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Naruto, newborn with his mother Kushina.

Naruto was born on the night of October 10th to Minato Namikaze (the
Fourth Hokage) and Kushina Uzumaki (the second jinchūriki of the Nine-
Tails). He was named after Naruto Musasabi, the protagonist of Jiraiya's first
book, which made the Sannin his godfather.[14] The Third Hokage made
special arrangements for Minato to preserve Kushina's seal containing the
Nine-Tails while she gave birth to Naruto in a remote location, assisted by
midwives and Anbu. A masked man, Tobi, tracked down their location,
however, killed the midwives and Anbu, and captured Naruto, forcing
Minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house.
With Minato gone, Tobi captured Kushina and released the Nine-Tails from
her, using it to devastate Konoha.[15] Minato saved Kushina and left Naruto in
her care before he went to
protect the village,
[16] eventually defeating Tobi
and freeing the Nine-Tails
from Tobi's control.
Returning to Naruto and
Kushina's location, Minato Minato and Kushina protect Naruto from the Nine-Tails.
realised the only way to stop
the Nine-Tails was to seal it within Naruto, believing that his son would
someday need the fox's power to defeat Tobi when he returned. [17] Since the
Nine-Tails' chakra was too immense to be sealed into an infant,
Minato sacrificed his soul to split the fox's chakra in half, sealing the Yin half
within himself and the Yang half within Naruto. After telling Naruto how
much they loved him, Minato and Kushina succumbed to their wounds from
protecting their son from the Nine-Tails and passed away.
Orphaned, and not having anyone else to provide for him, Naruto received
monthly income from the village in order to afford daily necessities. Naruto
grew up not knowing who his parents were, receiving only his mother's
surname, as Hiruzen wanted to protect Naruto from his father's enemies.
[18] Minato's dying wish that Naruto be regarded as a hero was honoured by
the very few who could put aside their pain and losses caused by the
disaster, while the majority of Konoha, however having no knowledge of the
circumstances surrounding his birth, openly ostracised and resented
Naruto for containing the beast that devastated the village and took many
lives; some even viewed Naruto as the Nine-Tails itself. Soon, the Third
Hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the Nine-Tails, hoping that the
younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as their parents did.
[19] However, Naruto's peers emulated their parents' hatred of him, despite
not knowing why. This social isolation caused Naruto to crave
acknowledgement, which he would gain by pulling pranks.
Naruto meets Hinata.
On the day of his enrolment in the Ninja Academy[20] - Naruto first
met Hinata Hyūga, who was being picked on by three bullies. Despite not
knowing her, Naruto immediately came to her defence, but he was
outnumbered and knocked unconscious, and the bullies damaged his red
scarf. When Naruto awoke, Hinata thanked him for helping her and returned
his scarf to him, but he let her keep it. He was unaware that the girl's
growing affection for him began at that moment.[21]
In the Academy, Naruto became a student of Iruka Umino, who acted as a
surrogate older brother to keep him in line
and help him work harder. Naruto also met
his classmate Sasuke Uchiha and tried to
befriend him, since Sasuke was alone as well.
Jealous of Sasuke's skills and popularity,
however,[22] he developed a one-sided rivalry
Naruto and Sasuke in the Academy.
in his pursuit to prove himself just as good
as, if not better than, Sasuke, wishing that someday, Sasuke would accept
him as an equal.[23] Naruto also grew close with the owner of Ramen
Ichiraku, Teuchi and his daughter Ayame, being welcomed as their favourite

Naruto's ninja registration photo.

Naruto is noted as boisterous, exuberant, and unorthodox, quite similar
to Hashirama Senju.[24] He inherited his mother's verbal tic, as he ends his
sentences with "Dattebayo!" (だってばよ!) when emotional. Though he
responds best to competition and is not afraid to ask for assistance, Naruto
is relatively naïve and slow to understand principles or situations. He often
requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp explanations [25] and can
even prove forgetful.[26] Naruto is aware of his faults and admits he acts
strong to mask his embarrassment and frustration about them. [27][28] Despite
his naivety, Naruto can be quite observant, picking up on things others miss
and retaining information casually gathered through conversation. [29]
Growing up as an orphan who suffered years of hatred and social isolation
has influenced Naruto's character in a number of ways: he is heedless to
formality and social standings, addressing certain people with nicknames
instead of honourifics, although by the time of his adulthood, Naruto has
slightly outgrown this trait.[30][31] He has picky eating habits of ramen, his
favourite food; he has a perverted side that manifests as attempts to peep
into women's baths, although these moments are rare. [32] Despite his quirks
and the criticism they earn him, Naruto is said to have a personality that
draws people to him,[33] inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of
genuine kindness that could change a person's world view and thus
built meaningful relationships that he lacked in early life; the Sage of Six
Paths believes Naruto's kindness is a special gift that allows him to
save Kurama from its hatred.[34] Naruto deeply cherishes these bonds and
will go to great lengths to protect them, best seen with Sasuke after his
defection from Konoha. Naruto's time at the Falls of Truth revealed that a
part of him hated the villagers for ostracising him, only to admire him after
he saved them during Pain's Assault. Upon confronting it, he learned to be
at peace with it, willingly becoming greater than what he suffered. [35]
Another of Naruto's prominent traits is his desire for acknowledgement; his
pranks around the village were for people to notice him, even if it meant by
scolding him. Therefore, he dreamed of one day becoming Konoha's
Hokage, the epitome of acknowledgement and respect from everyone in
the village.[36] Knowing his dream is a long, arduous and seemingly
impossible path, Naruto developed his own nindō of never going back on his
word. This life-long philosophy serves as the cornerstone of Naruto's great
self-confidence; he believes he can accomplish any goal with enough hard
work and perseverance, no matter what. This trait guides him in many
aspects of life, such as his promise to bring Sasuke back to Konoha. Over
time, his goal to be Hokage grew from a desire for the acknowledgement of
others to a desire to help and protect the people close to him,
which Tobi attributed to the Will of Fire.[37] His nindō has since been
reinforced by his understanding that shinobi were meant to endure through
hardships.[38] His belief in hard work and perseverance made him detest
shortcuts to achieving, as he disqualified his son from the Chūnin Exams for
using the banned Kote, and expressed disgust at Momoshiki and Kinshiki
Ōtsutsuki for their reliance on harvesting from Chakra Fruits to lazily gain
After the death of his master Jiraiya, talking to his father Minato and
listening to Nagato's tragic story, Naruto grew to understand the
destructive cycle of hatred and he vowed to break it in order to bring true
peace to the world.[40] To that end, his participation in the Fourth Shinobi
World War is not only to protect his friends but also to bear and erase the
world's hatred all by himself. After encountering a reincarnated Itachi
Uchiha, however, Naruto realises that he cannot handle everything alone
and that he must allow his friends to support and fight alongside him. As he
does so in war's climax, his fighting spirit inspires the Allied Shinobi
Forces to join him and keep fighting to end the war as well, ultimately
becoming an example for many people to admire, follow, and believe in. [41][42]

Naruto becomes shy around Hinata.

Naruto first met Hinata Hyūga when they were children, where his open
kindness and courageous spirit earned him her admiration, which grew into
love. On his part, Naruto remained mostly oblivious to Hinata's feelings for
him and even considered her "weird" because of her shyness around him.
However, that change during the Chūnin Exams in Part I when they began
to interact more and support each other, causing Naruto to like her as a
friend.[43] In Part II, as Hinata becomes willing to risk her life to protect
Naruto, he, in turn, sees her as an actively strong person despite his
speechlessness at her love confession. Naruto did grow to love Hinata
subconsciously. Still, he was unaware of it because he kept "fighting" for
Sakura, which was just another way for him to compete with Sasuke.
During The Last: Naruto the Movie, Naruto finally recognises the love that
Hinata has always had for him, causing him to become more bashful and
protective of her, just as she was for him. Realising that she alone has ever
had faith in him and that she has always been there for him, he reciprocates
her feelings and desires to be with her for the rest of his life. This new-
found desire made him willing to make healthier lifestyle choices such as
eating vegetables and reeling in his impulsiveness, something others have
had little success with doing.
As an adult, Naruto becomes wiser and more mature, though he retains
some of his negligence for honourifics.[44] Although he finally achieves his
dream of becoming Hokage, its many tasks would often overwhelm Naruto
to the point of him being unable to spend time with his family. He admits
that part of this stems was from not having grown up with a father himself,
making him unsure of how to interact appropriately with his children.
[45] Naruto also tends to be more responsible in his duties as Hokage than as
a father. Nevertheless, Naruto profoundly loves his family, as he creates
shadow clones to tend to them while he's busy, protects them in times of
danger, spends time with them when he can, and expresses pride in his
children's successes.[39] He adopts Hiruzen's philosophy that everyone in
the village is his family, believing that genuine relationships are made up of
love rather than blood relations.[46] His refusal to give his son any special
treatment due to their blood-relationships, along with the insistence that
the boy professionally addresses him as "Seventh" or "Hokage" while in the
office, is a testament of Naruto's lack of bias and prejudice. [39] Likewise,
even in the face of people close to him committing horrible deeds, Naruto
remains loyal to them, pushing aside his grief enough to see the nature of
what they did.[47] However, after facing Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki and realising
how his overly-committed nature serving the entire village was significantly
affecting his own family's happiness, Naruto came to accept that he needed
to give them more attention. As such, by allowing more help from others,
Naruto was able to enjoy more time with his family, restoring the same
healthy relationship he had with them before he became Hokage.
According to Jiraiya, Naruto strongly resembles his father:[48] he has yellow-
blond, spiky hair and blue eyes, while inheriting the shape of his mother's
eyes and face.[49] His trademark characteristics are the three whisker
markings on his cheeks. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Dan
Katō initially mistook Naruto for Nawaki due to their stark resemblance.
[50] Naruto was rather short for his age during Part I, [51] though he grew to be
taller than Sakura in Part II.[52] Naruto originally wore green goggles on his
forehead, though he discards them upon becoming a genin.

Naruto in Part II (left) and in Part I (right) respectively.

In Part I, Naruto wore an orange and blue jacket with a white collar, a white
swirl with a tassel on the left side, and a red Uzumaki crest on the back. He
also wore orange pants with a shuriken holster on his right knee, blue
sandals, and a blue forehead protector, given to him by Iruka after
graduating from the Academy. In Part II, Naruto wears a more form fitting
outfit after wearing out his original one while training with Jiraiya, [53] with a
T-shirt or mesh armour underneath. While retaining the swirls and orange
pants, the blue pieces of his outfit changes to black: his forehead protector
(which is now longer), sandals, and orange jacket, the black colour showing
more prominence than the blue did originally. During his battle with Pain,
Naruto briefly wore a short-sleeved red coat with a black flame pattern
around the hem and carried a large scroll on his back.
Naruto lost his right arm after the Fourth Shinobi World War, though it is
later replaced by a fully manoeuvrable prosthetic arm made of Hashirama
Senju's cells, wrapped completely in bandages. In The Last: Naruto the
Movie, Naruto grew again to be one of the tallest of his graduating class, cut
his hair short, and wore a black elastic forehead protector. Over his pants
and sandals, he wears a black uniform jacket with an orange zipper and
buttons on the waist and sleeves, which can be folded up at times. He has a
red armband with an Uzumaki crest on his left arm. After becoming Hokage,
Naruto dons a garment similar to his father's: a white cape that has a red
flame pattern around the hem, is held together by a red rope, and has the
kanji for "Seventh Hokage" (七代目火影, Nanadaime Hokage) written
vertically down the back. Underneath this, he wears an orange sweatshirt
with black stripes (reverse in the manga version of Boruto: Naruto Next
Generations), black pants and sandals. He occasionally wears the
traditional Hokage headpiece, but has stopped wearing a forehead
Naruto's combined senjutsu and tailed beast influence over his trademark techniques.
Originally, Naruto was a rather inept ninja, failing to graduate from
the Academy three times. Through sheer determination and training
however, his skills rapidly improved to defeat strong genin like Neji
Hyūga, Gaara, and Kabuto Yakushi, earning acknowledgement from all
the Sannin for his potential.[54] Under various tutelage, Naruto was able
to defeat various members of Akatsuki, ultimately earning praise from
Konohagakure as a Hokage-material hero.[55] Naruto's personally defeated
various reincarnated Kage[56] and jinchūriki during the Fourth Shinobi World
War,[57] with many believing he was the central key to winning the battle. [58]
[59][60] By adulthood, his prowess made him the Seventh Hokage, regarded as
the strongest shinobi in history[61] and having command of
overwhelming jutsu.[62] With the combined might of Sasuke Uchiha, noted as
his only rival in power,[39] they are said to be able to destroy the world.
[63] Together, they overpowered Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki who absorbed Kinshiki
Ōtsutsuki, and pushed Jigen's body to its limit. Overall, he could compete
against if not defeat world-threatening opponents, such as Obito
Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Toneri Ōtsutsuki, and while
fighting at his absolute peak managed to overwhelm Isshiki Ōtsutsuki.
Chakra and Physical Prowess

Naruto sharing Kurama's chakra through physical contact.

As an Uzumaki and a reincarnation of Asura Ōtsutsuki,[64] Naruto has
massive reserves of strong chakra. Even as a child, he had at least four
times the amount of a seasoned Jōnin like Kakashi Hatake,[65] and described
by Karin as "bright and warm".[66] His initial poor control of it was offset by
his sheer reserves,[67] which were large enough to endure three and a half
days of constant battle against several powerful opponents. Only by the
end of his battle against Sasuke did he show exhaustion, and even then
could still fight to a standstill and eventual victory. [68] Naruto's control
improved greatly over time; able to transfer his chakra to others,[69] and
perform one-handed hand seals.[70] Naruto's powerful life-force grants him
an extreme longevity, healing power, stamina, and vitality; [71] this allowed
him to survive the extraction of a tailed beast, though he required aid
from Sakura Haruno to stay alive.[72] Naruto also learned how to
counter genjutsu from Jiraiya, but his ability to do so is limited.[73] In
adulthood, Naruto's chakra is powerful enough to intimidate Kawaki into
submission[74] and destroy high-level barriers simply by releasing a burst of
it.[75] He could repel Shikamaru Nara's Shadow Imitation Technique, a feat
that no one else could do.[63] His chakra, when he combined it with
his son's Vanishing Rasengan, turned it into a gigantic Ultra-Big Ball
Rasengan able to kill the empowered Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki who tried to use
a copy of the technique to defeat his.[76] His chakra reserves were also so
vast that he was able to overload Delta's Absorbing Eye with
a continuous Rasengan-assault and still primed to defeat her.[77]

Naruto attacking Gaara with his Naruto Uzumaki Two Thousand Combo.
While naturally a short-range fighter, Naruto originally was inept at taijutsu,
requiring unpredictable attacks to surprise combat experts like Kiba
Inuzuka and Neji Hyūga.[78][79] He often utilised shadow clones in large if not
massive numbers to simply overwhelm his foes. [80] Although these tactics
resumed later, Naruto becomes much more adept at taijutsu due to Jiraiya's
training.[81] After Fukasaku's tutelage, he could fend off a pair of expert
kenjutsu users.[82][83][84] Two years after the war, Naruto's taijutsu prowess
could best dozens of opponents without shadow clones or enhancements.
[21] As Hokage, his taijutsu could pressure Momoshiki after he had
absorbed Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki.[76] Naruto could even hold off Delta despite
her extreme body modifications, ultimately controlling the pace of the
battle to tire her out and gradually overwhelm her[85] to win despite being in
the defensive.[77] His speed had also increased to the point where he could
effortlessly catch up with Kawaki after he tried to escape from Naruto.
[74] Likewise, in the anime, he is proven very resilient, able to take a point-
blank blast from Kawaki's modifications unfazed.[86]
Body Modifications
After losing his right arm during his final battle with
Sasuke, Tsunade cultured an artificial prosthesis for him using the cells
of Hashirama Senju. As his body and the prosthesis arms are only
connected through his chakra itself he can easily remove and replace them.
[87] After Momoshiki's defeat, Naruto took inspiration from his chakra
absorption technique and had Katasuke Tōno and the Scientific Ninja
Weapons Team modifiy the arm further with mechanical features. With it,
Naruto is able to neutralise and even absorb enemy techniques, though
they have yet to replicate Momoshiki's ability to discharge them as a
Jinchūriki Transformations
Main articles: Jinchūriki Forms, Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and Baryon Mode

Naruto's Version 1 form.

Originally as the jinchūriki of Kurama's Yang half, Naruto had access to
massive reserves of exceptionally powerful chakra, which was at least a
hundredfold greater than Kakashi's.[65] These chakra levels were increased
even further when the Yin half of Kurama was reunited with the Yang half
inside of Naruto. Due to his inheriting his mother's unique chakra capacities
and being Kurama's jinchūriki for essentially his entire life, Naruto's chakra
has properly mixed with the fox's,[88] allowing him to perform several
chakra-taxing techniques unhindered. Originally, he could only access
Kurama's chakra in times of great anger. It enhanced Naruto's abilities, but
the fox's negative influence made Naruto more aggressive. While essentially
remaining himself when accessing a Version 1 state, manifesting four tails
would trigger Version 2 state, which made him lose control and would
gradually turn into even more feral forms, requiring outside assistance to
suppress Kurama's power and regain control, prompting him to avoid
relying on the fox's power whenever possible. By the end of the Fourth
Great Shinobi War, he could access his Version 1 form without any loss in his

Naruto transforming from his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode into his Kurama Mode.
Realising he could not avoid using Kurama's power, Naruto sought to
control it with help from Killer B, a jinchūriki who had fully mastered the
power of Gyūki. Upon succeeding and taking most of Kurama's chakra,
Naruto attained the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, which greatly increased his
physical parameters. Naruto can also detect negative emotions in this
mode, and use Tailed Beast Chakra Arms from any part of his body as he
pleases, as well as form Tailed Beast Balls from them. As he didn't have
Kurama's cooperation, Naruto needed to exercise extreme caution while
using the form, as the chakra exchange could cost him his life. Eventually,
when Kurama acknowledged Naruto's life-long strength of character and
Naruto learned the fox's true name, their new-found friendship granted
Naruto access to its full power, which further increased his physical
parameters and with no drawbacks. This also increased his resilience to
such degrees to the point where he could survive the Ten-
Tails' Tenpenchii and endure Toneri's Golden Wheel Reincarnation
Explosion — which was able to cut the Moon in half — with no visible signs of
damage. This cooperation of Kurama also provides Naruto with an
immediate resistance from genjutsu. Two years later, he
could store Kurama's chakra within his arm to deliver powerful punches
capable of creating massive craters on the Moon and depower Toneri from
his Tenseigan Chakra Mode to his normal state, as well as block the latter's
Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion.
Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode.
Failing to transform into a replica of Kurama at first, Naruto instead
achieved a Tailed Beast Mode in the unique form of a life-sized transparent
avatar of chakra. In it, he could create Tailed Beast Balls and revitalise the
life-forces of any he touches physically or with the avatar, [90][91] heal nearly
any wounds,[39] or grant them temporarily chakra-cloaks.[92] After he
became the jinchūriki of Kurama's complete self, Naruto is able to manifest
the demon fox outside himself for a period akin to summoning, allowing
both to fight as separate entities. During the endgame of the Fourth Shinobi
World War, Naruto received chakra from the other tailed beasts,[93] which
greatly increased his chakra reserves even further and allowed him to
access their unique abilities himself, such
as Shukaku's sand manipulation, Saiken's soap bubble ninjutsu and ability to
emit corrosive liquids, Chōmei's scale powder, or Gyūki's ink creation, and
infuse them into his own techniques. With the infusion of all nine of the
tailed beasts' respective chakra inside of him, Naruto has become a medium
to connect all the tailed beasts to communicate with each other[94] and
made him a human pillar for the power of the Ten-Tails.[95]

Naruto's Baryon Mode.

In the most dire of situations, Naruto is able to access a deep level of
Kurama's power, Baryon Mode. In this state, his facial features become even
more akin to Kurama with nine blazing chakra tails which he can use in a
similar manner to Tailed Beast Chakra Arms to catch and bind opponents or
objects. He also displayed the ability to use these chakra tails to form a
protective shield around something or someone. [96] In a process similar
to nuclear fusion, Naruto's and Kurama's chakra are consumed as raw
materials to produce a new type of energy. When in use, it dramatically
boosts Naruto's reflexes, raw might, and chakra to such extreme levels, able
to surpass Isshiki's capabilities. Because all chakra is connected, the same
power that is produced from bits of their lives also work to reduce the
lifespan of opponents on contact. Due to its extreme energy consumption,
Naruto must remain focused and not waste energy on extraneous thoughts
and actions, to maximise the amount of time he can maintain Baryon Mode.
[97] The drawback of this form is the high chance of death for Kurama from
the extreme strain of this form. Upon Kurama's death from this form, while
Naruto was spared the same fate, he lost access to all of Kurama's chakra
and abilities.[98]
Naruto using the Summoning Technique.
In the Academy, the Sexy Technique was the only technique that Naruto
could perform successfully, which had no practical use other than to shock
people. Later, he learned more advanced and useful ninjutsu from Jiraiya.
This included summoning toads from Mount Myōboku to assist him, and use
them to crush enemies from above. He became skilled in shurikenjutsu, able
to throw weapons quickly and with precision.[99] Naruto's repertoire
expanded to fūinjutsu, where he could store his weapons within scrolls. His
fūinjutsu was further increased upon receiving Gerotora near the start of
the Fourth Shinobi World War.[100] In the anime, Jiraiya taught
Naruto cooperation ninjutsu, combining his techniques with others to
create an even more powerful one.[101] The collaboration techniques he
performed with other individuals typically utilised his own elemental affinity,
such as the Typhoon Water Vortex Technique with Yamato, the Wind
Release: Toad Gun with Gamatatsu, and the Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane
Jet Black Arrow Style Zero with Sasuke. He also learned from Asuma
Sarutobi to flow chakra into his weapons to increase their offensive might.
[102] In the anime, by adulthood, Naruto became able to use the Shuriken
Shadow Clone Technique,[103] and also showed some proficiency with
Shadow Clone Technique

Naruto using the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

See also: Images of Naruto using Shadow Clone TechniqueNaruto's first
trademark technique was the Shadow Clone Technique. While originally
failing constantly with a basic illusionary clone, after briefly studying
the Scroll of Seals, he learned to create shadow clones on a mass scale.
From then on, Naruto's skill with shadow clones blossomed to great heights.
Having unusually high chakra reserves, Naruto could use this technique to
create hundreds of shadow clones and retain large amounts of chakra in
each one with relative ease.[105] He could use them to outnumber or deceive
his enemies, manoeuvre himself in mid-air, transform into weapons, scout
areas, or test an opponent's abilities.[106] During his elemental-affinity
training, learning that the original will gain all the knowledge and
conditioning of a shadow clone right after it dispersed. From this, Naruto
can use his mass scale of clones to drastically speed up his training to gain
years worth of experience in just days. By the time he became Hokage,
Naruto's usage of this technique on mass-scale and prolonged-periods
allowed him to constantly perform multiple simultaneous tasks throughout
the village daily, although he does have a tendency to overexert himself,
leaving him exhausted afterwards.

Naruto using the Rasengan.

Naruto's second trademark technique is the Rasengan. Originally, due to his
poor chakra control, Naruto had to use a shadow clone to form the spherical
shape while he provided the chakra. Over time, Naruto
developed larger versions of the Rasengan and learned how to perform it
faster.[107] During the Fourth Shinobi World War, he learned to use the
Rasengan and its variants unaided with a single hand, or even form one in
both hands simultaneously.[108] He also increased the size of his standard
Rasengan.[109] Naruto had also shown the ability to release the Rasengan as
an energy wave,[21] or as a projectile in the anime.[110] Using senjutsu or
Kurama's chakra, Naruto can
create more powerful and elaborate variations of the Rasengan; using the
latter, he even developed the Super Mini-Tailed Beast Ball, performing it in a
similar manner to the Rasengan. In the anime, usage of his tailed beast
chakra also allows him to instantly perform massive Rasengan without the
aid of his hands and launch in quick successions, similar to a Tailed Beast
Nature Transformation

Naruto simultaneously using Wind and Lava Release.

