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1. Write a query to display all the details only the broker locations
Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi
2. Write a query to display unique broker location, broker id, phone
number only for broker name should be start with vowel
3. Write a query to display Broker id only for the broker id should be 3
digit and broker location is Bangalore
4. Write a query to display broker id, broker location, investor name only
for the investor has no broker.
5. Write a query to display investment amount, profit, broker name, broker
id only for the investor earn some profit and broker name should not
start with s and z
6. Write a query to display broker id, investor name, broker location Only
for brokerage ranges from 50 to 500 and phone number should consist at
least two 4’s
7. Write a query to display broker id, loss, phone number, broker name
Only for investor name consist of sub string as ‘swathi’ and investor id
should not be less than 5000.
8. Write a query to display 5rd highest profit (using correlated sub query)
9. Write a query to display 2nd lowest investment amount (using Sub
10. Write a query to display investor name, broker id and brokerage only
for investor earning no profit and investment date should before the
month of October 2004
11. Write a query to display broker id, investment id , investor name only
for the broker no investor.
12. Write a query to display broker id, phone number, loss only for
investing company hcl, adani, reliance, ola.
13. Write a query to display maximum profit, minimum loss, maximum
investment amount only for investor name consist of sub string as ‘raj’
and investor id is of 4 digits display output in descending order based on
maximum profit
14. Write a query to investment company wise number of investors,
recent investment date, broker location only for investment amount
should be 4 digit and recent investment date in the year of 20
15. Write a query to display maximum profit, maximum investment
amount, broker name only for investment company should not be hcl,
adani and phone number should start with 95 and ends with 64
16. Write a query to display 3rd, 5th investor details
17. Write a query to display loss, broker name, investment company only
for profit should be more than 800
18. Write a query to display broker details for investment date should be
before April 20
19. Write a query to display investor details for broker id should consist
of 3 digit and investment company hcl, reliance
20. Write a query to display 1 to 5 highest investment amount(correlated
sub query)
21. Write a query to display company name wise minimum loss,
maximum profit, minimum brokerage only for investment amount should
be less than 50000
22. Write a query to display investment amount, broker id, investment
company for investor name should start with ‘z’ and investment amount
should be more any of than investment amount of ‘rama’
23. Write a query to display all the details of broker broker location
should be same as ‘grow’ broker name location.
24. Write a query to display all the details of broker only broker location
should be consist of ‘navi’ as a sub string and brokerage from the range
300 to 2000
25. Write a query to display broker name, investor name, brokerage,
investment company only for minimum investment amount should be
more than 500
26. Write a query to display broker name, broker id only phone number
should be same ‘sherkhan’ number.
27. Write a query to display all details of 2nd record investor
28. Write a query to display broker id, investor id only for investor date
should be in the month of April and broker name ‘agile one’ and
29. Write a query to display broker name, brokerage only for the
investment amount should be more than investment amount of investor
‘lakshmi’ and ‘radha’
30. Write a query to display broker id, investment date, investment
company only for the investor name should be start with ‘r’ and
brokerage from the range 250 to 600
31. Write a query to display investment company, profit only investment
amount should not consist of 2 zero’s and broker name should not be
32. Write a query to display number of investor, minimum profit only
investor except ‘lakshmi’
33. Write a query to display investor company name wise min profit and
max profit only the inverstor name should be exactly 5 char and min profit
should be in a range of 1000 to 5000.
34. Write a query to display unique broker name, unique broker id only
for broker name should consist of ‘ow’ and investment date after april
and investment amount should be more than 5000 and brokerage is
range from 300 to 500 and investor earning some profit
35. Write a query to display details only for investment date should be
before ‘Feb’

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