Npharm Exam 2 Notes

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Exam 2

- Learning nd memory !Associative pairing of 2 event (Stim and resp)
- Coincidence detection (way to open NMDA channel)
- Synaptic plasticity and LTP
- Late and early ltp (hippocampus- learning and memory)
- Tetanic experiment effects (synap trans. Is enhanced)
- Eltp phases- induction, expression- NMDA not in service, AMPA performs
- Receptor TRAFFICKING insertion and internalization (LTD)
- Excitotoxicity- prolonged depolorization (glutamate)
- Cell deaths-
a. Necrosis- from lysis (osmotic swelling/bursting)
b. Apoptosis- young, start in nucleus, lead to DNA breakup
c. necrosis/necroptosis- adults, GLU specific subunit and cellular localization
(synap (GLUN2A- cell survival) and extrasynap (GLUN2B- cell death) receptors)
- Physiology of stroke (Ischemia)
- Penumbra (area of brain), hypoxia (lack of oxygen)
- Inhibitory, GABAergic neurons (interneurons or projecting)
- Synthesis- precursor: Glutamate, Synth enzyme: GAD, Transporter: VGAT/VIAAT,
Release: Calcium Dep, Inactivate: uptake/reuptake by GAT (GAT 3 only found in
- GABA and glutamate released together- for fine tuning postsynap response
- Ionotropic- GABAa receptor- Cl influx, alpha 1 and 2, beta 1 and 2 rs (agonists- GABA
mimetic- hypnotic or sedative for anxiety) (Bicuculine (Competitive) antaginist-convulsant
Picrotoxin- noncomp. convulasnt )
- Inverse agonist (negative allosteric modulator) make rs less active
- Ethanol (alcohol) and benzos need GABA present to be active
- Benzo effects if diff subunits
- BDZ inverse agonist (some found enogenously) and agonist effects
- Exogenous (drugs), endogenous (allosteric modulators)
- Metabotropic- GABAb rs
- Extrasyn. GABAaRS a4 a6 a5 types (NOT benzos) only activate when excess NT-
contribute to sedation
- Anesthetic- GABAaR ligand gated, allosteric modulare channel opening, extrasynaptic
and a5 subunit
- Endogenous neuroseroid- +allosteric modulate at low dose, can open gate directly at hi
dose- can work at any kind of GABAa rs bc non-subunit composition-dependent, reduce
brain excite
- GABAb rs- Metabotropic STUDY YOURSELF
- CHAPTER 9- Drug abuse and addiction
- Dependence- sympt or behav of addiction
- What is addiction defined as?
- Difference between physical and psychological dependence? (addiction)
- DSM5 calls addiction or drug abuse “substance related disorder” and lists 10
- Substance related disorders, use disorder, induced disocrder
- To be disorder- problemaric pattern of use, lead to sig. Impairment or diseases
- # of criteria as mild, moderate or severe
- Gateway theory stage 1- legal to illegal, stage 2- smount, pattern, conseuences (3
periods- preoccupation in anticipation, intoxication and bingeing, withdrawal and neg
- Controlled substance management and schedules
- Addiction potential- affected bby route of drug admin (patch vs inhalation/IV
- Vulnerability- genetic polymorphisms
- Breaking point and self administration (way to test drug-dependent addiction in animals)
- Escalating self administration 3 phases
- Methadone maintenance treatment
- Place conditioning and self maintenance tests
- Electrical self stimulation of brain reward circuit underlying mechanisms
- Relapse, negative reinf, impulsive and compulsive stage (dark side of addiction/anti
reward system)

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