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EL AMOR PATRIO Rizal admits that indolence does exist among the Filipinos, but it cannot

Love of Country be attributed to the troubles and backwardness of the country, rather is
 Rizal’s first essay when he arrived in Madrid. the effect of the backwardness and troubles experienced by the
 Diarong Tagalog-Aug. 20, 1882 (Philippine Newspaper) country.
 La Solidaridad - October 30, 1890 (Madrid) Laong Laan Filipinos cannot be compared to Europeans, who live in cold countries
and who must exert much more effort at work. An hour's work under
“Love of country is the purest, most heroic and most sublime human the Philippine sun, he says, is equivalent to a day's work in temperate
sentiment. It is gratitude, it is affection for everything that reminds us regions.
something of the first days of our life; it is the land where our ancestors CHAPTER 2 :
are sleeping.”  Indolence as Chronic Illness
 “Indolence in the Philippines is a chronic malady, but not a
“Love of country is never effaced once it has penetrated the heart, hereditary one”
because it carries with it a divine stamp which renders it eternal and Even before the Spaniards arrived, Rizal argues, “the early Filipinos
imperishable” were already carrying out trade within provinces and with other
neighboring countries; they were also engaged in agriculture and
“Some have sacrificed for her their youth, their pleasures; others have mining some natives even spoke Spanish”.
dedicated to her the splendors of their genius; others shed their blood; Rizal ends by asking what would have caused Filipinos to forget their
all have died, bequeathing to their Motherland an immense future: past.
liberty and glory.” Rizal says that an illness will worsen if the wrong treatment is given.
The same applies to indolence.
 Wars and invasions of pirates
 Letter – February 22, 1889
 Compelled thousands of Filipinos to work
 Rizal congratulated the young women of Malolos for their
Rizal enumerates several reasons that may have caused the Filipinos’
exceptionally courageous behavior.
cultural and economic decadence. The frequent wars, insurrections, and
 A group of young women had been denied by the parish priest
invasions have brought disorder to the communities, chaos has been
permission to have lessons in Spanish from a tutor they would
widespread, and destruction rampant.
Due to forced labor, many men have been sent to shipyards to
 The (21) young women raised their petition to Governor Valeriano
construct vessels. Meanwhile, natives who have had enough of abuse
Weyler who gave them his permission.
have gone to the mountains. As a result, the farms have been
 Teodoro Sandiko organized a school near the Sto. Nino Chapel at
The so-called indolence of Filipinos definitely has deeply rooted causes.
 Gaudalupe Reyes taught the group
 Death of trade in the Philippines
“Rizal was happy that a group of young women in the country had
Filipinos, according to Rizal are not responsible for their misfortunes, as
emerged to seek identity and dignity.”
they are not their own masters.
The Spanish government has not encouraged labor and trade, which
“Goodness did not consist in blind obedience to the whims of the friars
ceased after the government treated the country's neighboring trade
but in pure consciousness of good judgment that would only obey the
partners with great suspicion.
reasonable and just.”
The abuse suffered under encomienderos has caused many to abandon
the fields.
Businesses are monopolized by many government officials, red tape
1. Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country
and bribery operate on a wide scale, and rampant gambling is tolerated
and fellowmen.
by the government.
2. Filipino mothers should be glad and honored like Spartan
The Church's wrong doctrine which holds that the rich will not go to
mothers, to offer their sons in defense of their country.
heaven, engendering a wrong attitude toward work.
3. Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and
 Limited training and education
4. Filipino women should educate themselves aside from retaining
All the causes of indolence can be reduced to 2 factors.
their good racial values.
1. the limited training and education Filipino natives receive.
5. Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures.
2. lack of a national sentiment of unity among them because Filipinos
It is living the real Christian way with good morals and manners.
think they are inferior.
The solution according to Rizal, would be education and liberty.
The Indolence of the Filipinos Factors attributable to Spanish Colonizers :
 a socio-political essay published in La Solidaridad in Madrid in 1. Wars and Internal Disorders that followed Spanish Conquest
1890. 2. Piratical Attacks on Coastal Towns and Villages by Muslim
 printed in five installments which run from July 15, 1890, to Pirates
September 15, 1890 3. Forced Labor in Shipbuilding
 written by Dr. Jose Rizal as a response to the accusation of Indio 4. Government’s Neglect and Apathy to Agriculture, Industry
or Malay indolence. and Commerce
 INDOLENT MEANS: Idle, Lazy, Little love for work, Lack of activity 5. Absence of Material and Moral Incentives to Work Harder
PURPOSE : 6. The Teaching of the Spanish Missionaries that Heaven is for
 Defense of the Filipinos from the charge that they were inherently the Poor
lazy or indolent. 7. Too Much Government Restriction and Red Tape in the
 To prove that the Filipinos were not born lazy but had the Approval of Permit to Transact Business.
predisposition to become lazy. 8. Encouragement and Propagation of Gambling
 To show that the deterioration of industry can be attributed to 9. Ownership of Big Estates by the Friars
two sets of factors: 10. Example Set By the Spaniards in Disdaining Manual Labor
1) those attributable to the Spanish colonizers; and 11. Deprivation of Human Dignity
2) those attributable to the Filipinos’ own faults. Factors attributable to Filipinos:
CHAPTER 1 : 1. Feeling of Inferiority
 Rizal commended Gregorio Sanciano’s “El Progreso de Filipinas” 2. Placing Hopes on Miracles
 Admitted that indolence is rampant among Filipinos
3. Lack of Spirit to Pursue Lofty Purposes
4. Lack of National Sentiment
 To forecast the future of the country within a hundred years
 To remind Spain that the French Revolution could have a telling
effect on the colonial Philippines.
 Spain’s implementation of her military policies
 Deterioration and disappearance of Filipino indigenous culture
 Passivity and submissiveness to the Spanish colonizers
 Keeping the people uneducated and ignorant had failed.
 Keeping the people impoverished also came to no avail.
 Exterminating the people as an alternative to hindering progress
did not work either.
 Spain had no means to stop the progress
 Change Spain’s colonial policy
 Americans will take over our country
“Theirs was a reign democracy and liberty.”
 “History does not record in its annals any lasting domination by
one people over another, of different races, of diverse usages and
customs, of opposite and divergent ideas. One of the two had to
yield and succumb.”

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