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Architecture Design For Soft Errors

Soft errors are a persistent challenge in modern computer systems. These errors
occur when cosmic rays or other high-energy particles collide with the sensitive
electronic components, causing temporary disruptions in the normal operation.
While individual soft errors may seem harmless, their cumulative effect over time
can lead to significant issues and even system failures.

As technology advances and transistor sizes shrink, the vulnerability to soft errors
increases. Therefore, incorporating architectural designs that can mitigate the
impact of soft errors has become a crucial consideration for modern computer

Architecture Design for Soft Errors

by Shubu Mukherjee (1st Edition, Kindle Edition)
5 out of 5
Language : English
File size : 7401 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Print length : 362 pages


The Importance of Soft Error Resilience

Soft error resilience is essential in applications where reliability and data integrity
are critical, such as aerospace, medical devices, nuclear systems, and financial
institutions. An undetected soft error in these sectors can have severe
consequences, from compromising patient safety to causing financial losses.

By implementing architectural designs that can detect and recover from soft
errors, the overall reliability and dependability of these systems can be improved,
leading to increased trust and reduced risks.

Architectural Design Techniques

1. Redundancy

Redundancy is a widely used technique to improve the reliability of computer

systems. By duplicating critical components or resources, soft errors can be
detected and corrected. This can be achieved through various redundancies,
such as:

Hardware Redundancy: This involves duplicating critical hardware

components, such as processors, memory modules, or storage devices. By
running computations in parallel and comparing results, errors can be
detected and corrected.

Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR): TMR is a popular redundancy technique

where three identical components perform the same computations
simultaneously. The results are then compared, and any discrepancies are
corrected. TMR offers a high degree of fault tolerance and is commonly used
in safety-critical systems.

Data Redundancy: This technique involves storing multiple copies of critical

data. By comparing the redundant copies, errors can be detected and
corrected. However, data redundancy introduces additional storage
requirements and may impact performance.

2. Error-Correcting Codes

Error-correcting codes (ECC) are mathematical algorithms used to detect and

correct errors introduced during data transmission or storage. ECC operates by
adding redundant bits to the data, allowing the receiver to identify and correct any
errors. The additional bits provide enough information to reconstruct the original
data, even if a few bits are flipped due to soft errors.

Several ECC algorithms are available, such as Hamming codes, Reed-Solomon

codes, and BCH codes. The choice of ECC algorithm depends on the target
application, error rate, and desired level of error protection.

3. Checkpointing and Rollback Recovery

Checkpointing is a technique that periodically saves the system's state to a stable

storage medium. In case of a soft error, the system can revert to a previously
saved checkpoint and continue execution from that point onwards. Depending on
the size and complexity of the system, checkpointing can be performed at various
levels, such as process-level, thread-level, or even instruction-level.

Rollback recovery is closely related to checkpointing and involves rolling back the
system's state to a known good state. After a rollback, either a forward recovery
or backward recovery can be applied, depending on the specific application

As computer systems become more complex and vulnerable to soft errors,

designing architectures that can tolerate and recover from these errors is crucial.
By incorporating redundancy, error-correcting codes, and techniques like
checkpointing and rollback recovery, architects can enhance the reliability,
dependability, and resilience of these systems.

While no architectural design can completely eliminate the risk of soft errors,
careful consideration of these techniques can significantly reduce their impact,
ensuring the smooth operation of critical systems in various domains.

Architecture Design for Soft Errors

by Shubu Mukherjee (1st Edition, Kindle Edition)
5 out of 5
Language : English
File size : 7401 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Print length : 362 pages
Architecture Design for Soft Errors provides a comprehensive description of the
architectural techniques to tackle the soft error problem. It covers the new
methodologies for quantitative analysis of soft errors as well as novel, cost-
effective architectural techniques to mitigate them.

To provide readers with a better grasp of the broader problem definition and
solution space, this book also delves into the physics of soft errors and reviews
current circuit and software mitigation techniques. There are a number of different
ways this book can be read or used in a course: as a complete course on
architecture design for soft errors covering the entire book; a short course on
architecture design for soft errors; and as a reference book on classical fault-
tolerant machines.

This book is recommended for practitioners in semi-conductor industry,

researchers and developers in computer architecture, advanced graduate
seminar courses on soft errors, and (iv) as a reference book for undergraduate
courses in computer architecture.

Helps readers build-in fault tolerance to the billions of microchips produced

each year, all of which are subject to soft errors

Shows readers how to quantify their soft error reliability

Provides state-of-the-art techniques to protect against soft errors

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