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Grades and marks encourage students

Do you agree or disagree with this statement

In modern era, children have been suffering from a huge amount of pressure
originating from various sources such as education. There has been a debate
over whether marks and grades encourage students to study or not. From my
point of view, I don’t agree

To begin with, grades will make children feel under pressure. Besides, they will
be scolded by their parents in case they don’t have the ability to meet famaly’s
demands. What’s more the grades you receive can obviously assert your current
position in the class. Therefore, bad marks are able to decrease students’s
confidence, they might have a tendency toward feeling embarrassed and self-
deprecating. Consequently, they are capable of losing inspiration or interest to

Likewise, marks is not the only way to evaluate students’s effort. Paying too
much attention to grades, kids won’t have a chance to comprehensively grow up
because social skills are also extremely crucial for them. In spite of the
importance of knowledge, nobody can deny that it is social skills which support
pupils to a stable job with high salary in the future

Moreover, each student has their own talent so it is impossible to judge a kid via
their test result. To demonstrate, kids who are keen on such subjects as music or
art are unable to get high scores in the math exams. It has been proved that EQ
(Emotional quotient) is far necessary than IQ (intelligence quotient). Forcing
childrens to gain mastery of the subjects that they don’t like could easily limit
their creativity, not to mention deprive students of opportunity to purse their

In short, in lieu of giving them meaningless number, it’s an excellent idea for
teachers to help them point out their mistakes, motivate them to try harder at the
next time

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