HSG 9 de 30+ 31

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De 30

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. regime B. passenger C. geology D. engine
2. A. enquiry B. priority C. sacrifice D. Valentine
3. A. banquet B. handkerchief C. concord D. husband

4. A. drought B. sought C. wrought D. nought

5. A. resign B. resound C. resonant D. resource
II. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others.
6. A. temporary B. influence C. implement D. facsimile
7. A. expert B. contrast C. postpone D. product
8. A. infamous B. interfere C. signature D. primitive
9. A. military B. appliance C. emigrant D. admirable
10. A. consequence B. ascertain C. comprehend D.
I. Choose the best option to fill each blank.
11. Smith had a lucky escape. He killed.
A. would have been B. must have been C. could have been D. should
have been
12. Fast food is very popular. , a diet of burgers, pizzas and fried chicken is not very
A. Unfortunately B. While C. Now that D. In contrast
13. Over the last few months, garages the price of petrol four times.
A. have risen B. have put up C. raised D. have gone
14. , the invention was perfect, but it didn’t sell very well.
A. Technologically B. Politically C. Practically D.
15. Tom doesn’t know much about computing, his brother is an expert at it.
A. however B. whereas C. therefore D. in contrast
16. What are used for assessing a student's ability?
A. criteria B. criterion C. criterias D. criterions
17. They a big fortune when they were young, so they didn’t have to work hard.
A. came into B. came up C. came across D. came round
18. Up to now space exploring still remains very risky, complex and
expensive endeavor.
A. the/ the B. a/ the C. a/  D. /a
19. Something tells me that you to a single word I in the past ten minutes.
A. haven’t been listening/ have said B. haven’t listened/ said
C. haven’t listened/ was saying D. didn’t listen/ said
20. Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over made of natural fibers.
A. that B. which C. the one D. what
21. On the battle field .
A. lay the tanks B. did the tanks lie C. lied the tanks D. the tanks
22. I'm trying this alternative cold remedy. It's different plant roots and herbs, and
tastes very strange.
A. consisting of B. containing C. composed of D. included
23. in our town this year.
A. Many a new house has been built B. Many a new house was built
C. Many a new houses have been built D. Many a new houses were built
24. To love and to be loved the greatest happiness on Earth.
A. are B. is C. were D. are being
25. Susan: "Tom says he doesn’t like you!" - Lucy: " ."
A. I don’t care B. So do I C. I know he isn’t D. It makes
26. The horse began to run as fast as he could.
A. frightening B. frightened C. frighten D. frightful
27. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach
any more.
A. doesn’t exist B. isn’t existing C. isn’t going to exist D. won’t be
28. Jane: "Shall we turn back?" - Tom: "Well, I'm turning back. It’s too dangerous to
go mountain climbing this weather." A. about / in B. by/ in
C. for/ in D. against/ on
IV. Find out one mistake in each sentence by choosing A, B, C or D.
41. Not until I was on my way (A) to the airport that I realized (B) I had left (C) my passport at
home (D).
42. James was worried that he was the last person (A) to submit the physical (B) assignment but
(C) he was actually
the second (D).
43. The team leader demanded (A) from his team members (B) a serious attitude toward (C)
work, good team spirit and that they work hard (D).
44. Digital clocks, however precise, they (A) cannot be perfectly (B) accurate because the (C)
earth's rotation changes slightly (D) over years.
45. He received (A) a bonus that was (B) equivalent (C) two months' pay (D).
I. Read the passage below carefully, then choose the correct answers.
At the school-leaving age, some school-leavers go into college, and others go directly into the
workforce. For children that go directly into the workforce, there needs to be a certain amount of
academic preparation.
Firstly, decide on a future career. If your child knows that college is not the path they want to
take, they need to have a good idea of what they want to do. A 10 th grader should have a good
idea of what it is they want to do when they are done with their schooling.
Secondly, once your students have decided on a future career, you need to map out a plan of
action. They will need to spend some time becoming an authority in their area of interest. This
can be done through reading, taking classes, and keeping up with changes and innovation in their
area of interest through reading blogs and industry periodicals.
Thirdly, gain experience. A good way for a teen to gain experience in their area of expertise is to
take a part- time job and to get internships. This is very important because having this kind of
early life experience in their sought- after field can take the place of a degree.
Finally, demonstrate skill. Your students should do something that demonstrates they are skilled
enough to handle the job. If they are interested in making furniture, they should build an armoire.
If they want to be a computer programmer, they should write a program. If they want to be an
artist, they should have an artist portfolio.
46. At the school- leaving age, .
A. most school- leavers go directly into the workforce
B. some school-leavers need an academic preparation to enter college
C. all school- leavers are eager to enter colleges or universities
D. school-leavers who want to go to work directly need to have an academic preparation for their
future work
47. It's necessary for school- leavers .
A. to have a good idea of what they want to do when leaving high schools
B. to decide that college is not the path they want to take
C. to decide on a future career before going into college or university
D. to go to work to earn their own money
48. Once the students have decided on their future career, .
A. the teacher needs to spend some time becoming an authority in his or her area of interest
B. the teacher should read as many industrial periodicals as possible
C. the teacher needs to map out a plan of action to help the students get some knowledge of their
area of interest
D. they need to ask the teacher for some advice
49. According to the passage, it’s true to say that the students who want to go directly into
workforce .
A. should take any job before deciding their career
B. should take a part- time job and get internships to gain experience
C. should do something that demonstrates that they are skilled enough to handle the job after
taking the job
D. can only gain experience after they have applied for good jobs
50. The main idea of the passage is .
A. what the teacher should do to help his children to go into the workforce
B. many various kinds of jobs for school- leavers
C. there's a tendency for school- leavers to go directly into the workforce
D. some useful steps school- leavers should follow if they tend to go directly into the workforce
II. Read the passage below carefully, then choose the correct answers.
Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about
300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water are
sucked into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage
to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This
vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all
flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence.
The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any
other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most
liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the
bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of
surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the
interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent.
Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the highest
of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and
store vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water
dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic that helps make oceans a
great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several
areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is
widely practiced, potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and magnesium is produced from sea
water along the American Gulf Coast.
51. The author's main purpose in this passage is to .
A. describe the properties and uses of water B. illustrate the importance of conserving
C. explain how water is used in commerce and industry D. compare
water with other liquids
52. The phrase "This vast amount" in line 4 refers to .
A. 300 million cubic miles of water B. 80,000 million cubic of water
C. 80,000 cubic miles of water D. 24,000 cubic miles of rain
53. The word "replenish" can best be replaced by .
A. fill again B. replace C. evaporate D. form
54. According to the passage, fish can survive in the oceans because .
A. they do not need oxygen B. ice floats
C. evaporation and condensation create a water cycle D. there are currents in the ocean
55. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of water?
A. Water expands when it is frozen. B. Water is a good solvent.
C. Water can absorb heat. D. Water contracts on cooling.
56. The word "outstanding" is closest in meaning to .
A. exceptionally good B. special C. important D. amusing
57. According to the passage, the hydrosphere is NOT .
A. responsible for all forms of life B. that part of the earth covered by water
C. a source of natural resources D. in danger of freezing water
58. The author's tone in the passage can best be described as .
A. dogmatic B. dispassionate C. speculative D. biased
59. The author organizes the passage by .
A. comparison and contrast B. juxtaposition of true and untrue ideas
C. general statements followed by examples D. hypothesis and proof
60. Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately
following the passage?
A. Water has the ability to erode land.
B. Magnesium is widely used in metallurgical processes.
C. Another remarkably property of ice is its strength.
D. Drought and flooding are two types of disasters associated with water.
III. Read the passage below and then choose a suitable word A, B, C or D to fill in each
Education is a life-long process that not only provides us with basic skills such as literacy and
numeracy, but is also essential in (61) our future lives. From the moment we enter
kindergartens as small children, and as we progress through primary and secondary education,
we (62) the foundations for the life ahead of us. We must discipline ourselves to
work hard (63) we can pass exams and gain the qualifications we will need to secure a
good job. We must also acquire valuable life skills so that we can fit in and work with those
around us. And of course health education helps us to understand (64) we can stay fit
and healthy.
For most people, this process ends when they are in their mid-to-late teens. For others, however,
it is the beginning of a lifetime of learning. After they finish school, many (65) to
further education where they will learn more useful skills such as computer literacy or basic
business management. (66) will enroll on a program of higher education at a university
where, with hard work, they will have the opportunity to graduate after three or four years with a
well-earned degree. After that, they may work for a while before opting to study for a higher
degree- an MA, for example, or a PhD. Alternatively, they may choose to attend an evening class
after work or, if they have a sympathetic employer, (67) day release so that they can
study during the week. And if they live a long way from a college or university, they might
follow a (68) course using mail and the Internet. (69) , it is largely due to the
proliferation of computers that many people have started to study again and can proudly class
themselves as mature students.
We live in a fascinating and constantly changing world, and we must continually learn and
(70) new knowledge if we are to adapt and keep up with changing events. Our schooldays are
just the beginning of this process, and we should make the best of every opportunity to develop
ourselves, whether we are eighteen or eighty. You are, indeed, never too old to learn.
61. A. forming B. shaping C. moulding D. leading
62. A. are lying B. are laying C. are replacing D. are
63. A. in order to B. so as that C. so that D. in case
64. A. how B. what C. when D. where
65. A. progress B. continue C. move D. pursue
66. A. The others B. Another C. The other D. Others
67. A. ask B. obtain C. achieve D. bring
68. A. writing B. correspondence C. mail D. self-study
69. A. As a result B. Particularly C. What's more D. In fact
70. A. enrich B. acquire C. widen D. broaden
I. Choose the sentence A, B, C or D which is closest in meaning to the printed one.
71. When he was asked for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite upset.
A. When asking for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite upset.
B. On being asked for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite upset.
C. Being asked for more information about the burglary, the man appeared quite upset.
D. The man appeared quite upset, asking for more information about the burglary, the man
appeared quite upset.
72. Nobody could possibly believe the story she told us.
A. The story she told us was magical.
B. It's possible that she told an unreal story.
C. It's possible that she told a real story.
D. The story she told us was beyond belief.
73. It’s your duty to finish your homework before you go to school.
A. You were supposed to finish your homework before you go to school.
B. Your homework is supposed to be finished before going to school.
C. That your homework is finished before you go to school is your duty.
D. Your duty finishing your homework before you go to school is necessary.
74. The hotels were both uncomfortable.
A. None of the hotels was comfortable. B. Neither of hotels were comfortable.
C. Neither of the hotels was comfortable. D. Either of the hotels was uncomfortable.
75. "You didn’t lock the door this morning as I found the keys on the table when I got home!"
the woman told her son.
A. The woman scolded her son with unlocking the door that morning as she found the key on the
B. The woman criticized her son for not locking the door that morning, adding that she saw the
keys on the table.
C. The woman blamed her son for not unlocking the door that morning as she found the key on
the table.
D. The woman reproached her son of not locking the door that morning, emphasizing that she
saw the keys on the table.
II. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
76. , United would have lost the match yesterday.
A. If it hadn’t been for their goalkeeper B. If their goalkeeper didn’t play so well
C. Hadn’t their goalkeeper played so well D. Were their goalkeeper not to play so
77. , but he often gives me a hand with the housework.
A. However busy my husband is at work B. No matter how busy is my husband at
C. My husband is very busy at work D. Although my husband is very busy at
78. that I tore up the letter.
A. I was so annoying B. I was such an annoyed
C. So was I annoyed D. Such was my annoyance
79. for running a red light, Jane decided it was not in her best interest to argue since
she was not wearing her seat belt.
A. The police stopped her B. When stopping by the police
C. Having been stopped by the police D. Being stopped by the police
80. in the atmosphere is the temperature falling below freezing.
A. Frost is produced B. What is frost produced C. What produces frost D. Frost

