, this is usually evaluation of what the customers want, then
illustrated using flowcharts. translating this information into technical
• Manpower requirement. After specifications to which goods or services must
identifying the non-human resources conform.
required, the next step would be
determining how many employees Return on quality (ROQ) is an approach
should be hired by the firm to man the that evaluates the financial return of investments
equipment that will be used as well as in quality.
the manpower required in accomplishing
the different tasks in production. COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH QUALITY
• Location. As what have already been
discussed in the previous lessons There are 3 major costs associated with
location is very critical in ensuring the ensuring production and delivery of quality goods
success of the business. This factor can and services, these are the following:
actually make or break the business. The • Appraisal costs — costs of activities
production should be somewhere it is designed to uncover defects through
allowed to operate, near its suppliers subsequent evaluation of the different
and markets so that profits will be higher aspects of production. Examples are
due to lower production costs. inspections, routine equipment testing,
• Plant Layout. This involves decision etc.
making as to how the production • Prevention costs — costs of associated
equipment will be organized. The plant with preventing defects from occurring.
layout should observe ergonomic flow of Examples: training programs, etc.
production activities. The plant layout • Failure costs — costs caused by
should also be compliant with certain defective parts or products or by faulty
services. Failure costs may either be:


• Internal failures — failures discovered supplier to customer. It is an approach that

during production. organizations use to properly manage and
• External failures — failures discovered improve their processes it that will eventually
after delivery to the customer. result to increased employee satisfaction.
Basically, TQM promotes the idea of "doing it
DIMENSIONS OF PRODUCT QUALITY right the first time all the time."

Quality is a subjective notion. It depends GOOD WORKING PRACTICES TO ACHIEVE

largely on the needs and wants of the final EFFECTIVE TQM INCLUDES:
consumer of the product. In this regard, quality is
evaluated according to the following criteria or • Continuous improvement. This is
dimensions: anchored to the belief there is no perfect
1) Aesthetics — one that is gauged organization and there are always
according to what is the preferred rooms for improvement although
appearance, feel, smell, taste of the perfection is still viewed as the end goal.
customer • Employee empowerment. This is based
2) Conformance — one that is determined on the idea that expanding the scope of
as to how well the product conforms to the employees job so that the added
design specifications. responsibility and authority is moved to
3) Durability — one that is determined by the lowest level possible in the
length of usefulness of the product organization.
4) Perceived Quality — one that is based • Benchmarking — selecting a proven
on how the customer perceive the standard that represents the very best of
product to be of quality the product, service, cost, process, or
5) Performance — one that is based on activity.
what the customer expects the product • Just-in-time (JIT) — designed to
to be able to do produce or deliver good as they are
6) Reliability — one that is based on the needed.
consistency of performance • Knowledge of TQM — everyone in the
7) Service-ability — one that is based on organization must be trained in the TQM.
availability of options in handling of
complaints or repairs Global Standards
8) Special Features — one that is based on
the extra characteristics or unique • ISO — the International Organization for
features of the product Standardization is considered the largest
developer of standards in the world. ISO
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a network of institutes of national
standards of 155 countries which meet,
The concept of total quality management confer and agree as a body to set world
is not something new. Total Quality Management standards, as necessary.
(TQM) is the process of mainstreaming quality • HACCP — Hazard Analysis Critical
consciousness in the entire organization, from Control Point is an internationally


