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PART A (10 Marks)

1. Ahmad claimed that his father used a computer that was equipped with a point-and-click
device called mouse. It was a graphical user interface (GUI) based computer from the
early 1980s. Based on this statement, which of the following is TRUE?

A. His statement is FALSE because in the early 1980s, computer did not have any GUI
B. His statement is FALSE because in 1980s, mouse was used on a command-driven
interface computer only.
C. His statement is TRUE because the first computer with GUI was designed in the
D. His statement is TRUE because the Altair 8800 was the first computer designed with

2. Sujana Rejab has formed a local group in Malaysia for printing prosthetic hands and arms
using 3D printers for those in need, especially children. Which of the following global
community that this group is likely to be part of order to reach out and collaborate with
other people around the world?

A. World Food Programme (

B. Kickstarter
C. e-Nable (
D. The Witness Project (

3. Ahmad made an enquiry regarding a smartphone that he was interested in to purchase.

He was told by the sales representative that the size of the screen was 16:9. What is this
number (16:9) referred to?
A. Aspect ratio
B. Contrast ratio
C. Resolution
D. Viewing angle

4. Activating basic input output system, checking the placement of attached devices are in
place and loading operating system into RAM are among the steps involved in this
process. What is this process called?
A. Archiving process
B. Booting process
C. Interrupt process
D. Restore process

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

5. Writing business proposals for customers is among the routine tasks performed by
employees of Fatimah Designs. Before each proposal is submitted to a customer, the
manager has to ensure that the proposal is appropriately written. This process is
troublesome as the manager sometimes needs to return the proposal to be amended due
to unsatisfactory design, formatting and styles. Which of the following tools might help
reducing the tasks?

A. Wizards
B. Templates
C. Macros
D. Plug and play

PART B (20 marks)


Match the following terms to their respective technologies. Write your answers in the table
(2 marks)

HTML Infrastructure Vincent Cerf Application

The Internet The Web

vincent cerf HTML
infrastructure application


Salmah’s mother who is 65 years old lives on her own in her hometown, while Salmah lives in
a town in a different state due to work. Salmah normally goes back to her hometown every
week. But due to the Covid-19 pandemic, she is unable to cross the state border to check on
her mother regularly. Salmah is worried about her mother’s health and safety, and she
wonders whether there are devices available to solve her problem.

a) Suggest TWO (2) Internet of Thing (IoT) technologies that Salmah can use to ensure her
mother is healthy and safe on her own.
-use a wearable with build in sensors to monitor her mother heart rate (2 marks)
-Install wireless security cameras in each room so that salmah's can monitor her mother safety
b) Give TWO (2) common features of the technologies used in your answer for a).
-wearable with build in sensors can help salmah to collect the data of her mother health (2 marks)
-each wireless security cameras has a unique ip address

Ahmad is an active social media content creator where he produces and uploads videos on
his social media platform on a regular basis. He also has a group of friends with whom he
plays e-Sport games at least once a day. His computer no longer supports the latest games
and new tools for video editing. Ahmad decided to purchase a new computer, but he has to
ensure it will be able to fulfil his needs.

a) What is Ahmad’s user category? Justify your answer.

he is a power user (2 marks)
this is because ahmad uses computer to edit videos and play games regularly

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b) Based on his user category, advise him TWO (2) specifications of CPU that he should
consider when buying a new computer.
clock speed because it is the number of a cycle a CPU can execute in a seccond and buy the fastest he could afford (4 marks)
get as many cores as possible.

About a year ago, Ahmad bought a computer. As an active social media content creator,
Ahmad uses his computer frequently to browse, search and download the materials for his
content. He also regularly uploads videos and pictures from his smartphone to his computer.
Once a week, he would delete unwanted files from his computer. After a while, Ahmad noticed
that the performance of his computer is not as fast as it used to be.

a) What could be the main reason his computer is getting slower?

The process of uploading, searching, browsing and deleting can cause the hard disk became fragmented (1 mark)
These fragmentaion cause the hard disk to work twices hard and the computer will slow down
b) Suggest to Ahmad a utility program he could use to increase the performance of his
Hard dick defragmentation
(1 mark)
c) Briefly explain how the utility program in b) works.
it rearrange the fragmented data and reorganize them to their respective file (2 marks)


Amanda is selling several types of products online as a dropship agent. Due to the Covid-19
pandemic, her sales have increased significantly. Since there are many orders coming in, it
is hard for Amanda to analyse her monthly sales. She is looking for a simple solution that will
not cost her anything, if possible.

a) Based on this scenario, identify the MOST suitable productivity software for her business.
google sheet (1 marks)
b) Give THREE functionalities of the software that you have suggested.
-it can recalculate all the formulas and function in a spreadsheet when value of some is inputs (3 marks)
-it is capable to sort, filter and group data
-can calculate all of the profits and sales therefore she needs a spreadsheet that can performs


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