----- The end ----

De 31

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer for each question.
Fifteen ________by five is three .A. divided B. dividing C. been divided D. is divided
The problems____ Tony has seem insurmountable.A. he B. that C. what D. when
Have some brandy; it’ll calm your _______.Amind B. nerves C. head D. brain
When I arrived on the spot, I found out that I _______ the heavy gas bottle on my back because
the campsite now had electric cookers. A. needn't have carried B. didn't need to carry
C. can't have carried D. might not have carried
UNESCO __________ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
A. stands for B. brings about C. gets across D. takes after
Farmers can enrich the soil by using _____A. fertile B. fertilizers C. fertilize D. fertility
Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn't take them ______.
A. out of habit B. as usual C. for granted D. as a rule
I don't think this record will ever________.A. get out B. run off C. catch on
D. put down
Why did Berth ask you ________a bicycle?
A. that you had B. do you have C. if you had D. that if you
She ________modern art. She visits all the local exhibitions.
A. looks down on B. goes in for C. fixes up with D. comes up against
Are you taking ________this semester?
A. home economic B. home economics C. house economics D. house economic
In some parts of the world, the indigenous population has been completely ________
A. wiped up B. wiped awayC. wiped out D. wiped off
I would appreciate __________ it a secret.
A. you to keep B. that you keep C. that you will keep D. your keeping
The boy is ____________ to solve the problem.
A. clever enough B. enough clever C. so clever D. such clever
The judge___ the murderer to a lifetime imprisonment. A. accused B. convicted C. sentenced
D. prosecuted
The ________ exam in February prepared pupils for the real thing in June.
A. false B. mock C. fake D. unreal
You ________ too much emphasis on your academic success. Be relaxed!
A. offer B. take C. give D. put
After so many years, it is great to see him_______ his ambitions.
A. realize B. get C. possess D. deserve
Minh and Cuong were badly injured in the last match, so ________of them can play in this
A. neither B. none C. either D. both
The government are doing a _____________of people’s changing habits.
A. plan B. project C. survey D. research