Naruto's natural affinity is Wind Release. Using shadow clones, one to form
the Rasengan while another infuses the Wind chakra, Naruto could
complete difficult task of producing a Rasengan that is the pinnacle of
shape and nature transformation, something no one before him could
accomplish, including Kakashi and his father. Once adjusting to using
the Wind Release: Rasengan he could expand upon it to produce the Wind
Release: Rasenshuriken. He also created different-sized variations, and
could even use two Rasenshuriken simultaneously. Two years after its
creation, he became skilled enough to form a Rasenshuriken without any
shadow clones and throw it in his base form,[21] a feat which he previously
could only do while using his enhanced modes.
After gaining the Six Paths Senjutsu, Naruto can utilise all basic five nature
transformations, as well as Yin–Yang Release.[112] He could make perfect use
of the latter to revitalise life-forces, heal whomever he touches, and restore
missing organs.[113] After gaining chakra from the respective tailed beasts,
Naruto can also use Shukaku's Magnet Release, Son Gokū's Lava Release,
and Kokuō's Boil Release, able to infuse any of the other elements into is
normal techniques as seamlessly as with Wind chakra. Having an arm made
from Hashirama's cells, Naruto has a possibility to use Wood Release.[114]

Naruto's Sage Mode.

Naruto later trained in senjutsu at Mount Myōboku, which was only possible
due to his high chakra reserves. Unlike Jiraiya, he was able to perfectly
balance natural energy with his chakra, and enter a complete Sage Mode,
symbolised by the orange pigmentation around his yellow eyes, his toad-
like pupils, and no other alterations to his appearance. Using Sage Mode
made Naruto's techniques stronger, enhanced his physical parameters, [115]
[116][117] utilise the Frog Kata taijutsu style,[118] and sense chakra through
advanced enough to identify different signatures from vast distances.
[119] Since Fukasaku was unable to fuse with Naruto and gather natural
energy for him due to Kurama's interference, Naruto had to employ shadow
clones instead to maintain the technique, taking advantage of the clones'
own buildup of natural energy being transferred to the original and let him
use Sage Mode a number of times. However, creating more than five
shadow clones overall would disrupt the focus of the clones gathering
natural energy. The need for this method diminishes over time as Naruto
became capable of entering Sage Mode much faster.[120] However, after
finding unity with Kurama, Naruto overcame this problem and learned to
combine Sage Mode with Kurama's chakra to further enhance his abilities,
such that he could resist Nagato's control and shatter Truth-Seeking Balls.
In later years, having drawn experience from his various events, Naruto
became able to maintain Sage Mode for much longer durations unaided. [121]
Six Paths Senjutsu
Main article: Six Paths SenjutsuNaruto also gained access to the Six Paths
Senjutsu (六道仙術, Rikudō Senjutsu), which allows him to fly and also
manifest up to nine Truth-Seeking Balls, composed of all five basic natures,
use Yin–Yang Release, and imbue them with the Six Paths Chakra. He can
mould the balls into a myriad of shapes, fire them as projectiles and still
control them from distance, or convert them into Tailed Beast Balls and use
them to create Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshurikens capable of destroying the
planetoids generated from Chibaku Tensei. While his shadow clones are
unable to produce Truth-Seeking Balls of their own, Naruto is able to
transfer control of his own to any of his shadow clones.
Six Paths Sage Mode
Main article: Six Paths Sage Mode
Naruto's Six Paths Sage Mode.
With the power given to him by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Naruto gained access
to the Six Paths Sage Mode (六道仙人モード, Rikudō Sennin Mōdo).[5] In this
mode, his pupils take on a cross-like shape — without manifesting the
orange pigmentation around his eyes present in Sage Mode. Going further,
Naruto donned a new Nine-Tails Chakra Mode cloak, which he could access
instantly and maintain much longer than his standard Sage Mode.
[122] Naruto's physical attributes and techniques are further augmented,
[123] to the point where he could dodge attacks that moved at the speed of
light and deflect Truth-Seeking Balls. It also empowers his sensory abilities
to the highest possible level,[124] which allowed him to sense the invisible
shadows of Limbo.

Naruto's Asura Kurama Mode.

Naruto also retained use of his Tailed Beast Mode avatar of Kurama, which
rivalled Sasuke's Rinnegan-empowered Complete Body — Susanoo in size
and power.[125] Using two shadow clones, he could create and combine three
Kurama avatars into a single construct with three faces and six arms, which
is largely reminiscent of Asura's Six Paths: Kunitsukami.[126] This state
allowed Naruto to infuse two massive Rasenshuriken with natural energy
whose destructive capabilities rivalled that of Sasuke's most powerful
jutsu, Indra's Arrow;[127] the resulting explosion from the two techniques
colliding created an enormous cyclone that was visible from outer space. [128]

Naruto reveals himself after disguising as a Wind Release: Rasenshuriken.

While headstrong and often acting without thinking, Naruto's years as a
prankster had given him a cunning imagination that was useful in split-
second decision making, which has repeatedly proved invaluable in battle.
He is a remarkable tactile learner, able to learn better through executing a
task rather than understanding the theory of it. [129][25] Jiraiya also
considered him to have a good gambling instinct. [130] Once seen in action,
even the likes of the Second Hokage revise their thoughts about Naruto's
intellect and instinct in battle.[131] After meeting Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Naruto
gained the innate ability to grasp the nature of chakra and comprehend all
universal things,[132] allowing him to quickly master the new powers he
received. By adulthood he had become a capable teacher, instructing
students at Konoha's Ninja Academy.[133][134] During his fight with Delta,
Naruto showed his ability to think ahead by hiding his power and faking
defeat in order to make Delta drop her guard and reveal her plans, although
Delta was perceptive enough to see through his attempts. Naruto ultimately
was able to find out the weakness of Delta's Shinobi-Ware absorbing eye
and overtax it after seeing it in action repeatedly.[77]
Naruto's most famous mental skill is to deceive his opponents, as he made
effective use of even the most simple techniques to trick the deadliest of
opponents.[135] He could formulate multi-step plans or backup plans in the
thick of battle,[136] and act quickly even when given new information. [137] He
can also seemingly make himself predictable by creating a pattern, only to
throw off his opponent by breaking it. He has even thrown in what others
would call completely useless techniques at powerful opponents to create
an opening for a counterattack.[138] Naruto is rather observant, able to
notice details others may overlook and subsequently take advantage of
them to overcome his opponents.[139] As an adult, Naruto proved to be a
capable teacher in ninjutsu, quickly teaching the basics to Kawaki.

Databook Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Intelligence Strength Speed Stamina

First 2 1.5 1 1 2 2 4

Second 3 2 1 1.5 3 3 4

Third 4 3.5 2 3 3.5 3.5 5

Part I
See also: Plot of Naruto
Prologue — Land of Waves
Main article: Prologue — Land of WavesFailing once again to graduate from
the Academy, a disappointed Naruto is advised by one of his
instructors, Mizuki, to steal the Scroll of Seals and learn a technique from it
in order to graduate. As Naruto struggled to learn the Shadow Clone
Technique, Iruka Umino tracked him down and realised that Naruto was
tricked by Mizuki into stealing the scroll. Mizuki attacked them and told
Naruto about the Nine-Tails sealed within him, claiming that Iruka hated him
because of it. When Iruka risked his life to protect Naruto, however, he saw
through Mizuki's lies and used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to
defeat him, prompting Iruka to happily grant Naruto his graduation from the
Academy. Naruto would later befriend Konohamaru Sarutobi, grandson of
the Third Hokage, and teach him several perverted or useful techniques.
Team 7's group photo.
Naruto was eventually assigned to Team 7, partnered with Sasuke
Uchiha and Sakura Haruno under the leadership of Kakashi Hatake. During
their first meeting, Naruto shared his love of ramen, his hobbies, and his
dream to become Hokage. To test their qualifications, Kakashi gave the
team a bell test, stating that whichever of the three takes one of the two
bells on his person will officially become genin. Instead of hiding like Sakura
and Sasuke, Naruto tried to take the bells from Kakashi by force, only to be
easily defeated, hung upside-down from a tree and tied to a wooden post in
an attempt to steal lunch. After Sakura and Sasuke fail as well, Kakashi
explains that the goal of the test was to use teamwork, to do together what
none of them could do by themselves. He is persuaded to allow them to try
again after lunch, but instructs Sasuke and Sakura not to feed Naruto. They
feed him anyway, needing him in top-form if they're to work together.
Kakashi sees this and, because they care more about the team than
listening to his instructions, allows them all to pass.

Naruto and Sasuke team up against Zabuza.

After a series of uneventful D-rank missions, Naruto is able to secure a C-
rank mission for Team 7: escorting Tazuna to the Land of Waves. Soon after
leaving Konoha, they are attacked by the Demon Brothers. Naruto is
paralysed with fear, forcing Sasuke to step in to disarm them and protect
Tazuna until Kakashi can capture them. Tazuna confesses that assassins
have been hired to kill him but that he couldn't afford the bodyguard detail
he needs. Although the mission is now A-rank in nature - far beyond the
skill of genin - Team 7 decides to continue with it. Angered by Sasuke's
taunting of him, Naruto cuts his hand to bleed out the poison he received
earlier, vowing to never waver again. When they arrive in the Land of
Waves and are confronted by Zabuza Momochi, Naruto is overwhelmed by
the battle between Kakashi and Zabuza before he is knocked aside by
Zabuza's water clone. Remembering his vow, Naruto regained his
confidence and teamed up with Sasuke to free Kakashi from Zabuza's Water
Prison. In the end, Zabuza is seemingly killed by Haku, allowing Team 7 to
escort Tazuna back to his house.
Kakashi finds Zabuza's death suspicious and decides to train the team in
case he returns. He has them perform the Tree Climbing Practice to improve
their chakra control, which will help them against Zabuza. Naruto becomes
frustrated after several failures and asks for advice from Sakura, who
herself mastered it from the start. Now rapidly improving, Naruto competes
with Sasuke to finish the training, each determined to outdo the other. One
day, Naruto encounters Haku (albeit unaware of his true identity) and they
each discussed their dreams and desire to protect those precious to them.
After Haku leaves, Naruto finishes the training with Sasuke but is left
exhausted, so Team 7 leaves him behind the next morning as they resume
their escort duties. Naruto awakens and arrives to assist Team 7 in fighting
Zabuza and Haku, but, unaware of how Haku's Demonic Mirroring Ice
Crystals work, he joins Sasuke within the prison.

Naruto's first use of the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Naruto cannot break free with his shadow clones and Sasuke cannot melt
the ice with his fire. As Haku moves in to kill Naruto, Sasuke uses his body as
a shield to protect Naruto and seemingly dies. Enraged by Sasuke's
apparent death, Naruto unwittingly accesses the Nine-Tails' chakra for the
first time, allowing him to destroy the ice mirrors and defeat Haku, breaking
his mask. Realising his opponent was the boy he met before, Naruto calms
himself. He is asked by Haku to kill him, since he feels of no further use to
Zabuza. Before Naruto can do so, Haku immediately stops him and goes off
to save Zabuza from being killed by Kakashi, sacrificing his own life. When
Zabuza refuses to appreciate this, Naruto angrily scolds him, stating that
Haku gave up his life to save someone precious to him. Touched by his
words, Zabuza, using Naruto's kunai, killed Gatō and many of his henchmen
before he himself dies. Sasuke soon awakens, and when their injuries heal,
Team 7 leaves for home via Tazuna's newly-constructed Great Naruto
Chūnin Exams
Main article: Chūnin Exams

Naruto refuses to give up from the Chūnin Exams.

Team 7 resumes its series of unremarkable missions. For their performance
in the Land of Waves, however, Kakashi decides to enter them in the Chūnin
Exams taking place in Konoha, which greatly excites Naruto. Because
they've only recently graduated from the Academy, the three feel they
must give strong showings to prove themselves. When they enter the exam
hall, the team is met by Rock Lee, who challenges Sasuke to a fight; Naruto
tries to attack Lee in jealousy, but is easily swept aside. The fight is
interrupted by Might Guy, after which Naruto notes that the bandages
around Lee's arms signify his arduous taijutsu training while also mocking
Sasuke for his unability to best Lee.
During the exam's first stage, the participating genin are given a written
test, the goal of which is to cheat without getting caught. Unaware of this,
Naruto struggles to answer the questions, so Hinata Hyūga, who is seated
next to him, offers to let him copy off her paper. Despite the temptation,
Naruto declined Hinata's offer, claiming that he isn't the type to cheat and
that they might be disqualified if they are caught. Before the tenth question
can be given, the genin are presented with the opportunity to forfeit;
Naruto refuses to do so, declaring his refusal to give up and his goal to still
become Hokage. His determination to face the tenth question despite the
potential consequences inspires the rest of the genin to do the same, and
so they pass the first stage. It is later noted that he was the only one to
hand in a blank sheet, though this did not prevent him from passing.

Naruto saves Sasuke from Orochimaru's snake.

For the second phase, teams enter the Forest of Death with the objective of
obtaining a set of two scrolls, one of which they are given at the start.
Naruto becomes separated from his team and is attacked and swallowed by
a giant snake. He manages to kill it and regroups with his frightened
teammates against Orochimaru. Angered by Sasuke's sudden cowardice
and resignation, Naruto engages Orochimaru using the Nine-Tails' chakra,
defeats his giant snake, and taunts Sasuke before
Orochimaru suppresses the Nine-Tails' chakra, rendering Naruto
unconscious. After he awakens, Team 7 continues its search for the second
scroll, which they eventually gain by defeating Team Oboro, allowing them
to pass the second stage.

Naruto defeats Kiba.

In the preliminary matches of the exam, Naruto was pitted against Kiba
Inuzuka and his dog, Akamaru. Believing the match to be an easy victory,
Kiba and Akamaru overwhelmed Naruto with many high-speed attacks, so
Naruto tricks Kiba into knocking Akamaru out of the fight by using
the Transformation Technique, shocking all spectators. Naruto then
disorients Kiba by farting in his face and defeats him with the Naruto
Uzumaki Combo (which he invented from watching Sasuke's Lion Combo).
When Neji and Hinata's match begins, Naruto is enraged by Neji's ruthless
tirade against Hinata and cheers Hinata on to defeat Neji. Although Hinata is
defeated, Naruto wipes up her blood and vows to defeat Neji in the finals.

Naruto meets the Nine-Tails.

During the month of training, Naruto first meets Jiraiya (who knocked
out Ebisu, Naruto's original teacher) and trains under the Sannin to improve
his chakra control. Recognising Naruto as the Nine-Tails' jinchūriki,
Jiraiya removes the seal Orochimaru had placed on Naruto to ease his
control and begins teaching him how to use the Nine-Tails' power
by summoning toads. To accelerate Naruto's slow progress, Jiraiya pushes
him over a cliff, causing Naruto to enter his subconscious and meet the
Nine-Tails. Working past his fear, he bravely demands chakra from it as
"rent" for living in his body. The Nine-Tails complies and Naruto
summons Gamabunta, though he exhausts himself and ends up in
the hospital, where he is visited by Shikamaru Nara. After talking, he and
Naruto stop Gaara from killing Rock Lee in the next room and listen to
Gaara's story of his childhood, which Naruto finds very similar to his own.
Gaara prepares to kill them, but Might Guy intervenes and forces Gaara to
retreat. On the day of the finals, Naruto meets Hinata at the Third Training
Ground and expresses his doubts about his upcoming match with Neji.
Hinata reassures Naruto that he never gave up because he always had the
strength to overcome his own failures, admiring him for it. Reinvigorated,
Naruto thanks Hinata and tells her even though he first thought she was
weird, he now likes her.

Naruto vs. Neji.

Facing Neji in the first match of the finals, Naruto began by creating shadow
clones to overwhelm Neji's with sheer numbers. Deeming Naruto a failure
who could never defeat a genius like himself, Neji easily defeats Naruto's
clones and seals his chakra with Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.
Determined to prove Neji's ideals about fate wrong, Naruto tapped into the
Nine-Tails' chakra and, revitalised, clashed with Neji. When the smoke
cleared, Neji emerges and Naruto lies defeated. This, however, was only a
shadow clone, and the real Naruto burst from the ground beneath Neji,
defeating him with an uppercut. Before he is declared the winner, Naruto
tells Neji that creating clones was once his shortcoming and that Neji needs
to stop believing in inescapable fate. When Sasuke finally arrives for his
match with Gaara, Naruto is envious of Sasuke's improvements, but is
later put to sleep along with most of the audience, commencing the Konoha
Konoha Crush
Main article: Konoha Crush

Naruto saves Sasuke from Gaara.

Sakura wakes up Naruto so they can pursue Sasuke, who was pursuing
Gaara himself. They arrive in time for Naruto to kick Gaara away before he
can kill Sasuke. Partially transformed into Shukaku, Gaara knocks Sakura
unconscious and binds her to a tree, forcing Naruto to battle him, with little
success. Naruto relates to Gaara's painful life as a jinchūriki, but he is not
willing to let anything to happen to Sakura and Sasuke. Determined to
protect his friends, Naruto creates an army of shadow clones to relentlessly
batter Gaara, forcing him to fully transform into Shukaku, to which Naruto
responds by summoning Gamabunta.

Naruto defeats Gaara.

Gaara puts himself to sleep to give control of his body to Shukaku, forcing
Naruto and Gamabunta to figure out a way to end the jutsu. They do so
by transforming into a giant fox (the Nine-Tails in the anime) to restrain
Shukaku, allowing Naruto to awaken Gaara with a solid punch to the face.
Shukaku's influence disappears, but Gaara regains control and traps Naruto
with his sand. Naruto escapes by tapping into the Nine-Tails' chakra, and
headbutts Gaara when he is close enough, destroying Shukaku's form.
Exhausted from the fight, the two leap at each other for one final exchange,
and Naruto punches Gaara, claiming victory.
Naruto and Gaara fell to the ground, unable to move. Slowly crawling
towards Gaara, Naruto explained that he also suffered a painful and lonely
life, but was later saved by having friends. To that end, he will do anything
to protect them, even if it means killing Gaara. Understanding Naruto's true
strength, Gaara retreated with Kankurō and Temari with a new outlook on
life, while Naruto passes out from exhaustion and is returned to Konoha
with Sasuke and a rescued Sakura. A few days later, Team 7 attended
the Third Hokage's funeral.
Search for Tsunade
Main article: Search for TsunadeJiraiya is tasked with finding Tsunade, a
candidate for Fifth Hokage, and convinces Naruto to accompany him by
promising to teach him a technique stronger than Sasuke's Chidori.
Stopping at an inn in Shukuba Town, Naruto was approached by Kisame
Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha of Akatsuki, who intend to capture the Nine-
Tails. When Sasuke shows up and furiously attacks Itachi, Naruto gathers
the Nine-Tails' chakra to help Sasuke, but it is absorbed by
Kisame's Samehada. Jiraiya soon arrives and drives off Itachi and Kisame,
but Sasuke is left mentally and physically damaged by Itachi. Might
Guy appears and takes Sasuke back to Konoha, but not before giving Naruto
a spare green jumpsuit.

Naruto and Tsunade face-off.

To prepare for the next encounter with Akatsuki, Naruto begins learning
the Rasengan, completing two of its three learning steps. Taking a break
from training, Naruto and Jiraiya eventually found Tsunade and her
assistant Shizune at a restaurant. When Tsunade refuses the offer to
become Hokage and insults all who held the title, an angry Naruto
challenged her to a fight and attacked her with an incomplete Rasengan,
only to be easily defeated. Impressed by his progress, however, Tsunade
makes a bet with Naruto: if he can master the Rasengan in a week, he gets
the First Hokage's Necklace; if not, she gets his wallet. Naruto agreed and
spent the week trying to perfect the Rasengan, but has no success and
collapses from exhaustion. Once he recovers, Naruto heads out with Jiraiya
and Shizune to stop Tsunade from meeting with Orochimaru.

Naruto defeats Kabuto.

They arrive to see Tsunade, who never intended to aid Orochimaru, in the
midst of battle with Kabuto Yakushi. When Tsunade is incapacitated, Naruto
fights Kabuto in her place and eventually defeats him with a perfected
Rasengan, which he formed by using a shadow clone. Naruto collapses
almost immediately afterwards, his heart muscles torn by Kabuto, but
Tsunade successfully manages to heal him, gives him the necklace he wins,
and accepts the position of Hokage. After Orochimaru and Kabuto are
defeated, Naruto and the others return to Konoha, Tsunade confidently
believing Naruto would someday become a great Hokage.
Land of Tea Escort Mission
Main article: Land of Tea Escort Mission
Sasuke Recovery Mission
Main article: Sasuke Recovery Mission
Naruto promises Sakura to return Sasuke to Konoha.
Naruto visits a recovering Sasuke at the hospital, but is immediately
challenged to a fight, to which Naruto eventually agrees. The fight escalates
quickly, culminating with Naruto using Rasengan and Sasuke using Chidori.
Kakashi arrives and deflects their attacks into opposing water towers before
they can clash, Naruto unknowingly doing more damage than Sasuke.
Distressed by Sasuke's behaviour, Sakura informs Naruto of the cursed seal
Sasuke received from Orochimaru, though Naruto assures Sakura that
Sasuke would never abandon Konoha for power. Unfortunately, Sasuke
does just that and Naruto joins the Sasuke Recovery Team in order to bring
him back; he promises a tearful Sakura to do so before he leaves. En route
to Sasuke, the team encounters members of the Sound Four, each of which
battles a member of the recovery team, while Naruto engages Kimimaro.
Overwhelmed by Kimimaro's taijutsu skills, Naruto is saved at the last
minute by Rock Lee, who volunteers to fight Kimimaro while Naruto heads
after Sasuke.

Naruto fights Sasuke.

Naruto finally meets Sasuke at the Valley of the End. His pleas for Sasuke to
come back to Konoha and warns him that Orochimaru will take his body, but
his pleadings fall on deaf ears. Naruto starts attacking him, ready to take
him back to Konoha by force if necessary. Undeterred, Sasuke responds by
tapping into his cursed seal and landing a series of heavy blows on Naruto.
It becomes painfully clear to Naruto that Sasuke is fighting with an intent to
kill, so Naruto utilises the Nine-Tails' chakra to overpower Sasuke. Naruto
says that Sasuke is like a brother to him and that he will do anything to
protect that bond. Sasuke vows to sever that bond, but acknowledges
Naruto as an equal by putting on his forehead protector. They continue
trading blows, with Naruto eventually manifesting a fox-shaped cloak and
Sasuke entering his cursed seal's second level. Naruto clashes his Rasengan
with Sasuke's Chidori, and within the dome of resulting energy they trade
final blows: Sasuke punches Naruto and Naruto scratches Sasuke's
forehead protector.

Naruto defeated by Sasuke.

When the energy dissipates, Naruto lies defeated, but Sasuke spares him
and continues his way to Orochimaru, leaving his scratched forehead
protector behind. Kakashi and Pakkun arrive late and failing to retrieve
Sasuke, leave with Naruto. In the hospital, Naruto once again promises
Sakura to bring Sasuke back one day. Soon after, Jiraiya arrived with an
offer to train Naruto for preparation against Orochimaru and Akatsuki in
three years and to give up on Sasuke, as he is no different from Orochimaru.
Naruto accepts Jiraiya's training, but refuses to give up on Sasuke,
satisfying Jiraiya.
Original Anime Arcs
See also: Plot of Naruto

Naruto leaving Konoha.

