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VUNESP - 2022 - PM-SP - Aluno: Oficial

While plastic refuse littering beaches and oceans draws high-profile attention, the Food and
agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability: a
call for action suggests that the land we use to grow our food is contaminated with even larger
quantities of plastic pollutants. “Soils are one of the main receptors of agricultural plastics and
are known to contain larger quantities of microplastics than oceans”, FAO Deputy Director-
General Maria Helena Semedo said in the report’s foreword.

According to data collated by FAO experts, agricultural value chains each year use 12.5 million
tonnes of plastic products while another 37.3 million are used in food packaging. Crop
production and livestock accounted for 10.2 million tonnes per year collectively, followed by
fisheries and aquaculture with 2.1 million, and forestry with 0.2 million tonnes. Asia was
estimated to be the largest user of plastics in agricultural production, accounting for almost
half of global usage. Moreover, without viable alternatives, plastic demand in agriculture is
only set to increase. As the demand for agricultural plastic continues surge, Ms. Semedo
underscored the need to better monitor the quantities that “leak into the environment from

Since their widespread introduction in the 1950s, plastics have become ubiquitous. In
agriculture, plastic products greatly help productivity, such as in covering soil to reduce weeds;
nets to protect and boost plant growth, extend cropping seasons and increase yields; and tree
guards, which protect young plants and trees from animals and help provide a growth-
enhancing microclimate. However, of the estimated 6.3 billion tonnes of plastics produced
before 2015, almost 80 per cent had never been properly disposed of. While the effects of
large plastic items on marine fauna have been well documented, the impacts unleashed during
their disintegration potentially affect entire ecosystems.

(, 07.12.2021. Adaptado.)

The text intends to

(A) identify innovative alternatives to the plastic used in agriculture.

(B) show that plastic pollution has become pervasive in agricultural soils.
(C) review existing knowledge about agricultural waste management.
(D) describe a set of good farm practices to reuse plastic used in agriculture.
(E) propose possible directions for further research on plastic use reduction.

No trecho do segundo parágrafo “Moreover, without viable alternatives, plastic demand

in agriculture is only set to increase”, o termo sublinhado pode ser substituído, sem
alteração de sentido, por
(A) again.
(B) even.
(C) instead.
(D) besides.
(E) otherwise.
The excerpt from the second paragraph “‘leak into the environment from agriculture’”
refers most specifically to:

(A) “forestry”.
(B) “Crop production and livestock”.
(C) “plastic products”.
(D) “fisheries and aquaculture”.
(E) “data collated”.
An idea of contrast may be found in the following excerpt from the text:

(A) “As the demand for agricultural plastic continues surge” (2nd paragraph)
(B) “However, of the estimated 6.3 billion tonnes of plastics produced before 2015” (3rd
(C) “Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability: a call for action” (1st
(D) “Asia was estimated to be the largest user of plastics in agricultural production”
(2nd paragraph)
(E) “Since their widespread introduction in the 1950s” (3rd paragraph)

Leia a tirinha Pickles de Brian Crane.

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “such as in covering soil to reduce weeds”, a

expressão sublinhada foi utilizada para introduzir
(A) uma condição.
(B) uma causa.
(C) uma objeção.
(D) um exemplo.
(E) uma conclusão

Our Premium Finance Software allows you to track a note from its barest
beginnings to the end. We provide you with the tools to quote the note, print a
finance agreement, print a rate chart and track the note from the time it arrives in
your office until such time as it is paid in full. It is fully integrated with general
ledger and the ledger allows you to print balance sheets and income statements at
any time during the month. The system is Menu driven and according to our
customers, very user friendly. Once your Premium Finance Note has become an
active note you need only take a menu selection to access the file, print coupons,
do daily processing to mark the notes which need Notice of Intents, Cancellations,
Refund letters or Final letters. There are then menu selections to print these
notices and letters. The only pre-printed form required is the Premium Finance
Agreement. We do have a generic one of these forms (I) because of so many
different state requirements we recommend that you have this done by your
Attorney and approved by your state governing body. Our system is written in a
Database Management Program and we provide you with full source code at no
additional cost.

(Adapted from

No texto, according to our customers, very user friendly significa que o Sistema

A) Foi desenvolvido de acordo com sugestões dos clientes

B) É amigável por estar de acordo com os costumes do público alvo
C) Foi avaliado como muito amigável pelos clientes
D) Funciona a partir de abas numa barra de ferramentas
E) Ainda não foi testado pelos usuários ideais

Mark the option which completes the following sentences with the adequate pronouns:

I. Businessmen have __________ own priorities.

II. Everyone must feel happy with __________ working habits.
II. Working from home allows a mother to spend more time with __________ children.
IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot discuss __________

a) I. his, II. their, III. her, IV. their

b) I. their, II. its, III. their, IV. its
c) I. their, II. his, III. her, IV. its
d) I. its, II. your, III. its, IV. their
e) I. his, II. his, III. their, IV. Your

Assinale a alternativa correta: They saw men and women talking to __________ own hearts.

a) his
b) her
c) them
d) they
e) their
Portugal gave her people, her religion, her language, her building and decorative arts,
her culture and habits, to Brazil, to West and East Africa, to the Red Sea, to India and
Sri Lanka, to China and Japan, to the East Indies. (Highlife, London: British Airways. July
1997. p. 121-122)

No texto acima, o vocábulo "her" ocorre cinco vezes e, em todas essas situações,
refere-se a:

a) cultura.
b) povo.
c) China.
d) Portugal.

Dadas as sentenças:
I. THE TITANIC sank in the beginning of the XX century.
III. MY PET is the smartest of the neighborhood. Everybody enjoys seeing him.

A alternativa que possui os pronomes que substituem corretamente os termos em

destaque é:

a) It – She – It
b) It – She – He
c) He – She – He
d) She – He – He
e) She – It – He

That sports car is very expensive. The car dealer told me that __________ price is
10,000 dollars.

a) her
b) his
c) its
d) their
e) hers

I have met that girl before, but I can't remember __________ name.

a) her
b) his
c) your
d) its
e) yours

This dictionary is in __________ fourth edition.

a) his
b) her
c) its
d) it's
e) their

He said he was going to pass __________ exam.

a) his
b) her
c) its
d) their
e) our

Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it. Let's do it: that yoga thing.

Observe que o "it" se repete. A que se refere?

a) Stars.
b) Sports.
c) Judges.
d) India.
e) Yoga.

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