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Article 8: Performance Bond A. The Contractor shall secure and deliver to the Owner a Performance Bond in the amount equivalent to 30% of the total contract amount or One Million Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Three Pesos (Php1,230,003.00) issued by a bonding or insuranee company acceptable to the Owner with an effectivity period commencing upon the execution of this Comtraet and expiring on the date the Certificate of Full Completion is issued. The amount assured shall be paid without delay upon call or demand in writing of the Owner in case of the Contractor's breach of its obligation under this Construction Contract. Ar le 9: Liability for Damages and Insurance A, The Contractor hereby holds the Owner and the Owner's related interests free and harmless from any claim or suit for injury ar damage’ to third parties by reason of or arising from the performance by the Contractor, its employees, representatives, agents and/or its nominated sub-contractors, if any, of its obligations and undertaking under this Construction Contract and in eonneetion with the construetion and implementation of the Project. Moreover, the Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damayes to and for the necessary repair of public strvets, sidewalks, curbs and paving and other properties, whether public or private occasioned by their use or opening in connection with or as a consequence of the reasonable satisfaction of the proper autharity or party, and hereby accordingly holds the Owner and the Owner's related interests free and harmiless from liability for any such damage or repair B. The Contractor, upon the execution of this Construction Contract, secure a Contractor's All Risk (CAR) Insurance in an amount equivalent to the Contract Price to be secured through the aecepted insurance or bonding agent. The CAR shall include a Comprehensive General Third-Party Liability Coverage with a Combined Single Limit of Four Hundred Ten Thousand One Peso (Php410,001,00) or ten percent (10%) of the contract amount C The CONTRACTOR’s ALL RISK (CAR) INSURANCE shall have a covering period commencing from the date of execution of this contract up to the day the Certificate of Project Completion is issued by the Owner or Project Manager Article 10: Prohi ition to Sub-Contract or Sub-Let The Contractor shall net, without the prior written consent af the Owner, sub-contract or sub-let the performance or fulfillment of any portion of the Project. Article 1 No Employer-Employee Relationship A. There shall be no employer-emplayee relationship between any workers contracted by the Contractor and the Owner. For this purpose, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of their wages, compensation, and any other benefits due said workers under existing labor Inws and regulations, The Contractor shall also be responsible for any claim or damage resulting from accident, injuries, sickness, death and the like which said workers may suifer or incur while performing their duties The Contractor shall have all its employees properly assured under the Social Security System (SSS) and other appropriate government agencies. B. The Contractor hereby holds the Owner and the Owner's related interests free and harmless from any claims or suits which the former's workers may bring against the Owner for payment of an amount or damage which may arise by reason or while in the performance of their duties and completing the Project. Artie 12: Bi Jing Effect of the Contract A. This Coniract shall be valid and binding upon the assigns and successors-in-interest of the contracting Parties, B. Should any provision of this Contract be declared null and void by a competent o f law, the remaining unaffected provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 4 qu /

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