As in the manga, Naruto later departs with Jiraiya to begin his two and a
half years of training, after making a determined gesture at the Fourth
Hokage's statue. In the anime, this does not happen until about 3 months
later as Jiraiya was occupied with important intel gathering about Akatsuki
for Konohagakure. During the waiting period, Tsunade gives Naruto several
missions with members of the Konoha 11 to keep him busy.

Naruto training with the Big Ball Rasengan.

In the anime, shortly after leaving Konoha, Jiraiya and Naruto discuss the
fact that Naruto will need to learn how to counter genjutsu if he hopes to be
a match against Sasuke the next time they meet. Naruto practises
with Gamariki to dispel genjutsu, but he struggles with it and his chakra
keeps hitting Gamariki, who doesn't appreciate it. Naruto follows Jiraiya to
the Genjutsu Tree Village to try a different approach, but they discover the
village has been taken over by Kandachi.[140] They free the villagers and then
attack Kandachi, who Naruto eventually defeats with his newly-created Big
Ball Rasengan. As they leave afterwards, Jiraiya is pleased by how similar
Naruto is to Minato Namikaze and hugs him, which Naruto is bothered by.[141]
In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths
Main article: In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' PathsTwo years into their
training, Naruto's control of the Nine-Tails' chakra has improved
significantly. Jiraiya tries to give him more access to the Nine-Tails' power
and uses Gerotora to weaken Naruto's Eight Trigrams Sealing Style. Seizing
the opportunity, the Nine-Tails mocked Naruto for his inability to save
Sasuke, using Naruto's negative emotions to force him to enter a version
2 form with four tails. Not in control of his body, Naruto attacks Jiraiya and
nearly kills him before he manages to suppress the Nine-Tails. Naruto has
no memory of what happened and Jiraiya doesn't tell him, instead, shifting
Naruto's training to other pursuits, including keeping his anger in check so
that the Nine-Tails won't flare up again.[142]
Part II
See also: Plot of Naruto: Shippūden
Kazekage Rescue Mission
Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission

Naruto returns to Konohagakure.

Naruto and Jiraiya return to Konoha after two-and-a-half years of training,
where Naruto becomes surprised by Tsunade's newly-formed statue
on Hokage Rock. He greets his old friends afterwards: he gives Kakashi a
copy of Icha Icha Tactics as a gift; he catches up with Sakura, whom he has
become taller than; he gets back into a competition of Sexy
Techniques with Konohamaru Sarutobi, only to be violently reprimanded by
Sakura. Kakashi reforms Team 7 with them and gives them another bell test,
but unlike last time, taking the bells from him is the real objective. As with
last time, Naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins, but
this time it nearly succeeds. Despite their improved abilities, Naruto and
Sakura were still unable to get a bell through conventional means, and it
was only by Naruto's threat to spoil the latest Icha Icha novel that they
distracted Kakashi long enough to take the bells.
While Team 7 tries without success to find a mission to go on that Naruto
won't complain about, word reaches Konoha that Akatsuki has
kidnapped Gaara, the Kazekage. Team 7 is sent to Sunagakure to assist in
rescuing Gaara. On their way to Suna, Naruto explains that Gaara was
kidnapped because he is the jinchūriki of the One-Tail, just as Naruto is the
jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails. Upon arrival in Suna, Naruto defends Kakashi
from Chiyo's assault when she mistakes him for his father. Team 7 gathers
what intel they can on Gaara's kidnappers and leave to go after them; Chiyo
volunteers to escort them since they aren't familiar with the country around
Suna. Naruto promises a recovering Kankurō to rescue Gaara before they

Naruto pummels Deidara.

While en route to an Akatsuki lair, they are confronted by Itachi Uchiha, who
traps Naruto in a genjutsu. Sakura and Chiyo release him, allowing Naruto to
team up with Kakashi and defeat Itachi with a Big Ball Rasengan. The Itachi
is discovered to be an impostor, so they continue to the Akatsuki lair,
meeting up with Team Guy, who takes down the barrier over the entrance
so that Team 7 can get in. They find Gaara's body finds with his
kidnappers, Deidara and Sasori. Deidara flies off with Gaara's body with
Naruto and Kakashi in pursuit, leaving Sasori to Chiyo and Sakura. Naruto,
enraged, makes repeated failed attempts to rescue Gaara before he is
calmed by Kakashi, who uses his new Mangekyō Sharingan to distract
Deidara with Kamui. Naruto retrieves Gaara's body, but seeing it drives him
over the edge: he furiously attacks Deidara and beats him mercilessly into
the ground. Discovering that it was a Clay Clone, Naruto slips into his two-
tailed form in rage, but is restored to normal by Kakashi via the Chakra-
Suppressing Seal.

Gaara awakens, with Naruto by his side.

Deidara escapes, while Naruto and Kakashi regroup with Sakura, Chiyo, and
Team Guy. Sakura attempts to revive Gaara, but the removal of Shukaku has
caused him to die. Naruto breaks down in tears and angrily lashes out at
Chiyo, saying she had no right to make Gaara not only a jinchūriki, but also
lose his life because of it. As atonement and with Naruto's aid, Chiyo
sacrifices her life to revive Gaara; as the jutsu nears completion, Chiyo
voices her faith in Naruto's ability to save Gaara and to become Hokage.
Naruto greets Gaara when he awakens, and a few days later, Teams 7 and
Guy attend Chiyo's funeral in Suna. Before returning home, Naruto and
Gaara shake hands (Gaara using his sand) as a sign of their close
Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission
Main article: Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission

Naruto and Sai's first encounter.

During her fight with Sasori, Sakura learned of an opportunity to meet with
a spy in Orochimaru's ranks in a few days' time, hoping it will lead them to
Sasuke. Kakashi is left bedridden from his fight with Deidara,
so Yamato leads Team 7 as his replacement. Replacing Sasuke on the team
is Sai, whom Naruto actually encounters earlier and dislikes, declaring him
an inferior version of Sasuke. Sai is happy for this distinction and proceeds
to degrade Sasuke for defecting from Konoha, forcing Yamato to use
his Wood Release to break up their fight. Naruto is constantly exasperated
by Sai's lack of empathy and his ridicule of Sasuke, but resolves to work
with Sai if it means saving Sasuke.
Team 7 confronts Orochimaru and Kabuto.
Yamato disguises himself as Sasori and goes to the Tenchi Bridge to meet
the spy while Naruto, Sakura, and Sai hide nearby. The spy, Kabuto Yakushi,
begins telling Yamato about Orochimaru's organisation, but they are
interrupted by the arrival of Orochimaru, who teams up with Kabuto to fight
Yamato, having intended to kill Sasori. Team 7 comes to his aid and
Orochimaru, recognising them, taunts Naruto about Sasuke. Naruto is
enraged and strikes him, using his version 1 form to make his attacks more
devastating. Naruto's rage intensifies as he submits to the Nine-Tails'
influence: he destroys the Tenchi Bridge and eventually advances to
his version 2 form while fighting Orochimaru. Naruto is soon forced back to
the destroyed bridge, where, unable to tell friend from foe, he unknowingly
attacks Sakura when she approaches him.
Yamato restrains Naruto with his Wood Release and suppresses the Nine-
Tails' influence, but its chakra leaves Naruto's body badly damaged. After
Sakura heals him, Naruto wakes up unable to remember what happened, but
is surprised by the devastated landscape. When they realise that Sai is
missing, Yamato reports that he has joined with Orochimaru and Kabuto. On
the way, Yamato secretly takes Naruto aside and tells him that he is the one
who attacked Sakura. He encourages Naruto to use his own strength
instead of the Nine-Tails in order to protect his loved ones. The team
locates Sai, whom Yamato has placed a trace on, at Orochimaru's lair and
capture him. Restrained, Sai asks why Naruto is determined to save him;
Naruto replies that his bond with Sasuke is too precious to be broken and
that he will do anything to protect it. Intrigued, Sai switches sides, helping
them capture Kabuto and then searching the base for Sasuke on Naruto's
behalf. While he's gone, Yamato goes through his belongings and finds
evidence that Sai has been assigned to assassinate Sasuke.

Naruto encounters Sasuke.

When they find Sai, he explains that he truly does want to help retrieve
Sasuke, and in fact has already found him: Naruto and Sakura are
speechless to see Sasuke again. Sasuke reacts with indifference to them,
but Naruto remarks he can't become Hokage without saving his friend. To
demonstrate that they mean nothing to him, Sasuke quickly neutralises
them all. As Naruto struggles to avoid the temptation of using the Nine-
Tails, Sasuke suddenly appears in Naruto's subconscious using his
Sharingan and suppresses the Nine-Tails. He then prepares to kill them, but
is persuaded not to by Orochimaru and leaves without further comment.
Naruto is upset at having failed once more to bring Sasuke home, but is
reminded by Sakura that they need to become stronger and Team 7 returns
to Konoha.

Twelve Guardian Ninja

Main article: Twelve Guardian Ninja (Arc)
Akatsuki Suppression Mission
Main article: Akatsuki Suppression MissionOnce Kakashi is done recuperating in
the hospital, he assembles Naruto, Sakura, and Sai to discuss their failed
mission to retrieve Sasuke. Kakashi believes the best way to match Sasuke
is for Naruto to create a new jutsu. As the training began, Naruto discovers
that his nature is wind and learns to use the wind nature. Ordinarily, such
training would take months or years, but Kakashi advises that Naruto, by
training alongside hundreds of shadow clones can do the same training in a
mere fraction of the time. With Kakashi's instructions and the training
grounds created by Yamato, Naruto quickly masters how to use the wind
nature. The next step is more difficult for him: combining that nature with
the Rasengan.

Naruto defeats Kakuzu.

Like Kakashi and Minato Namikaze before him, Naruto fails several times in
trying to combine his nature with the Rasengan; his frustration evokes the
Nine-Tails' chakra at times, which Yamato suppresses. With further advice
from Kakashi, Naruto finds his solution using two shadow clones: one helps
him form the Rasengan and the other adds his wind nature. When they
receive news that Asuma died in battle with members of Akatsuki, they take
a break to attend Asuma's funeral. Kakashi leaves Yamato in charge of
overseeing Naruto's training so he could help Team 10 avenge Asuma.
Having finished his jutsu, Naruto and Team Yamato went to provide
assistance, arriving in time to save Kakashi and Team 10 from Kakuzu.
Naruto engages Kakuzu alone with his newly-created Wind Release:
Rasenshuriken, though it dissipates on its first use and Naruto is rescued by
Kakashi and Yamato. The technique succeeds the second time, destroying
two of Kakuzu's hearts and putting the last one on the brink of failure.
Kakashi finishes off Kakuzu and they return to Konoha.
The Rasenshuriken injures Naruto's arm after use and he is forbidden to use
the technique ever again. When they visit Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto has a hard
time eating while his arm mends, so Sakura opts to help, before the
responsibility falls to Sai, then to Kakashi. As they leave afterwards, they are
met by Konohamaru, who demonstrates his Sexy: Girl on Girl Technique;
Naruto approves but Sakura is disgusted and violently reprimands him. In
the manga, Konohamaru responds with Sexy: Boy on Boy Technique; Sakura
approves but Naruto is disgusted and violently reprimands him.
Three-Tails' Appearance
Main article: Three-Tails' Appearance
Itachi Pursuit Mission
Main article: Itachi Pursuit MissionNews reaches Konoha that Sasuke has killed
Orochimaru. Realising that this is a good opportunity to try once again to
reunite with Sasuke, Kakashi combines Teams 7 and 8 into an Eight Man
Squad with the mission to find either Sasuke or his assumed target, Itachi.
When they split up to search, Naruto, because he's a target of Akatsuki, is
given a protective escort in the form of Hinata, Yamato, and Bull. Their
group encounters Kabuto, who offers them intel on Akatsuki and its
members, his thanks to Naruto "inspiring" him to overcome Orochimaru
after absorbing his remains. Kabuto then escapes.
Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant
Main article: Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant

Naruto and Itachi converse.

After regrouping and Kiba Inuzuka detects Sasuke's trail, Naruto creates
shadow clones to search the area faster, one of which encounters Itachi.
Itachi repels Naruto's attacks and insists he only wants to talk. He asks
Naruto what Sasuke means to him and what he will do if Sasuke ever moves
against Konoha. Naruto replies that he is Sasuke's brother – a better brother
than Itachi is – and that if Sasuke ever attacks the village he will defend it
without killing Sasuke. Itachi is happy with this answer and gives Naruto
some assistance for this purpose: a special crow that he stores within
Naruto's body. Itachi left, and Naruto continued his search, eventually
finding Sasuke.[143]
As they near Sasuke's location they are intercepted by Tobi of Akatsuki,
who prevents them from progressing and who is invulnerable to their
Fated Battle Between Brothers
Main article: Fated Battle Between BrothersAs the group continually tries to
attack Tobi, he dodges the attacks with ease. Naruto tries several times to
attack him with his Rasengan, but without success. Tobi attempts to use a
hidden jutsu to attack the teams, but fails at it. Eventually, Zetsu comes to
tell him about Sasuke and Itachi's fight. Tobi leaves when he receives news
that Sasuke has killed Itachi, and Teams 7 and 8 try to reach Sasuke before
he does. Unable to find where Tobi has taken Sasuke, they are forced to
return to Konoha.
Six-Tails Unleashed
Main article: Six-Tails Unleashed
Pain's Assault
Main article: Pain's Assault
Naruto mourns Jiraiya's death.
As Naruto contemplated his meeting with Itachi, he was called to
the Hokage Residence to hear sombre news: his master Jiraiya was killed
by Pain, the leader of Akatsuki. Grief-stricken, Naruto blamed Tsunade and
spent the day mourning his teacher's death, depressed that Jiraiya cannot
see him become Hokage. After being comforted by Iruka and Shikamaru,
Naruto helped to decipher Jiraiya's dying message and eventually they
succeed. Understanding that Jiraiya had bought him time for his own fight
with Pain, Naruto went to train with the toads of Mount Myōboku to
learn senjutsu. Naruto trained to harmonise with nature, a process he sped
up by using a limited number of shadow clones. He rapidly progressed
through the training stages and attained a perfect Sage Mode, which Jiraiya
was unable to do. News of Pain's Assault on Konoha reached them, they
began to mobilise for battle.

Naruto arrives to fight Pain.

As Naruto, Fukasaku, Gamaken, Gamahiro, Gamabunta, and Gamakichi were
summoned to the centre of Konoha, the group was confronted by the Six
Paths of Pain, who had just destroyed the village. After destroying
the Asura Path before it could attack Tsunade, Naruto told her to make sure
everyone left the battle to him. After a brief skirmish with Animal Path,
Naruto and the toads defeated the Animal, Preta, and Human Paths before
running out of senjutsu chakra. Naruto revealed that he had two shadow
clones waiting back at Mount Myōboku to revitalise him with natural energy.
Naruto went back on the offensive, dispatching the healed Preta and Naraka
Path before the Deva Path regained its full power. Pain killed Fukasaku and
used the opportunity to capture Naruto, pinning him down to the ground.

Naruto succumbs completely to the Nine-Tails' influence.

With Naruto restrained, Pain opened up his reasons for Akatsuki, their plan
for the tailed beasts, and the peaceful world he wanted to create. Though
Naruto rejected his notion that using a weapon to force peace, he could
offer no alternative. Before Pain could depart with Naruto, he was attacked
by Hinata Hyūga. Declaring her love for Naruto and vowing to protect him,
she continued to fight against Pain before she was subdued and critically
wounded. Believing Hinata to had been killed, an enraged Naruto erupted
into his six-tailed form. Resisting the First Hokage's Necklace's attempted
to quell the transformation and destroying it, the Nine-Tails attacked Pain,
forcing him out of the village to get close enough to his actual body to use
the Chibaku Tensei, trapping Naruto within the small satellite. The
technique was not enough to stop the Nine-Tails, however, as it simply
progressed to eight-tailed form to force its way out of the satellite.
Meanwhile within his subconscious, Naruto was tempted by the Nine-Tails
to open its seal to save him from the pain of not having Pain's answer for
peace. However, before Naruto could, Minato appeared, having left some of
his chakra within the seal in case of an emergency to protect his son.
Overjoyed at meeting his father, but angered that he would condemn him to
life as a jinchūriki, Naruto listened to his father encouraging him, confident
that he would find a way to break the cycle of hatred. After repairing the
seal, Minato disappeared and the newly-inspired Naruto prepared to resume
his battle with Pain.

Naruto defeats Pain.

Confidence restored, Naruto was greatly relieved to learn that not only had
Hinata survived, but nobody was injured during his rampage. After clever
use of shadow clones, Naruto destroyed the Deva Path with a Rasengan,
defeating the last of Pain's Six Paths. Using one of Pain's Black Receivers,
Naruto followed the chakra signal to Nagato and Konan's position.
Confronting Nagato, Naruto listened to Nagato's story that turned him into
Pain and came to understand why he made the actions he did. Despite not
forgiving him, he told Nagato he would not kill him and would instead try to
create the better world that their teacher wished for. Moved by Naruto's
determination to create a better world, Nagato decided to put his trust in
Naruto and sacrificed his own life to revive all the people he had killed in
Konoha. Naruto helped Konan retrieve Nagato and Yahiko's bodies for burial
in Amegakure, and Konan left Naruto a bouquet of paper flowers for him,
symbolising their new alliance.

The village greets Naruto upon his return.

Naruto then created a memorial for Jiraiya and left the flowers and a copy
of The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi by a rock with the kanji
for teacher (師, shi). While the exhausted Naruto walked back to the village,
he was found by Kakashi who carried him the rest of the way. Upon arrival,
Naruto was greeted as a hero by the villagers, his dream of
acknowledgement being realised at last.
Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha
Main article: Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha
Five Kage Summit
Main article: Five Kage Summit

Naruto willingly gets beaten by Karui.

Sakura informs Naruto that Tsunade fell into a coma and that there's
nothing that can be done to bring her out of it. While they talk, they are
approached by Tazuna and Inari, who have come to help rebuild Konoha.
They ask about Sasuke, which Naruto avoids going into detail about so as to
spare them and Sakura a discussion about Sasuke's defection. After Tazuna
and Inari leave, they receive news that Danzō Shimura has become the
next Hokage and that he has ordered Sasuke be killed as a traitor. Naruto
and Sakura approach Sai to ask him how they can convince Danzō to
change his mind, but Sai is unable to
help. Omoi and Karui of Kumogakure overhear them talking about Sasuke
and they ask for information about Sasuke, wishing to kill him for his role in
Akatsuki's capture of Killer B. Naruto leads Omoi and Karui away to spare
Sakura pain, but refuses to reveal anything about Sasuke. Instead, Naruto
allows the Kumo-nin vent their anger by beating him, to which Karui obliges
until Sai stops her and the Kumo-nin retreat.

Naruto unsuccessfully pleas the Raikage to forgive Sasuke.

Recovering later, Naruto asked Yamato and Kakashi to take him to the Land
of Iron, so that he could ask Fourth Raikage to pardon Sasuke. Upon arrival,
the Raikage rejected Naruto's request even with Kakashi and Yamato's
assistance and berated him for defending a criminal. Naruto went to a local
inn to ponder his next course of action, but was soon confronted by Tobi,
who wanted to understand Nagato's change of heart. Naruto ignored the
question and demanded to know about his plans with Sasuke. Tobi told him
about the Sage of the Six Paths, the Uchiha clan, and the truth about
the Uchiha Clan Downfall, all of which now drove Sasuke along a path of
vengeance against Konoha and anyone else who would dare cross his path.
Naruto insisted that he could still get through to Sasuke, but Tobi laughed
and left, saying that Naruto and Sasuke were fated to fight again.
While Naruto was practising his Sage Mode's sensory abilities to locate
Sasuke, he was interrupted by the arrival of Sakura, Rock Lee, Kiba and Sai.
Sakura attempted to dissuade Naruto in his attempts to bring Sasuke back
to Konoha by falsely telling him that she loved him. However, Naruto knew
she was lying and he rejected her confession and her proposal to abandon
Sasuke, stating it had nothing to do with his promise to her. After Sakura's
party left, Sai's ink clone revealed that the rest of the Konoha 11 had decided
to kill Sasuke themselves to prevent another war, while Sakura planned to
kill Sasuke herself, at Sai's unintended insistence. Gaara, who attended
the Five Kage Summit that Sasuke attacked, arrived and revealed Tobi's
declaration of the Fourth Shinobi World War, telling Naruto how they would
be fighting Sasuke to protect Naruto, but he did advise Naruto to consider
for himself what was the right thing to do. After hearing that most of his
friends have turned against Sasuke, who now wanted to unleash his
vengeance on just about everyone, Naruto hyperventilated and passed out.
When he awoke, he was told by Yamato that Kakashi went to stop Sakura
from dealing with Sasuke.

Naruto and Sasuke clash.

Using a shadow clone as a decoy, Naruto escaped from the inn and followed
Kakashi, arriving just in time to save Sakura from being killed by Sasuke. He
tried once more to reason with Sasuke, sympathising with his pain and
acknowledging Itachi's sacrifice. However, Sasuke was unmoved and
declared his resolve to destroy Konoha and sever the Uchiha's connection
to the shinobi world. Naruto then clashed his Rasengan with Sasuke's
Chidori, realising that everything in his life he could have easily gone down
the same path of Sasuke. Despite his jealousy of him, he had come to like
Sasuke and was glad to have met him. Undeterred, Sasuke gave Naruto two
options: kill or be killed; Naruto chose neither. Tobi and Zetsu arrived and
prepared to depart with Sasuke. Naruto resolved that if he and Sasuke were
to battle again, they would kill each other, but he was willing to accept it as
he would shoulder Sasuke's hatred alone. Sasuke vowed to kill Naruto first
and left with Tobi and Zetsu, while Naruto and his teammates returned to
Konoha, with the captive Karin. Naruto explained the situation to his friends
and asked to fight Sasuke alone, determined to get stronger for their
upcoming battle.
Main article: Power (Arc)
Paradise Life on a Boat
Main article: Paradise Life on a Boat
Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown
Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown

Naruto meets with the Great Toad Sage.

As Naruto was about to eat at Ichiraku, he was suddenly summoned back to
Mount Myōboku by Fukasaku. He learns from the Great Toad Sage's fortune
that he would meet an "octopus" and would battle a "young man with
powerful eyes." When Gerotora was summoned to give Naruto the "key" to
the Eight Trigrams Seal, Naruto knew he would need the Nine-Tails' power
for the battles to come and accepted the key. Naruto was sent back to
Ichiraku, where some of the villagers asked for his autograph. Naruto was
unaware that the five Kage were planning to keep him from participating in
the upcoming Fourth Shinobi World War. For his safety, Tsunade gave
Naruto an "S-rank mission" on a remote island in the Land of
Lightning with Yamato, Might Guy, Aoba Yamashiro, and other Konoha-nin
as security.
Once at the island, Naruto met Killer B, the jinchūriki of Eight-Tails, and
requested to train under him after marvelling at B's mastery of his tailed
beast. B refused as he was on vacation, despite Naruto's best efforts to
impress him. However, when Motoi heard Naruto bumped fists with B, he
took Naruto was taken to Falls of Truth, where B trained to control
the Eight-Tails. Following Motoi's instructions, Naruto sat on the platform in
front of the waterfall and closed his eyes to see his true self: Dark Naruto,
who berated Naruto on how quickly the Konoha villagers changed their
opinions of him and exclaimed that the Nine-Tails liked him better. Inside his
mind, Naruto fought his dark self, but found that they were evenly matched.
Breaking out of meditation, Naruto questioned Motoi about B's history in
order to learn how to conquer his inner darkness.

Naruto fights the Nine-Tails.

