Team Definitivo

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How a team plays determines success.

Effective teamwork is a paramount aspect of any team's success. However, certain

members have a determined set of qualities, vast experience, and a suitable character. As a
result, this member, who under some specific circumstances can be the leader, becomes
crucial to achieve a team's success. In this composition, I will explore to what extent the role
of this competitor impacts the whole team.

Teamwork is the labor defined as coordination and collaboration with one or more individuals
who share the same goal. Meanwhile, teams can vastly rely on a team individual who is at
the forefront and the face of the congregation. If this member did not exist, the whole team
would crumble and need a new leader to achieve their aim. The team leader holds a crucial
position among the responsibilities that this person needs to carry out it can be highlighted;
fostering a positive attitude between the team athletes and modeling the kind of behavior
they want to see in others.

The effects of teamwork, where every member can rely on each other equally, is exemplified
through the All Blacks rugby team, which has achieved excellence and commitment.
According to the Guinness record, this is the team that has had fewer defeats in the history
of rugby. Their passion has intrinsically linked to the culture of New Zealand. The All Blacks
encourage each member to perform to the best of their capacities. They also help encourage
others; teamwork can be helpful in the long run.

A fairly good example of when a team is crucial to the team is Cristiano Ronaldo with Real
Madrid; he made up the team. In his absence, they were lost and had to reorganize their
lines to regain their precision. Ronaldo's impact was not hindered by his individual
performances, on the field. As he was a vital figure in the dressing room. This is no trifling
matter because it ended up; providing leadership and motivation to his teammates. Ronaldo
was known for his work ethic and forged an example for his teammates to follow. His drive
and determination to win were infectious, creating a winning mentality in the congregation.

To conclude, the team can depend on a specific member of the alinement; due to their ability
to provide direction, support, and guidance. By setting goals and managing conflicts, the
athlete can improve the overall performance of the team. Nevertheless, some teams work
better when they all rely on each other equally.

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