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AD350 Detailed Instructional Plan

Lesson Two: Calligraphy Tiles

Teacher: Enduring Idea/Theme: Time Allowance:

Miss. Hendrickson Explore -2 weeks
-10 fifty-minute class periods
Grade Level: Lesson Number:
9th Grade Two: Calligraphy Tiles


KEY CONCEPTS addressed in this lesson:

- Exploring is about discovery.
- Exploring is about understanding other cultures.
- Exploring is about becoming aware of your surroundings.
- Exploring is about finding yourself and others.
- Exploring is about recognizing the beauty within places.

LESSON SUMMARY: Students will use materials that they are experienced with in new ways to explore the
beauty of calligraphy. Calligraphy is a huge part of China’s artistic Heritage and culture. Calligraphy artwork
found within China can be seen as expressive, and offers harmonious rhythms of patterns, lines, and
shapes. Students will have the opportunity to use this idea to create abstract paintings that use similar

Artists/artwork examples used:

- Calligraphy Artistic Influence (Page: 27 – 28)
- Pattern/Tile Examples (Page: 29)

Rubrics/readings/handouts used:
- Calligraphy Tiles: Rubric (Page: 26)
- Explore Unit Plan: Objectives Sheet (Page: 26)

Art materials needed:

- Clay
- Rolling Pins/Flattening tools/kiln
- Clay Tools
- Glaze
- Paint Brushes
- Watercolor/Watercolor Paper
1. Students will: Learn about art from places around the world, and create work of their own.
2. Students will: Explore connection between their own art and art from other cultures.
3. Students will: Develop an understanding about history of art.
4. Students will: Explore new materials and techniques that correlate to regions of the world.


List of standards addressed in this lesson


Anchor Standard X:
- Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding:
- Creativity and innovative thinking are essential life skills that can be developed.
Essential Question:
- What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking?
Grade Level:
- HS Proficient
Performance Standard:
- VA: Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.


Anchor Standard X:
- Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding:
- People create and interact with objects, places, and design that define, shape, enhance, and
empower their lives.
Essential Question:
- How do objects, places, and design shape lives and communities?
Grade Level:
- HS Advanced
Performance Standard:
- VA: Cr2.3. IIIa: Demonstrate in works of art or design how visual and material culture defines,
shapes, enhances, inhibits, and/or empowers people’s lives.


Knowledge: Students will hopefully have a background understanding of calligraphy found within their own
daily life. Although this unit’s primary focus is on the beauty of China’s symbols within writing in
calligraphy, everywhere around the word has similar stylistic choices when writing.

Skills: Students will have had a prior understanding of working with clay, along with being able to write
words on paper. These skills with be essential when completing this assignment.

Dispositions: Students will hopefully have their own emotional connections to symbols and styles that fit
themselves as a person, or as an artist. These connections can help to build the final outcome of their
personalized tile.


Day 1 of Week One: (50-minute class period)

- Students will engage with a presentation about calligraphy within cultures such as China. (10
o Watch a short video to help show students the process that is calligraphy. (10 minutes)
- Independently students will draw out unique shapes, patterns and/or symbols that can work
together to create an abstract composition for their tiles. (15 minutes)
- Cleanup (5 minutes)

Day 2 of Week One: (50-minute class period)

- Students will create mock-up designs using watercolor, this will help students practice working with
materials that are similar to that of ink for calligraphy. (45 minutes)
- Cleanup (5 minutes)

Day 3 of Week One: (50-minute class period)

- Students will begin working on their tiles by rolling out their slabs and cutting out their shapes
within the clay. (45 minutes)
- Cleanup (5 minutes)

Day 4 of Week One: (50-minute class period)

- Students will begin engraving their clay with different textures, or patterns that they hope to keep
after the firing process. These textures and patters will resemble that of calligraphy, but rather than
on top of a smooth surface, it will be within the clay itself. (45 minutes)
- Cleanup (5 minutes)

Day 5 of Week One: (50-minute class period)

- Firing day, students will help by writing their names on their pieces and helping to load up the kiln.
(30 minutes)
- Free time to work on late work, other class work, or free draw. (20 minutes)

Day 1 of Week Two: (50-minute class period)

- Work day for glazing their pottery. (45 minutes)
- Cleanup (5 minutes)

Day 2 of Week Two: (50-minute class period)

- Final work day for glazing their pottery. (45 minutes)
- Cleanup (5 minutes)

Day 3 of Week Two: (50-minute class period)

- Final firing day, students will help load up the kiln. (30 minutes)
- Free time to work on late work, other class work, or free draw. (20 minutes)

Day 4 of Week Two: (50-minute class period)

- Will need class period to wait for pottery to finish being fired.
o Presentation for Collage Impressionism landscapes. (10 minutes)
o Began to think about next project/work on something else. (40 minutes)

Day 5 of Week Two: (50-minute class period)

- Students will display their creations up within the classroom. (15 minutes)
- Critique on their finished tiles. (35 minutes)


Objective #1: Students will be assessed through observation, judged based on performance working within
groups and independently. While they work, I will pay close attention to which students are using the most
of their work time, and effectively contributing to the final outcome of the project.

Objective #2: Students will partake in many group and classroom discussions, where they will be assessed
based on their participation within small group conversations. Along with conversations among the entire
class. This can also be based on students independently coming to myself as the teacher to ask questions
and get help when necessary.

Objective #3: Students will have grading rubrics to help them follow the necessary criteria they need to
succeed when working through their lesson plan. They will be assessed on how successful they were able to
complete each lesson within the given category.

Objective #4: Students will be assessed based on the final outcome of their work on the final day of each
lesson, where they will be critiqued about the work itself, how they achieved the outcome them reached,
and the presentation of the overall work.

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