Naruto reminisced about how B and Gaara changed everyone's opinions
about them and began to doubt if the Konoha villagers sincerely trusted
him. After witnessing B save Motoi from a giant squid and resume their
friendship, an inspired Naruto returned to the Falls of Truth and confronted
Dark Naruto again. With Naruto now having faith in himself, Dark Naruto
began to weaken as he asked what his reason for existing was. Naruto
answered by hugging him, accepted Dark Naruto as a part of him while
thanking him for pushing him to become a better person. Dark Naruto finally
relented and faded. B led Naruto and Yamato to a special room in the secret
temple behind the waterfall, where Naruto was prepared to fight the Nine-
Tails for its chakra. Within his subconscious, Naruto unlocked the seal and
engaged the Nine-Tails in battle using Sage Mode. Though he appeared to
have the upper hand and drain the Nine-Tails' chakra, the fox instantly
planted its own hatred within its absorbed chakra, consuming Naruto.
Naruto meets his mother.
Just before Naruto was completely consumed, the spirit of his
mother, Kushina Uzumaki, appeared. Naruto believed that Kushina was the
Nine-Tails in disguise, earning a hit on the head and an immediate apology
from her, who hoped that he did not inherit her short-temper. Realising
Kushina was his mother, he tearfully hugged her and the love-filled reunion
purged the Nine-Tails' hatred within its drained chakra. With renewed
confidence from hearing the story of his parents, Naruto battled the Nine-
Tails once more. With his mother's assistance, Naruto successfully weakens
the fox long enough to separate it from its chakra. Attaining the Nine-Tails
Chakra Mode, Naruto imprisons the emaciated and infuriated Nine-Tails
within a new, stronger seal, apologising to it as it faded into darkness.
Afterwards, Naruto learned from Kushina about his heritage, the truth
behind the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha, and how his parents gave their
lives to protect him. Naruto told his mother that he could finally understand
what a parent's love felt like and that he didn't blame them for what
happened, instead feeling glad to be their son. As she fades away, Kushina
tearfully hugged Naruto, thanking him for letting her and Minato be his

Naruto attacks Kisame.

In the real world, Naruto demonstrated his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode to B and
Yamato before sensing Kisame Hoshigaki of Akatsuki hidden inside
his Samehada via his negative emotions. When Kisame attempted to escape,
Naruto used his blinding speed to quickly smash Kisame into the wall,
though his foot gets stuck. Yamato helps Naruto out while B pursues
Kisame and they regroup to see Kisame's defeat by Guy. Kisame is
restrained for interrogation, though he breaks free of his confinements
through sheer will and summons sharks inside a water prison to eat him
alive. Shocked by Kisame's suicide, Naruto observes that even those in
Akatsuki fight for their comrades. They examine the intel that Kisame was
trying to send, which turns out to be booby-trapped: they are each caught
in a water prison and are trapped alongside a shark. Another shark,
meanwhile, is able to escape with Kisame's intel. After they escape, Naruto
is tasked with evacuating the giant animals into the Island Turtle's shell and
logging the island's ecology as part of his "official" S-rank mission. He
remains unaware that it is a ploy to keep him away from the war.
Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation
Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation
Naruto senses the war with Sage Mode.
Naruto returned to the Falls of Truth with B to start practising his Nine-Tails
Chakra Mode, specifically learning how to use Tailed Beast Balls. Since
Tailed Beast Balls couldn't be made without the Nine-Tails' cooperation,
Naruto tried to create the Tailed Beast Rasengan as a workaround. While
struggling to balance the jutsu's composition, he sensed a distant source of
the Nine-Tails' chakra. Naruto left the Falls of Truth to investigate and was
met by a contingent of Konoha-nin, amongst them Iruka Umino. Iruka tried
to convince him to go back to his training, but Naruto bypassed them and,
from entering Sage Mode, sensed the ongoing Fourth Shinobi World War.
Naruto became angry that they would try to keep the war a secret from him
and that they wouldn't let him help. Iruka apologised, yet still made an effort
to restrain him. Naruto escaped and found a Self-Repairing Barrier,
preventing him from leaving by himself. B, at Iruka's request, decided to join
him, and together they broke through the barrier.

Naruto states his resolve to the Nine-Tails.

Shortly after, the Nine-Tails pulled Naruto into his subconscious, berating
him for squandering its chakra and calling him naive for thinking he could
stop the war by himself. When the Nine-Tails failed to once again tempt
Naruto with power, the fox went off to claim that his attempt to put an end
to hatred was futile, using his history with Sasuke as proof. Naruto
responded by pinning the fox down, refuting that it was the one who was
being naive and confidently exclaiming he would find a way to deal with
Sasuke and end the war. Before he leaves, Naruto also promises to resolve
the Nine-Tails' own hatred someday, unnerving the fox.

Naruto outpaces A.
On their way to the battlefield, Naruto and B were met by the Fourth
Raikage and Tsunade, both intent on stopping the jinchūriki. B tried to
convince the Raikage to let them go, and when that failed, Naruto tried to
get around them, but the Raikage's Lightning Release Chakra Mode was too
fast for that. The Raikage became increasingly aggressive in his
determination to stop Naruto and B from joining the war effort, going so far
as to threaten to kill Naruto if it would keep Akatsuki from capturing the
Nine-Tails. First B and then Tsunade joined Naruto in arguing to allow them
to fight, which the Raikage relented to once Naruto dodges his maximum
speed. On Tsunade's orders, Shikaku Nara contacted Naruto and informed
him about Akatsuki's White Zetsu Army and the accompanying Impure World
Reincarnations. Naruto and B soon afterwards encountered a squad of
seeming Allied forces, but with his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode's ability, it
allowed him to detect them as disguised Zetsu. He quickly defeated them
and sent shadow clones to various other battlefields to lend assistance.

Naruto fights Nagato.

Naruto and B soon ran into the reincarnated Itachi Uchiha and Nagato. They
greeted Naruto and briefly caught up on what had happened since their
deaths, but were quickly forced to attack by their summoner, Kabuto
Yakushi. Nagato advised Naruto and B on how to counter his jutsu while
Itachi, between his own attacks, recalled the crow he planted in Naruto
during their last meeting. Itachi activated the Kotoamatsukami of the
crow's Mangekyō Sharingan to release himself from Kabuto's influence.
Itachi joined Naruto and B in fighting Nagato, first by neutralising
the Rinnegan Summoning and then saving them from being killed by
Nagato. Nagato, his personality now suppressed, tried capturing them
with Chibaku Tensei, which the three combined efforts to destroy. While
Nagato was distracted by their attack, Itachi sealed him with Susanoo. His
personality restored, Nagato used his last moments to apologise and put his
faith in Naruto. Afterwards, Itachi destroyed the crow, its Kotoamatsukami
too valuable to let fall into the wrong hands. He left to find Kabuto so that
he could end the Impure World Reincarnation, but not before telling Naruto
to let his friends support him and leaving Sasuke's reform to him.

Naruto defeats the Third Raikage.

A shadow clone arrived at the site of the Fourth Division's battle with
various reincarnated Kage. Naruto was able to land a sneak attack on Mū,
allowing the Third Tsuchikage to seal him before he could say anything. The
Tsuchikage went to help Gaara fight the Second Mizukage, leaving Naruto to
fight the Third Raikage along with the other members of the Fourth Division.
Like the Fourth Raikage, the Third was very fast, easily dodging most
attacks. The few attacks that did land had almost no effect, his body's
natural defence was too high, and the Raikage's offences allowed him to
break through every attempt to contain him. When Naruto noticed that the
Raikage had a scar from his fight with the Eight-Tails years earlier, he
contacted it via B to ask how the Raikage received the scar. Upon hearing
the Eight-Tails' answer, Naruto surmises the scar was self-inflicted,
confirming it as he manipulates the Third into piercing his own body. The
Third is sealed and Naruto regroups with the Tsuchikage and Gaara, who
already defeated the Second Mizukage.
As Naruto and B continued onwards, Naruto's shadow clones started
arriving at various locations. In the anime, shadow clones were able to: save
the members of the Sasuke Recovery Team from the reincarnated Sound
Four's Space–Time Technique Formula: Underworld Turnover;
[144] update Tatewaki about the fates of the children he was responsible for
during life, granting him peace and allowing him to return to the afterlife;
[145] run in to Yota, a childhood friend, and giving Yota a chance to play with
him again before releasing himself from the Impure World Reincarnation; [146]
[147][148] assist Omoi in saving the Thundercloud Unit.[149]

Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax

Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: ClimaxShadow clones arrived at all the
remaining battlefields, securing Impure World Reincarnations, weeding out
the Zetsu that had infiltrated the Alliance's ranks, and defeating any other
remaining Zetsu. Victory seemed near when the Sensor Division detected a
new threat near the Fourth Division: Mu, who split himself before his
sealing, and the reincarnated Madara Uchiha. Shocked by this revelation,
they all wondered who the masked man, Tobi, really was. Madara gave them
little time to discuss it and attacked them immediately. He cut swaths
through the Fourth Division's ranks and used his Rinnegan to avoid the
clone's, the Tsuchikage's, and Gaara's counterattack. Wishing to eliminate
them all at once, Madara dropped a meteorite on them.

Naruto receives help from the Nine-Tails.

While the survivors regroup, Madara tried to summon the Nine-Tails.
Although it failed, the fox sensed the attempt and offered some chakra to
help fight Madara, preferring Naruto over the Uchiha. The shadow clone
used the Nine-Tails' chakra to counter Madara's Nativity of a World of
Trees with Big Ball Spiralling Serial Zone Spheres, though the extended
fighting left the clone exhausted afterwards. Madara moved in to capture it,
but was parried by the arrival of Tsunade, the Fourth Raikage, and the Fifth
Mizukage. The Five Kage vowed to deal with Madara themselves and asked
that Naruto should instead focus on defeating Tobi. The clone dispersed
just as the real Naruto converged on Tobi. Naruto and B clashed with Tobi's
reincarnated jinchūriki, styled like a Six Paths of Pain. During the fighting,
Naruto referenced another Madara and asked who Tobi really was. Realising
his lie was exposed, Tobi refused to accept any particular identity, believing
it to be irrelevant. Naruto was not satisfied with this answer and vowed to
break Tobi's mask.
Naruto and B clash with the reincarnated jinchūriki.
B entered Tailed Beast Mode to clear the surrounding forest that was giving
him and Naruto a disadvantage against the reincarnated jinchūriki. He then
tried to seal the jinchūriki, but Tobi had them enter Version 2 forms to
escape at the last second. The increased strength of the jinchūriki caused
difficulties for Naruto and B. Tobi, taking advantage of the situation, nearly
captured Naruto, but was blocked by the arrival of Kakashi and Guy. Their
arrival balanced out the two sides, so Tobi had the Four-Tails and the Six-
Tails enter Tailed Beast Modes as well. The Four-Tails captured Naruto in its
mouth, allowing it to communicate with him. The Four-Tails, introducing
itself with the name Son Gokū, was angered to be controlled by Tobi, but it
doubted Naruto would be any better since humans had always sought to
control it and its fellow tailed beasts. Naruto insisted he was different and
Son Gokū, touched by his desire to help it, told him how to release it from
Tobi's control. Naruto managed to break out of its mouth, locate the black
receiver, and remove it.

Naruto and Kurama unite.

Son Gokū thanked Naruto for his help, but explained that it couldn't actually
be saved, as it was still bound to the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.
Before it was pulled back into the Demonic Statue, Son Gokū gave some of
its chakra to Naruto and wished him luck. Tobi, having lost the use of one
tailed beast, forced the others to enter Tailed Beast Modes so that the
battle could be brought to an end. The Nine-Tails remarked that Naruto
couldn't possibly win without its help. Naruto stated that he was not up for
taking its chakra by force at the moment and that he would figure
something out. However, Naruto's earlier determination to help Son Gokū
moved the Nine-Tails, reminding it of the many selfless things Naruto had
done during his life and the perseverance he always displayed. The Nine-
Tails no longer wanted to oppose Naruto and instead offered to join him as a
partner, asking only that Naruto call it by name: Kurama.

Naruto meets the tailed beasts.

Naruto entered his own Tailed Beast Mode and went to save Kakashi and
Guy, deflecting the other five beasts' Tailed Beast Balls. The Kurama avatar
fought the beasts in close combat, forcing them to combine their Tailed
Beast Balls into one against it. Kurama countered theirs with a single one of
its own Tailed Beast Balls and Naruto then used the avatar's tails to grab
and remove the beasts' black receivers. From the contact, Naruto was able
to interface with the other beasts, who introduced themselves and, like Son
Gokū, gave him portions of their chakra. Tobi recalled the beasts back into
the Demonic Statue and, though irritated, remained confident in his
eventual victory as he faced off with Naruto, B, Kakashi, and Guy. By the
time night fell, however, Tobi was still unable to defeat them. A light
eventually descended on the reincarnated jinchūriki that B had kept
restrained, returning them to the afterlife and signalling that Itachi had
finally defeated Kabuto.

Naruto destroys Tobi's mask.

With his options running out, Tobi deposited the Benihisago and the Kohaku
no Jōhei (which contained portions of Kurama's chakra) into the Demonic
Statue which, combined with a fragment of the Eight-Tails, Gyūki's, chakra
he acquired previously, was enough to start the revival of the Ten-Tails.
Naruto, B, Kakashi, and Guy started focusing on destroying it, but were
constantly stopped by Tobi and his peculiar teleportation and intangibility
abilities. From the fighting, however, Kakashi noticed that Tobi's abilities
were seemingly linked to his own Kamui. To take advantage of this, Kakashi
had one of Naruto's shadow clones attack Tobi and, just as the clone was
about to be destroyed by one of Tobi's attacks, Kakashi used Kamui on it
without Tobi noticing. Naruto then attacked with a Tailed Beast Ball, which
Tobi escaped by retreating to Kamui's dimension. He found the clone
waiting for him there and it destroyed his mask with a Rasengan.
When they saw his face, Guy and Kakashi recognised Tobi as their childhood
friend, Obito Uchiha, whom they'd long thought dead. Obito declined to
explain his actions to them and instead attacked, which attracted Madara,
who escaped the release of the Impure World Reincarnation, to their
location. Seeing Madara, Naruto asked what happened to the Kage, to which
the elder Uchiha replied that they were in bad condition when he left them.
From that and the conversation he overheard between Madara and Obito,
particularly their manipulation of Nagato, Naruto attacked in a rage. Madara
reflected him and then tried to capture him and B so that the Ten-Tails
could be revived in its complete form. Naruto split his attention, he and B
fighting Madara's wood dragon with their Tailed Beast Modes and one of his
shadow clones trying to help Kakashi get over the revelation that Obito was
Naruto with the Allied Shinobi Forces.
Obito tried to convince Naruto of the futility of resistance. Naruto insisted
that protecting his comrades was always worthwhile, no matter how
hopeless things may seem. His words brought Kakashi out of his slump,
enabling him to start fighting Obito on his own, and energised Guy, who
created an opening for Naruto and B to attack the Demonic Statue with a
combined Tailed Beast Ball. The attack came too late, however, and the
Ten-Tails was revived. Naruto, B, Kakashi, and Guy regrouped and
coordinated an attack, but the Ten-Tails was too powerful and Madara and
Obito, once they linked themselves to it, were able to deploy its powers
effectively. Just before they could kill Naruto and the others, the combined
remaining Allied Shinobi Forces arrived to help. Shikaku Nara,
communicating to all of them from the Alliance's headquarters, staged an
offensive to restrain the Ten-Tails. Although it failed, it was effective
enough that Madara and Obito had the Ten-Tails destroy the distant
headquarters, killing Shikaku and everyone else stationed there.

The Allies made individual attacks against the Ten-Tails, but none had any
effect. At the same time, the Ten-Tails started raining wooden skewers all
over the battlefield, killing many. When one was about to hit
Naruto, Hinata shielded him with her body and Neji shielded her with his
own. Dying, Neji collapsed on Naruto's shoulder, asking him to be more
careful in the future since many lives, Hinata's particularly, now depend on
his. With his last breath, he thanked Naruto for calling him a genius all those
years ago. Naruto was deeply distraught by Neji's death, which Obito tried
to use as an example of the needless death that resistance caused and that
could be solved in the new world he wanted to create. Hinata brought
Naruto back to his senses by reminding him of all the people who had given
their lives to protect him and whose memories he would be insulting if he
had given up now. As Naruto thanked her, he took her hand and coated her
with some of Kurama's chakra.

Naruto gives chakra to the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Naruto shared Kurama's chakra throughout the Allied Forces, increasing
their strength and protecting them from harm. They all manoeuvred into a
formation that Shikaku was able to communicate to them before he died
and, taking the form of a bird in memory of Neji, successfully removed the
Ten-Tails from Obito and Madara's control. Forced to fend for themselves,
Obito sought out Naruto, criticising him for wasting his energy protecting
others. Naruto replied that protecting them actually gave him strength,
motivating everyone within earshot. They then sensed the Ten-Tails was
about to attack, which Kakashi tried to stop with Kamui. Obito intercepted
him and they teleported away, leaving the others to endure the Ten-
Tails' Tenpenchii. Kurama's chakra protected everyone, but it faded in the
aftermath; Naruto was left quite beaten up, requiring Sakura to heal him.
When the Ten-Tails attacked with another Tailed Beast Ball, the Allies
mustered what little defence they could. Before it could reach them,
however, the Tailed Beast Ball was suddenly teleported away and Naruto's
reincarnated father, Minato Namikaze, appeared at Naruto's side.

Team 7 reunites.
The First, Second, and Third Hokage arrived soon afterward and, along with
Minato, erected a barrier around the Ten-Tails to confine it. Sasuke arrived
shortly too, at whose request the previous Hokage were reincarnated
by Orochimaru and who now opposed Obito and Madara. Their fellow Rookie
Nine had set aside their differences with Sasuke for the time being and
joined forces in launching an attack against the Ten-Tails' cruft. On Sai's
advice, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all summoned their signature animals
(Naruto calling on Gamakichi) in order to focus directly on the Ten-Tails
itself. Naruto and Sasuke successfully damaged the Ten-Tails' arm with a
combined Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero, but it
merely removed the arm to prevent the flames of Sasuke's Amaterasu from
Before they could attack again, Obito returned, landing on top of the Ten-
Tails head and seemingly about to use the Samsara of Heavenly Life
Technique to restore Madara to life. While everyone focused on stopping
Obito, Naruto couldn't help but notice that the hand seals he was using
were different from what Nagato used. Minato tried to cut Obito down, but
discovered that it was too late as he sealed the Ten-Tails into his body,
becoming its jinchūriki.
Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchūriki
Main article: Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchūriki

Naruto and Sasuke attack Obito.

Obito used his new power to destroy the barrier, forcing the Hokage to put
the energy they were using toward the barrier into the fight instead.
Because they had immortal bodies, they launched the first attack so that
the others could learn what they could about Obito's new abilities, but they
were quickly defeated. Naruto and Sasuke engaged him as well, but were
nearly killed, saved only by Naruto using his chakra arms to link to Minato so
he could teleport them to safety. Just as before, Naruto and Sasuke
combined their attacks, having Minato and the Second Hokage coordinate
teleports so that the attack would connect. Obito's Truth-Seeking
Balls dissipated much of the attack and the damage that he did incur was
quickly regenerated.

Naruto attacks Obito after discovering his weakness.

From the development and some of the previous exchanges, Minato
concluded that Obito was able to neutralise ninjutsu. Gamakichi, wanting to
make some final contribution to the fight before he was forced to return
to Mount Myōboku, attacked with his Starch Syrup Gun. Minato took this
opportunity to try and reason with Obito, reminding him of his former dream
to become Hokage. Obito berated the title and those who had held it, as he
had surpassed them. Naruto was insulted not only because that was a slight
against his father, but also because he hadn't abandoned his dream of
being Hokage like Obito had. The Second Hokage teleported him to Obito
and he attacked with a Rasengan, which successfully damaged Obito;
Naruto noticed that Gamakichi's attack wasn't neutralised and realised
Obito was vulnerable to senjutsu.

Kurama and its jinchūriki join forces.

With a weakness discovered, Obito trapped the Alliance in a barrier and
began charging multiple Tailed Beast Balls that he would use to wipe out
everyone within its confines. Minato noted that he wouldn't be able to
teleport them all away in time, so Naruto came up with a different approach:
he linked his chakra with Minato and remotely restored the Alliance's chakra
cloaks, networking everyone in with Minato's Flying Thunder God
Technique, allowing him to teleport everyone out of the barrier. Minato did
so and was afterwards very proud of his son, saying he wished they had
more time to talk. Naruto replied that it was not necessary since he already
met his mother and that she explained everything. Naruto and Minato each
entered Tailed Beast Modes, with Naruto merging his with Sage Mode in
order to imbue their shared Rasengan with senjutsu. The Second teleported
them to Obito and they attacked, but he blocked it with his Truth-Seeking
A senjutsu-enhanced Naruto and Sasuke attack Obito.
To move ahead with his plans, Obito created a replica of the God Tree, the
first step in performing the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The tree started absorbing
chakra from those nearby until they die, a fate that Naruto nearly
succumbed to until he was saved by the Third Hokage. Obito pointed to the
growing number of casualties as further evidence that Naruto should stop
resisting, an argument that Naruto was increasingly having trouble
ignoring. Sasuke, unmoved by Obito's words, used Susanoo to hack through
the tree and then mocked Naruto for giving up. Naruto was reminded of his
desire to not lose Sasuke or anyone else for that matter and, reinvigorated,
joined Sasuke in the offensive. Although their senjutsu-enhanced Tailed
Beast Mode and Susanoo could compete with Obito, they were individually
unable to defeat him. Obito continued trying to convince Naruto to stop, but
he ignored him.

Naruto and Sasuke slash through Obito.

Sasuke then coated his Susanoo around Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode,
granting the Kurama-avatar a sword and armour. Sensing that it was the
final exchange, Obito created a sword and shield of his own out of Truth-
Seeking Balls. Naruto created a Rasengan in each of the Kurama-avatar's
tails, which his friends from Konoha guide in a coordinated assault to
Obito's shield, destroying it. As soon as Naruto and Sasuke sliced through
Obito with their sword, the tailed beasts then began to emerge from the
Uchiha's body, giving Naruto and the combined Allied Shinobi Forces the
opportunity to pull them out. The tug-of-war for the tailed beasts linked
Naruto's consciousness with Obito's. Naruto reminded Obito of his earlier
claim that he was nobody and set out to prove to him that he was Obito
Uchiha, specifically the Obito Uchiha that Kakashi used to know. Naruto
pointed out their similarities, how both were orphans and that, because of
that, they wanted to be Hokage. Obito agreed that they were similar, but
that was the reason why he has been trying so hard to convince Naruto
that he was right, and insisted that the world he wanted to create was a
better one because his vision of the future was clear, whereas the future of
the current world was ambiguous. Naruto argued that was the point and
that uncertainty, when faced with comrades, was worthwhile, and offered
Obito his hand so that they might see what happened together.
Kurama is extracted from Naruto by Madara.
The Allies successfully removed the tailed beasts from Obito and he fell to
the ground, defeated. Minato and Kakashi insisted that Obito be left to them
while Naruto and the rest of the Alliance should focus on Madara. They did
so, joining forces with the First Hokage against him, but right before he
could seal him, Madara put one final fail-safe into effect: he had Black
Zetsu force Obito to revive him. Madara quickly neutralised the First, fended
off Naruto, Sasuke, and Sai, and then went after the freed tailed beasts.
Naruto entered Tailed Beast Mode and assisted them with fighting him off.
They were initially successful, but when Madara reacquired one of
his Rinnegan, he easily defeated them with Limbo: Border Jail, sealing them
all back into the Demonic Statue, including B's Gyūki and Naruto's Kurama.

