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English and Health)

Topic: Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Mountain Ranges

Title: Beware of Unstoppable Moves!

Science 10/Week1- 3: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes,

earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate
Tectonic Theory; and suggest ways by which one can
contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

G Goal The objective is to make a short documentary film to inform

local folks about the possibilities of earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and other geologic activities.
R Role The students will serve as environmental advocates. They are
to inform the community about the effects of natural
calamities and bring out in them a sense of readiness and
preparedness. They are to prepare and submit their script
before the preparation of the video shooting. They are tasked
to post their short documentary film on Facebook using their
social media accounts.
A Audience The target audience are the students, teachers, and the

S Situation Students are to inform the residents in their communities

about the risks of earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic
events in their area. Collaborating with any of their siblings,
parents, cousins, or friends to include the negative effects of
natural disasters, as well as the effects on people's health,
livelihood, and emotions of people living there. Most especially,
students must instill in them the desire to be ready and
always prepared. They will disseminate the information
through filming since videos are the main media accessed by
most everyone.
P Product
● The product should be a 5-minute-short-documentary
film that aims to create awareness of the effects of
natural calamities. It is a perfect platform and a
powerful tool to gain an in-depth informative resource
to convey social awareness of issues and problems in a
short period with a better retention rate.
● Checked script with informative content, corrected
grammar and spelling, and copyright-free.
Short documentary films are uploaded and viewed on social
media using their account with numbers of viewers and
S Standards The product will be assessed using analytic rubric.

Content-------------------------------------------------- 5 points
Story structure----------------------------------------- 5 points
Script---------------------------------------------------- 5 points
Copyright------------------------------------------------ 5 points
Technical------------------------------------------------ 5 points
TOTAL------------------------------------------------------- 25 points

Rubric for the Assessment of the Documentary Film

Excellent Good Fair
Criteria Improvement
5 4 3
Strong message. The message is The message is The message is
It covers the clearly vaguely unclear. Includes
topic completely communicated. communicated. little essential
and in-depth. Includes Includes some information.
Includes essential essential
complete information. information

Shows a Focus on Has problems Do not stay focused

continuous delivering staying focused on the topic.
Story progression of information on the topic.
Structure ideas and tells a format is easy to
complete, easily follow.
followed story.

Information The information Information with With little
content shows good few facts. information.
explanation is effort. Includes 1 Includes 5 - 10 Includes more than
superior. – 4 grammatical grammatical 10 grammatical
Grammar, errors, errors, errors, misspellings,
Script spelling, misspellings, misspellings, punctuation errors,
punctuation, punctuation punctuation etc.
capitalization errors, etc. errors, etc.
are correct. No
errors in the
Copyrighted Most of the Music/ Music/ Image/Video
information for sources are cited Image/Video used without giving
Copyright photos, videos, in MLA sources are given credits
and music are credit but not
identified cited in MLA
Sound and There are few There are some Technical difficulties
visual files are technical technical interfere with the
distortion-free problems problems, but viewer's ability to
Digital Any digital the viewer can see or understand
enhancements enhancements follow the the content.
are planned and that are used presentation. Little or no
purposeful, combine Digital enhancement
adding impact to smoothly and enhancements
the storyline or effectively with accompany video
focus. the video.

Science –Grade 10 Learner’s Material, DepEd, First Edition 2015
Science-Grade 10 Teacher’s manual,Deped, First Edition,2015
Science-Grade 10 ADM, Quarter 1-Module 1, First Edition 2020

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