accepted technique for preventing outputs. QA is focused on systems improvement

microbiological, chemical, and physical to reduce or eliminate defects caused by faulty
contamination of food particularly during production processes while QC is focused on
the processing of food products. uncovering defects present in the finished
• Halal — this refers to food that is products.
permissible for consumption under
Islamic Law. Aside from being nutritious WAYS TO QUALITY CONTROL
and safe, halal meat, for instance, should
come from slaughtered animals, which In order to achieve quality control, the
has been raised in land of free pesticides, following aspects must always be controlled by
fertilizers, or genetically modified food. the management:
a) Accuracy of manufacturing
Quality Assurance (QA) information
b) Inventory of correct or approved
Quality Assurance (QA) refers to the raw materials
planned and systematic activities implemented c) Inspecting manufacturing
in systems to fulfill the quality requirements for a processes
product or service. QA establishes and maintains d) Inspecting finished products
set of requirements that is used to evaluate e) Implement measuring
whether a product or services meets the instruments and test equipment
specified requirements. f) Applying corrective action
according to the results of the
- Fit for purpose: The product should be
used for its intended purpose Inventory - refers to the stocks of goods and
- Right the first time: Mistakes should be materials of a business.
minimized if not eliminated
Quality Control (QC)
In general, there are four (4) types of
Quality Control (QC) pertains to the inventories: raw material, work- in-process,
controlling function Of management that is finished-goods and MRO inventories. However,
responsible in checking the quality of products only the first 3 types of inventories will be
produced. It is a step performed that involves discussed since the last one pertains to
testing finished products to Uncover defects well maintenance, repair and operating supplies
as reporting the results of the quality test to the which are not covered under production. The
management. The management will then decide production types of inventories are:
whether to allow or deny product release. 1) Raw Material Inventory — are stockpiles
QC should not be confused with QA, of materials for inputs of production.
since the latter is focused on the production
process while QC is focused on the finished


2) Work-in process inventory — are event is called the critical path. The activities
partially completed products that along this path should be scheduled and
require further processing controlled. A delay in just one activity causes a
3) Finished-goods inventory — are delay in the completion of the whole project.
completed goods for delivery to
Each of the abovementioned types have
inventory costs, Inventory refers to the cost 1) Forward Scheduling - a schedule that
related to storing or maintaining its inventory begins as soon as the requirements are
over a period of time. Some. examples or types known. Jobs are done according to
of inventory costs are the storage cost and stock customer order. This works 'best in
out cost. Storage cost refers to cost of building companies whose suppliers are usually
and facility maintenance. Meanwhile, the stock behind in meeting schedule.
out cost refers to the running out of an inventory 2) Backward Scheduling — starts with the
which could mean no products to sell. due dates and final operations are
scheduled first. The other jobs follow in
PRODUCTION PLAN reverse order. Lead times are subtracted
for each process to get start time.
Production Planning/Scheduling refers
to the process of arranging, controlling and Cost of Production
optimizing work and workloads in a production in
a production process or manufacturing process. The following is the formula being used in
It is used to allocate plan and machinery process, determining the production unit cost:
plan human resources, plan production
processes and purchase materials.

In manufacturing of products, the

purpose of scheduling is to minimize the
production time and costs, by telling a • Fixed Expenses — are costs that
production facility when to make, with which continue even if no units are produced.
staff, and on which equipment. Production (depreciation, taxes, interests, rent
scheduling aims to maximize the efficiency of the expenses etc.)
operation and reduce costs. • Variable Expenses (Cost of Goods
Sold/Cost of Sales) — those that vary
PROGRAM EVALUATION AND REVIEW with the volume of units produced.
TECHNIQUE (PERT) o Direct Labor — this includes the
wages of workers whose outputs
Is used to monitor and control scheduling are closely related to or
of activities. Under the PERT all major activities associated with the making of
are represented by arrows. The part the requires the product.
the longest time from the first event to the last


o Direct Materials — these refer to

cost of inputs or raw materials
that become part of the product.
• Overhead Costs — comprises all other
costs incurred in production but do not
become part of product.
o Use of buildings, machines,
o Utilities such as power, water,
fuel, and among others.
o Salaries of employees who are
not directly involved in the
production process
o Transportation cost of raw
o Office supplies


In order to maximize sales revenue and

profits, a business firm must continuously adjust
and adapt its products and services to the
changing requirements of customers. From time-
to- time, it may have to design and develop new
products. The process of searching ideas for new
products, screening them systematically,
converting them into tangible products and
introducing the new product in the market is
called production planning. A well thought out
production plan eliminates overspending and
inefficiencies throughout the entire production
process. Many considerations should be, and are,
taken into account before evaluating a project.
The more considerations that go into production
planning the more opportunities for cost-
savings. And the more savings the firm has, the
more profit incentives can be made possible.


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