Obito transfers his tailed beasts' chakra into Naruto.

The removal of Kurama from his body caused Naruto to pass out and placed
his life in immediate danger. His Uzumaki heritage prevented him from
dying instantly, but he required constant medical attention from Sakura in
order to keep him alive. On the advice of Kurama right before it was
extracted, Gaara took Naruto to Minato so that Minato's portion of Kurama's
chakra could be sealed into him, saving him. Kakashi sent Naruto and Sakura
to Kamui's dimension so that she could continue performing life support
without interruption. Obito soon arrived to help her, having overcome both
Black Zetsu and Madara in order to acquire Minato's half of Kurama and give
it to Naruto, as his form of penance.

Naruto and Sasuke accept Hagoromo's power.

While on the border of life and death, Naruto was met by the Sage of Six
Paths, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. He explained his past conflicts with his
mother, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and the conflicts that emerged between his
sons, Asura and Indra. His sons' conflict had continued through the
centuries, with their chakra reincarnated every generation in new
individuals to fight anew; Naruto was the current reincarnation of Asura,
while Sasuke was the reincarnation of Indra. Naruto was not greatly
surprised, having sensed something like that when he met Sasuke during
the Five Kage Summit. Because of Madara's aims for the world, Hagoromo
asked that he and Sasuke join forces to stop him, a task he was only
encouraged by from the tailed beasts' positive words concerning Naruto. He
gave Naruto the Six Paths Yang Power, half his chakra and Six Paths Sage
Mode to help him in this goal.

Naruto and Sasuke strike Madara.

When Naruto woke up, he had Obito send him back to the real world. There,
he stopped Madara from killing Might Guy and used Hagoromo's power to
stabilise Guy's life force from using the Eight Gates Released Formation.
Surprised by Naruto's sudden increase in power, Madara was hit by
Naruto's Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken, which was fueled by Son
Gokū's chakra and instantly cut down the giant tree Obito created earlier.
When Sasuke arrived, Naruto entered Six Paths Sage Mode and they started
overwhelming Madara. Realising his window was closing, Madara went after
Kakashi and took his Mangekyō Sharingan, using it to follow Obito. Sakura
appeared shortly afterward, sent by Obito so Madara wouldn't kill her. She
could do nothing about Kakashi's eye, so Naruto used Hagoromo's power to
restore the one he lost years ago.

Naruto's clones facing Madara's clones.

Madara soon returned, now having both his Rinnegan and Black Zetsu in
control of Obito's body. Naruto and Sasuke immediately resumed their
attack, but Madara had an easier time with them. He rose into the sky,
raining Chibaku Tensei on them to keep them busy while he projected
the Infinite Tsukuyomi on the world. While Naruto destroyed the remaining
satellite-like constructs, Sasuke shielded him, Sakura, and Kakashi with
Susanoo from the Infinite Tsukuyomi's gaze. He let them out once the
illusion was finished casting and they emerged to find themselves alone,
with the rest of the world being wrapped into Madara's God: Nativity of a
World of Trees. As Madara confronted them and started explaining how he
had saved the world, he was stabbed in the back by Black Zetsu. Black
Zetsu then transferred to Madara's body from Obito's and forced him to
absorb the world's chakra, converting him into a woman that Naruto and
Sasuke recognised as Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.
Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Strikes
Main article: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki StrikesKaguya detected that Naruto and Sasuke
as the reincarnations of Asura and Indra, and also that her son Hagoromo
had given them the power to defeat her. Not wanting to further the damage
the world that their fighting would cause, she shifted them all to one of her
dimensions, placing them above a sea of lava. Sasuke summoned
his hawk Garuda to save himself and Naruto, but ignored Naruto's pleas to
save Sakura, Kakashi, and Obito too since only he and Naruto were vital to
the fight. Kakashi was able to briefly stop their fall, but the heat burned the
scroll he used to save them and it was only Naruto's sudden discovery that
he was able to levitate that saved them from the lava. He left a shadow
clone to hold onto them and engaged Kaguya, creating an opening for
Sasuke to attack.

Kaguya thwarts Naruto and Sasuke's sealing attempt.

Sasuke's attack failed and Naruto must save him from the lava. With their
attacks ineffective and the environment such a hazard, Naruto and Sasuke
discussed what to do. Kaguya appeared behind them and paralysed them,
binding them with Black Zetsu while she started absorbing their chakra.
Black Zetsu took the opportunity to expand on the history earlier given by
Hagoromo, painting Kaguya as the victim of her sons, Hagoromo
and Hamura. Black Zetsu had for centuries been manipulating others
toward the outcome of reviving her, and only then had it finally succeeded.
It encouraged them to bask in the embrace of their oblivion, but Naruto
refused, breaking himself and Sasuke free. Needing to take drastic action,
Naruto used his "ultimate" jutsu: Sexy: Reverse Harem Technique. Kaguya
was so distracted that she was nearly sealed, but she recomposed herself in
time to shift dimensions again, freezing Naruto and Sasuke in place.

Naruto overwhelms Kaguya with shadow clones.

Because Naruto and Sasuke were only a threat to her when together,
Kaguya sent Sasuke to a different dimension while she focused on Naruto.
While Kaguya manipulated the ice dimension against him, his shadow clone
explained to Kakashi, Sakura, and the now-awake Obito that his and
Sasuke's powers were both necessary to defeat her. Obito offered to use his
Kamui to try and explore Kaguya's dimensions to find Sasuke. To give Obito
an opening, Naruto used Naruto Region Combo to overwhelm Kaguya,
forcing her to retreat to another dimension to get her bearings. When she
did so, Obito infiltrated the dimension Kaguya went to with Sakura and the
shadow clone. The shadow clone faced her so that she wouldn't notice
them while they look for Sasuke. Kaguya returned to the ice dimension and
resumed her fight with the army of Naruto's clones. He kept her
preoccupied until Obito returned with Sasuke.
Naruto separates Black Zetsu from Kaguya.
Increasingly frustrated, Kaguya shifted them to another dimension with
powerful gravity to immobilise Naruto and Sasuke while she attacked with
her All-Killing Ash Bones. Kakashi and Obito used themselves to shield the
attack, with Obito then using Kamui to protect Kakashi, leaving Obito unable
to defend himself. Naruto tried to heal the damage to his body, but even
Hagoromo's power couldn't save him. While Sasuke fought Kaguya, Obito
thanked Naruto for reminding him of who he was and made him promise to
become Hokage for both their sakes. Naruto agreed and Obito's body
crumbled. Black Zetsu ridiculed Obito for living an insignificant life and
dying an insignificant death. Enraged, Naruto severed Kaguya's arm, in the
sleeve of which Black Zetsu had been hiding, and then pinned it to the
ground with his Truth-Seeking Balls.

Team 7 defeats Kaguya.

Naruto and his shadow clones attacked Kaguya with Sage Art: Super Tailed
Beast Rasenshuriken. On impact, the tailed beasts' chakra within her began
reacting and Kaguya started losing control of her form. She was able to
reconfigure herself and prepared an Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball to
destroy them. Kakashi interfered, using Susanoo (a last gift from Obito) to
make an opening for Naruto and Sasuke. She tried to escape, but Sakura
punched her to keep her in place, allowing Naruto and Sasuke to trigger Six
Paths — Chibaku Tensei. The tailed beasts were removed from her, Madara
was spat out, and she was entombed in her own dimension. Not wanting
Black Zetsu to scheme for her release again, Naruto made a point to trap it
with her but not before telling it that a spoiled brat like it has no right to
compare itself with the men and women who truly shaped shinobi history.

Minato wishes happy birthday to Naruto.

Team 7 wondered how they would return to their world. Sensing their need,
Hagoromo combined the efforts of the dead Kage to summon them, the
tailed beasts, and Madara back. Hagoromo thanked them for saving the
world, as did the tailed beasts for saving them. Naruto happily greeted to his
original Kurama, asking if it missed him, to which the flustered fox denied.
After Madara died from his ordeal, Naruto met with Minato who, as day
broke, wished him a happy seventeenth birthday. As Hagoromo returned
Minato's and the souls of the other dead Kage to the Pure Land, Minato
voiced his pride in Naruto and promised to tell Kushina everything about
him. The other Kage also gave words of parting, which Naruto tearfully

With all threats gone, Hagoromo explained that the Infinite Tsukuyomi could
be released if Naruto and Sasuke combine their chakra. Sasuke agreed to
this, but first he wanted to kill the Kage and destroy the tailed beasts,
believing both were inhibitive to world peace. When he was unwilling to
back down from his threat, the tailed beasts moved in to stop Sasuke, but
he captured each in their own Chibaku Tensei. Hagoromo recognised that
as a continuation of Indra's feud with Asura, but lacked the time and power
to do anything about it. Sakura tried to reason with Sasuke, but he knocked
her out and left. Naruto followed after him, promising to Hagoromo that he
would bring him around and finally end the centuries-long feud.

Naruto and Sasuke begin their rematch at the Valley of the End.
Naruto and Sasuke ended up at the Valley of the End, where they fought
years ago. Sasuke stated his willingness to bear the world's burdens by
himself and live independently of the past, neither of which Naruto believed
were possible, or at least wise. He tells Sasuke it's impossible to do
everything alone like he plans to, pointing to the missteps Itachi made and
their own successful teamwork against Kaguya. Sasuke replies that he only
wants to remake a better world, one where he can, like Itachi before, be
solely responsible for the difficult decisions that must be made so that
nobody else needs to; this is what he believes a true "Hokage" to be. Naruto
insists he will be Hokage, not Sasuke, because Sasuke is still going against
what Itachi wanted for him and they start fighting.

Naruto and Sasuke's attacks collide.

After a brief exchange of blows reminiscent of their fight years ago, Naruto
and Sasuke started trading punches with their Tailed Beast Mode and
Susanoo respectively. Sasuke chastised Naruto for not attacking with an
intent to kill, but Naruto, like last time, was unwilling to do so, not wishing
for either of them to go without the other. Naruto then clashed his Tailed
Beast Ball with Sasuke's Susanoo-supported Chidori, producing a large
explosion that does noticeable but not debilitating damage to their
respective avatars. Each therefore powered up the avatars, Sasuke by
channelling the captured tailed beasts into his Susanoo and Naruto by
merging his avatar with the avatars of two shadow clones. The two met
attacks once again, creating a giant explosion that stripped away their
avatars and left them with too little chakra to use practically. They instead
resorted to taijutsu, kicking and punching each other into the night.

Naruto and Sasuke's final clash.

As the two battled near exhaustion, Kurama mustered enough chakra for
Naruto to make one last attack, but Sasuke absorbed it. Having expected
this, Naruto delivered a solid punch, finally irritating Sasuke over the endless
repetition of their fight. Kurama gave the last of its chakra to Naruto, who
used it to make a Rasengan to counter Sasuke's Chidori. Both woke up later
to find that much of the Valley of the End had been destroyed, that they
had each lost an arm, and that neither could move. Sasuke reflected that
Naruto had been a constant obstacle to his goals, but that he was also the
only person who never given up on him. Naruto's usual response that they
were friends didn't convince Sasuke since it obviously went beyond, so
Naruto elaborated that he experienced pain if he didn't have Sasuke. Sasuke
was awed, knowing full well that Naruto had experienced various
misfortunes in his life, smiled through all of them, yet would suffer without

Naruto and Sasuke reconnect.

When they woke up the next day, Sasuke admitted defeat for the first time
in his life, as he came to accept that Naruto was just as vital to him as he
was to Naruto. Kakashi and Sakura eventually tracked them down and
Sakura healed them, though she couldn't do anything about their missing
arms. Once they were able to walk, they returned to where the Allied
Shinobi Forces were all trapped still, dispelled the Infinite Tsukuyomi
according to Hagoromo's instructions, and Sasuke released the tailed
beasts. With the war over, Naruto returns to the village, where he attends a
mass funeral for the participants of the war. In the anime, while recovering
from his injuries, Gaara and A approach Naruto and thank him for his effort
during the war. Shikamaru later brings Naruto to the Academy to meet with
Iruka and Kakashi, who is considering on promoting Naruto as a jōnin.
However, because he never got to retake the Chūnin Exams, Naruto has to
complete two years worth of studies, much to his dismay. However, Naruto
is cheered up as Iruka offers to help him.[150]
Blank Period
Naruto and Sasuke part ways.
Months after the war, Sasuke was pardoned for his crimes on the good word
of Naruto and Kakashi (who had been selected to become the Sixth
Hokage). Just before Sasuke left Konoha to wander the world, he was met
by Naruto, who returned to him his forehead protector.
Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky
Main article: Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy SkyNearly a year after the end
of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto and Sai were sent to the Land of
Waves to capture Garyō, leader of the Ryūha Armament Alliance. Once they
located the Alliance's hideout, Naruto launched an assault with multiple
shadow clones; although he was still missing an arm, he had learned how to
perform one-handed hand seals. He easily dealt with most of the Alliance's
members, but was briefly stalled by the Ice Release of Garyō's bodyguard.
Naruto distracted the bodyguard with a shadow clone for long enough to
apprehend Garyō. Garyō tried to convince Naruto that the Alliance was
doing good work by releasing the world from money's corruptive influence.
Although sympathetic, Naruto couldn't abide their terrorist actions and
escaped with Garyō on Sai's bird.
At some point within the next two months, Naruto received a prosthetic
arm to replace the one he lost during the war. While eating at Ramen
Ichiraku one day, he saw Kakashi walking by and asked him when he would
officially take on the responsibilities of Hokage. He tried to convince Kakashi
by listing the many shortcomings of Tsunade, unaware that she was
standing behind him; she angrily knocked Naruto unconscious. Kakashi
finally accepted the Hokage position shortly after the mission involving the
Ryūha Armament Alliance and the Blood Prison. When Naruto learned about
the mission, specifically that he was expressly forbidden from being
informed about it at the time, Naruto started spreading rumours about
Kakashi's relationship with the Blood Prison's new warden, Kahyō. Kakashi
angrily attacked him and then bought him some ramen to apologise.
Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness
Main articles: Shikamaru Hiden (novel) and Shikamaru Hiden (anime)Naruto ran
into Shikamaru early one morning and they discussed their heavy workloads
for the Shinobi Union. Since Naruto's assignments were given to him by
Shikamaru, he took the opportunity to complain. Shikamaru explained that
Naruto, a prime candidate for an eventual Hokage position, needed to get
used to it. Naruto later discussed what Shikamaru had said with Sakura,
having sensed that there was something Shikamaru was keeping from him.
Sakura reminded Naruto of all the work Shikamaru did to prepare Naruto for
becoming Hokage and that it likely had something to do with that. Naruto
was aware of all that Shikamaru did on his behalf, but wondered if he was
worth Shikamaru's trouble.
A few days later, Naruto was approached by Temari, who was worried about
Shikamaru's recent behaviour and now asked where he was. Naruto didn't
know, and was troubled to find that neither did Chōji or Ino. He finally asked
Kakashi, who admitted under pressure that Shikamaru was on a secret
assignment to the Land of Silence. Naruto joined Temari's team
of Suna ninja to go to the Land of Silence to provide assistance to
Shikamaru. They interrogated the locals upon arrival and learned that
Shikamaru had been captured by the Enlightened Ones. They attacked the
prison where Shikamaru was being held and successfully freed him,
enabling him to complete his mission by taking the country's leader, Gengo,
into custody. Afterwards, Naruto demanded that Shikamaru never keep
anything from him again, otherwise their future Hokage—advisor
relationship would be very problematic. Shikamaru agreed and apologised.
While Shikamaru returned to Konoha, Naruto and several other Konoha and
Suna shinobi remain in the Land of Silence to help the country recover from
Gengo's control.
The Last: Naruto the Movie
Main article: The Last: Naruto the Movie

Naruto vs. Toneri's puppets.

During the Rinne Festival, Naruto, being the hero of the village, was
bombarded with gifts from various young Konoha residents. To distract
Naruto from all the attention, Konohamaru invited him over to his
grandfather's storage, where Naruto found a scarf that his mother had
knitted for him before she passed. He happily began wearing the scarf
around the village, treating it as a precious memento. Naruto attempted to
discuss his new-found attention to Hinata over ramen, but it made her
uncomfortable and ran away with embarrassment, much to his confusion
and leading him to chase after her. While looking for her, Naruto stumbled
across a horde of puppets trying to abduct Hinata. After he rescued her,
they were notified that Hinata's sister Hanabi was kidnapped by Toneri
Ōtsutsuki, and were assigned on a team to rescue her.
Kakashi informed the team of the imminent crashing of the moon onto the
Earth, and asked that they do what they can to stop it in case Toneri was
connected in any way. They followed Hanabi's trail and were led into a cave.
While traveling through it, they were caught in genjutsu formed from their
own memories. From seeing events of his own past and some of Hinata's,
Naruto was reminded of her feelings for him and realised that he felt the
same way. Sakura released them from the genjutsu and they continued
with the mission. After the team encountered the Gatekeeper, Naruto
noticed that Hinata was missing and left to find her, only to discover that
she was in a conversation with a disguised Toneri who he quickly defeated.
Hinata wouldn't share what she discussed with the puppet, so Naruto
vowed not to let her out of his sight again. They continued through the cave
and eventually arrived in the moon's interior, which the team then split up
to investigate the surrounding settlement.

Naruto confesses to Hinata.

After the team regrouped, Naruto watched Hinata as she repaired her
ruined scarf. She expressed her concerns that she wasn't doing enough to
save her sister, so Naruto reassured her and also told her how he felt. Toneri
appeared before she could respond, prompting Hinata to give Naruto the
scarf and departed with Toneri. Naruto chased after them, believing Hinata
was being taken against her will. When Hinata did not deny Toneri's
statement about them getting married, Naruto became too shocked to
react. Toneri attacked him, destroying the scarf and leaving him badly
injured. After three days of around-the-clock medical attention from
Sakura, he woke up. Naruto was distraught, believing there was no reason
to go on if Hinata had chosen Toneri. Sakura reassured him that Hinata
couldn't really have feelings for Toneri as she loved Naruto too much, and
had a reason for doing what she did. As his strength returned, Naruto
vowed he would save Hinata and for her to wait for him.

Naruto fighting Toneri.

The team soon infiltrated Toneri's castle and after locating Hinata, Naruto
went after her while the others rescued Hanabi. He arrived in time to
interrupt Toneri's and Hinata's wedding ceremony. Toneri, who
was controlling Hinata, had her attack Naruto, only for him to break his
control and escape with her. Hinata led him to the Tenseigan that was
controlling the moon's decent, which they individually tried to destroy to no
success, but together they succeeded. After regrouping with the others,
Hinata gave Naruto a piece of the scarf she knitted for him, which he
graciously accepted. The team then attempted to flee the castle, but a
furious Toneri appeared and separated the group, which gave him the
opportunity to recapture Hinata. During their intense fight, Naruto managed
to overcome Toneri's new power and overwhelm him by concentrating all
his chakra into his fist and defeated him with a single punch, freeing Hinata
in the process.
Naruto and Hinata kiss.
Toneri tried one final attack, but was unable to control its power, leading to
Naruto to intervene and save him from drifting out into space. Afterwards,
Hinata informed Toneri of Hamura's actual decree and he, regretful about
what he did, allowed the team to return home. As they were returning to
Earth, Naruto reaffirmed his feelings for Hinata and stated that he wanted
to be with her for the rest of his life, much to her happiness, and the two
later shared their first kiss.
Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze
Main article: Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze While
Naruto and Hinata were out on a date in Konoha, they ran into Sakura.
Sensing that Sakura was overworking herself, they invited her to join them,
but she declined.
One day, while Naruto was teaching a class of Academy students how to
spar, he noticed Sakura, who was wandering around Konoha, looking
distressed. Sensing that she needed a distraction, Naruto insisted that she
help him, which took her mind off recent events. As thanks, Sakura
informed Naruto of something she avoided telling him: there were rumours
that Sasuke was trying to destroy Konoha. She didn't believe the rumours
were true, but nobody had been able to get in touch with Sasuke to confirm.
Naruto pointed out that Sasuke must not be worried by these rumours,
otherwise he would respond to the messages he'd been sent. Sakura
thought that was a good point and was put at ease.
When Naruto and Hinata later learned that Sakura had been kidnapped
by Kido Tsumiki, they joined with Kakashi in going to rescue her. On finding
her, however, they discovered that she had already defeated Kido. They
congratulated her on her victory.
Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding
Main articles: Konoha Hiden (novel) and Konoha Hiden (anime)

Naruto and Hinata preparing to be wed.

Naruto and Hinata decided to get married and invited their friends and
family. Because his parents were dead, Naruto asked Iruka to attend as his
father, which Iruka happily agreed to. On the day of the wedding, though,
Naruto kept his real father in his thoughts, looking upon Minato's face on
the Hokage Rock with admiration as he and Hinata were about to walk down
the aisle.
Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise
Main articles: Sasuke Shinden (novel) and Sasuke Shinden (anime)Naruto
appears in the novel.
New Era: Part I
Naruto and Hinata raising their children.
Shortly after their wedding, Naruto and Hinata had a son, and two years
later they had a daughter. In the anime, over the years, Naruto was
constantly busy, leading to him not taking the Chūnin Exams. Despite being
a genin, Naruto was selected to succeed Kakashi and become the Seventh
Hokage.[151] On the day of his inauguration, Boruto accidentally destroyed
Himawari's toy, leading to Naruto stepping in to defend his son from
Himawari's Gentle Fist-strike, but ended up taking the blow instead,
rendering him unconscious. He ended up missing his own inauguration,
forcing Konohamaru to impersonate him during the ceremony.[152] As
Hokage, he hosted a Kage Summit in Konoha, in which Sasuke and Sakura
attended alongside the four Kage and their bodyguards. During the
meeting, Sasuke reported that a threat greater than Kaguya may still exist
somewhere, which Naruto and the other Kage decided to keep the
information between themselves to avoid causing a panic. [153]
Sasuke Retsuden: The Uchiha Descendants and the Heavenly
Main articles: Sasuke Retsuden and Sasuke Retsuden (manga)When Naruto
became afflicted with an unknown illness, Sasuke decided to go to the Land
of Redaku when learning of stories that the Sage of Six Paths had the same
illness and found a cure there. Naruto tried to talk Sasuke out of it, but he
ignored his pleas.
Ultimately, Sasuke, with the help of Sakura and Kakashi, were able to find
the cure, polar particles. Upon recovering, Naruto thanks his friends for their
Academy Entrance Arc
Main article: Academy Entrance Arc

Naruto welcoming the Academy students.

In the anime, Naruto partakes in the entrance ceremony at the Academy,
which leads to him being mortified after Boruto arrives and damages
the Hokage Rock. After the incident, Naruto learns from the Kaminarimon
Company president that Boruto is having a positive impact on his son,
leading to Naruto smiling. Later, as a mysterious presence continues to
cause people in the village to randomly attack the citizens, Naruto decides
to begin an investigation, which uncovers that victims are having their
chakra severely drained to the point of hospitalisation.
Naruto and Hiashi discuss Boruto's training.
In the anime, as the mysterious attack began to happen throughout the
village, Naruto's efforts to uncover the truth began to exhaust him and
being insisted by Shikamaru to go home and rest. Upon arriving, he learned
that Boruto was acting very strange recently. Once confronting his son
about his new attitude, Boruto insisted that he had finally manifested his
Byakugan, leading them to talk to Hiashi. Upon arriving at his household,
Hiashi like Naruto had doubts that Boruto awakened the Byakugan.
Deciding to test Boruto, Hanabi faces Boruto, which concluded that Boruto
hadn't manifested the dōjutsu. Afterwards, Naruto talked with Hiashi about
his grandchildren.

