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Bridge between Investor and Business People


Investment in India is a concept based on business purpose. In my project I

will be providing platform to the investors and also connecting the people with
good business concepts. This in turn will evolve how much to invest and where to
invest the money with good returns on investment.
Here providing two forms - one for investors and another one for business
people with contact details. There are situation when the people have excess funds
they will try to park this amount in Banks or Gold. Here, I am exploring the
possibility of investing these excess funds directly to the business connecting the
investor and the business persons.
I am developing the application which will connect the investor and the
business people and vice-versa. I will be charging for usage of my application
from both the ends.
The need for developing this project was to bridge the huge
communicational gap between the business people and investors and also with no
time to contact each other on the common platform.
To overcome these disadvantages, I am developing this platform, like
private based marketing network for creating a venture based organization. I will
get the investors at one place and they can share their investment plans with each
other and contact to the business people.
System Specifications
Software Requirements: -

Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

Back End: PHP, MYSQL

Control End: Angular Java Script

Android Tools:

IDE: android Studio

Android Emulator


PHP Tools:


Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Intel 3

Installed memory (RAM) : 4 GB

Hard Disk : 500 GB

Operating System : Windows 7,8,10 - 64 bit

In the existing system only business ideas is available on a separate
application. Ideas will be provided on any Business irrespective of whichever
business it may be. And there is no proper communication between the investor
and Business people. And we cannot find all the features designed in a single
application. To overcome all this new system has been proposed with advanced
features which results in better usage of the application.

To overcome the drawbacks of existing system new system is being
System Modules
User Module

 Register and login

 View Business Categories

Business People Module

 Register and login

 Post Idea

Investors Module

 Register and login

 View Business Proposal
 Post Investor Proposal

Banker Module

 Register and login

 Post loan details

Business Advisor Module

 Register and login

 Post Information
 View Query
 Post Solution
Module Description
Register Login Module:-
In login module the user, business people, banker, Investors and advisor can
login to the application with the adhaar card and pan card.
Login will be pending, till admin approve the account.

 View Business Details:

User can login to the system and view all business details and innovative
ideas and categories to this system.


 Post Idea:

This people can post their business idea like Business Name, Category,
Company Registration No, and Project life time, Description, Experience,
Skill set and so on. Once the ideas is selected by any of the investors, they
can make the ideas status to private, so that no one will see the ideas.


 View Ideas:

Here investor first studies about business people’s idea or proposal. From
that investor can select the best ideas and hire them.
 Post Proposal:

After completing business people’s proposal investor going to post their

requirement or demands like investment type, amount, category and expected
revenue, skill set and so on.


 Post Loan Details:

Here all banks are post their banks loan and assets details. What are their
offers provide to business people.


 Post Information:
Advisor will recieve many queries regarding business from difference user.
Advistor will answer those queries. Here advisor going to post their advice about

 View Query:
Here user posts their queries to advisor.

 Post Solution:
After receiving user queries advisor can post their solutions or tips to user.