Exercise 2: Provide the correct form of the word in capitals.

(21) AUTHORIZE in Paris have halted the filming of scenes from (22) ACT movies on its
streets in the wake of the recent terror attacks. The city is still on high alert (23) FOLLOW the
attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo and other attacks, which left 20 people (24) DIE. Security
has been (25) HIGH around synagogues, newspaper and broadcasting offices and (26) SHOP
malls. (27) ARMY police and soldiers are clearly (28) VISION on the streets. Security measures
have now been extended to the movie (29) INDUSTRIAL. Paris' police commander Sylvie
Barnaud said: "There's a problem with these action-type scenes, as the actors in uniform could be
targets for terrorists… Also, the actors could pose (30) CONFUSED for the general public."
Exercise 3: There is one incorrect word in terms of spelling, grammar or usage in each line
of the following passage. Indicate and correct it.
Australia was settled by Europeans in 1788, mainly to home criminals, but Line 1
with a little independent farmers and businessmen. The settlements were Line 2
not wealthy, and there was little help available to them in need: the poor, Line 3
the sick, the unemploy, and the aged. To begin with, what little help was
Line 4
availably came in the form of charity: donations of money, acommodation
or medical treatment to selected needy. A second approach that began to Line 5
emerge in the last nineteenth century was that of “universalism”. It Line 6
stresses that all people in society should be entitle to certain benefits – up Line 7
to a minimum level and across a restricted range of services. This approach Line 8
was eventually used to arguing for the introduction of a pension for the aged poor. Line 9
Line 10

Exercise 1: Questions 1 – 13
China’s ‘violent philanthropist’ gives away fresh air
Even through the thick Beijing smog, it is impossible to mistake the ebullient figure shaking
hands, signing autographs and barking at startled passersby: “Come on, two cans for each one –
free fresh air. Open it and drink it and breathe it! It keeps you fresh the whole day!” It is the kind
of offer that has made Chen Guangbiao a household name in China: giving away thousands of
tins of air to raise awareness of China’s pollution. “If we don’t act in the next 10 years, our
descendants will have to carry oxygen tanks and wear masks all the time,” he said at the
publicity event in Beijing this month.
Chen, 44, is a multimillionaire entrepreneur who bills himself as the country’s number one
philanthropist and environmentalist. In January, he lay under a sheet of wood and steel while two
cars drove over him, to demonstrate that the world would be better without cars. In another
comment on the drawbacks of motoring, he smashed up a Mercedes Benz car. Recently he put an
advert in the New York Times proclaiming the disputed Diaoyu Islands – currently at the heart
of the territorial row with Japan – to be Chinese, and announced he was giving new cars to
drivers whose vehicles were destroyed in anti-Japanese protests – while simultaneously
promoting a cycling initiative. He also plans to give away $240,000 to young entrepreneurs in
the next weeks.
But he is best known for his personal deliveries to the victims of natural disasters. He arrived in
Sichuan with a fleet of heavy machinery after the earthquake in 2008. When the tsunami struck
Japan, he flew over with cash and goods. He has apparently an unsinkable self-belief. “I want to
record the name of Chen Guangbiao in Chinese history,” he said.
His party trick is to lift a bike using his teeth and spin it around in the air. It is, says Chen, all
down to kung fu training at the famous Shaolin temple. Chen grew up in the countryside near
Nanjing, in such poverty that two of his siblings starved to death. He earned his first cash –
around 60 cents – carrying water from a well to villagers one summer, and used some of the
money to help pay for a neighbour’s schooling. In recognition of his good deed, a teacher pasted
a red star on his face. “I ran around the classes … Every student wanted to learn from me and do
good things,” he explained.
He made his fortune recycling materials from demolished buildings and has vowed to give it all
away before his death. The Hurun rich list estimated his worth at $740m last year. Already, he
says, he has made donations worth $278m. Others rank far ahead of him in independent lists of
charitable donors and sceptics say it is hard to assess the real value of his gifts since they are
often in kind. He counters that other philanthropists give to charities in the sectors they work in,
with the hope of commercial returns.
Chen calls his high-profile tactics “violent philanthropy”. He says: “My individual power is
limited. I want to use my high-profile way to wake people up to take action together to do good
things. I can only awake them with my performance art and creativity.” Admirers point out that
most millionaires are doing little for their fellows. And Chen’s stunts have, as he predicted, got
people talking about philanthropy and the environment. “We need these kinds of people to tell us
that if you want to help people you need to take responsibility,” says Wang Lanjun, pausing to
have her photo taken with him. “He’s great!” enthused another passing pedestrian. “He said I’m
great,” Chen points out. “You see? Ordinary people love me.”
Questions 1 – 5: Read the text and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
Chen Guangbiao has given out free oxygen masks to passersby in Beijing.
He has destroyed a luxury car.
He has taken heavy equipment to an area affected by an earthquake.
He has helped pay for the education of some students at his village school.
He has made a promise to give away all his money before he dies.