After assigning Sai to investigate the attacks in the village, he returned

home late, and confided in Hinata about his ineptitude in interacting with
his children, believing it to stem from his growing up without parents.
Sometime later, Naruto saved civilians at the Konoha Purification Plant. As
Boruto decided to check on his hospitalised friends, realising that his son
was conducting his own investigation on the attacks, Naruto dragged
Boruto to the surgery room, showing his son what was becoming of the
victims of prolonged rampages. While hoping to sway Boruto into staying
out of this matter, it only strengthened Boruto's resolve. Shino then
appeared, encouraging Naruto to have faith in his son as the teacher
himself was recently saved by Boruto's efforts. While still weary, Naruto
decided to trust Shino's judgement.

While having dinner with his family and Mitsuki, Naruto abruptly departs to
handle a matter involving strange chakra spreading across Konoha. Soon
after, Sai discovered that the culprit behind these attacks was Sumire Kakei.
Naruto learned from Kakashi that Sumire's intention was to unleash
the Gozu Tennō on the village. Later, when Sai found Sumire, she unleashed
the Nue. Naruto soon joined the unit to fend off the creature, but Kakashi
warned Naruto to not get close, having realised that the endgame of this
creature was to amass enough chakra to produce a powerful enough
explosion to destroy the village. While the barrier team worked to keep the
creature at bay, it suddenly teleported away. As Naruto attempted to find
the creature with Sage Mode, Kakashi deduced that the creature worked
differently from normal summonings, existing naturally in its own separate
Naruto meets up with Sasuke.
Upon Sumire turning herself in, Sai and Shikamaru notified him that it's due
to Boruto appealing to Sumire's genuine love of her friends in the Academy,
making Naruto relieved that decided to admit her in the first place. Later, he
informs Boruto that while he must look to the welfare of the entire village
and does not have absolute say, he promises to help Sumire. Ultimately, it
was decided to pardon Sumire and let her return to the Academy. Later,
Naruto sent a clone to meet up with Sasuke, giving him the research on
the Gozu Tennō. Sasuke quickly deduced that this was an attempt on Danzō
to recreate Kaguya's technique. Before Sasuke departs, he asks Naruto to
apologise to Sakura for his continued absence, leading to Naruto feeling
responsible for.
Sarada Uchiha Arc
Main article: Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring

Naruto and Boruto having dinner at Ichiraku Ramen.

In the anime, when Himawari became sick due to a fever, Naruto hurried
home worried about her in which Boruto pointed out that his Hokage cloak
is inside out. When Naruto and Boruto began fighting over what Himawari
should eat, Hinata became angry and kicked them both out of the house
due to them being noisy. Naruto then invited Boruto to eat with him at
Ramen Ichiraku to try to bond with him in which he accepted. As they ate,
Naruto told his son about all the precious memories he had in the shop,
such as being acknowledged by Iruka, hanging out with Team 7, and going
on his first date with Hinata.
On the day of the Five Kage Summit in Konoha, Moegi Kazamatsuri and Udon
Ise notify Naruto that Boruto had vandalised the Hokage Rock. Before
Boruto could do any more damage, Naruto catches and stops him.
Afterwards, he gives his son a lecture about how the whole village is his
family. The ordeal leads to Naruto arriving late to the kage meeting, which
he apologies for.[154]
As Boruto's graduation exam from the Academy was approaching, Naruto
used a shadow clone to help him train. Meanwhile, the real Naruto received
a report from Sasuke about a boy with the Sharingan. After he consulted
with Kakashi about it, Naruto decided to accompany Sasuke to a meeting
with Orochimaru, leaving behind a shadow clone to manage Konoha in his
absence. He made a point to leave the village before Boruto could come to
see him off, though he asked Shikamaru to apologise to Boruto on his
Naruto protecting Sarada and Chōchō from Shin's attack.
While on his way to the rendezvous point, Naruto sensed that he was being
followed by Sarada Uchiha and Chōchō Akimichi. He initially tried to ignore
them, but eventually decided it would be better to confront them than to let
them continue coming after him. When he arrived to speak with them,
however, he found them being attacked by the same boy from Sasuke's
report. Although he was pleased that they were able to hold their own
against their attacker, Naruto decided to get personally involved when he
saw the boy had a Mangekyō Sharingan. The boy could do nothing against
Naruto's Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, so he fled with a creature's space–time
ninjutsu. Because the boy was apparently after Sarada, Naruto allowed
them to come with him so that he could keep them safe.

Naruto comforts Sarada.

While having lunch, Naruto told Sarada about what her father was like
growing up and then informed both Sarada and Chōchō in what ways they
take after their parents. Sarada was not only interested to hear about
Sasuke, but also found she got along quite well with Naruto. As they got
close to where they were supposed to meet up with Sasuke, Sarada used
the bathroom as an excuse to sneek away from Naruto and Chōchō so that
she could see him first. Naruto followed, and, on arrival, was reprimanded by
Sasuke for bringing children with him. Sarada explained that she came
without permission, as she wanted to know if Sakura was her real mother.
Sasuke ignored the question, which only upset her and caused her to storm
out. Naruto tried to comfort her, but his assurances that Sasuke meant well
did not improve her mood. Before he could continue, he sensed the boy's
return and defended Sarada as the boy and his father, Shin Uchiha, attack.
Sasuke assisted in fighting off Shin and his son, but Shin was able
to manipulate Sasuke's sword and used it to stab Naruto. Naruto continued
attacking Shin despite his injury, though tried to use being impaled by the
sword to win sympathy; Kurama ridiculed Naruto for allowing himself to be
stabbed at all, but assured him that it wouldn't kill him. Sakura suddenly
arrived to lend assistance and landed a fatal blow on Shin, forcing Shin to
escape and took Sakura with him. Unable to detect where Shin had taken
Sakura, they continued to Orochimaru's lair. Orochimaru informed them that
Shin was an old experiment of his that he since lost control of. Naruto
noticed Sarada sneaking off with Suigetsu Hōzuki during Orochimaru's
explanation and followed them, listening in as Suigetsu ran a DNA test that
suggested Sarada's real mother was actually Karin.

Not knowing what the truth was, Naruto was upset first with Sasuke for the
secret he has seemingly been keeping, but also with Suigetsu for getting
involved. He approached Sarada to discuss it with her, but she lashed out at
him, believing he had been a knowing participant in the lie that Sakura was
her mother. When she tried to insist that having no blood relation to Sakura
meant they weren't family, Naruto took a firm stance: he wasn't related to
most of Konoha's villagers, yet he still considered them his family because
they were important to him. In the same way, Sakura and Sarada were
family because they were important to each other. Sarada realised how
much she loved Sakura and decided she wanted to help rescue her. They
reunited with the others and head out for Shin's hideout.

Naruto facing a Shin clone.

Using Sasuke's Rinnegan, they were able to reach where Shin took Sakura,
only to find Sakura faring fine on her own fighting him. With the numbers
against him growing, Shin called in his sons (actually his clones) to assist,
but they turned against him and killed him because he always mistreated
them. The clones then turned their attention to Naruto and the others,
which Naruto engaged with his own shadow clones. Because they were
only children, he frightened them into surrendering by manifesting Kurama.
After learning that Sakura indeed was her biological mother, Sarada
reconciled with her parents, much to Naruto's happiness. Then, they all
returned to Konoha, with Shin's clones being delivered to the Konoha
School Trip Arc
Main article: School Trip ArcIn the anime, to improve relationships with other
villages and symbolically show the warring era was over, Naruto set up an
official class trip for the Academy to go to Kirigakure. Working out the details
with Chōjūrō, he also got a tour guide for the class.
Graduation Exams Arc
Main article: Graduation Exams Arc

Naruto training with Konoha-nin.

In the anime, as Academy classes began preparing for the graduation
exams, the various students were interviewed about their future goals
alongside a parent. Naruto however was unable to join his son as he was
busy discussing matters with Orochimaru about his research on Danzō's old
experiments. As Orochimaru delivered promising results to aid Sasuke in his
own investigations, while Shikamaru voiced his still limited trust in
Orochimaru, Naruto was more relaxed about Orochimaru roaming the
On Boruto's first day as a genin, Naruto managed to get some time to have
breakfast with his family and see Boruto off to be assigned his team. After
Boruto left, Shikamaru went to Naruto's house to collect him and inform him
of his various duties for the day. Later on, Naruto was in a field testing a
number of shinobi's skills in Barrier Ninjutsu to better protect the village
with Mirai Sarutobi as his escort for the day. When Boruto and his
teammates came to him, he was thinking that they want to change teams,
but was pleasantly surprised when instead they want their team
denomination to be changed to Team 7.
Genin Mission Arc
Main article: Genin Mission ArcIn the anime, as the recently promoted genin
began to prepare for their first missions, Naruto prepared to present them,
as it was customary. While Boruto began bragging about how easy it will,
Naruto sternly warned him not to be so cocky. He presented Team 7 with a
D-rank mission to aid the Green Banks Village who were being attacked by
bandits for their crops. Naruto stressed that the team show team-work to
complete the mission.
Byakuya Gang Arc
Main article: Byakuya Gang Arc

Naruto quelling the protest.

In the anime, when the Byakuya Gang began conducting heists throughout
Konoha, their act of distributing their stolen wealth to the poor began
gaining much support from many of the villagers, leading to a protest
breaking out after the group fooled the villages into believing the
Kaminarimon Company was corrupt. After shinobi determined that the
leaders of the protest were being manipulated by genjutsu and freed them,
Naruto and his clones appeared before the crowds and began quelling them
with his speech. Straight after, Naruto headed towards the Land of Fire's
border where he apprehended Gekkō, who had used the riots as a
distraction to steal the Magnum Opus from the Ninjutsu Research Centre.
Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day
Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day
ArcNOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Mitsuki's
Disappearance Arc.

Naruto and Himawari spending Parent and Child Day together.

After announcing Parent and Child Day, Shikamaru took care of Naruto's
paperwork, allowing him to spend time with Himawari. Despite being sleep
deprived, Naruto accepted his daughter's wish and began searching for a
Kurama doll with her. After being joined by Kiba during their unsuccessful
search, he bought Himawari a Shukaku doll, to which she enjoyed. Later,
with Himawari going to bed with Hinata, Naruto approached Boruto and
apologised for not having spent any time during the holiday with his son. He
gave Boruto a custom shuriken as a present and the two decided to spend
the remainder of the evening training together.
Versus Momoshiki Arc
Main articles: Boruto: Naruto the Movie and Versus Momoshiki ArcIn the anime,
on the day of Boruto's birthday, work got in the way, making him unable to
attend, instead only arriving home late at night with only a birthday present
as an apology. Later, as more investigations to the workings of Kaguya
continued, a third Ōtsutsuki clan ruin tied to her was found. Determined to
find out all he could, Naruto prepared to investigate it personally. One the
way out, Naruto was approached by his son, demanding that his father
promised he would show up for Himawari's birthday that was coming up,
which he did.

Naruto exhausted from overusing his clones.

Later, Naruto remained busy with his Hokage duties and continued having a
strained relationship with his son, Boruto. Konoha has grown into a large
city under Naruto's leadership, although Naruto is overwhelmed with the
responsibilities of being Hokage, leading him to create shadow clones to
tend to his family and the villagers. When Boruto and his team report to
Naruto after a mission, Naruto asked his son to address him as "the
Seventh" instead of "Dad," and reminded him of the importance of
teamwork, which annoyed his son, as he believed that he could handle
anything on his own. Boruto warned his father to be home for Himawari's
birthday party or else he will never forgive him. Katasuke Tōno then entered
his office, requesting permission from Naruto to allow participants of the
upcoming Chūnin Exams to use his new invention, the Kote. However
Naruto refused on the grounds that it did not show one's true abilities as a
shinobi. Naruto was unable to make it to his daughter's birthday party and
sent a shadow clone instead. However, the clone ended up disappearing
and dropping the cake when Naruto became fatigued, which enraged
Boruto and caused him to throw Naruto's old, tattered jacket out the
window. Naruto felt guilty for letting his family down and Shikamaru told
him to go home and rest. The jacket was found by Sasuke, who returned to
Konoha to ask for help in deciphering a scroll he found in Kaguya's
abandoned castle. They met in Naruto's office where Sasuke mentioned his
meeting with Boruto and this leads to them making a bet on whether the
nature of a shinobi has changed in regards to Boruto, to which Sasuke says
it hasn't and Naruto says it has.
Naruto exposes Boruto's cheating at the Chūnin Exams.
Naruto wasn't surprised when Boruto won the first test but after being
advised by Shikamaru to reach out to Boruto, Naruto congratulated him via
email, much to Boruto's annoyance. While the scroll was being deciphered,
Naruto sent a clone to meet up with Sasuke and asked him if it was true that
he was training Boruto. Naruto said that perhaps Sasuke was right
concerning the nature of shinobi remaining the same, to which Sasuke
agrees. Naruto was nervous about the outcome of the second test but after
learning Boruto passed, Naruto was overjoyed. Later, he met with Boruto in
his bedroom and personally congratulated him and told him not to lose
against Shikadai. Naruto offered a fist bump, but Boruto only smiled as he
didn't want his father to discover the Kote he was wearing. For the third
test, Naruto chose to sit with Hinata and Himawari rather than with the
other Kage as they watched Boruto fight in the third round and finally
against Shikadai Nara. Near the end, Naruto suspected something was
wrong after Boruto won. In the anime, he did not realise anything was amiss
until Boruto's next match in the finals when he defeated Shinki. He asked
Hinata to use her Byakugan and she noticed Boruto wearing a Kote (in the
anime he realised the truth on his own). Realising that Boruto was using the
exam-forbidden tool to advance his techniques, a disappointed Naruto
confronted him in the arena, ordered that Boruto be disqualified from the
exam and took Boruto's forehead protector from him, suspending his ninja
status. He told Boruto they would talk about this at home, but Boruto
lashed out at him that Naruto doesn't know how to give him a lecture when
he's never home.

Naruto captured by Momoshiki.

Suddenly, Momoshiki and Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki appear and began attacking the
arena. Naruto is knocked out of the arena by Momoshiki but he rushes back
to defend his son when he is in danger and is shortly joined by Sasuke and
Sarada. Sasuke informed Naruto that the two enemies are the new threat
written about in the scroll. Naruto realises he is their target and demands to
know what they want. After Momoshiki reveals he wanted Kaguya's chakra,
and eventually Kurama's from the Seventh Hokage, Naruto and Sasuke
combine Kurama and Susanoo to shield themselves and their children from
the enemies' attacks. Naruto also dispatches shadow clones to protect
civilians that hadn't managed to flee from the arena. Determined to protect
his son and friends, Naruto ultimately decides to allow himself to be
captured in Momoshiki's jutsu and asks Sasuke to take care of Boruto for
him. Just before Naruto disappears, he looks over his shoulder and offers
his son one last smile. Naruto was teleported to another dimension and
bound by Momoshiki and Kinshiki to a God Tree. Naruto resisted as
Momoshiki extracted half of Kurama's chakra from inside Naruto. The two
debated the merits of instant strength and earned strength, causing Naruto
to realise his own lack of effort in trying to understand Boruto, which is
what drove him to cheat with the Shinobi Gauntlet. During the ordeal,
Sasuke, Boruto, and the other Kage arrived to rescue him.

Naruto and Sasuke fighting Momoshiki's techniques.

Naruto, surprised to see Boruto wearing his old jacket, told his son that it
was like looking at one of his shadow clones. When he tried to apologise to
Boruto for not being there for him, Boruto replied that it was alright and he
just wants to hear more about Naruto's past. After the other Kage failed to
defeat Kinshiki, and the latter was absorbed by Momoshiki, Naruto and
Sasuke joined forces to fight him and initially gained the upper hand until
Naruto was briefly imprisoned by boulders and Sasuke was severely burned
by Momoshiki's Lava Release. Naruto became enraged upon seeing Sasuke
injured but was relieved to find he was all right and still able to fight after
being healed by Kurama's chakra. By once again combining Kurama and
Susanoo, they managed to defeat Momoshiki and cut his lava creature in
half, but Katasuke rushed in and began firing ninjutsu attacks from his Kote
at Momoshiki, which he absorbed and used to attack Naruto and the others.
Naruto is restrained by black rods while Momoshiki prepares to eliminate the
rest of the Kage. When Boruto used his Vanishing Rasengan against
Momoshiki to free his father and the other Kage, Naruto was greatly
surprised to find that his son was able to use the Rasengan. As they prepare
their final assault, Naruto helps Boruto to create a Parent and Child
Rasengan, which Boruto himself unleashes upon Momoshiki and ultimately
kills him.

Naruto and Boruto reconcile.

After the battle ends, Naruto sits with Sasuke and Naruto agrees Sasuke
won their bet. Naruto proudly looked on at his son and stated that he would
always be there to watch Boruto grow as his father. After returning home,
Naruto posed for a photograph with Boruto, Sasuke, and the four other
Kage. In the anime, Naruto hosted a shared birthday party for Boruto and
Himawari as an apology for his actions during Himawari's actual birthday
and brought home a cake for the family to eat. After Boruto punched
Naruto, thinking it was a shadow clone, Naruto began scolding him, while
Himawari asked for a piggy back ride. Hinata maintained order by
threatening to throw the cake away. The next morning, as Boruto left to
meet with his team and Naruto left to go to work, both wished each other to
do their best and bumped fists with each other. While Boruto was giving a
live interview on Konoha TV, Naruto watches it proudly from his desk.

Chōchō Arc
Main article: Chōchō ArcIn the anime, when the two lead actors of a popular
TV drama received a death threat, Naruto assigned Team 7 and Team 10 to
protect them.
Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc
Main article: Mitsuki's Disappearance ArcIn the anime, when two guards were
attacked by unknown assailants, the village was put on lockdown. Naruto
and his advisers then oversaw Ino probe Uō's mind for answers, learning
that Mitsuki had left willingly with the attackers. When Naruto revealed to
the others Mitsuki was in fact Orochimaru's son, much outrage followed,
prompting Naruto to give his rational on why he accepted Mitsuki into
Konoha. Later, Naruto was informed that Boruto and Sarada left the village
to find Mitsuki, leading to him dispatching Team 10 to retrieve the pair. When
Naruto learned that the attackers were on route to the Land of Earth, he
contacted Kurotsuchi, who promised to investigate the matter herself and
return the Konoha genin pursing Mitsuki. While discussing Mitsuki's
apparent betrayal, Konohamaru insisted he be the one to bring his student
back, which Naruto reluctantly agreed to. Naruto later attempted to contact
Kurotsuchi, but was told she wasn't available, leading to him becoming
suspicious something was happening in Iwagakure.

Naruto attending Ōnoki's funeral.

Later, Naruto's fears were proven correct when Shikadai contacted his
father via phone, revealing that Iwagakure was taken over as part of a plan
by Ōnoki. Knowing that they couldn't act hastily, Naruto talks with the other
officials and decided that he would join Shikamaru in meeting with the other
daimyō to get their support on engaging this personal matter. After getting
approval, Naruto and an escort moved out, and allowed his son's peers to
come with him. Upon arriving at the batted village, Naruto applauded
Konohamaru's work during the Iwa's internal struggle. Naruto stayed in the
village and attended Ōnoki's funeral, prompting him to say
the Tsuchikage left behind a grand legacy and lesson about perseverance.
After returning to the village, while personally applauding Boruto and
Sarada for loyally supporting Mitsuki, whose own efforts were revealed to
have saved Iwa, he still was reluctantly forced to strip the Team 7 genin of
their shinobi status as punishment for deserting the village. Later,
Kurotsuchi's gratitude and recommendation convinced Naruto to reinstate
Konohamaru's Love Arc
Main article: Konohamaru's Love ArcIn the anime, due to Konohamaru spying
on Asaki, a complaint was filed against him, prompting Naruto to place him
under house arrest.
One-Tail Escort Arc
Main article: One-Tail Escort Arc

Naruto meets with the tailed beasts to discuss Urashiki.

In the anime, after Sai delivered a sealed Shukaku in a tea kettle to Naruto as
a result of Gaara being unable to protect it in the Land of Wind from Urashiki
Ōtsutsuki, Shukaku explained it only made it to Konoha due to Boruto acting
as a decoy against their pursuer. Informing Shikamaru he was going to the
scene, Sasuke approached the pair and told him that wasn't necessary, as
Sasuke had earlier protected Boruto and forced Urashiki to retreat. Three
days later, Naruto and Gaara discussed the incident in his office. Afterwards,
Naruto had a Shadow Clone see the Kazekage off at the Thunder Rail
station. Some time later, Naruto brought Shukaku to his house until an
official safe house was decided on. Later that evening, Naruto had a
telepathic meeting with some of the other tailed beasts to discuss how to
handle being targeted. As a result of guarding Shukaku, Naruto got to spend
time with his family, before escorting Shukaku to his safe house.
Time Slip Arc
Main article: Time Slip Arc

A young Naruto and Boruto discussing Boruto's father.

In the anime, Naruto was notified that Urashiki was on the move again,
being even more indiscriminate in his stealing of chakra. While pleased that
all of the Five Great Shinobi Nations were on alert and willing to share all
intel on Urashiki, Shikamaru voiced his concern about Mirai's sudden
disappearance and also wondered what their enemy true goal was for
gathering chakra. Later, Naruto decided to have the genin test new
surveillance equipment designed to follow their location. During the field
test, Urashiki was spotted in the area. This prompted most of the Konoha-
nin in the village to engage, while Shikamaru stayed in the Hokage Office to
help protect Naruto. Urashiki managed to get hold of a device that allowed
him to travel into the past, prompting Sasuke and Boruto being sent back
alongside him to the time period shortly after Sasuke's defection. A teenage
Naruto and Jiraiya encountered the pair, who were disguising their
identities and their occupations as travelling performers. As they were
foreigners, Tsunade has Naruto and Jiraiya look over them. Spending time
with Boruto, Naruto allowed him to sleep at his apartment, where Boruto
vaguely talked about his father, speaking about both his feats and his flaws,
where Naruto was intrigued to hear about, noting that Boruto enjoyed
talking about his family, and inquired Boruto if he hated his father, to which
Boruto denied.

Naruto training with Boruto.

