Family History

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Some people argue that we should do research into their family history.

Others, agree with the view that we should focus on the present and future
generations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Dạng bài: Discussion (đây là dạng bài tương đối phổ biến, không quá khó và có
nhiều cách viết đa dạng)

Chủ đề lớn: family history (đây là chủ đề không thường gặp trong bài IELTS
Writing Task 2)

Từ vựng: các từ vựng cần có để viết tốt bài này sẽ nằm trong các chủ đề về:
family, history.

Đánh giá chung, đề này là một đề rất khó, khó là bởi không có quá nhiều idea
khi đang trong tình huống sức ép của phòng thi. Tuy nhiên đề cho 2 ý kiến khá
rõ ràng, với bài này thì ít có khả năng viết lạc đề.


Đối với đề này, chúng ta chỉ cần đơn giản là làm 2 việc sau

Đưa ra các idea về nguyên nhân cho việc we should do research into their
family history – Khá đơn giản là chỉ cần nói tới benefits của việc này là được.
Đưa ra các idea để trả lời cho ý kiến we should focus on the present and future
generations. Nhìn chung có thể đưa ra lợi ích của việc focus on the present and
future, hoặc có thể nói lý do để không thực hiện việc research on family history
là được.


Mở bài cần đưa ra vấn đề của bài và đề cập tới việc sẽ trình bày.

Với dạng bài Discussion, phần thân bài thường sẽ gồm 2 đoạn và trong mỗi
đoạn cần đưa nhiều main idea. Để nắm được cách sắp xếp ý và hướng phát triển
cho dạng thân bài, xem hướng dẫn chi tiết về Thân bài trong IELTS Writing
Task 2.

Thân bài 1 – Body 01

Đưa ra các idea về nguyên nhân cho việc we should do research into their
family history – Khá đơn giản là chỉ cần nói tới benefits của việc này là được.

Thân bài 2 – Body 02

Đưa ra các idea để trả lời cho ý kiến we should focus on the present and future
generations. Nhìn chung có thể đưa ra lợi ích của việc focus on the present and
future, hoặc có thể nói lý do để không thực hiện việc research on family history
là được.


Tóm tắt ý kiến của bài. Người viết nên tóm tắt lại một phần nào đó thông tin
trong thân bài chứ không chỉ tóm tắt lại mở bài để tránh việc bị lỗi repetitive.


Many people think that it we should learn about our forefathers while others
think that it is better to focus on the present and coming generations. In this
essay, I will discuss these two views before reaching my own conclusions.

On the one hand, researching one’s family background brings many

benefits. Firstly, there are many inherited diseases, and research on family
history might identify and prevent or treat the diseases. Second, many people
feel proud when they find that their family is respectable and credible with a
notable family background. It encourages them to keep family’s traditions and
contribute to the society to continuously gain credibility and respectability.
Finally, the research can be conducted simply as a fascinating hobby and can be
a good talking point with family and friends, thereby fostering family

On the other hand, there are some reasons why we should concentrate on the
present and future rather than on the past. The first reason is that
researching family history might reveal some embarrassing facts such as
ancestors’ crime records that make future generations uncomfortable. The
second reason is that many people think that the past cannot be changed, so
instead of wasting time on digging family history, the present and future
should be prioritised. They believed that it is more important that the present
and future generations are and will be admired.

In conclusion, I think that if ones find their interest and the benefits of family
research, they should be able to do it; otherwise, they should focus on the
present and the future.


Many people think that it we should learn about our forefathers while others
think that it is better to focus on the present and coming generations. In this
essay, I will discuss these two views before reaching my own conclusions.

The main reason for and against researching one’s family background is
whether the family history is glorious. If some people find that their family is
respectable and credible with a notable family background, they will be
encouraged to keep their family’s traditions and contribute to the society to gain
more respectability. Others might not have that glory, and researching family
history might reveal some embarrassing facts such as ancestors’ crime records
that make future generations uncomfortable. For them, it is a waste of time to
dig into the past as it cannot be changed, and the present and future should be

However, people who are against family research might ignore the medical and
scientific fact that there are many inherited diseases, and research on family
history might identify and prevent or treat the diseases. Also, they might think
that conducting family research is expensive and time-consuming, but the fact is
that researching family tree can just be a hobby to elders in Vietnamese
families, for example. It can be done simply by collecting old family photos or
talking with older relatives about family stories, thereby fostering family

In conclusion, it is not necessary for everyone to unlocking the mysteries of

their own family history. However, as family research can be seen as a freetime
interest and bring many benefits, I think that it should be done in every family.

Some people argue that we should do research into their family history.
Others, agree with the view that we should focus on the present and future
generations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

ANSWER (8.0+):

It is sometimes considered that people should research about the history of their
relatives, while opponents maintain that resources should rather be used to
address ongoing issues and nurture future generations. This essay will elaborate
on both perspectives and the reasons why I lean towards the latter one.

On the one hand, there are significant benefits of understanding the past of a
family. The foremost one is the possibility of identifying genetic diseases such
as asthma and Down syndrome. Early identification of these inherited health
problems allows timely treatment which can save lives and enhance the quality

of living. Furthermore, family research can forge the bonds between family
members. It is because research findings usually include not only origins of the
family but also stories of sacrifice and endeavour that their ancestors made to
overcome hardship and difficulty. These are likely to evoke a profound sense
of pride and belonging in later generations.

However, priorities should be given to present and coming generations for

several reasons. The most compelling one is the need to address ongoing urgent
issues including accommodation, employment and nourishment. Addressing
these pressing problems will greatly improve people’s living standard,
ultimately filling them with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. In addition,
financial and time resources used for research into history, if invested in
children’s development instead, will greatly benefit families. Specifically, these
adequately-invested children have the potential to become capable and
responsible members who can not only create wealth for themselves but also
support others in the family, which might not be possible if they were neglected
in favour of past research.

In conclusion, both sides of the argument have their own merits. However, I
maintain that people should prioritise the present and future generations given
the urgency of some fundamental problems and the importance of child rearing.
That is why adult members of the family ought to collaborate to devise a
comprehensive plan for a better use of resources to effectively satisfy these
current and important demands.

(Word count: 332)



Ongoing issues Các vấn đề đang diễn ra
The past of a family Quá khứ của một gia đình
Identify genetic diseases Xác định bệnh di truyền
Early identification Phát hiện sớm
Inherited health problems Vấn đề sức khỏe di truyền
Endeavour Nỗ lực
Evoke a profound sense of pride Gợi lên một cảm giác tự hào sâu sắc
Coming generations Thế hệ sắp tới
Pressing problems Vấn đề cấp bách
A sense of fulfillment Một cảm giác hoàn thành
Adequately-invested children Trẻ em được đầu tư đầy đủ

Past research Nghiên cứu trước đây

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