A business proposal is perhaps one of the most critical documents you need
to learn how to write. It is what spells the difference between success and failure,
whether you’re a freelancer or you have a company of your own.
In today’s cut-throat business world, entrepreneurs find themselves spending
hours upon hours submitting business proposals to potential clients, and not get
any results. On the other hand, there are those that are like snipers, able to get the
contract after just submitting one business proposal.
The Basics of a Business Proposal
Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first
understand what it is and learn the basics. A business proposal is a written
document that offers a particular product or service to a potential buyer or client.
There are generally two kinds of business proposals: solicited business
proposals (which are submitted in response to an advertisement published by the
buyer or client) and unsolicited proposals (submitted or given out to potential
buyers or clients even though they are not requesting for one).
Business Proposal vs. Business Plan
Quite often, the terms “business proposal” and “business plan” are used
interchangeably, giving you the impression that they are one and the same. But
they are not.
A business proposal is created to offer a product or service to a buyer or
client. On the other hand, a business plan is a “formal statement of a set of business
goals” and how these would be achieved. The latter is only part of what is included
in a business proposal.
If you’re starting something new and actually need a business plan, click
here to view a list of resources that can help. The secret behind writing a winning
business proposal and one that will just be set aside is the presence of what I call
the 3 Ps: problem statement, proposed solution, and pricing information.
Every project is different. But every winning proposal follows the same
basic structure. Once you understand this structure, you’ll save time and land more
clients. Instead of starting from scratch, you can create a proposal template you can
customize for every project. Things to Remember When Writing a Business
Proposal Now that you know the essentials of a winning business proposal, it’s
time to go ahead and start writing, right? Well, not exactly.
The next part is to be able to find out what to put under the 3 Ps so that you
can develop a business proposal that gets their attention and awards you that
contract. Do Your Research Not all clients and buyers will give you the explicit
details of their wants and needs, especially if you’re submitting an unsolicited
business proposal. Extend your research to include the competitors of your
potential client, and their customers as well. This will ensure that your business
proposal will be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible. You can get
strategic with this by creating a profile of your ideal customer. How old are they?
Where do they live? Where do they hang out online? Personalizing your research
like this will help give you clues about what to say (and how to say it) to resonate
with someone.
Another thing to remember when writing a business proposal is to always
put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients. Doing this will help you provide
information on things that they would most likely ask, such as “Why should we
pay you this much amount for the solutions you’re offering” and “How can these
changes benefit me?”
If you’ve worked with a client before, convincing him or her to hire you on
retainer (an ongoing basis) is one of the most effective ways to increase your
income. Familiarity with your client’s unique needs, work style, and industry are
all powerful motivators to convince them to choose you instead of anyone else.
If you determined that a company or client has certain needs, chances are
others would have done the same. That means that there will be others that have
submitted their respective proposals to the company or client.
That being said, it is important to make sure to highlight your talents,
experience and other qualifications to convince the client why they should choose
you or your company.
For example, if you’re in a visually creative field like graphic design or
video production, you could include a section of your work in the business
proposal. Pictures or designs will help keep potential clients engaged while adding
value to your proposition. If you’re sending it online, try to include videos showing
your work.
When you got all of these, then you’re finally able to start writing your
business proposal. One of the best ways on how to write a persuasive business
proposal is to use a business proposal software.
A lot of people do all the necessary research, but they find themselves
agonizing over every detail of their proposals’ presentation. This causes them to
put off submitting as many proposals as they should.
Business proposal software programs can help you quit procrastinating.
These allow you to write your business proposal without worrying about how they
should be put together and which content you need to include. These programs
contain two kinds of proposal templates that you can use and re-use, depending on
which one you need to write. Proposal software also offers integration with apps
like Zapier, making it easy to fit within your existing work flow.
Templates are a great way to streamline your proposal-writing process while
still leaving room for plenty of customization. You could create a proposal
template for marketing, as an example, with a look and persuasive structure that
any marketing client would find appealing. Then you can just tweak the details
within that framework to accommodate each specific project
In addition to the stored templates, you can create your own proposal
templates with these programs based on previous proposals you’ve created. This
helps you get more productive in the limited time you have available for
submitting proposals, which frees up more of your work days to serve customers
and clients.
Document prepared by the sponsor of a new investment project, or the
management of an existing firm, for prospective investors and/or lenders. It details
(1) nature of the project or business,
(2) its history (if any),
(3) growth potential,
(4) objectives and the amount of finance required to realize them,
(5) promised collateral or security, and
(6) a plan for timely repayment of interest and principal.

As an established Investment network, we have been responsible for reviewing

literally thousands of investment proposals and one of the repeating themes that we
have been asked over and over is to explain the methods that can be employed to
create the perfect investment proposal that will GRAB a business angel
investors interest and have him/her almost demanding to discuss the investment
pitch further!

We have seen seemingly weak business ideas receive alot of investor investor
interest on the day of despatch only because their investment proposal had been
well written and well thought out!

I believe it is possible for all entrepreneurs to write really great investment

proposals (no matter the experience level) – and this article hopes to explore some
of the crucial elements that you should think about whilst crafting your perfect
investment pitch.

I have also taken the liberty of enclosing a sample investment summary that I am
sure will be of great benefit to entrepreneurs looking to create their own investment
proposals but not knowing how to apply some of the points that I will talk about

My main aim with Venture Giant was not only to create a portal that can get
entrepreneurs connected with Angel Investors so as to raise the necessary angel
funding that they require but to also create more and more resources of useful,
actionable articles that can assist entrepreneurs actively to become ‘investment-
ready’ – and this to all in a very reasonably priced environment. From the feedback
we are receiving I am now starting to see more and more entrepreneurs benefiting
from the knowledge and experience that is featured in our News Channel. At the
very least (according to one of the emails I received recently) entrepreneurs are
now demanding more from Angel investors and citing the correct investment terms
when doing so, and this is very encouraging.
As Venture Giant is primarily an angel Investment deal flow service for angel
investors, high net worth individuals and angel syndicates our main aim has always
been to send out the most attractive investment opportunities to our investors that
read well, make sense, and ARE investable.