The day after cleaning up a bathhouse together, Urashiki targeted Naruto.
Failing at extracting Kurama's chakra, Urashiki instead captured him and
trapped Boruto, Sasuke and Jiraiya in a rock prison before retreating. Using
a cave for a hideout, Urashiki forced Naruto's seal to emerge and used his
chakra in an attempt to forcibly extract Kurama' chakra from within Naruto.
Urashiki's actions caused Kurama's chakra to leak out, forcing Naruto to
undergo his Version 1 transformation. Arriving to rescue Naruto, Boruto
attempted to reason with his father, but Naruto had since completely lost
his common sense and attacked Boruto. Jiraiya managed to subdue the
Nine-Tails' chakra with a seal, and Sasuke forced Urashiki to retreat.
Afterwards, Jiraiya offered to train Naruto and Boruto to prepare them for
Urashiki. The following day, Naruto began working with Boruto to
synchronise their chakra to create a new cooperation ninjutsu under
Jiraiya's guidance. After Boruto left to clear his head, Sasuke approached
Naruto with food from Jiraiya, and told Naruto about how "a friend"
struggled for years to help him after he lost his way, but never gave up until
finally succeeding, which renewed Naruto's conviction.
Continuing his training the next day, the pair were approached by Sakura,
who had found Sasuke's note from the future, and questioned why it
Sasuke's name on it before shortly leaving with an answer. Naruto and
Boruto resumed their training, which ultimately left them exhausted. They
were then approached again by Urashiki, who subdued the pair. Jiraiya and
Sasuke joined the fight. Deciding the foe's newest technique was too
dangerous, Sasuke tackled himself and Urashiki over the ledge and into a
river to let his allies escape. While tending to Jiraiya's wounds, the group
tried to figure out how to deal with Urashiki. Boruto realised that in the fight,
the blood splattered on Urashiki was drying much faster than Boruto's.
After engaging the foe again to test a theory, they concluded that Urashiki's
technique lets him warp into the past by several seconds, giving him a
pseudo-clairvoyance from his experiences. Urashiki attacked the Konoha-
nin again, where Jiraiya contained everyone in his Summoning: Toad Mouth
Bind. During which, Naruto unleashed a continued barrage of clones on
Urashiki. While he easily countered the assault with his technique, Urashiki
inadvertently poisoned himself from the acidic vapours of the great toad's
belly far sooner than the Konoha-nin due to his repeated time-warp. Once
Jiraiya released the summoning, Naruto and Boruto then proceeded to
knockout Urashiki with a Rasengan assault.
Naruto and Boruto facing Urashiki.
Enraged, Urashiki awoke and consumed all his accumulated chakra and his
eyes, leading to him undergoing a transformation that strengthened him.
Jiraiya and the two genin were quickly overwhelmed by Urashiki's
continued assaults, even with the aid of the returning Sasuke. Urashiki
deliberately held back on Naruto, hoping to anger him enough into
unleashing the Nine-Tails' chakra. His efforts ultimately succeeded when
Jiraiya took a hit that was intended for Naruto, triggering his
transformation. Boruto, however, managed to reach Naruto and together
were able to perfect their new collaboration technique. With the combined
effort of Jiraiya and Sasuke, the two kids were able to plough through
Urashiki's final attack and obliterate him. After the battle, both Naruto and
Boruto lose consciousness due to their exhaustion. Days after Naruto and
Boruto recovered at the Konoha hospital, he was upset to hear that Boruto
and Sasuke would be leaving now that their mission was completed. Before
they left, Naruto gave Boruto a gift. Sasuke used his Sharingan
to erase everyone's memories of the events to preserve the timeline. On
seeing the Sharingan, Naruto had what appeared to be a brief moment of
recognising Sasuke before losing consciousness.
Upon the pair returning, Naruto was approached by Sasuke who explained
the recent situation he and Boruto had. Naruto was amazed at such a tale.
Later, while visiting Jiraiya's grave to pay his respect, he was approached
by Boruto, who decided to share with Naruto the gift of special ramen given
by his past self. Sometime later, Sumire was officially transferred to
the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team. Naruto reached out to the Land of Iron
and requested an exchange student to take Sumire's spot on Team 15.
Shikamaru was concerned about his experimental move of mixing shinobi
with samurai, but Naruto insisted it would help close the gap between the
two. Later, Naruto attended his father-in-law's birthday, impressed by
Boruto getting past his aversion mushy feelings to suggest a regular family
Sasuke Shinden: The Teacher's Star Pupil
Main article: Sasuke Shinden: The Teacher's Star PupilNaruto appears in this
Mujina Bandits Arc
Main articles: Mujina Bandits Arc and Shikamaru ShindenIn the anime, Naruto
set up a mission for Team 7 to infiltrate Hōzuki Castle to verify the
information about the Mujina Bandits offered by Kokuri in exchange for
protection. After losing contact from Mujō, the prison warder who was
working with Konohagakure, Naruto sent Sai and a team to investigate.
Ultimately, the succeeded in returning "Kokuri" to the village to question
him about the Mujina Bandits before letting the man go free.
At the Hokage building, Naruto hosted a Kage Summit, during which the
Kage bickered about topics concerning Konoha, leading
to Kurotsuchi demanding Konoha to disclose all of its confidential
information as the village's proof to peace by the next summit, and
said Iwagakure would leave the Five Great Shinobi Country alliance if they
didn't. Afterwards the summit ended. Naruto was told then by Shikamaru
that the reason why Kurotsuchi was acting that way was because she was
being pressured by the Earth Daimyō to invade the Land of Flowers for the
corps they had to offer and expressed sadness that Kurotsuchi didn't tell
them as he believed that the Shinobi Union would have definitely aided her
when it came to food scarcity and other issues and the potential of another
war, remembering the casualties of the last war and not wanting to use and
introduce the next generation to the horrors of war. Naruto found hope,
however, when Shikamaru said they could negotiate with her so the
invasion won't happen.[63]
Unfortunately, in the next Kage Summit, Naruto's revelation of Kurotsuchi's
true intentions only cause Darui to angrily threaten to kill Kurotsuchi and to
add things worse, Naruto and Sasuke's strength were used as a boon for
Kurotsuchi's cause, as they had the power to take over the continent and
the imbalance in strength between Konoha and the other villages were thus
immense. Despite Naruto's attempts to ensure Konoha would not try to take
over the world, Shikamaru responded by paralysing and threatening to
crush Kurotsuchi's neck, much to Naruto's horror and fury. Quickly, Naruto
used his chakra to break out of Shikamaru's shadow and angrily put
Shikamaru in place before attempting to plea for peace but he could not
sway Kurotsuchi or Darui, who made it clear they would go to war if the
invasion were to occur. Furious over the outcome, Naruto angrily
confronted Shikamaru when they walked home but was rebuffed by his
friend, who told him to think with his head and start responding harshly
Several months after the Hōzuki Castle mission, Naruto discussed Katasuke
being under mind control with Sai and Ibiki, and had them continue their
investigation while Shikamaru handled Katasuki. Afterwards, Mirai
Sarutobi informed Naruto that Team Konohamaru successfully captured the
Mujina Bandits, much to his joy. As Shojoji was discussed, Naruto told
everyone that they had to hurry up and handle the missing-nin.
[155] Shikamaru then informed Naruto of his upcoming meeting with the Fire
Daimyō Ikkyū Madoka, which Naruto had forgotten was later during the day.
During which, he discussed financial matter with Ikkyū. [63]
Kara Actuation Arc
Main article: Kara Actuation ArcLater in the anime, Team 25 and Sasuke were
sent to investigate the information extracted from the captured Shojoji
about Kara's existence in Amegakure. Upon their return, they learned that
Kara had long ago abandoned their facility in Amegakure and were
performing biological experiments. They also learned that there were in fact
civilians who sympathised with Kara and its goals. Naruto was concerned to
learn that Amegakure was in shambles as it had yet to make any recovery
since the Fourth Shinobi World War. He was determined to help the village.
Naruto learned that Victor, the president of the Land of Valleys' premiere
medical and research company, was a member of Kara who somehow
obtained a sample of the First Hokage's cells. Naruto was greatly concerned
that Team 7 was defeated by two Inners. Upon seeing Boruto in treatment,
he was certain that Boruto would be fine. Afterwards, Naruto discussed
with his advisers on the next move. Shikamaru offered to use his
connections in the Land of Valleys to get permission to investigate Victor's
company. Three days later, it was approved for Naruto to send Mugino and
Konohamaru to stealthily investigate. Later, Naruto sent Team 10 on a joint
mission with Team Shinki to retrieve Urashiki's puppet. He later listened to
Shikadai's report on the mission which greatly concerned and disturbed

After Boruto recovered from his new training, Naruto gave his son
permission to return to the Land of Valleys to return the wedding ring of
their recent client's husband to her. Following the defeat of Victor and his
amoral experiments, Naruto received a report on the events. Upon
Konohamaru and Mugino's return, Konoha leadership discussed how to
handle Kara, having learned influential figures like Victor were associated
with the organisation and finding evidence in their investigation that Kara
had spies all around. While many considered closing off the gates to
Konohagakure to stop the flow of information, Naruto was torn on this,
valuing the new peace between the village and the rest of the world. After
talking various officials in the village, and witnessing Boruto and his friends
work on an experiment to improve wireless communications, Naruto
decided to not close the gates as it would deter cooperation with the
outside world, instead deciding to reinforce security.

Ao Arc
Main article: Ao Arc

Naruto facing Boruto.

In the anime, Naruto attended the memorial service for the fallen people of
the Fourth Shinobi World War. Later, Naruto joins his son in a sparring match
at the Training Hall, to test out Katasuke's new invention that was fitted on
his arm. During the match, Naruto defends himself from Boruto, and uses
the invention to absorb his son's techniques, before defeating him with a
single kick. Afterwards at the Hokage's office, Naruto informs Boruto of the
technology he used against him, which angered Boruto. Before Naruto
could explain himself, Sasuke arrives and interrupts their conversation,
calming Boruto down by pointing out the need for them with the coming
danger of enemies like the Ōtsutsuki Clan.
Naruto also admitted to knowing about Boruto's mark on his right palm,
which was another reason Naruto approved the development of this
advanced weaponry. While Boruto still insisted they should rely solely on
ninjutsu like in the Chūnin Exams, Naruto noted that the Chūnin Exams
were to test one's growth as a ninja, where as they are now in a battle for
survival. Katasuke then arrived to retrieve his prototype, to which Naruto
assigned Team Konohamaru a C-rank mission to escort the lead scientist
back to the lab in Ryūben City. While Boruto stormed off in a huff, Naruto
asked his genin team-mates to watch over him should anything happen
with his mark.

As Konohamaru failed to report from his mission, Naruto contacted Boruto's

team at the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team's lab, who were nearest to
Konohamaru's last reported location. He instructed them to search the area
but be careful and not recklessly engage any foes. While Shikamaru
reminded him that Team Konohamaru were all very capable for their age,
Naruto insisted that he was more concerned about the possibility of them
running into the organisation Kara as Konohamaru's mission was to
investigate a mysterious airship.
Kawaki Arc
Main article: Kawaki ArcWhen Team 7 returned with news of Mugino's demise
at the hands of Ao, who was in leagues with Kara, they also revealed a boy
with ties to Kara named Kawaki. In the anime, he was detained at
the Advanced Technology Research Institute in Ryūtan City, prompting
Naruto and Sai to go immediately and meet the boy. On the train ride, Sai
noted that it was risky to take such a mysterious boy back to the village.
Naruto understood Sai's fear, knowing that Kara's desire of the boy could
lead to the village becoming a battlefield again. Upon arriving in the station,
they learned that Kawaki escaped and was on a rampage. Before Naruto and
Sai could act, they met with Boruto and Sumire, the latter insisted to not
hurt Kawaki. She noted that Kawaki's rampage stemmed from emotional
scars due to his troubled past. Taking Sumire's words to heart, Naruto
stopped Kawaki's passively, subduing him until he tired himself out and

Naruto comforts Kawaki.

Naruto decided he was most suitable to monitor Kawaki, and held a Kage
Summit to discuss the situation. Following the unanimous agreement from
other Kage with Naruto, he took the boy to his house, during which he foiled
Kawaki's attempts at fleeing. There, Kawaki attempting to escape, but
Naruto intimidated him into submission. His escape attempt resulted in
Himawari's vase being destroyed. Naruto intervened when Boruto and
Kawaki began fighting, and later overheard Kawaki speaking of his hardship
as a result of his Kāma. Afterwards, Naruto took Kawaki to Yamanaka
Flowers to pick a new vase, where he hugged Kawaki after he had a panic
attack. Sometime later, Naruto and Boruto sparred; he defeated his son,
even while Boruto used his Kāma. Naruto offered for Kawaki to try sparring
with Boruto next time, but Kawaki declined as he couldn't use chakra,
prompting Naruto to insist that all can learn to do so and that having strong
rivals will help one in accomplishing great things.
Later, Boruto decided to take Kawaki's offer of learning what he knows
about their Kāma. Deciding to do so through sparring, the two children
quickly activated their respective marks. While Boruto kept up in hand-to-
hand combat, Kawaki's usage of his modified body put Boruto on the
defensive. Kawaki then launched a blast at Naruto with the intent of him
absorbing it like previously, only for Boruto to instead damage his hand.
Naruto called off the match and told the two to perform the Seal of
Reconciliation. The event made their marks react and caused Boruto's hand
to instantly heal. Before pushing the subject, Naruto was alerted of an
intruder. Naruto told his son to take Himawari away while he stayed with
Kawaki, certain that the intruder was after Kawaki. His assumption proved
correct as they were quickly met by Delta. She demanded Naruto hand over
Kawaki to her, and Kawaki confirmed her identity as an Inner from Kara.
Naruto instructed Boruto to protect Himawari and Kawaki to protect

Naruto fighting Delta.

Fighting her, Naruto initially outperformed her with taijutsu, but she began
making use of her shinobi-ware to launch sneak attacks and absorb his
Rasengan. Naruto entered his Six Paths Sage Mode, but Delta was
eventually able to stab him and pin him down. He tried to discern her
motives for wanting Kawaki, but she saw through his deception, and
noticed he was already healing, considering Naruto to be a monster as well.
While Naruto was continually forced to hold back in fear of the spectators'
safety, he continued to gradually wear down his foe, leading to Delta using
her Destruction Beam against Naruto to combat his regenerative ability.
Eventually, Delta targets Himawari, leading to Naruto blocking the attack
with his body, but is uninjured as Kawaki sacrificed his right arm to block the
attack. Enraged at her tactics, Naruto resumed the fight and quickly
overwhelmed her. Naruto, having seen her return his Rasengan that she
absorbed, deduces that there was a limit to how much chakra her eyes can
absorb since the chakra or attack had to be stored somewhere in her body
rather than dissipating and vanishing, prompting him to overpower and
defeat Delta with his Super-Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan. Defeated, Delta's body
self-destructed, forcing Naruto to flee the vicinity with the children.
Naruto training Kawaki.
Later, when bringing Kawaki to Katasuke to repair Kawaki's arm, the
scientist informed him that the technology in Kawaki's body was too
advanced for him to handle. Finding an alternate solution, Naruto gave
Kawaki one of his prosthetic arms and channelled some of his chakra into
Kawaki to make it work. Shocked at how sincere Naruto was at being nice,
Kawaki asked to learn ninjutsu, which Naruto agreed to and began training
him. Quite a while after Delta's defeat, while Naruto and Kawaki were at his
house, he notices Kawaki in distress, resulting in his Kāma creating a portal
which Jigen emerged from. Wanting to take his son back, Naruto attempted
to attack him but was repelled away and impaled by chakra draining rods.
Activating his chakra mode, Naruto kicks Jigen away from Kawaki. Jigen
then proceeded to activate his Kāma. Fearing for the Hokage's safety, with
Jigen's power entirely above Delta's and capable of either killing or severely
injuring Naruto, Kawaki stepped in and submitted, agreeing to back willingly
with Jigen if he spared Naruto. While Jigen agreed to the terms, Naruto
refused to comply. Jigen responded by teleporting himself and Naruto to
another dimension.

Naruto and Sasuke facing Jigen.

As Jigen attempted to strand Naruto there, he was attacked and stopped
by Sasuke. Being away from Konoha and free to fight with all their power,
the pair engaged in battle with Jigen, leading to Sasuke deducing their
opponent's fighting style involved shrinking himself and his rods. Pressuring
Jigen, the Kara member taped into his Kāma and grew a horn. Upon seeing
Jigen's development, Sasuke revealed how he resembled
an unknown Ōtsutsuki member, and that Jigen had ties with a juvenile Ten-
Tails. As Sasuke also revealed that Jigen's goal was to drain the entire
planet of all its chakra, the two shinobi decided to fight with their full power.
Despite their strong avatar forms and team-work, Jigen ploughed through
their defences. As he swiftly wore down and pummelled his foes, he
restrained the pair with rods and decided to keep Naruto alive because of
Kurama in him while killing Sasuke due to his Rinnegan's Space-Time
Ninjutsu. Accepting the truth, Naruto had his clones hold off Jigen while he
convinced Sasuke to escape despite his friend's protests. Jigen revealed
that he was after Boruto Uzumaki for his Kāma and sealed Naruto in a giant
pot which he shrunk, leaving Naruto trapped within the foreign dimension.
Afterwards, Boro stood guard over the pot, during which Boruto and Kawaki
used their Kama to transport Naruto's unconscious body out before killing
the Kara member.

Returning to Konoha, they were all taken to the hospital for treatment. As
Naruto made a quick recovery, he was impressed to hear of the genin's
work, and joked that rebellious genin seemed to still be a thing. In the anime,
they discussed the recent events. Kawaki informed them that each member
of Kara was modified with Shinobi-Ware, granting them abilities besides
ninjutsu. After everyone else left, Shikamaru discussed with Naruto on how
best to deal with Kawaki, as his Kāma acted as a direct path to Konoha at
any time for Kara. Upon learning of Boro's cult, Naruto assigned Sai and
Konohamaru to investigate, hoping to discover new information on the new
whereabouts of Kara's Ten-Tails. They returned and reported Boro's scheme
for getting new cultists and using them as subjects for Kara's Vessel
experiments, as well as that despite her defeat to Naruto, Delta was
somehow still active, having destroyed the cult's base.

Naruto interrogates Amado.

Later, Naruto was informed by Ino of Shikadai being taken hostage
by Amado. Though he wished to speak to Shikamaru, he was glad to learn of
Naruto's rescue, and revealed he wished to defect to Konoha, offering intel
on Kara, Jigen, their Ten-Tails, and the Ōtsutsuki. After Naruto gave his
word as Hokage to not go back on the deal provided his intel was good,
Amado began explaining all he knew. He revealed that how the Ōtsutsuki
have since before recorded history been travelling from planet to planet,
harvesting its chakra for the sake of evolving itself while destroying the
planet in the process, using the Ten-Tails for the process. He revealed that
Jigen himself was turned into an Ōtsutsuki from being branded by his Kāma
of Isshiki. Amado also revealed to have sabotaged the blimp to free Kawaki
and likewise ensure that Sasuke would get the intel of Isshiki. Amado's
glasses began beeping. His glasses were taken off, revealing a holographic
projection of Jigen talking with his accomplice Koji Kashin intended to kill
Jigen. As Naruto was intrigued by Koji's techniques and battle tactics,
Amado insisted that Naruto accept his request to officially join
Konohagakure with full amnesty and protection in order to hear more of his
secrets, which Naruto agreed. Amado carried on his explanation, sharing
what he knew of Jigen, the Ōtsutsuki, and Kāma. He stressed how a full
rebirth of the Ōtsutsuki must be avoided, and claimed he'd teach them how
to kill an Ōtsutsuki. When Jigen's death triggered Isshiki's resurrection in his
body, Amado explained this also erased Kawaki's Kāma to avoid duplicates,
leading Shikamaru to realise that without any remaining Kāma, Isshiki was
vulnerable to a permanent death.
Naruto halts Isshiki's search.
After Amado was officially made a citizen of Konohagakure, made aware of
his rights and limitations, he warned them of Isshiki's immediate focus on
rebranding Kawaki. He advised Naruto against taking the fight to Isshiki, and
stressed that had to protect Kawaki against being rebranded. Naruto took
his advice and ordered a civilian evacuation, as Isshiki would seek Kawaki in
Konoha. Naruto was against Boruto staying to fight him, but where
interrupted by an alert of Isshiki's arrival. Naruto ordered Boruto to join the
evacuation as he went to confront Isshiki. Isshiki was surprised to see
Naruto had escaped, but demanded for Kawaki. When Naruto refused, Isshiki
began shrinking various targets in the village to destroy it. Naruto activated
his Six Paths Sage Mode, but Isshiki easily overpowered him. Sasuke soon
joined the fight, levelling the battlefield. He then launched his sword at
Isshiki. As Isshiki attempted to shrink it, it was revealed to
Boruto transformed. As Naruto was horrified by his son's arrival, Boruto
activated his Kāma, teleporting himself and Isshiki to another dimension.
Naruto and Sasuke followed through the latter's Rinnegan. As the Konoha-
nin faced down Isshiki, he decided the best way to get Kawaki was to
present Sasuke and Naruto's corpses to the village. The fight quickly
resumed, with Naruto and Sasuke's team-work managing to push Isshiki on
the defence as he began shrinking all their attacks. Quickly however, Isshiki
demonstrated a new technique, manifesting and manipulating massive
black cubes that separated the duo.

Naruto overwhelming Isshiki.

Realising he was running out of options, Kurama asked Naruto if he was
really willing to sacrifice himself to stop Isshiki. Naruto confirmed it, and
Kurama offered a last-ditch strategy which would have a high risk of death
from using it. Accepting his duties as Hokage, Naruto faced Isshiki and took
on a new form of Baryon Mode. Kurama explained to Naruto that the form is
like nuclear fusion, consuming all their respective energy and that he must
be careful not to make any unnecessary movements or thoughts. The new
form baffled everyone with its sheer power. Naruto quickly began
overwhelming Isshiki, constantly countering and dodging the foes various
assaults. Soon after, the strain of Baryon Mode began catching up as
Naruto began to tire. Kurama noted this form gradually drains away all life-
forces, including Naruto's. However, it would also drain Isshiki's with each
contact, meaning they just had to keep pressuring Isshiki until his already
diminished lifespan ran out. As Isshiki began getting desperate, he took
advantage of Naruto's chakra connection to Kawaki through the latter's
prosthetic arm. From this, he teleported Kawaki to them with the goal of
rebranding Kawaki before his time ran out. As Kawaki tried to escape Isshiki,
he opted to use Kawaki's love for Naruto against him, assaulting the downed
Hokage. Despite Naruto's insistence that Kawaki forget about him, Kawaki
ultimately showed himself and attacked using the ninjutsu Naruto taught
him. Isshiki easily negated it and branded Kawaki again, only for it to be
revealed as a shadow clone.

Naruto watches Kurama's life fade away.

Finally, Isshiki's time ran out and he crumbled to dust. Sasuke then asked
Naruto about his new power, but before he could answer, Boruto, being
controlled by Momoshiki, suddenly stabbed Sasuke's left eye. Naruto
attempted to help fighting Momoshiki, but collapsed, feeling heavy as lead,
and passed out. Inside his subconscious, Naruto had a final conversation
with Kurama. He told the kitsune that he had no ill will to Kurama despite
the loss of his parents. As Naruto was prepared to die and voiced his
concerns for the village, Kurama revealed that Naruto would awake soon
and fine, as it was Kurama's life that was gambled from using Baryon Mode.
Kurama assured Naruto that it never actually lied to Naruto, but knew the
Hokage wouldn't risk Kurama's own life so he hid the truth. As Kurama's life
began to fade, it warned Naruto that he would lose all access to Kurama's
chakra and abilities, meaning he would have to be more careful from now
on. Naruto desperately reached out for Kurama before waking up to see
Boruto, Sasuke, and Kawaki standing over him.

Naruto comforts Boruto over his Kāma.

With Sasuke's Rinnegan and Kawaki's Kāma gone, it was up to Boruto to use
his mark to bring everyone back with aid from Kawaki. Upon returning to the
village, Naruto was relieved. In the anime, shortly after returning, Naruto
was examined by Sakura and Katasuke for any remaining traces of Kurama's
essence and capacities. The tests found nothing, confirming that Kurama's
death would considerably drop Naruto's abilities and fighting potential.
Naruto admitted that Kurama's power had felt like cheating, and despite the
void left behind, he chose not to wallow on it, believing that Kurama would
make fun of him over it. Afterwards, Naruto received confirmation that
Boruto's Kāma was accelerating, and decided to inform Boruto himself. He
vowed to do everything in his power to save Boruto. When Kawaki returned
his prosthetic hand, having his natural one restored by Amado, Naruto
offered to make him a genin.
Chūnin Re-Examination Arc
Main article: Chūnin Re-Examination Arc

Naruto attending the chūnin ceremony.

In the anime, Naruto had the Chūnin Exam that Momoshiki interrupted
reorganised, as a way to boost morale and promote more capable chūnin.
Naruto acted as a proctor during the second portion of the exams,
evaluating the genin's abilities. During the final exam, Naruto invited Kawaki
to attended, and watched the matches alongside Sai and Shikamaru.
Commentating on the matches, Naruto and Shikamaru agreed that Boruto
and Mitsuki would be disqualified for being late to their match. After the
event, he asked Kawaki what he thought, leading to him expressing interest
in becoming a genin. Later, after assigning Konohamaru and Mirai a mission,
Naruto allowed Konohamaru students to assist him when Mirai returned to
the village alone and injured. After Team 7 succeeded in their mission,
Naruto hosted the promotion ceremony for the new chūnin, assigning them
as captains of their teams.