Questions 6 – 13: Read the text and choose the most suitable word in the box to fill in each
blank in the summary. There are more words than needed.

awareness donations drawbacks Fortune Initiatives

poverty responsibility philanthropy Stunts simultaneously

Chen Guangbiao is an extraordinary figure who started life in extreme (6) ________ and then
succeeded in making a huge (7) _______ through recycling building materials. He is famous in
China for both his large (8) ________ to people in need and his spectacular publicity
(9)________ which aim to raise (10) _______ about key environmental issues. One of his latest
(11) ________ has been to give away cans of fresh air to publicise the threat of air pollution. In
addition, he has also organised events to show the significant (12) ________ of using motor
vehicles. The hope is that his campaigns will encourage individuals and companies to take
(13)________ for their impact on the environment.

Exercise 2: Choose the best option to complete the passage.

A love of travelling
For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s (14) _______ a ‘gap year’. In
common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (15) _______ to
study for his degree. After doing various jobs to (16)_______ some money, he left home to gain
some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous
the young person, the (17) ________ the challenge they are likely to set themselves for the gap
year, and for some, like Nigel, it can (18) _______ in a thirst for adventure.
Now that his university course has (19) ________ to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a
three-year trip that will take him right around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the
whole journey using only means of transport which are (20) _______ by natural energy. In other
words, he’ll be (21) ________ mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean
to cross, he won’t be taking a (22) _______ cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the
crew of a sailing ship (23) ________ .
As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes
to pass on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.
A called B. named C. referred D. known
A. settling down B. getting up C. taking over D. holding back
A. achieve B. raise C. advance D. win
A. stronger B. wider C. greater D. deeper
A. result B. lead C. cause D. create
A. come B. turned C. reached D. brought
A. pulled B. charged C. forced D. powered
A. attempting B. using C. relying D. trying
A. quick B. short C. brief D. swift
A. anyway B. alike C. instead D. otherwise

Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with a most suitable word.

Number of blue whales increasing
This is a good-news story about sea life. Scientists (24) _______ reported that the numbers of
blue whales in the eastern Pacific Ocean (25) ________ the highest they have been in over a
century. Researchers at the University of Washington report that there are now over 2,200 blue
whales (26) ______ Mexico and Alaska. Hunters killed nearly all the blue whales in that area
and they were (27) _______ to extinction. (28) _______ became illegal in 1971 and the
numbers of the world's largest mammal started increasing. It has (29) ________ over 40 years
for the blue whale to recover. Lead (30) _______ Dr Cole Monnahan was very happy at this
positive news. He said: "For us, this is a great conservation success story."
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences using FROM FOUR TO SIX WORDS
(including the given words) so that their meanings are close to the original.
You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided.
OUGHT You _________________________ carefully before you decided.
Surely nobody likes it when people make fun of them in public.
BEING Surely nobody likes _________________________ in public.
Don’t conclude that learning English is easy.
COME Don’t _________________________ that learning English is easy.
I’m afraid there is no room in the concert hall tonight.
BOOKED I’m afraid the _________________________ tonight.
The motorcyclist rounded the corner at a quite unbelievable speed.
WHICH The speed _________________________ the corner was quite unbelievable.

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