Ultimately, if the investment proposals we send out to our Investors on Venture

Giant are not up to this standard then we are at a risk of losing active angel
investors that sign up to use our service.
Six points on the perfect investment pitch:

1. The first point I would like to address is that regardless of what you are seeing in
the press and in the media about the recession and shrinking GDP data - there will
always be money out there for businesses that can MAKE money. Always was
there, and will always be there. So your investment proposal must always be
geared towards this important point. So make your proposal sound like it can
actually make money by creating a convincing proposition.

2. Second point to consider when describing your product is to KEEP IT SIMPLE!

I have seen it to many times and it is deeply disappointing for me – an entrepreneur
submits a really good opportunity to our angel Investors, but it turns out to be too
darn complicated!

Yes agreed, it is important to show to a potential angel investor that you know your
stuff – but keep your investment proposal simple.

When investors look through your investment summary they are going to scan
through it - and using jargon rich words like CMS, CRM will inevitably confuse
and put-off most Angel Investors and move them away from your value
proposition! Ignore this advice at your own peril – Use simple words like Software
- not a CRM solution! Online media/advertising instead of PPC campaigns etc.

3. Another major point that I have seen entrepreneurs overlook is what Industry
sector their business is in! Let me give you an example:

‘What industry sector is google in?’

Think about it for one second: Immediate responses will inevitably always be:
Computer, Software, but NO. It’s Advertising! Why? Because 96% of Google’s
revenue comes from advertising! So as an industry sector, you would choose
Internet, and Advertising. You do not want to lose potential investors because you
chose Computers or Software instead of Advertising or Media!

4. Don’t be shy! Talk about your Funding Requirements with no shame! How do
you wish to use the money that you raise? What will you purchase – and why is it
needed? These are all very valuable questions, and they must be addressed in your
investment proposal.

5. Include your background/experience information ONLY if it is relevant to your

business or investment proposal. Do you have complementary skills that will assist
you in running your business and turning it into a success? If so, talk about this. If
not, does your management team have the necessary skills? Talk about this! If not,
then skip it for now!

6. Scalability! Does your business have global appeal? Make sure you include this
if it does! Facebook, Google are scalable globally.

If you would like further in-depth analysis of any of the terms listed above, we
have written entire articles about each aspect of your investment proposal and this
can all be located in Venture Giant’s News channel.
The investment title of your proposal must explain what your business does.
So create a compelling enough title that will position your business to be
understood instantly in the investor’s mind before he/she has even read your
investment proposal! Consider also that the Subject line of the email that is sent
out to our registered angel Investors will include your Investment title. A simple,
catchy, snappy title will ensure that an investor will open his email and read your
entire investment proposal that he receives through Venture Giant. A good title
will also ensure that any other investors browsing through our angel investment
network will be compelled.
The need for developing this project was to bridge the huge
communicational gap between the business people and investors and also with no
time to contact each other on the common platform.

Business Advisor Job Description Whether they are independently employed

or work for a larger company, advisors are called upon to support both new and
established businesses. They analyze a company's business plan and financial
statements to properly advise it about investments, marketing, and potential
funding opportunities. Technology is now able to produce financial reports without
the help of a business advisor, but it is the job of the business advisor to analyze
those reports. !!!Requirements for Becoming a Business Advisor !!Education
Business advisors are required to have a bachelor's degree in business, finance, or a
comparable discipline.
Many business consultants also have a Master of Business Administration
(MBA) and specialize in a specific business area, such as law or marketing. !!Skills
An excellent business sense is one of the most important skills required for
business advisors. More than anything else, advisors must be able to tell a
company how to make a profit, so they must understand the needs of consumers in
order to advise companies on how to meet those needs. Communication skills are
vital, because business advisors are expected to create and maintain client
relations. Because the companies being advised are often under tight deadlines, the
abilities to observe these deadlines and work well under pressure are also useful
skills. Additionally, business advisors must be knowledgeable about current
financial trends, which necessitates some continuing education.
Attending workshops and conferences, for example, will help advisors stay
abreast of new developments and generate optimal advisement. !!!Career
Information According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most
management analysts earned between $60,450 and $109,670 per year as of May
2015. The BLS predicted that the employment of management analysts would
grow by about 14% between 2014 and 2024 (''''). As a business
advisor, you'll analyze the problems and potential risks that a business is facing
and advise them in a manner that will make them more efficient and profitable.
This growing profession is a good fit for problem solvers, people with excellent
communication skills and someone who understands business practices and
marketing trends. A bachelor's degree in business, and sometimes an MBA, is
1. Entry requirements
You’ll need proven experience, like running your own company, and a good
track record in business management.