As Naruto decided to test Kawaki for qualification as a shinobi, Shikamaru

voiced his concerns, feeling that his modified body would be a prime target
for enemies to go after. Naruto however insisted that for Kawaki to grow, he
needed to experience the outside world and make friends who could
protect him. Because Kawaki fared poorly in D-rank missions with different
teams, lacking team-work, Shikamaru deemed him unfit for being a shinobi.
He and Naruto agreed to assign him a C-rank escort mission with Team 10
as a final chance to qualify as a genin. Konohamaru arrived and handed him
intel on a recently discovered dead body. They wondered about a
connection with five other similar incidents in other countries. They
determined there was a connection, as all of them were from the Land of
Calm Seas. As Team 10 was escorting a client there, Naruto sent Team 7 as
backup, as they were out in a mission nearby. At the end of the mission,
Boruto reported to Naruto how the Calm Seas Daimyō was exploiting his
people. While Naruto couldn't directly interfere, he could send a medical
team as a form of aid relief. Later, Kawaki asked for another chance to prove
himself, but Naruto revealed that based on Shikadai's report, he passed the
exam, and would take missions as a genin under him.

Great Sea Battle of Kirigakure Arc

Main article: Great Sea Battle of Kirigakure ArcIn the anime, the Land of Water
faced a civil war against the Funato Clan. Team 5 and Team 7 accidentally
found themselves caught in it. Aiding Kirigakure, the genin were able to help
end the war peacefully. Upon the genin's return to Konohagakure, Naruto
informed them of the aftermath from Chōjūrō. As Boruto asked about the
fate of his new friend Ikada Funato, a ship-builder who was drawn to the
war after his sister's death. Kawaki voiced that he deserved punishment as
an enemy commander. Boruto insisted that Ikada was a good person and
was key in ending the war. As Kawaki stormed off annoyed at Boruto,
Naruto approached Boruto, commending him for his efforts in the war and
sympathising with Boruto's new view. He encouraged Boruto to make up
with Kawaki. Naruto soon after found the two boys instead coming to blows
with each other. Naruto cheerfully watched the fight until the two collapsed
against each other. Working off their aggression, the two put aside their
differences. Naruto approached them, telling Boruto about Ikada's lenient
punishment of surveillance under Kajiki's care. Naruto treated them to some

Naruto and his family on vacation.

Naruto later went on a family vacation to a hot spring inn that Himawari
won in a raffle, sending Konohamaru in his place to the filming of the next
Kagemasa movie where he was to make a guest appearance and use the
Rasengan on the climax. At the inn, he and Hinata beat Boruto and Kawaki
at ping-pong due to their superior team-work. Naruto later lost to Himawari
at a card matching game, and assured Kawaki he was part of the family.

Kawaki & Himawari Academy Arc

Main article: Kawaki & Himawari Academy ArcIn the anime, Naruto and
Shikamaru assigned Kawaki a secret mission, to protect Princess Kae
Yukiwari from the Land of Bamboo while she attended the Academy as an
exchange student. They explained that Kae's father discovered an
assassination plot targeting his daughter, and sent her there while he
investigated the matter domestically, Kae herself unaware of the threat.
Naruto picked Kawaki because of his lower profile with the public, and
offered some advice on how to connect with the students. Naruto gave a
speech during the opening ceremony, and was later pleased by Kawaki's
report of having befriended Kae. He also felt that Kawaki had something to
learn from attending the Academy, despite his advanced fighting skills.
Following a terrorist attack on the Academy that served as a diversion for
an attempt on Kae's life, Konoha leadership learned that Kawaki didn't
report the possibility of an attack, and removed him from the mission.
Naruto told Kawaki to stay home until further notice. However, Kawaki later
thwarted another attempt on Kae's life, and Naruto informed him that it
allowed Batora to report his investigation and arrest the Land of Bamboo's
minister as the mastermind behind the plot.
While reviewing background files, Hana Kaka was discovered to hail from the
Land of Bamboo, leading to the full uncovering of the plot against Kae. After
other conspirators were arrested by Sai and Team 25, Sai, Shikamaru, and
Kawaki reported the events to Naruto. Naruto was amenable to Hana's wish
to merely suppress her assassin personality in order to teach her to live for
more than just her mission. Her wish to maybe one day be friends with it
reminded him of his history with Kurama. Naruto was glad that Kawaki's
time in the Academy helped him grow, and he was later pleased by how
engrossed Himawari was with the Academy, despite still not having decided
whether she wanted to be a shinobi or not.
Code's Assault Arc
Main article: Code's Assault Arc

Naruto, Sai, and Shikamaru talking about Code's movements.

Later, Naruto and Shikamaru decided to indefinitely take Boruto off active-
duty while deciding on how to deal with his Kāma, helping him pass time
with various interviews from the media about his victory over Isshiki. After
Amado finished restoring Kawaki's arm, he talked to Naruto about the
remaining Kara-threats including their Ten-Tails seed as well as Code, who
would inevitably seek out and kill all who were responsible for Isshiki's
death. Hearing such a threat, Naruto requested Shikamaru to set up a Kage
Summit. During the Kage meeting, they discussed Code, Amado's
trustworthiness, and the issue of Momoshiki taking over Boruto, to which
Naruto swore to handle it should the need arise. He later approached
Amado to deal with Boruto's Kāma. He provided him with pills he developed
as a means to defeat Jigen. As the Byakugan originates with the Ōtsutsuki,
he theorised that weakening it might interfere with the Kāma's progress. As
Boruto was given the pills and explained the nature of them, Naruto was
horrified at how recklessly Boruto decided to take them. Later, Naruto and
Konohamaru watched the Team 7 and Kawaki training together.

Naruto declares that Kawaki is his son.

Later, Naruto found Kawaki moping about his lack of acceptance in the
village. Naruto brought him back home, where a welcome dinner party was
held for Kawaki. Naruto and his family made it clear that he was welcomed
to stay as long as he desired. Naruto further insisted that this was the very
reason he became Hokage. While Kawaki was taking magazines out to the
trash, Naruto dozed off on the dinner table. When Boruto discovered
Kawaki's ruse to avoid surveillance, he exposed it to Naruto, who confirmed
it with Nishi as Kawaki released his shadow clone. He notified Ino and
Shikamaru of the development, and was against Boruto leaving to find
Kawaki, as he was under surveillance for the same reason and returned to
discussing the search with Ino. When Ino determined it was futile to search
through sensing, Naruto thought back to Boruto's words and searched for
him, and confirmed with Nishi he was nowhere nearby.
Naruto rescues Kawaki.
Using Sage Mode, Naruto was able to locate Boruto and Kawaki, alongside
an unknown individual. Hinata attempted to join him, but he stressed she
had to take care of Himawari if something happened to him. As Naruto left
two shadow clones on standby to store up more senjutsu chakra,
Shikamaru arrived, refusing to let Naruto leave the village against the threat
without him since the Hokage now no longer had Kurama for additional
power. Shikamaru reminded Naruto that he cannot maintain Sage Mode for
long anymore, but Naruto insisted that he can maintain it longer on his own
drawing from years of experience. They arrive in time to save Kawaki from
having his arm broken by Momoshiki, who had taken over Boruto again.
Naruto checked on Kawaki, who begged him to flee, fearing his death.
Naruto refused to abandon anyone. Code took Shikamaru hostage, who in
turn told Naruto to ignore him and attack. Momoshiki decided to help Code
killing Naruto, who was also a problem for him, and attacked with an Ultra-
Big Ball Rasengan. He was surprised to see Kawaki absorbing the jutsu with
a new Kāma.

Naruto continued to watch in disbelief as Kawaki began attacking

Momoshiki with no restraint, displaying Isshiki's jutsu in the process.
Eventually, Naruto intervened, as Kawaki's attacked would have killed
Boruto. He tried to reason with Kawaki, who remained committed to killing
Momoshiki. Boruto managed to hold back Momoshiki's personality for a
moment, and pushed Naruto out of the way, allowing Kawaki to strike
through his chest. Code opted to leave and released Shikamaru. While
Kawaki was overwhelming Code, he pulled Daemon through the Claw Mark
of his face, reflecting Kawaki's attack and knocking him out before leaving.
Shikamaru tried to snap Naruto out of his stupor, and began to consider
how to deal with Kawaki, arguing with Naruto, who still wanted to support
Kawaki. He was stunned when Boruto woke up, his injuries completely

Omnipotence Arc
Main article: Omnipotence ArcAfter everyone returned to the village, Naruto
kept watch over Kawaki as Shikamaru had Sumire examine him. They and
Ibiki discussed how to handle Kawaki, and Naruto intended to have a long
talk with Kawaki when he wakes up. Sumire noticed the heavy atmosphere
around Naruto and asked Shikamaru about it. He claimed Naruto was just
exhausted from almost being killed.
When Kawaki woke up, he asked Naruto if he'd condemn him for killing
Boruto. Naruto revealed Boruto was fine because of his Kāma. He added was
grateful that Kawaki was there, otherwise they might all have died, and that
Boruto felt the same. As Naruto reassured him that he belonged in Konoha
and was family, Ino alerted him of Code and Ada's invasion. Naruto feigned a
previous appointment and left after confirming that Boruto was fine to a
startled Sumire. After Code and Ada left taking Amado with them, Naruto
listened as Shikamaru explained Ada's alluring ability and speculated on the
other cyborg that Code employed in his battle the previous night. When
Kawaki acted callous when considering Amado's possible death and
deriding Shikamaru, Naruto censored him.
As Shikamaru briefed Team 7 on their new surveillance mission living with
Ada and Daemon, Naruto discussed it with Sasuke, explaining how
Shikamaru managed to covertly control Boruto and Kawaki into acting more
cautiously by entrusting them with responsibility in the form of a mission.
When Naruto noticed Sasuke noticing something, Sasuke dismissed it. After
Ada and Daemon departed for their new home, Naruto joined Shikamaru in
getting Amado to share everything he was still keeping secret. He listened
as Amado explained the shinjutsu nature of Ada's and Daemon's abilities,
their origins in Shibai Ōtsutsuki's remains, and Amado's goal of using
Kawaki's Kāma to resurrect his daughter Akebi. When Shikamaru asked Ada
to confirm Amado's claims with her Senrigan, Naruto found it a bit
excessive. He was satisfied with Amado's goal, and decided he wouldn't
interfere in his matters with Kawaki if it didn't endanger Konoha. Naruto
agreed to Ada's request to call it a day, as they had just arrived in the
While preparing for dinner with Hinata, they were joined by Kawaki, who
asked Naruto not to inform the sensors of his presence. Naruto listened as
Kawaki reiterated how much he changed because of Naruto, and how he
came to think that shinobi and good people like Naruto would be the first to
die in any conflict with Ōtsutsuki. When Kawaki said he'd eliminate all the
Ōtsutsuki to protect Naruto, including Boruto, Naruto refused to let Kawaki
do this. Not wanting to hurt Naruto, nor let him get in the way, Kawaki sent
Naruto and Hinata away with Daikokuten, where they'd be suspended in
time, unable to think, and requiring no air or sustenance.
New Era: Part II
Boruto's Return Arc
Main article: Boruto's Return ArcThree years later, Kawaki visited the
unconscious Naruto and Hinata.
In the wake of Konoha's destruction four years after the Ōtsutsuki attack on
the village, Kawaki tells Boruto that he will send him to where he sent the
Seventh Hokage.
In Other Media
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
Main article: Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of SnowTeam 7 is
dispatched to the Land of Snow to protect the lead actress Koyuki
Kazahana, during the shooting of the new Princess Gale movie.
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel
Main article: Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of GelelNaruto, Sakura and
Shikamaru are sent to track and bring a ferret back to its owner. However,
when the group is attacked by mysterious soldiers, they embark on to
something big.
Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Main article: Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon KingdomNaruto,
Sakura, Rock Lee and Kakashi are assigned to protect the future prince of
the Land of the Moon, Hikaru Tsuki.
Naruto Shippūden the Movie
Main article: Naruto Shippūden the MovieNaruto is assigned to protect the
priestess Shion, who starts having visions of his death.
Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds
Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie: BondsA group of ninja from the Land
of the Sky launched a surprise attack on Konoha and to stop this new
threat, Naruto and Sasuke join forces.
Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Will of Fire
Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Will of FireTeam Kakashi works
together to stop Kakashi from sacrificing himself to stop a world war.
Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Lost Tower
Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Lost TowerNaruto is sent on a
mission to stop Mukade. However, during the mission Naruto is sent 20
years into the past.
Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison
Main article: Naruto the Movie: Blood PrisonNaruto gets framed for the
attempted assassination of the Raikage. In his subsequent attempts to
break out of the prison, he gradually discovers the prison's dark secrets.
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie
Main article: Road to Ninja: Naruto the MovieNaruto and Sakura end up in an
alternate reality in a test version of Project Eye of the Moon Plan where
Naruto never lost his parents and many characters have different
Video Games
Main article: List of video gamesAs the main character of the series, Naruto is
a playable character in every Naruto video game. As the series has
progressed, Naruto has become playable in various forms, often with
different move-sets for each. New video game-exclusive forms are also
available at times, such as a version of Naruto wearing Might Guy's jump
suit, a version wearing Son Gokū's Turtle School Uniform, Naruto
from Shippū! Konoha Gakuen Den!, and "Mecha-Naruto." The video games
also put some extra emphasis on his taijutsu; most of the time Naruto in the
past fights akin to a brawler; while in his incarnation from The Last: Naruto
the Movie, he instead fights more like a hand-to-hand boxer.
Live Spectacle Naruto
Main article: Live Spectacle NarutoKoudai Matsuoka plays as Naruto in this
stage play adaption.
Creation and Conception
When creating Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto incorporated into the character a
number of traits he felt made an ideal hero: a straightforward way of
thinking, a mischievous side, and many of the attributes possessed by Son
Gokū from the Dragon Ball franchise. He also made sure to keep Naruto
"simple and stupid," since he does not like smart characters. Naruto himself
is not modeled after anyone in particular, being conceived as childlike, with
something of a dark side as a result of his harsh past. Despite this, he is
always positive, making him unique in Kishimoto's eyes.

The first version of Naruto that Masashi Kishimoto drew.

Naruto's wardrobe is based on clothing Kishimoto wore when he was
younger; according to Kishimoto, using a pre-existing design would not
have made Naruto unique, whereas something original would have made
him stand out too much. The orange colouring of his costume is used to
make Naruto "pop," with blues often being used to complement the orange.
Because Naruto is associated with spirals, swirl patterns are incorporated
into his costume. Initial illustrations of Naruto had him wearing boots, but
Kishimoto substituted these for sandals, because he likes drawing toes. The
goggles that Naruto used to wear were also replaced with a forehead
protector, because the goggles themselves were too time-consuming to
draw. Kishimoto said that he felt glad that his character had blond hair and
blue eyes. The editor of Shōnen Jump in the United States added that
Kishimoto implied that the traits may have led the character to appeal to a
Western audience. Kishimoto said that he most identifies with Naruto out of
all of the Naruto characters (in an interview with the U.S. Shōnen Jump,
Kishimoto stated that his childhood was like that of Naruto's years while he
was enrolled in the Academy).

Naruto's appearances throughout the series.

In the Japanese versions of Naruto, Naruto often ends his sentences with
the addendum "-ttebayo" (which gives a similar effect to ending a sentence
with "you know?"). Kishimoto wanted to give Naruto a childlike catchphrase,
and "dattebayo" came to mind. It complemented Naruto's character, and
served as a verbal tic that showed him to be something of a brat.
Throughout the beginning of the English anime, the dub replaced
"dattebayo" and "-ttebayo" with the phrase "believe it!" to mirror the effect,
as well as to match the character's lip movements.
The Springtime of
Youth wiki has an article about
this topic:
Naruto Uzumaki
 Spiral patterns are a recurring theme in Naruto, especially in
relation to the character of Naruto Uzumaki himself. The name
"Naruto" is short for "narutomaki" (なると巻き), a kind
of kamaboko with a pink spiral design in the middle that is used
as a topping for ramen, which is Naruto's favourite food. His
family name "Uzumaki" can mean "whirlpool" or "maelstrom." His
full name is also a reference to the Naruto whirlpools (鳴門の渦
潮, Naruto no uzushio), named after the city in the Tokushima
Prefecture in Japan. In addition, Naruto's mother, Kushina
Uzumaki, is a relative to the Uzumaki clan from Uzushiogakure in
the Land of Whirlpools, who used the spiral pattern as both their
clan and village symbol.
 According to the databook(s):
 Naruto's hobbies are pulling pranks and watering
 Naruto wishes to fight Sasuke Uchiha, the Third
Hokage,[1] and members of Akatsuki.[2][4]
 Naruto's favourite foods are Ichiraku ramen and red
bean soup. His least favourite are fresh vegetables,
which others, especially Kakashi (barring Hinata)
have attempted to make him eat with little success in
other material.
 Naruto has completed 16 official missions in total: 7
D-rank, 1 C-rank, 2 B-rank, 6 A-rank, 0 S-rank.
 Naruto's favourite phrase is "a large serving
of miso ramen with roasted pork fillet" (味噌チャー
シュー大盛り, miso chāshū ōmori).
 According to character trivia from Boruto: Naruto Next
 His attributes are: 120 in perception, 160 in dexterity,
170 in negotiations, 110 in strength, 90 in intelligence,
and unknown in chakra.
 He was also given a skill rating in these particular
 Evasion: ★★★★★
 Unarmed Hand-to-hand Fighting:
 Manners: ★★☆☆☆
 According to Hyō no Sho, while in the Academy, Naruto had an A
in positivity, a B taijutsu, and an F in ninjutsu, genjutsu,
cooperation, and classroom attitude.
 October 10, Naruto's birthday, was Health and Sports Day in
Japan when his character was conceived. The holiday, however,
was later moved to the second Monday of October in 1999.
 Naruto consistently ranked in the top two (taking first place
twice) in the first five official Shōnen Jump character popularity
polls. However, in the sixth character poll, he was ranked fourth.
According to the third databook character poll, which adds up all
the votes from the first six polls, Naruto took second place. In
the most recent poll, Naruto regained his status and reached
 Naruto is one of four characters to have always
stayed in the top ten of every character popularity
 Naruto is the fourth known jinchūriki known to have survived the
extraction of a tailed beast, along with Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki,
Kushina Uzumaki, and Obito Uchiha.[72]
 Naruto's mother was nicknamed the "Red Hot-Blooded
Habanero" while his father was famed as the "Yellow Flash."
Naruto's appropriate self-styled title of "Konoha's Orange
Hokage" refers to the fact that the colour orange is a mixture of
red and yellow.
 When Naruto first became a genin, while using his Sexy
Technique, his settei reveals that he is 160cm tall.
 Kishimoto's various concept art of Naruto for The Last: Naruto
the Movie showed that his height had gone through various
changes: first 170cm, then 173cm, and finally 180cm.
 Despite Naruto being a user of the Truth-Seeking Balls and
gaining Hagoromo's power, both of which contain Yin-Yang
Release, Yin Release is not listed as one of his natures in the
fourth databook.[5]
 Eiichiro Oda, author of One Piece, stated that his
character Sanji's name was originally going to be Naruto, but
changed it because the Naruto series was about to become
serialised and wanted to avoid confusion.
 Naruto makes an undetailed background appearance
on the cover page of the 766th chapter of One Piece,
where the person behind Nami (who is wearing a
changpao with the Konoha symbol) is implied to be
Naruto. Also, both main characters are seen eating
each others' respective favourite foods, as Naruto is
eating meat, and Monkey D. Luffy is eating ramen.
Additionally, this chapter was released on the same
week as the release of the final two Naruto manga
 In the 700th chapter of the Naruto manga, the
symbol of the Straw Hat Pirates appears on the
forehead protector of Naruto's statue as part
of Boruto's graffiti.
 While Naruto was initially the shortest of the Konoha 11, he
ultimately becomes second tallest, after Shino.
 In the original manga pilot, Naruto was actually a demon fox and
lived his life as a human boy and the Nine-Tailed Fox that
attacked the village was his father.
 Although he was never raised by Minato, Naruto seemingly
inherited his father's fighting style of almost never relying on
hand seals, with the exception of his signature technique.
 In the anime, Naruto is a lightweight drinker.[156]
See also: Dattebayo and Believe It
 (To Kakashi) "And my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage!
Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start
treating me like I'm somebody. Somebody important!"[157]
 (To Ibiki) "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run!
You can act tough all you want! You're not gonna scare me off!
No way! I don't care if I do get stuck as a genin for the rest of
my life! I'll still be Hokage someday!"[158]
 (To Neji) "I'm not gonna run away, I never go back on my word!
That's my nindō: my ninja way!"[159]
 (To Gaara) "It's almost unbearable, isn't it… the pain of being all
alone. I know that feeling; I've been there, in that dark and
lonely place, but now there are others, other people who mean a
lot to me. I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't
let anyone hurt them. That's why I'll never give up. I will stop
you, even if I have to kill you! They saved me from myself. They
rescued me from my loneliness. They were the first to accept
me as who I am. They're my friends."[160]
 (To Pain) "Just give up… on trying to make me give up!"[161]
 (To Nagato, reciting a line from Jiraiya's first book) "Then I will
break that curse. If there's such thing as peace, I will find it. I
won't give up!"[40]
 (To Sasuke) "If you attack Konoha, I will have to fight you… So
save up your hatred and take it all on me, I'm the only one who
can take it! It's the only thing I can do! I will shoulder your hatred
and die with you! Because I'm your friend!"[162]
 (To his mother) "Don't apologise… I had a lot of hard times
growing up as a jinchūriki, but I never blamed you or Dad. I
couldn't understand what a parent's love was like because you
guys were never there… so I could only guess… But now I know…
I live because you and Dad gave your lives for me and filled me
up with love before the Nine-Tails was inside me! So here I am,
happy and healthy! I'm glad I ended up being your son!"[163]
 (To Kurama) "You're not the monster fox anymore. You're one of
my teammates from Konoha… Kurama."[164]
 (To Obito) "Quit it with your stupid reasoning! I meant to say that
I'll stand any pain for my friends!! I'm not gonna give up on
them!! It might just be me being selfish, but… not having my
friends here… is the most painful thing for me!! Period!!!!"[165]
 (About Hinata) "Hinata… This big idiot finally understands… The
real meaning of the scarf you gave to me when you went
with Toneri… I know now, from the scarf you painstakingly
knitted and took so long to finish, that your love can't be
unravelled so easily… Wait for me… This whole time, you always
loved me for the way I am… Now, as a man, there's something I
must tell you… Hinata, I swear I will save you!"[21]
 (To Hinata) "Hinata… Do you remember that lesson in class? The
one with, "If the end of the world came, who would you spend
your last day with?" I couldn't write anyone's name down. I
didn't know my parents, and I didn't have any friends… But now,
I know exactly whom I'd choose. I want to be with you. Now and
forever, until I die… I want to be with you, Hinata!"[21]
 (To his son) "Boruto… with what I do now, all the people in this
village are like a family. So there will be times that you won't be
able to have me as a father all to yourself. I know this must be
hard for you… but you must learn to endure it. You're a shinobi
too, aren't you?"[166]
 (To the village) "However, I believe there are many who are
dissatisfied. This village is still undergoing development. And
during all this, there are those who are facing hard and
demanding times. But I don't agree with that. Changing the
things before us, a little by little, even one thing at a time, will
make the world a better place. I want Konohagakure to be a
place where people smile and enjoy their lives. Will you lend me
your strength? Let's change Konohagakure together!"[167]

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