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The Contribution of Agricultural Technology Graduates in Facing Industry

Challenges in the Digital Era

By : Indah Melati Putri, Vefta Belly Anissa and Sarmin

The world has been in an era of connected progress by technology and

digital-based information and communication devices. This era is none other than
the digital era. The digital era can be interpreted as a situation in which the use of
digital-based communication and information devices (internet) is increasingly
massive and dominates various daily human activities, ranging from industrial,
economic, arts, sports, government, education, social, and others.
The development of digitalization in the industrial era is capable of
influencing transaction processes and systems in the industry. The digitalization of
the industrial era is a change in communication, function, and interaction into a
digital form. So, this is an industrial transformation from a conventional concept
to virtual. This transformation can affect the transaction processes and systems in
the industry. Therefore, we need a strategy that must be implemented. Until now,
thousands of factories around the world have also used robots that have been
programmed as industrial robots. These robots carry out complex and critical
tasks that are usually performed by humans.
The agricultural industry is facing challenges that are unprecedented in the
digital era. The industry is experiencing an increasing demand for food
production, while at the same time, climate change and other environmental
factors are affecting resource availability. Agricultural technology graduates can
play a critical role in overcoming these challenges by implementing innovative
solutions and technologies. This essay explores the role of agricultural technology
graduates in facing industrial challenges in the digital era.
Agricultural technology graduates have a very important role in answering
industrial challenges in the digital era. They can contribute to the development
and implementation of innovative solutions that can increase agricultural
productivity, reduce agricultural waste and enhance agricultural sustainability in
the future. With the knowledge gained during their studies, agricultural
technology graduates can also help bridge the gap between traditional farming
practices and modern technology by educating farmers about the many benefits of
new technologies and how to use them effectively.
One of the ways in which agricultural technology graduates can make a
significant impact is by providing education about precision farming. Precision
agriculture involves the use of technology to optimize crop production and reduce
waste. Agricultural technology graduates can help farmers apply precision
agricultural techniques, such as using sensors to monitor soil moisture and
nutrient levels, and using drones to map fields and identify areas of stress or
Composting technology using modern tools can also provide many
benefits for farmers. Where composting technology is a technique for processing
waste into organic fertilizer which is an innovative solution to reduce agricultural
waste and support sustainable agricultural growth. Through this technology, waste
can be converted into organic fertilizer which is beneficial for plants, reduces the
negative impact of agricultural waste on the environment, and provides
sustainable economic opportunities for the community. Processing waste into
organic fertilizer can also improve soil quality, agricultural productivity, and
reduce the use of dangerous synthetic chemical fertilizers. In addition, waste
treatment is also effective in waste management, reducing environmental
pollution, and creating awareness and community participation in keeping the
environment clean.
Another area where agricultural technology graduates can make a
significant impact is in the development of sustainable agricultural practices.
Sustainable farming practices involve the use of environmentally friendly
techniques to reduce the negative impact of agriculture on the environment.
Agricultural technology graduates can help develop and implement sustainable
agricultural practices, such as using crop rotation, reducing the use of synthetic
chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and using renewable energy sources.
Apart from the significant role that agricultural technology graduates can
play in addressing industry challenges in the digital age, agricultural technology
graduates also face several challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of
awareness among farmers about the benefits of the new technology. Many farmers
still use traditional farming practices and are not aware of the potential benefits of
new technologies. Agricultural technology graduates need to provide education to
farmers about the benefits of new technologies and how to use them effectively.
Another challenge that graduates of agricultural technology face is the lack
of funds to undertake further research and development. Quite a number of
innovative solutions and technologies require significant investment in research
and development, which can be a major barrier for agricultural technology
graduates as well. Governments, private companies and other organizations need
to provide funds for research and development so that agricultural technology
graduates can hopefully develop technologies specifically in this area of
agriculture and be able to apply innovative solutions.
In conclusion, agricultural technology graduates have a significant role in
responding to the challenges faced by the agricultural industry in the digital era.
They can contribute to the development and implementation of innovative
solutions that can increase productivity, reduce waste and enhance sustainability.
Precision agriculture, composting technology, and sustainable farming practices
are areas where agricultural technology graduates can make a significant impact.
However, they also face challenges such as farmers' lack of awareness of the
benefits of new technologies and lack of funds for research and development. It is
important for the government, private companies and other organizations to
provide support for agricultural technology graduates so they are able to optimize
their role in facing industry challenges in the digital era.
In addition, the agricultural industry needs to recognize the potential of
agricultural technology graduates and provide them with opportunities to apply
their knowledge and skills. Collaboration between agricultural technology
graduates and farmers is essential to ensure that new technologies are applied
effectively and farmers can benefit from their use. Agricultural technology
graduates also need to be proactive in promoting the benefits of new technologies
and sustainable agricultural practices to farmers and other stakeholders.
To optimize the role of agricultural technology graduates, several
suggestions can be considered.
1. Educational institutions need to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date
curriculum that equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to
face industry challenges in the digital era. This can include courses on
precision farming, sustainable farming practices and the use of new
2. Governments, private companies and other organizations need to provide
funding and support for research and development in the agricultural
industry. This could include funding for innovative solutions and
technologies that can increase productivity, reduce waste and enhance
sustainability. This may also include support for agricultural technology
graduates to develop and implement these solutions.
3. Agriculture technology graduates must be proactive in promoting the
benefits of new technologies and sustainable agricultural practices to
farmers and other stakeholders. This can include organizing workshops,
seminars and other educational programs to raise awareness and provide
training on the use of new technologies.
4. Collaboration between agricultural technology graduates and farmers is
essential to ensure that new technologies are applied effectively and
farmers can benefit from their use. Agricultural technology graduates need
to work closely with farmers to understand their needs and develop
solutions tailored to their specific circumstances.
In summary, optimizing the role of agricultural technology graduates in facing
industrial challenges in the digital era requires collaborative efforts between
educational institutions, the government, private companies, agricultural
technology graduates, and farmers. By working together, we can develop and
implement innovative solutions that increase productivity, reduce waste and
increase sustainability in the agriculture industry.

Hermawan A and Nugroho B., "The Role of Agricultural Technology in Increasing

Farmer Productivity and Welfare in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0", in the
Journal of Indonesian Agricultural Sciences, ed 24(2), 2019. pp 93-103.

S. A. A. Hamid, et al., "The Role of Agricultural Graduates in Facing Industrial

Challenges in the Digital Age", in the 10th Control and System Graduate Research
Colloquium (ICSGRC): Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2019. pp. 1-6.

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