It may help if you have a business-related degree or professional qualification, but

this isn’t essential. Employers will usually be more interested in your skills and

You’ll also need professional indemnity insurance.

2. Skills required
 You’ll need:
 excellent written and spoken communication skills
 clear, objective and logical thinking
 IT skills
 good organisational skills and the ability to manage several projects at
3. What you'll do
 Your day-to day duties may include:
 looking at clients’ business ideas to see if they have potential
 helping clients to develop business plans
 advising on sources of finance and grants
 helping existing small businesses with problems, like finding ways to
reduce costs or improve marketing
 referring clients to other specialists if necessary
 networking with the business community and enterprise organisations
 monitoring clients’ progress
 running advice workshops and seminars
4. Salary
 Starter: £20,000
 Experienced: up to £30,000
 Highly Experienced: £35,000 or more
If you’re freelance you’ll usually be paid an hourly or day rate. This will
depend on your experience, qualifications and track record.

These figures are a guide.

5. Working hours, patterns and environment
You’ll usually work 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

You might need to attend meetings or networking events in the evenings or at


You’ll see clients at your own office, or travel to see clients at their premises.
6. Career path and progression
You could join the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs, be employed
by a local business support organization or by a national organization.
You could also get involved with community or social enterprises and charities
that support business startups, or do freelance work.
Consultant Peter Block defines a consultant as "someone who has influence
over an individual, group, or organization, but who has no direct authority to
implement changes." He contrasts this with a surrogate manager who is a person
who "acts on behalf of, or in place of, a manager." The key difference is that a
consultant never makes decisions for the individual or group, whereas a surrogate
manager does make decisions.
Accredited Associates are bound by a Code of Ethics that requires the
consultant to only provide “practical advice that works” — by “Analysing as a
Generalist and Solving as a Specialist” — using the skills and experience of a sub-
contracted fellow Associate, thus at all times providing the client with the best
available advice and support.
There is no single qualification to be a consultant other than those laid down
in relation to medical & engineering personnel who have attained this level-degree
in it.
Internationally the accreditation of Management Consultants is overseen by
higher education training and accreditation organizations.
The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI)
was founded in 1987 and has around 50 member institutes covering the globe. The
award of Certified Management Consultant (CMC) status is its internationally
recognized accreditation (in some countries like the US, conforms to ISO/IEC
17024:2003 standards) that is not specific to the technical content of the
consultant's practice. For instance this could be held equally by a Human
Resources (HR) expert or a Chemical Engineer operating as management
consultants in their field(s) of expertise. There are about 10,000 CMCs worldwide.
Chartered Institute of Management Consultants (CIMC) is a not-for-profit
professional body chartered federally under Letters Patent granted by the
Government of Canada. CIMC is also chartered under the Laws of the State of
Delaware, USA. CIMC is also registered with the National Certification
Commission, USA. The CIMC award Chartered Management Consultant Ch.MC
designation as a global management credential.
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) is a Federation
whose members are national associations of Consulting Engineers.
A financial adviser - also called a financial planner - can help you develop
an overall financial strategy for your business. Your financial adviser's job is to
collect detailed information about your financial situation and provide advice on
investing, superannuation, retirement and succession planning, risk management,
insurance and tax.
The Corporations Act 2001 requires financial advisers to hold an Australian
financial services (AFS) licence. You can check a licence using the Australian
Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC's) professional registers for AFS
licensees or AFS authorised representatives.
The term consultant describes a wide range of professionals with different
skills or expertise who can give you advice about specific areas of your business
(e.g. management, IT, human resources, sales and marketing etc.). Consultants
generally work for a consultancy firm or are self-employed.
Consultants working in the same area will have different levels of
experience and knowledge, and will charge different fees, so finding the right
consultant is vital. Searching online directories (e.g. Yellow Pages) for business
consultants will give you plenty of options, but to find the right person for the job
you will need to carefully research their backgrounds, check references, read
reviews and conduct interviews.

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